MTL - Starting Off Survival With A Small Treehouse-Chapter 423 The new 1-day beam of light starts from 4! (5,000 characters large

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Sitting on the sofa, he was so lost in the lake and lake that he almost fell asleep.

At this time, the sound of condensation from the portal exit came from outside the treehouse.

After a few seconds, Li Wenxi entered the tree house.

"You're here." Xu Xin lay on the sofa and didn't want to move, she turned to look at him

"...You're still comfortable here!" Li Wenxi sat on the sofa, picked up Coco and touched it, "It should be because of this little guy, I always feel that something is missing in my treehouse now."

Probably because she trusted Li Wenxi more, but Keke just rubbed her little head in her arms, "Hey..." She continued to sleep without opening her eyes.

"Well, I'm done...? How's the harvest today?" Xu Xin felt her eyelids tremble. As soon as her body relaxed, she fell on her side and lay on her lap.

Li Wenxi should have come after taking a bath, and her body is fragrant.

"It's okay, without me, their harvest is indeed not that much, and it's not even as much as what I dug alone before. Today, there are less than forty blue-grade iron ore."

Without her, there would be no 100-fold explosion rate, and others' increase in mining depends entirely on the special pickaxe in their hands.

The efficiency is indeed much lower.

"However, when I go with them tomorrow, it should be fine. I may bring people to mine soon."

"come to me?"

"Yes, the mines near my treehouse have basically been mined." Li Wenxi explained, "Iron ore is in great demand. If this mine is finished, the next mine will be five kilometers away from the treehouse. Well. I have also explored a mine on your side before, and it's only about one kilometer away, so it's better to let them come here to collect it."

"Well, am I going to give your Aniu a teleportation card?"

"Of course, Ah Niu is so strong now!" Speaking of Ah Niu, Li Wenxi was slightly excited, "As soon as I have time, I will let it sit in the red fog room, and now it has a very high load, and it matches my purple color. A high-quality backpack, even with so many people a day, it can be transported back in one go!"

"And besides, the color of the blood lines on its body is getting darker and darker, I always feel that it is going to be promoted to the intermediate level!"

That's not bad.

"I still have a lot of contracts in my hand, do you want to give you another contract?" Xu Xin asked.

"Well, it's not necessary for the time being." Li Wenxi nodded his lips, "but if there is a chance, it would be good to have a few more. Who knows if these beasts will disappear again in the future. Moreover, it is time to find a companion for A Niu. already."

"Well..." Xu Xin was resting on her lap, unable to hold back and was about to fall asleep, "I'll give it to you..."

So sleepy, it seems that he has been staying with Coco who is asleep for too long.

"Huh? Sleeping... asleep? I can't move you... um, it seems like... I can move you too?"

When I woke up the next day, it was six in the morning.

Outside, it was already in the state of night.

Last night, he seemed to fall asleep on the sofa under the influence of Coco?

The influence of this little guy is really getting stronger and stronger.

However, although he fell asleep on the sofa, he is now lying on the bed, and his clothes have been taken off.

Li Wenxi was lying beside him and hadn't woken up yet.

Coco is also lying on the bed and sleeping soundly.

Xu Xin touched Coco's little head, sat up from the bed, and stretched.

It is detected that the tree house decoration degree is greater than 500, and today's random increase: hearing increase, the effect lasts for one day. At the same time, the second increase can be selected from the historical increase. 】

In an instant, countless voices entered his ears.

However, Xu Xin was thoughtful.

Hearing gain?

Isn't this an increase that has been seen before?

Could it be that all types of random augmentation have been randomised by him?

Or, did the previous increase happen by chance today?


His current decoration level is not enough, and he can no longer obtain other new boosts. After raising the decoration level, can he continue to obtain new boosts?

He clicked on the random increase] item, and clicked on the historical increase].

Historical increases are still optional, but…

Xu Xin found that behind the hearing increase, a small number 2 appeared.


What does it mean?

He tapped the number 2 lightly.

A line of small print popped out.

Hearing increase random times: 2 times. The more times an ability is randomly acquired, the stronger the ability will be. At the same time, when the number of random acquisitions reaches twenty, the survivor will permanently acquire this ability. 】


! "

Xu Xin's eyes widened.

In this way, the hearing increase this time seems to be stronger than before.

Some of the voices that were similar to Mohu Lake before are now much clearer.

Beside him, the faint sound of Li Wenxi's heartbeat in his sleep could be heard very clearly, and her and Coco's breathing was easily captured.

For example, the sound of the wind outside, the rustling of the leaves of the tree house, sounds more three-dimensional now.

At the same time, he also heard the sound of humming songs from Lou Feier's tree house a hundred meters away, and the sound of something being roasted.

Lou Feier is cooking.

She didn't close the window, so her voice came to Xu Xin more clearly.

On the other side, there was some noise in Jin Yue's room, but because she closed the window, Xu Xin could only know that she had woken up.

These two got up too early.

As for the others, because the tree house was planted far away, and the sound of the wind blowing leaves around the tree house was a bit noisy, he naturally couldn't hear it.

However, the increase in hearing has really increased.


Permanent ability after ten random boosts...!

After thinking about it, Xu Xin stopped thinking about it for the time being.

Want to randomize an ability twenty times...

This is too difficult.

No hope for now.

He took another look at the introduction of random augmentation, which he had already known before.

Depending on the decoration of the tree house, the survivors who sleep in the tree house for more than three hours will have different additional functions and durations, which will be randomly increased, and only once per person per day. The higher the decoration, the more random increments and the longer the duration. 】

From this introduction, it is not difficult to see that as the decoration level increases, the number and duration of random increments will increase.

The time for his random increase has always been one day, and he has never improved. That is to say, there is still a lot of room for improvement in this random increase.

His current decoration has reached 971, and he will soon enter the 1000 decoration mark.

At that time, it should enter a new stage of random increase.

Well, make a blue-level artwork as soon as possible to improve the decoration.

This random increase is really interesting.

No longer concerned about random amplification, Xu Xin got up and walked to the window, looking out.

Just a glance, he was startled.

"This is…"

He saw that in the east of the tree house, three purple-black beams of light were rising into the sky!

Previously, after Shi Wanyun in District 1 activated the great formation, a purple-black beam of light had already appeared in the east of the tree house.

In other words, two more teleportation formations were activated!

However, because there is only this solitary beam of light in Area 1, it cannot be used, and it can only rush straight to the sky.

But this time there are two more.

Judging from the position of the beams of light, two of the three beams of light were very close, and one of the two beams was the large beam of light that Shi Wanyun had activated at the beginning.

The other distance is much farther than the two.

Xu Xin immediately clicked on the leaderboard.

Although there is no teleportation leaderboard, one or two can be seen from the climber leaderboard.

Sure enough, there were many new survivors with gray names on the leaderboard.

The grey name means they got there by shortcut.

He counted, a total of nine new people appeared!

Last night, there were still strong people who had already climbed and couldn't hold back. Even though it was already dark when Xu Xin was selling red berries, they still found someone to take shortcuts to climb the snow-capped mountains.

And, so far, nine people have made it!

However, judging from the surrounding beams of light, only two teleportation formations should have been activated last night.

Although he could not see the purple-black light beams in all positions.

For example, the beam of light on the back of the planet is invisible from where Xu Xin is now.


Before, when the beams of light in their area rose into the sky, all the areas were discussing what their purple-black beams of light were, and no one in any area said that they were invisible.

Everyone saw it.

People in all other areas can see the beam of light in their area 188, that is, they are all on this hemisphere.

If not, if someone is in the other half of the hemisphere, then these people will definitely not be able to see the beam of light rising into the sky in their 188 area.

Therefore, the number of light beams that he can see at present should be the number of large arrays activated in the world.

Xu Xin also thought about the fact that all areas are in one hemisphere.

The area of ​​each area is very huge.

And all these areas are all in one hemisphere, and each area is connected, that is to say...

They are not only in one hemisphere, but even in one continent!

Moreover, from the perspective of World Channel, although there are some time differences in various regions, there will be a difference of ten minutes between dark and dawn, but the difference is not large.

This shocked him a bit.

Changyin once said before that this planet has continents and oceans, and oceans are much larger than continents.

At that time, he felt that the size of this world and this planet should be about the same as the earth.

But now it seems...

Too bad!

It's just a continent, and it covers such a vast area!

Also, if the time difference is about the same...

This planet is much bigger than he imagined!

Xu Xin shook his head.

This world is far from being as simple as he looks like.

He looked at the leaderboard again.

Judging from the leaderboard, only District 1 and District 23 have added two gray names, and the rest of the gray names are each a separate area.

Each teleportation formation requires a real climber and two people who take shortcuts.

That is to say, the two newly activated large formations are located in Area 1 and Area 23 respectively.

Including the two in their 188th district and the one Shi Wanyun had activated before, now, a total of 5 great formations have been activated.

Among the five beams of light, the two nearer purple-black beams of light should be the two teleportation formations in District 1.

It seems that they are not connected yet.

In other words, do they activate without a beep?

Before the activation of the three large formations, although there is no list, but there is a prompt tone.

Includes activation areas, activators, and rewards.

But why didn't Xu Xin hear it?

Generally speaking, if there is a sound, he will definitely be woken up.

Did you sleep too hard last night?

In the private letter, Niu Fugui sent him a message at 3:00 in the morning, telling others that they had arrived and that they were ready to go. If everything went well, they should be able to climb to the top the next morning, and then activate big array.

There is no information after that.

Man, three in the morning?

That's right, on his side, but he has to gather enough for two people first.

It is normal for ordinary survivors to travel long distances to other people's tree houses for four or five hours.

However, at three o'clock in the morning, there was a lot of talent, and they didn't take a break, but went straight to it. It seems that the three people over there are also very excited.

In terms of mental and physical strength, he was not too worried. After all, he gave the opponent a lot of blue-level oranges and apricots. Even if he didn't sleep, it wouldn't be a big problem.

Xu Xin sent Niu Fugui a message: "How is the situation now?"

The result was no news.

After thinking about it, Xu Xin understood.

He should have taken the two to the Snow Mountain to find a shortcut, and waited there and never came back.

After all, no one knows how long it will take to climb a mountain by shortcut, maybe it will be over in an hour?

There is no snow now. According to Niu Fugui, it took him two hours to walk back from the snowy mountain.

In other words, if they go out at three o'clock...

Then they arrived at five o'clock.

It's only been an hour of climbing now.

Well, just have to wait.

I hope that the three of them can successfully climb the snow peak as soon as possible and activate the great formation.

At this time, he found that, on the Explorer Channel, someone sent a message in the middle of the night.

It is Ji Chaoyang.

At three in the morning and around four in the morning, Ji Chaoyang sent a paragraph respectively.

It was around three in the morning: "It's three in the morning, and a purple-black beam of light rises into the sky from the east. I looked at the leaderboard, and it should be the beam of light in District 1. But this time it was not broadcast. I don't know because it was not broadcast at night. The broadcast, or except for the top three, will not be broadcast all over the world, and only the beam of light will always rise."

At four o'clock in the morning: "Another beam of light, from the rankings, this is from District 23."

This guy is still observing at three or four in the morning?

Xu Xin immediately chatted with him privately: "You haven't slept all night?"

Today, they plan to enter the underground of the teleportation formation to take a look.

After more than ten seconds, Ji Chaoyang replied: "You sold red berries last night. I want to see how many teleportation formations will be activated tonight. Unfortunately, there are only two. Don't worry, although I didn't sleep, I Well rested and will not affect today's exploration."

Xu Xin was surprised.

I really didn't sleep all night!

"Then your random increase today...?"

Randomly increasing this ability requires that the owner of the treehouse must enter a sleep state in the treehouse in order to obtain the increase.

And the sleep time must last three hours.

He stayed up all night like this, doesn't it mean that there is no random boost that can greatly enhance his strength?

"Don't worry, I've already thought about it. I slept early and woke up at one o'clock in the morning."

Well, this guy is still so thin.

Then he doesn't have to worry anymore.

"Well, as long as it doesn't affect today's exploration."

Xu Xin's movement made Li Wenxi wake up on the bed.

"Um... What time is it?" She rubbed her eyes and reached out to touch the watch on the bedside.

As a result, I couldn't touch it for a long time.

"It's past six o'clock, it's time to get up and go mining." Xu Xin rubbed her face.

"Huh...?" Coco also woke up.

"Mining...? No hurry..." Li Wenxi turned over and wanted to sleep again, but got up reluctantly after being spanked by Xu Xin.

"Hmph, why should I sleep for a while." She rubbed her eyes and groaned.

"Today, we should explore the underground of the teleportation formation." Xu Xin said, "Don't go, there are unknown dangers underground, and we are also short of ore resources."

"Explore the underground...? Ah!" Li Wenxi widened her eyes and woke up, "I... well, I'll take them to dig, then you have to be careful, there must be something big with those stone statues. relation!"

The two got up one after another, and Li Wenxi also saw the beam of light outside.

"The people in the outer district are also very diligent, and they actually activated the big formation overnight." Li Wenxi lay by the window and looked out, "The two are very close, they belong to the same district... Ah! Look!"

She tugged at Xu Xin next to her, her voice a little excited: "Look, those two beams of light are about to connect!"

Xu Xin looked out the window.

Sure enough, the two beams of light in Area 1 were slowly bending towards each other, approaching, and slowly crossing together.

Then instantly merge!

Another arch bridge-style purple-black flyover just straddled in mid-air!

This time, District 1 has also achieved connectivity between the two places!

At this moment, a prompt sound came from Xu Xin's ear.

Area 1 has connected two large teleportation formations to achieve teleportation. As the activator of the 188 area array, you can decide whether to establish a relationship with area 1 to realize the intercommunication of the tree house system. After the tree house system is interconnected, survivors in both areas can chat privately like survivors in the same area, or join the same group chat. 】

...good guy!

Can the intercommunication between the two regional treehouse systems be realized? !

Now, there is no way for the survivors in the two regions to chat privately, and the transaction can only be auctioned on the world trading platform, and cannot be traded privately.

As a result, after the two sides are connected to the big formation, this kind of thing can actually be achieved?

This array is like an arch bridge, it won't be a signal antenna...