MTL - Starting Off Survival With A Small Treehouse-Chapter 385 increase in response

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When I woke up the next morning, it was past six o'clock.

At this time, it was still pitch black outside the tree house.

According to the rules of the past few days, the sun rises today, I am afraid it will be between nine and ten.

Xu Xin skillfully pulled out her basically unconscious arm from under Li Wenxi's head, rubbed it, and moved it.

"Well..." Li Wenxi, who had her pillow removed, snorted softly, pulled the quilt, turned over and continued to sleep.

Coco also crawled to the head of the bed at some point, and is now curled up on the bed and asleep.

At this moment, a prompt sound came from Xu Xin's ear.

[It is detected that the decoration degree of the tree house is greater than 500, and today's random increase: the reaction power increase, the effect lasts for one day. At the same time, the second increase can be selected from the historical increase. 】

Increased responsiveness?

After a cool head, he also became a little more awake, a kind of sobriety that was different from the increase in spiritual power.

He was a little puzzled, and immediately opened the random amplification page.

[Amplification of responsiveness: The reaction speed of survivors is greatly increased, and it can even exceed the limit. 】

He knew the speed of reaction.

It refers to the ability of the human body to respond quickly to various signal stimuli such as sound, light, and touch, and is greatly affected by genetic effects.

The average person's reaction speed is between 0.2-0.3s, while a well-trained athlete can reach between 0.1-0.2s.

At present, it is recognized by the scientific community that the limit reaction speed of human beings is 100ms, which is 0.1s.

In the sports world, rush run refers not to starting before the whistle, but the time the athlete reacts before the start of the gun or after hearing the gun, and it is less than 0.1 second, it will be regarded as a rush run.

And this reaction force increase, the improvement is the ability in this area.

He felt that his reaction was indeed much faster, and even his state was a lot more excited.


Maybe now he has surpassed the limits of the human body.

When the beast swarm hit this time, he was once knocked down by a snow leopard and injured his shoulder.

If there was this increase at that time, coupled with his physical ability, he might not have been knocked down by the snow leopard at all, and he might even be able to fight back directly.

This is a nice ability.

It can greatly enhance the ability to adapt to emergencies.

It just so happened that the three people in District 187 were going to be dealt with today, and the increase in reaction power was just right.

As for the second increase...

Perhaps, he should choose Affinity Amplification.

The increase in affinity can greatly reduce the vigilance of the opponent.

Seeing Li Wenxi and Coco who were still sleeping comfortably, Xu Xin got up and got out of bed.

Dressed, he went to the window and looked out.

It was pitch black all around, no insects, no birds, not even the wind.

A dead silence.

The snow layer in the jungle is only over one meter thick. If you think about it, it should almost melt away today.

The window of Lou Feier's tree house was already lit at this time.

She woke up so early.

It seems that she is also very concerned about today's actions.

He immediately sent a message to Lou Feier: "How is your weak state now?"

A few seconds after he sent this message, Lou Feier stuck his head out of the treehouse window to look at him.

Then he immediately replied to Xu Xin: "You got up so early! Didn't you get tired of fighting last night?"

Xu Xin's eyes twitched: "Did you forget that a certain bracelet is still on my hand?"

"I was wrong, I was wrong. My state is still the same, probably... only half of my strength? The remaining half may only be done after the weak period is over."

half the power...

"But it's not a big problem. When I dealt with Ma Hongwei, I was weaker than now." Lou Feier replied again.

Xu Xin nodded slightly.

In this case, it is acceptable.

At the beginning, when the two went to Ma Hongwei's tree house together, Lou Feier's mutation level was still low.

And now she has reached the intermediate level.

The strength of the mid-level mutant creatures is much higher than that of the low-level ones.

Although she is only half of her strength at present, the half strength of the intermediate mutant is still much stronger than the low-level mutant and the original her.


Although the problem is not big, it does not mean that there is no problem.

The last time I went to attack Ma Hongwei, Ma Hongwei was the only one.

And this time, it was three people!

Even if it is outsmarting, the difficulty of this operation is much higher than the last time.

So, they had to figure out a way to let the three fall into the trap together.

Xu Xin thought for a while.

never mind.

all will be good.

Don't know when they will arrive.

The plan can't keep up with the changes, so let's adapt accordingly.

He is quite confident in his ability to adapt.

As for Lou Feier, then he is more confident.

"By the way, last night, none of the survivors came, not one." Lou Feier said, "It's a bit strange, isn't there more than 20 people left? According to the situation, we have a dozen people here. Shouldn't it be a problem?"

Is no one coming?

Xu Xin frowned.

Is there anything wrong with the night?

If by ten o'clock today, they hadn't come before dawn...

24 hours will pass.

They may never come.

Xu Xin shook his head.

It's up to them, and he can't help much.

"You contacted them again today, the three from District 187." Without thinking about it, Xu Xin asked about today's business, "Are you sure you want to come over today?"

If these three are conquered, it may be the same help as Ma Hongwei.

"No today. I contacted me last night. They made it clear that they will come over today." Lou Feier replied.

Xu Xin made a direct voice call, and asked straight to the point: "What did they say, what attitude did they have, and how far apart are they?"

"Well..." Lou Feier was stunned by the continuous question.

She thought for a while and said, "They should be excited by yesterday's regional strength ranking. Knowing that I have improved the regional ranking by more than 30, I have also worked hard to be on the list. Especially now that there are more and more people on the leaderboard."

Xu Xin clicked on the leaderboard.

There are more than 20 people.

However, unfortunately, apart from that Dong Erbao, no one else's name is gray.

It seems that still no one can find a shortcut.

Lou Feier suddenly laughed: "One of them also told me that he doesn't need shortcuts, he wants to climb up by himself. Haha, you say, should we let him climb, wait for him to climb, and then To subdue him, isn't that just prostituting a giant peak for nothing?"

"We'll talk about this later. What's the distance between them? Who is the closest, and when will they come?" Xu Xin added some wood to the fireplace and fed the ornamental fish.

"Ah, let me tell you in detail!"

Lou Feier explained to Xu Xin.

There are three people coming this time, the three people who ranked second, fourth and eighth in the last event, and in the previous event, these three people basically did not fall out of the top ten.

In other words, three people with very stable strength.

Only the fourth person named Yan Haiming was very close to them, only about 100 kilometers away.

"This Yan Haiming, I also contacted him last night. He said that he should be no more than 100 kilometers away, and he would be there around ten in the morning. And according to what he said, it seems that there are also means of transportation. It came quickly."

"As for the other two, they all say that the distance is relatively long. If they leave in the morning, they will probably arrive after noon."


Is there someone who will come first?

Xu Xin's eyes lit up slightly.

Maybe you can use this.

Break one by one?

Maybe, it really works!

"You pack up the things in your treehouse, and we'll set off for your treehouse in a while. Bring all the decorations and everything. Don't make the treehouse look too empty."

"Don't worry, my master, I've already prepared. I'm ready in this regard, don't you feel relieved?" Lou Feier seemed to be lying on the sofa, with a somewhat lazy confidence in her voice.

really. Next page! Current 1 page/Total 2 pages

When he met Lou Feier for the first time, the dirty, tattered, and even wearing a broken white backpack was really impressive.

Her preparation in advance was really too much.

"By the way, the title of 'boss' is good. Don't call me master in the future, just call me boss." Xu Xin suddenly thought of the question of the title, so she said to her.

This guy used the master when he was teasing, the boss when someone was there, and sometimes even called him by his first name.

"Oh? Don't all men like to be called 'master'?" Lou Feier was stunned for a moment, and then teased, "Why don't I call you boss when someone is there, and call you master when no one is there? already."

"...Wen Xi is right next to me, she heard it."

"Ah?" Lou Feier panicked immediately, "No, Wen Xi, I'm just joking, listen to me..."

"I'm also joking. Okay, hurry up and prepare, we'll leave in half an hour." Xu Xin interrupted her.

Li Wenxi is still sleeping in the room, where is he next to him.

"I..." Lou Feier was a little embarrassed, "I see! Don't forget to bring Wen Xi over for breakfast!"

Then directly hung up the call.

Xu Xin sent a private message to Niu Fugui.

"are you awake?"

It's almost back there in seconds.

"Wake up Brother Xin, I woke up early."

Although he was in bed at four o'clock last night, he tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

Lying down at about five o'clock, he really couldn't sleep, so he got up and went out to take a look at the snow-capped mountain closest to him.

The snow mountain is not far from his tree house, only less than 20 kilometers away, and it takes an hour to arrive.

He carefully surveyed the environment of the snow-capped mountains, circled a few times, and even climbed twice.

He found that rock climbing was not that difficult, and after a little confidence, he returned again.

It was nearly eight o'clock when he returned to the tree house, and while he was a little tired, he went straight to bed and rested.

This sleep, I slept until five o'clock in the morning and woke up naturally.

Then he kept waiting for Xu Xin's message.

No, it's finally time to wait.

"Are you ready? After dawn today, you're going rock climbing. This is for you."

Xu Xin sent him a hider cloak and told him how to use it.

Then, he repeated the various information and precautions that had been given to him last night.

Including not exploring in the middle, climbing up vigorously, accidentally slipping down and hooking the rock wall with hooks, etc...

"Don't worry, do as I say, climb up, there is no problem, your physique is even more suitable for climbing than me." Xu Xin encouraged him.

"...I know Brother Xin!"

Niu Fugui still believed what Xu Xin his confidence increased a lot: "Although I can't do anything else, my physique is definitely strong. Then I'll go now! I'll go over there again. Look at the situation over there!"

"It's very likely that it won't be dawn until ten o'clock today. Is it too early to go now?"

"It's alright, I still want to go over there again to have a look and get used to it. I'll climb as soon as I get there. I'm afraid that I won't stand at the foot of the mountain and won't dare to go up. It will definitely waste a lot of time!"

"Okay, then, pay attention to yourself, and don't be careless just because you are fully equipped."

"Don't worry about this, Brother Xin, how dare I be careless!"

Hanging up the call, Xu Xin took a deep breath.

Niu Fugui didn't have a watch. After he went out, it was really impossible to communicate at all.

Xu Xin couldn't help him either. The real thing was that he could only rely on himself.

Either disappear and be removed from the area, or climb to the top, be on the list, and be famous all over the world.

Of course, there is another possibility.

He fled and ran back.

Hope he's not like that.

At this time, the bedroom door that was covered by Xu Xin opened, Li Wenxi held Coco in one hand and walked out from inside while rubbing her eyes with the other.

"What's the matter? Who were you contacting just now?"

"Hey..." Coco twisted in Li Wenxi's arms and continued to sleep.

"Niu Fugui, the one I told you yesterday."

With Coco, the two went to Lou Feier for breakfast.

Then Li Wenxi was called back by Li Yajun's voice.

There are so many people over there now that she really needs to pay more attention.

"We should go too." Xu Xin looked in the direction of Lou Feier's main treehouse, "Go to your treehouse in advance."

"Okay, I haven't been back for a long time!" Lou Feier stood up a little excitedly.

Time to get moving.