MTL - Starting Off Survival With A Small Treehouse-Chapter 453 Stone Statue Project (5,000 words large)

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The latest website: "Here, the prison you just entered is actually a pilot project for cultivating stone creatures." Chang Yin said with a heavy voice, "You should have seen the experimental creatures in the underground warehouse, right? Those? In fact, they are all underground creatures that have not yet fully become stone creatures in the experimental stage."

Xu Xin narrowed his eyes slightly.

Is that really the case?

The entire underground prison is, in fact, a breeding ground for petrified creatures.

"Growing stone creatures here?" Ji Chaoyang frowned slightly, "The stone creatures we encountered before were all cultivated underground?"

However, the others were not very surprised, because they had already heard this speculation.

They turned their heads to look at Xu Xin.

"You guessed it right, Brother Xin!" Wang Lei said with admiration.

"I didn't expect it to be like this!" Wen Guixin sighed.

On the contrary, Ji Chaoyang looked at them in surprise: "You... what have you encountered underground?"

"The following things are a bit complicated, I will explain to you later."

Xu Xin continued to look at Changyin and said, "So, what is the situation now, and what does it have to do with the prison in this underground world?"

Changyin hesitated a bit, but still opened his mouth and said: "How do you say it, I... can be said to be a researcher in this underground prison. The petrochemical technology, in fact, is provided by me. It can be said that you met near the teleportation formation. Everything about the statue has its origin in me."

"What?!" Zhao Xiaochuan exclaimed.

"The technology you provided?!" Wang Lei was also in disbelief.

"...The stone statues outside are all your handwriting?" Wen Guixin's eyes couldn't help but be shocked.

Xu Xin and Ji Chaoyang also looked at each other and could see the shock in each other's eyes.

In fact, the two of them have already made such speculations, but it is too shocking to say such a thing from their own mouths.

"Well... I can't say that I made all of them, but..." Changyin touched his chin with his hand and made a sound of rubbing stones, "In layman's terms, the core technology is only owned by me. It can be said that if there is no I, these statues could not have been made."

"So..." Xu Xin frowned slightly and looked at him, "Are you the mastermind behind this incident?"

"Of course not." Changyin made a sigh, of course, his stone body didn't have the air to sigh, "I was forced to be caught here to conduct experiments for them. "

Then, he began to explain the current situation of the several of them, and what place this place is.

Following his explanation, the expressions of everyone present gradually became solemn.

The origin of the creatures in the underground world is basically the same as what they inferred before.

These creatures, because the bloodline of the giant beast is stronger than the blood pattern mutation, caused them to awaken their own consciousness, making it impossible for the "blood pattern family" to control them.

Therefore, they simply threw these huge guys directly to the ground.

This incident happened forty-eight years ago.

That is, before the first survivors appeared.

In this way, the prototype of the underground world was born.

This group of underground creatures, from the very beginning, was a group of mutant creatures, and they were also mutant creatures with the bloodline of giant beasts and the mutation of blood lines.

These two variants coexist, but conflict with each other.

This has also led to the fact that this group of creatures living underground is particularly unstable.

During the initial period, this group of creatures was undergoing individual mutation almost every day!

That's right, it's not group variation due to reproduction, but individual variation!

Not only are the genes in the body changing wildly, but even the body and traits are changing rapidly.

The same creature, the appearance of the day before and the day after, may be completely different!

And the entire underground world, at that time, was very chaotic.

Incredibly confusing.

Every day, there are genocides, and every day, new species are born.

And in this process, the "Blood Clan" is still pouring new blood-marked beasts into this underground world.

The underground world is undergoing earth-shaking changes every day.

This process lasted for more than ten years.

That's right, when the first survivors came to this world, the underground world was still a complete mess!

Of course, the entire underground world finally stabilized after more than ten years, after the blood-marked clan stopped investing new blood-marked behemoths into it.

In this way, after nearly 50 years of evolution, the underground world they have seen now appears to be somewhat strange and alive, with a relatively stable ecology.

"This underground world, is this way? You say that logic is a bit unreasonable?"

Zhao Xiaochuan said with some doubts: "Just because they are disobedient, they dug up such an underground world and put them in? This... is too troublesome? I have nothing to do!"

"That's right!" Wang Lei nodded, "This underground world is so deep, if you want to transfer the creatures, you must first subdue them, right? It's easy to kill them, right? If that's the case, why bother? Get them off?"

"I don't kill them because they are still useful, right?" Lou Feier speculated, then glanced at Xu Xin.

She knew this very well.

If it wasn't for her use, I'm afraid the grass on the grave is three feet tall now.

"You're right." Changyin nodded, "It's because they are reluctant to kill these creatures."

He went on to explain.

"At that time, this group of outsiders was surprised to find that if a creature with the bloodline of a giant beast had a blood-marked mutation, it would be far superior to ordinary blood-marked creatures in terms of strength at the same level."

Xu Xin nodded.

really. The blood pattern variation can enhance the strength of the creature, but it is only based on the strength of the creature itself. If the creature itself is very weak, no matter how advanced the blood pattern mutation is, it will not be strong.

He knew this early on.

At the beginning of the hunting activities, the fighting power of the intermediate mutant wild cat he summoned through the altar was hanged and beaten by an ordinary tiger.

It can be said that the ability of the creature itself is the basic value, and the blood pattern variation is multiplying the basic value.

And this multiple is related to the level of blood pattern variation.

A rabbit with a base value of 1 and a 100-fold increase cannot beat a tiger with a base value of 200.

But if the tiger's ability is increased by a hundred times...

That would be unbelievably strong!

Therefore, if the main body is a creature like a giant beast, and the blood pattern mutation is carried out to increase its strength, it is true that I dare not imagine its strength!

"So, if they can control the bloodline of giant beasts, then the strength of their clan will be greatly improved."

Chang Yin continued to explain.

If this kind of thing can really be achieved, then this is their biggest gain on this planet.

However, they soon discovered that the bloodline of the giant beast not only increases the speed of biological power, but also greatly improves mental power, which is an all-round increase in physical ability.

One of the reasons they control the blood-marked creatures is that after the blood-marked creatures mutate, their mental power will be greatly reduced, which is easy to control.

The bloodline of giant beasts can increase their reduced mental power again, which makes it difficult to control mutant creatures with strong bloodline of giant beasts.

Even if they are successfully controlled at an early age, they can easily fall out of their control as adults.

However, the Bloodline Clan did not give up because of this.

After a period of cultivation, they discovered the biggest difference between the bloodline of the giant beast and the bloodline variation: heredity.

"The bloodline of giant beasts can be inherited through heredity, but bloodline mutation cannot." Changyin pointed to Lou Feier who was sitting beside him, "For example, although she has bloodline mutation, her descendants will not be affected at all. Any influence is still an ordinary human being."

"Oh?" Lou Feier was taken aback, "Is that so?"

"I discovered this long ago." Xu Xin nodded and said, "The blood pattern mutation will not be inherited."

The simplest example is the three pangolins he subdued.

Concubine Ai is a mutant creature, but those two little fellows didn't even have the slightest blood pattern mutation on their bodies.

Changyin nodded: "However, the bloodline of giant beasts can be inherited, which is good news for the bloodline family who want to cultivate bloodline behemoths. Therefore, the plan for this underground world was born."

"They created this new underground world, put giant beasts with rich blood into this underground world, and let them mutate and develop on their own, which is what I said before."

It turns out that this is how the world was born...


"How did you know about this?" Xu Xin looked at him and asked, "The last time we met, you didn't know this kind of thing. Besides, what does this have to do with what you're doing now? ?"

Although he asked this question, he had already guessed the result.

Moreover, Changyin explained to them such a detailed explanation, it is very likely that they need their help.

"Of course it's related." Changyin answered Xu Xin's second question, he thought of something, and showed a tired smile, "I said just now, the bloodline clan put these creatures into this world for the sake of Control the blood-patterned beasts and enhance their clan's abilities, right?"

"The blood-patterned beast is like an extremely powerful genetic warrior. If it can be controlled, it will increase the strength of the entire race. Therefore, this alien 'blood-patterned clan', although it must have invaded countless planets, is very important to our The world, our planet, they are very focused."

"Their original plan was to keep these giant beasts mutating in this underground world, and while they put new species in the underground world, they would also capture some species that mutated in the underground world for testing."

"They want to see if they can mutate giant beasts with strong bodies but weak spirits in the underground world for them to enslave. Of course, at the same time, they are also experimenting with giant beasts in various ways. This underground world , is only part of the experiment."

After saying this, Changyin paused slightly to let several people present digest the information he said.

Several people present, especially those other than Xu Xin and Ji Chaoyang, felt shocked and puzzled when they felt that they had received too much information.

Even Xu Xin and Ji Chaoyang, who had been exposed to the underground world for a long time and had various speculations, fell into silence, their heads spinning rapidly, integrating various previous information.

"...So, stone creatures are also part of this plan." Xu Xin said.

"That's right." Chang Yin nodded.

"After decades of hard work, they found nothing, but they didn't want to give up such a powerful sample of behemoths, so...they decided to find another way. They just stared at me, stared at... stone creatures."

Changyin's words became slightly heavy.

"They actually discovered me very early, and found that I had the ability to petrify but still survive, so they deceived our family and deceived our family into this underground to complete their plan."

"Plan? What plan?" Wang Lei's face was dazed and confused at this time.

Because for someone like him, who had never heard of the underground world before this event, the amount of information was too great, and he hadn't digested it for the time being.

reading net

"If the blood-marked mutant beasts can't be controlled, just let them petrify them directly, and then control them after petrification, because the spiritual power of petrified creatures will also be greatly reduced."

Changyin said, opened his hand, glanced at the palm of his hand, then clenched his fist, looked up at Xu Xin: "You know when you first met us, why were we unconscious and unable to action?"

"...Need to restore mental strength?" Xu Xin patted the little head of Coco, who was sleeping soundly on her lap, and guessed.

"That's right." Changyin nodded, "If we don't fall into a long sleep and wake up all the time, our mental power is very weak."

"Then are you now..." Xu Xin frowned slightly.

"My current mental strength is much weaker than before." Chang Yin said wearily, "If this continues, perhaps, I will be completely controlled by them."

Is it really so...

No wonder, no wonder he always made Xu Xin feel a little tired.

It turned out that his mental strength was much weaker.

"That's their plan around my abilities."

Changyin looked at the people around him and said, "The underground prison you are exploring today is actually my...laboratory. I am actually the warden there, but..."

He smiled bitterly: "It's just that there is no real power. Even to bring you out from the inside, you have to be secretive."

" helped them conduct experiments like this?" Zhao Xiaochuan was a little surprised, "Did you not resist?"

"Resistance? Heh..." From Changyin's mouth, there was the sound of rocks rubbing against each other, obviously gritted his teeth, "If it's just me, I don't care, but they imprisoned Xuelan and Xiaohong, and even took Their lives are threatening me, what can I do?"

The people around were silent.

Xu Xin thought for a while.

Changyin told him last time that he used to be a human being in this world and an aborigines in this world.

Only later, after the first group of survivors entered his dungeon, he had some unpleasantness with the first group of survivors, and then it became what he is now.

As for the details, he did not say at the time. However, Xu Xin still remembered his expression of incomparable hatred at that time.

So... how did their family become stone statues?

Wasn't his petrification because of the bloodline clan?

On the contrary, his ability was also spied on by the bloodline clan?

In other words, the petrification ability is the third power besides the bloodline of the giant beast and the mutation of the blood pattern?

Where did it come from?

Also, the one in the hilly resource area, the altar with the mutated creature statues…

Does it have anything to do with Changyin's stone statue ability?

Who is the **** enshrined at the altar?

This situation seems a bit messy.

Xu Xin opened his mouth and finally sighed, "I didn't expect you to play such an important role in the plans of the Bloodline Clan."

Changyin calmed down, shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "It's not that important. Perhaps, this part of the plan I'm in charge of is just a small plan that uses a dead horse as a living horse doctor, after all... this The planned pilot, at present, should be the only one here."

He pointed in the direction of the prison, and then smiled helplessly: "However, you guys are really lucky, just right in this position."

"The underground prison in which we conducted the experiment was originally connected to the energy supply device above through vines to draw energy. As a result, the activities on your ground suddenly changed the landscape, and the device was pushed directly above the ground."

He shook his head: "At that time, the prison of UU Reading almost couldn't hold down the giant beast below."

"Wait, what happened to the layers of stone statues in the teleportation formation?" Wen Guixin asked, "You seemed to have said just now that you can control those stone statues at night, right?"

"The stone statues on the top of the snow are actually the first batch of experimental petrified creatures." Changyin explained.

"In the beginning, they didn't ask me to attack giant beasts, but petrified ordinary creatures, low-level, intermediate-level, and high-level normal mutant creatures. They may want to see if the petrified creatures' strength has decreased or improved. ."

"As for why the first batch of test items went to the ground, I don't know. They were taken away by a group of hairy blood-striped monkeys long after they were petrified."

Changyin was obviously dissatisfied with the furry monster, and when he said the blood-striped monkey, his tone was obviously a little more serious.

But then, the corners of his stone mouth curled into an arc: "However, they may not have thought that I secretly did some manipulations on the stone statue."