MTL - Starting Off Survival With A Small Treehouse-Chapter 398 Doll Gundam

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"Dig lotus root..." Qin Fu exclaimed, "What is this? Is it a humanoid Gundam?"

"...No wonder I can't push her at all."

Although Lou Feier had already felt Zeng Tao's strength, she watched her wield a big knife even bigger than herself...

This visual impact is too strong!

"Is this her ability?" Xu Xin's eyes lit up slightly.

So strong!

Is this, like Wang Lei's power increase?

There seems to be a difference.

Wang Lei is very strong, and it is outrageous, but his strength is more reflected in the weight.

The name of [Lux], as the name suggests, is that he can lift heavy and heavy things, but his talent in combat is much worse.

If it wasn't for his [Wizard Belt], which gave him the power to control his own power, his combat power would probably be similar to that of ordinary people, and at most he could wield weapons that ordinary people couldn't handle.

Moreover, he can't swing a weapon that is too heavy. If the weight of the weapon is too heavy, it is one thing to lift it, and whether he will be carried away by the weapon after swinging it is another matter.

Wang Lei even complained about this matter among the explorers, saying that he was like a rocket engine that took off as soon as he tried his best.

Therefore, the knife Xu Xin made for him, although heavy, was also under his control.

But this Zeng Tao, holding a big knife with a small body, waved wildly among the stone statues.

Under normal circumstances, her weight is much lighter than Dasao.

Even if he swings the big sword, he will definitely be carried away by the weight of the big sword.

That big sword, I'm afraid it will sink several times more than Xu Xin.

But the reality is that her whole person looks like a rock, and the big knife in her hand seems to be a plastic toy.

Sixty or seventy meters away from the treehouse, the stone statues around her were chopped up one by one with her overweight broadsword.

After the big knife was swung, it slammed on the ground again and again, making a loud noise, and even the three people standing on the tree house could feel the vibration of the floor.

And she herself gave him the feeling that it was like...

As easy as chopping vegetables.

Even his body was just shaking with the tremors of the ground.

Could it be that this big knife has no weight in her hand?

Like the purple sword he made for Wang Lei?

But isn't this a blue-level weapon?

At this moment, she even waved a big knife and circled around the group of stone statues!


Several stone statues were smashed on the body by the spinning big knife.

The stone statues that resisted were directly smashed and flew far away, and the stone statues that could not be resisted were instantly passed over by the blade and cut in half.

The stone statue that was cut in half had not even had time to fall down, and was chopped again by the large blade that rotated in a circle, breaking it into several pieces.

Live a meat grinder!

Oh no, it should be called a stone crusher!

Under the knife light like a stone crusher, all the nearby stone statues stepped back a few meters again, away from Zeng Tao.

And Zeng Tao, who was spinning, didn't stop what he was doing.

She used the inertia of rotation, the accumulated speed, and the large knife with explosive kinetic energy to lead her directly to the nearest stone statue!



With its extremely fast speed and super strength, this stone statue did not even have the ability to dodge, and was directly smashed by a big knife!

The big knife that cut through the stone statue didn't stop, it cut straight into the ground, and immediately cut a big ditch more than ten centimeters wide on the ground!

This means of attack, the real Doll Gundam!

"Dig lotus root..." Qin Fu exclaimed again, "Furious, this is really violent!"

Zeng Tao picked up the handle of the big knife and pulled it gently.

With a sound of "Katha", the blade of the broadsword was pulled out from below the ground very easily, and she was smashed to the ground again.

Then she looked back at the window, she showed a somewhat smug smile, then turned her head and swung the big knife again.

Xu Xin also let out a sigh of relief.

Watching Zeng Tao fight, it's really heart-wrenching and fun.

Especially when she is still so small, wielding such a big knife, and doing such a feat...

The contrast is simply incredible!

"You said, is there any serious disease in this world?"

Qin Fu leaned against the window, folded his arms in front of his chest, looked at Zeng Tao who was devastated outside, and sighed.

"Why is such an ability given to such a small guy? Can't you give it to me? Can you exchange the ability? I'll exchange my ability for her, okay?"

There was a hint of envy in his eyes.

After all, as a man, who doesn't want to fight in a big way, and experience the thrill of **** to the flesh and the knife to the flesh.

Even Qin Fu, who seemed to be a bit of a **** and didn't care about most things, was attracted by this fighting style.

Xu Xin glanced at him.

His words directly admitted that he has special abilities.

Unexpectedly, two of the three people he found had special abilities.

In a place so far away from them, there are people with special abilities.

Could it be that there are people with special abilities in each area?

Or, where they are, there are also giant body parts.

According to their previous speculation, the holder of the special ability is very close to the giant's body.

But are the giant bodies around here denser?

Aren't giant bodies all over the world?

Why are there so many...

"What ability do you have?" Xu Xin asked.

"Wow, this knife is really cool..." Qin Fu was still commenting on Zeng Tao's actions, when he heard this, he turned to look at Xu Xin, "Why, do you really want to know?"

He lifted the purple bow in his hand and smiled mysteriously: "Guess what my abilities are?"

Looking at the big bow in his hand, Xu Xin thought slightly.

His ability is related to the purple bow?



He considered the materials for making a purple-grade wooden bow.

To make a purple-level wooden bow, you need purple-level wood and purple-level animal tendons.

Xu Xin doesn't even have a few purple-level animal tendons.

This material requires a lot of corpses to decompose to get a few.

And the premise is that there must be a purple-level boning knife, that is, a purple-level stone.

And purple-grade wood, it is even more rare.

If there is no tree house core to upgrade the wood, Xu Xin may not be able to obtain purple-grade wood so far.

It should be impossible for the other party to have a treehouse core.

In other words, his wood, most likely, was obtained by cutting down purple-rank trees!

Purple rank trees, at least from his experience of running through two large areas...

should not exist in nature.

He rode the Silver King, or maybe a skateboard, and ran through so many places.

Except for his and Ji Chaoyang's tree house, he has never seen the "purple" light on any plant.

I have never seen even a piece of purple soil.

Judging from the name of the purple-level soil [Soil of Harvest], I am afraid that the soil with this special name will not exist in nature.

Therefore, Qin Fu's purple tree...

The biggest possibility is to buy purple-grade fertilizer through the points mall, upgrade the soil, plant wood, and cut it down after maturity.

A piece of soil with 20,000 points, this guy really killed a lot of mutant creatures in this beast tide.

You must know that Xu Xin let Lou Feier control the explosive crossbow to lose the frantic bombing of the herd, and she went out to solve it by herself, so that she could earn more than 30,000 points.

He didn't lose the explosive crossbow, but he got so many points by himself...

It can only be said that he is indeed the second most talented person in the region.

Not to be underestimated!

However, that's not the point.

The point is, the trees that can produce purple-grade wood are all woody plants!

Woody plants take twice as long to grow as red berries!

That is to say, even if Xu Xin is asked to plant woody plants, he may not have a harvest yet.

After all, his red berries haven't matured for a long time.

This Qin Fu had already made a purple wooden bow.

"Your ability is related to plants?" Xu Xin asked.

"Hey, you guessed it right." Qin Fu showed surprise, then snapped his fingers, "Yes, it is related to plants. As expected of..."

"Ability related to plants?" Lou Feier also turned to look at him, "You really have special abilities."

"What? You are allowed to have it, but I can't have it?" Qin Fu shrugged.

Xu Xin and Lou Feier looked at each other and didn't speak.

These two people are the talents Xu Xin needs most now.

...have to keep them.

Outside, after a period of open and close, Zeng Tao has now stopped the movements in his hands.

The stone statues of the intermediate mutant creatures are no longer close to her, and they are even slowly retreating.

Around her, countless pieces of stone statues that were cut off and smashed were scattered on the ground.

There are some larger pieces, and there are even movements. For example, the broken animal legs can still be bent and straightened.

The smaller pieces were also trembling slightly, with obvious signs of activity.

This shows that even if these stone statues of intermediate mutant creatures are shattered, they are still alive.

Same as those stone statues before.

Xu Xin narrowed his eyes slightly.

Do these stone statues of intermediate mutant creatures really have no weaknesses?


Among the rubble, Zeng Tao slashed the big knife in his hand into the ground.

Her blue-level stone broadsword, the entire blade and blade, are all chipped.

Her knife and the stone statue on the opposite side are all stones.

The opposite side is broken, and the big knife in her hand is naturally not immune.

Moreover, the stone statues of intermediate-level mutant creatures all have a body part that is stronger than other beasts.

The strength of this part of their body is the strongest in the blue level.

Casually, even Zeng Tao's blue-level stone sword was made by her It is stronger than ordinary blue-level stone swords, but in this attack, the damage was almost the same.

She looked at the big knife with a distressed look in her eyes.

His mouth was still muttering: "Why should I jump out and show my strength... Just to show that **** my strength? Woohoo, I'm so lost, I don't care what that stinker does!"

She is really going to be distressed.

She has such a strong fighting strength, but she can only rank eighth in District 187, which is very sad.

In the area where her treehouse is located, the resources are too poor.

She simply does not have the ability to make any high-level equipment.

Her broadsword also has a lot more consumables than ordinary weapons.

Now the big knife in her hand, but she has saved up materials for a long time.

Before that, in order to save enough materials for this big knife, she was reluctant to use high-level materials, and kept using low-level weapons.

And with her fighting style, low-level weapons basically destroy one with one.

This made her poorer and poorer.

Fortunately, after the world trading platform was released, many of the precious materials in Area 187 could be exchanged at low prices on the world trading platform, which made her feel much better.

After a long time, she finally came up with the material for this weapon.

But at this time, the rankings of those previous activities have been finalized.

In the last treehouse defense campaign in the first stage, she basically hit the eighth with her bare hands.

Zeng Tao looked at the broken big knife in her hand, sniffed her little nose, her eyes were red with distress, and tears were about to come out.

She gritted her teeth and glared back fiercely at the three people in the window.

"Really, the more I think about it, the more angry I get! No, that **** must make amends for me! He must have a lot of good things!"