MTL - Starting Off With A Blacksmith Workshop-Chapter 17 material selection

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PS: Benpujie also has an old book worth 800,000 yuan that is being serialized. If you are interested, you can search for "Collector of Everything in Film and Television".

"You idiot, what did you say, it made you so angry."

Li Zhenhua asked from the side, but the look of eating melons on his face was particularly obvious.

Guo Shugui was no stranger to the behavior of these two people in front of him.

Now he already knows that these two people are two **** who share the same taste, but it is this way of getting along that makes him know what a bad friend is.

"Actually, it's nothing. His family's name is Dagen Real Estate, and it's one of the best in the industry.

Especially in the invasion of the north, conflicts often broke out with our green ones, of course, commercially.

This idiot, I heard that he owed money in Japan before, but he didn't dare to tell his dad.

This time in our country, I opened a company selling steel building materials.

Because he is the prince of Dagen, his steel bars were quickly driven into Dagen, and his father didn't know about his sale of steel bars.

His steel bars are not only expensive, but the quality is not good, and the grade is not up to standard.

There are already many construction sites in Dagenli, all of which have used this steel bar. What are you two saying, this is not making money? "

Li Zhenhua listened to it from the sidelines, and he was rarely angry. What he hated most in his life was people who cut corners in everything to earn black money.

So after he heard it, he was already dissatisfied and angry.

Then I heard Guo Shugui say it again.

"This idiot, I don't know where to get the information, saying that I am in charge of a project, so he called me and said that I want to make money with me.

I knew that he definitely disagreed with his plan, so we quarreled after a few words.

He knew that since the last time we met, when he and I showed off his knife,

I have been looking for a knife master who participated in the knife forging competition to make a knife, so I said later that after I have a knife, I will compare it with me, whose one is better. "

When Guo Shugui said this, he also explained the whole story clearly.

Liu Xiaodong said it to Guo Shugui as if he had no brains.

"Guoba, you have caught up with this, look to the side, did you see it?

The future international champion of the knife forging competition, as long as you curry favor with him, wouldn't it be easy to get a knife for you? "

Hearing Liu Xiaodong's bragging, Li Zhenhua was sitting at one end of the bench, but stood up straight away.

The long bench was also like a seesaw. As Li Zhenhua stood up, Liu Xiaodong pushed down.

Liu Xiaodong tilted the bench up, and he threw his whole body to the ground, landing on his buttocks.

"Oh, shit, get up, you didn't tell me in advance."

Li Zhenhua ignored his complaints, took a few steps towards Guo Shugui, and stood still in front of him.

"Guoba, it's just that you don't make this black-hearted money, as long as I have a result in the knife forging competition later on.

I will definitely give you a knife immediately, and use my highest level to give you a knife. "

After Guo Shugui got Li Zhenhua's guarantee at this time, his bad mood became better.

There was just one thing that he didn't understand. He didn't know why Li Zhenhua acted so resentfully when he mentioned cutting corners.

It seems that we have to find an opportunity to ask Liu Xiaodong, the fat man, about this matter in the future.

After Li Zhenhua finished listening to Guo Shugui's story, another half hour passed.

"We have to go, there's a lot to do in a while.

I want to buy materials,

The rice cake has to go home, so you have to take your camera equipment with you when you are on a business trip? "

Li Zhenhua talked about what he was going to do later, and he also raised a question to Guo Shugui that he was puzzled before.

As soon as he said the words, Guo Shugui patted his forehead with that hand.


"Fuck, I forgot about this, all my equipment is in Beiping,

I didn't bring it out this time, so what should I do?

Let me think about it! "

Li Zhenhua looked at Guo Shugui's reaction, and sighed in his heart, it is difficult to do something!

I don't know when something weird will happen.

"Let's go, we are on the road, thinking while walking, thinking here will only delay things."

After Li Zhenhua finished speaking, he took the lead to walk outside.

Guo Shugui thought about the same thing, walked up to Liu Xiaodong, and exhausted all his strength to pull the fat man up from the ground.

The two followed behind and went out. As for the little monkey that was parked on the first floor, they were still there.

Li Zhenhua drove towards Jinan Iron and Steel's sales point in their county.

Here Li Zhenhua only bought two specifications, namely 410 and 420.

As for why to choose these two,

It is because 410 stainless steel has high strength, but it cannot be used in strong corrosion environment.

This steel is also commonly used to make utensils such as table knives and table forks.

420 stainless steel has a certain corrosion resistance, this index is stronger than 410,

The two kinds of stainless steel are different in corrosion resistance. When the time comes to fold them together and pickle them, the pattern will be more obvious.

And 420 stainless steel has a high hardness, which is also a suitable material for making knives.

Each of these two types of steel costs 70 kilograms, which feels like a lot in terms of weight.

But in terms of size, it really doesn't take up too much space.

In terms of total weight, the two materials are only 140 kg.

The size and specifications Li Zhenhua chose, in order to facilitate his own forging, all he wanted were steel bars that were five centimeters wide, 80 centimeters long, and 4 millimeters thick.

Li Zhenhua led the fat and thin duo, and worked together to get all the steel bars, UU reading www.uukanshu. com loaded into the pickup truck bed.

On the way here, Guo Shugui wailed all the way in the co-pilot, all talking about his equipment.

But if he really wanted to go back to Peiping to get it, he really didn't want to go back, and he couldn't think of any good way after howling all the way.

It wasn't until he followed Li Zhenhua to start moving things, this labor, that his broken mouth was comparable to Hou Zhen, that he stopped.

After the three of them bought the steel, their plan to come to the county this time was half completed.

Then Li Zhenhua drove to the hardware store and bought all the things he needed this time on Industrial Street.

Both cutting discs and abrasive belts are all prepared.

Glancing at Guo Shugui, who was on the repeater again, Li Zhenhua was also helpless.

Li Zhenhua decided to leave him alone, anyway, before the official start of work, there was still time.

Without asking for the opinions of the other two, Li Zhenhua started the car and drove back.

"Singing the most dazzling national style leisurely..."

When driving past the county square, the music of grandpa and aunt dancing square dance came from the square.

Guo Shugui was also disturbed by the music. He was already irritable, and his mood became even worse after listening to the disturbing music.

It also happened that there was a traffic jam in front of them, so Li Zhenhua could only drive slowly by the side of the square.

The more people can't solve something at the time, the more they want to solve it.

Just when Guo Shugui was about to run away, a person walked by on the sidewalk next to him, and this person was still talking loudly.

The road ahead was cleared, just when Li Zhenhua was about to drive away.

Guo Shugui jumped up from the co-pilot, it should not be said that he only bounced halfway, and he was fixed on the seat by the seat belt.