MTL - Starting Off With A Blacksmith Workshop-Chapter 177 Difficulty finding a leader

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And he seems to have ignored it on purpose all the time. The graphene battery capacity issue alone is not something he can make a decision on.

It's not anything else, but because the battery capacity of this kind is really against the sky. In actual use, the energy density has been directly increased by ten times.

Such a battery is very useful in some military equipment,

Not to mention anything else, just the black fish with conventional power, if it is replaced with a battery like his, then the underwater diving ability can increase in a straight line and double.

For example, the black fish with conventional power usually has a submerged time of four to seven days, but what if it uses its graphene battery?

The same volume, but the energy density inside is ten times as much as before, so what can this electricity do?

It can do more, and can increase the submerged submerged time of the submarine at least three times,

The time of submerging at full speed will also increase exponentially. It may have been only a few tens of minutes before, but now it may be hundreds of minutes at full speed.

Of course, this is the time obtained when all functions such as electrolyzing water underwater and obtaining oxygen and other large power consumers are included.

This is just an underwater device, what if it is used on a spacecraft? For example, on an unmanned aerial vehicle, this is a battery that can double the battery life.

This will undoubtedly lead to a large number of military equipment developed around this battery,

If you rashly push such a battery to the market, it will not only have an immeasurable impact on the market, but may also affect the entire national defense strategy.

Thinking of these, his head couldn't help but start to have a headache. It wasn't that he didn't understand these things before, but that he had been deliberately ignoring them.

At this time, he finally could no longer ignore this problem.

Who should I turn to for this? It seems that you are looking for any department, let's use electricity for batteries, and look for Kyushu Energy Bureau!

The car he designed is an industrial product, so it is legitimate to look for the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of Kyushu!

Also, is what he did considered a technological innovation? Forget it, then you can report to the Kyushu Science and Technology Department.

As I said before, these inventions can be directly applied to military equipment, so can you find the Kyushu National Defense Department!

These departments went over in his mind, and he found that he could find any department, but if he was asked to report in this way, would people know who he was?

In the end, after much deliberation, it seems that he still has to go the way of the military, because now the military is the one he contacts the most.

In this case, let's report to the higher authorities from the military. Anyway, his grades were sent up through the military before.

After figuring this out, he stopped worrying and put the car away, planning to report to the old man Wang Yuesheng tomorrow.

At this moment in the workshop, in a place that is not considered a corner, there is a large pit measuring two meters by two meters, surrounded by a lot of newly dug soil.

What's going on here? All of this still has to start from the incident of being chased last time.

Since he came back that day, he has been worried about his own safety, and the road from home to the company is exposed to the outside world.

So he came up with a method, that is to dig a tunnel. Since it is easy for people to find loopholes on the way home on the ground, he might as well go underground.

Since he had this idea, he felt more and more feasible, and he did it.

If you want to do things first, you must first sharpen your tools. With his brain and virtual laboratory, of course he will not be stumped in terms of equipment.

Under such a premise, he manufactured a small shield machine. As for the size of the tunnel that can be excavated, it is only two meters in diameter.

Once he had the machinery, he became a gopher in the workshop, spending a little time every day digging his tunnels.

Now the tunnel is located 20 meters underground, and it was dug towards his blacksmith shop at such a depth.

After he finished today's progress, he climbed up from below, turned off the oxygen supply equipment and other things, took a shower, found Li Yun refreshed and went home.

After paying the public rations honestly at night, it entered the time of the sages.

There was nothing to say all night, and in a blink of an eye, the next day, when he came back to the workshop,

Counting the time, the other party should be at work, so he took out his phone and called Wang Yuesheng.

The call was quickly picked up by Wang Yuesheng himself, because the call he made was not a work call, but a personal call from Wang Yuesheng.

That's why he was able to be contacted so quickly. Of course, when he was dealing with business, the other party would hand over his mobile phone to his civil servant for safekeeping.

"Hello? Boy Li, what's the matter with calling me so early?

As long as it is within my ability, you can rest assured that I will do it for you! "

Wang Yuesheng knew that he must have something to do when he called, so he expressed his position directly.

Now this kid is a treasure, as long as he can help without violating the principle, he can help, this is what he thinks now!

He was not polite when he heard the other party say that.

"Minister Wang, I would like to invite you to my company. I have a product with a huge impact.

I have hesitation about whether and how to introduce this thing to the market,

I really can't make up my mind, I really don't know how to deal with it.

So after much deliberation, I still want to call you and only ask you for help! "

After he finished speaking, Wang Yuesheng on the opposite side was stunned. What do you mean? What, I'm afraid it will have too much impact.

Then he was a little confused, so he asked a question on the phone.

"What do you mean? Why can't I understand what you said? It's not that I didn't understand what you meant,

It’s just that I don’t understand what kind of thing it is that makes you so cautious. When I saw you building airplanes before, it didn’t look like it is now!

What the **** is it! "

Out of curiosity, Wang Yuesheng still asked him.

"Minister Wang, this thing I made this time can cut off the stocks of fuel vehicle companies.

This is just one aspect of influence, I won't tell you about the others,

I think we'll talk when you get here,

Oh, I can also give you a hint, I remember when I tested Poussin earlier,

I once said that that car is an electric car, which is related to this. "

Since the matter is really too big, it cannot be explained clearly in a sentence or two on the phone.

He didn't tell Wang Yuesheng so thoroughly, he just reminded him and stopped.

After saying this sentence, Wang Yuesheng thought a lot. He thought about it and recalled the scene of the test that day.

Immediately, I thought of the introduction to the car before the start, and the scene when the car was exposed to anti-tank mines and black smoke was emitted at the end.

The black smoke was said to be caused by the puncture of the battery pack, and then Minister Wang fixed his eyes on the battery from the prompt he gave.

Was it the battery? Thinking this way, Wang Yuesheng remembered what he just said, which can cut off the stocks of fuel car companies,

Then he speculated that the battery technology should have made great progress in the hands of Li Zhenhua,

Let this technology really have the possibility to replace fuel vehicles. Only in this way can I say so solemnly to him.

Thinking of these conjectures, although I don't know if they are correct or not, they must not be less than this conjecture. It seems that he really has to go there!

After a long silence, the call between the two has not spoken for a long time.

Wang Yuesheng, who made the decision, also returned to Li Zhenhua at this time.

"It seems that I really have to go, you wait for me,

I'm going to see what the **** you kid is doing, if I don't think it's worth the trip,

Then wait for melon fishing, I will definitely give you a big punishment. "

After Wang Yuesheng said this, he hung up the phone, and Li Zhenhua who called also let go of his anxiety.

'Okay, let's wait for someone to come, anyway, as long as I explain things clearly,

The pressure is not on my side, the pressure generated by this thing is really great! '

Talking to himself, throwing the phone aside, the real matter can be regarded as an explanation,

He didn't want to continue digging holes now, so he glanced around the workshop, and gradually he locked his eyes on the Poussin that was riddled with holes.

This Poussin has been pulled back since the day of the test, and he hasn't touched the car yet.

Looking at the tattered appearance of the car, I knew it was time to start with this car.

He couldn't just let the last test go like this, right? After the last test, he knew that the car's bulletproof performance could still be improved.

With such an idea, the dismantling of Poussin is also on the agenda.

Then he began to dismantle Poussin. The car was a little difficult to manufacture, not technically, and the parts of the car shell were really too heavy.

Even when all parts were intact before, it was difficult to disassemble, let alone now.

Although it withstood the devastation of the guns and defended against these explosions, the shell of the car still inevitably deformed.

It is also these deformations that have caused great difficulties in his work of dismantling the car.

Detachable still needs to be disassembled, but it is too laborious to dismantle it in reality.

Thinking of this, he didn't stop, and went straight to the bathroom in the workshop to clean up the oil on his body.

After cleaning up and approaching the rest room, I lay on the bed and pulled a thin blanket over it, closing my eyes.

The work of dismantling the car continued in the virtual laboratory. Although it was still so difficult here, it saved time.

After difficult dismantling, all the external bulletproof parts of the bulletproof vehicle were removed.

Looking at the size of the craters caused by each component, I began to analyze how much damage various firearms caused to each component.

At the same time, Wang Yuesheng's daily work schedule in Beiping was disrupted.

I asked my civil servant for a day's schedule, then looked at these arrangements and sketched them a few times, and then explained the subsequent arrangements to the civil servant.

After explaining, he got up and walked towards the chief minister's office. He still had to report some things to the leader.

In an office, Wang Yuesheng and a leader in olive green military uniform were sitting at the desk chatting.

"Old Wang, this time in the past, you must be optimistic about this little guy, and listen to the guess you just narrated,

I feel that we still don't pay enough attention to this little guy. If the guesses you just told me are true, then the impact it can have is really huge.

It is likely that various industries in our country will be upgraded again, and some previous constraints on batteries may be broken.

This is really a rare national treasure, why don't you take Liu Qian with you when you go down this time,

He is an expert in conventional submarines. If it is true, the new conventional black fish that is currently being designed by their research institute can also use new technology. "

Hearing what the minister said, Wang Yuesheng also nodded. Although he is going to investigate what happened now, and the content is not easy to leak, but Liu Qian's research institute is not low in secrecy, so it is still possible to take it with him.

"Okay, Lao Li, I'll go in a while, and this time I'll take Liu Qian down with me. If it's true as I guessed, then our next generation of black fish won't be able to use it, and the next generation will definitely be able to use it.

This project alone can greatly increase our military strength,

No one would believe that a conventional electric black fish can submerge for forty to seventy days,

Now the only thing that affects the diving time is not other factors, only the quality of the soldiers. "

Even the leaders chatted around this topic for a while before Wang Yuesheng offered to leave. Afterwards, he arranged the affairs of the ministry, and then boarded the train to Dongshan.

Li Zhenhua, who was lying in the rest room of the workshop, opened his eyes on the bed and looked at the ceiling above his head. After a while, he got up from his clothes.

Glancing at the wall clock on the wall, it was five o'clock in the afternoon before he knew it.

Ever since he hung up the phone with Wang Yuesheng, he has been spending time in the virtual laboratory,

From ten o'clock in the morning to five o'clock in the afternoon, this is a total of seven hours, which is three and a half years.

During these times, he had completely figured out the data of the previous bulletproof car after the bulletproof test.

And he not only figured out the test data, but also continued to study bulletproof vehicles.

If at this moment, according to the upgrade plan he researched, to build such a bulletproof car,

Then it will definitely be higher than the current head of state bulletproof vehicles. The compared models are no longer bulletproof vehicles. Even if they compare with armored vehicles, they will not fall behind.

In his opinion, the bulletproof performance can be comparable to that of a tank. To put it bluntly, the bulletproof performance is already excessive.

why? Because the head of state of any country will not use such a bulletproof car. If he does, it means that his country will not be peaceful.

Unless he is facing the same situation as President Ermao, he will use a car with such performance to escape when the country is ruined and his family is ruined.

Then again, at that moment, isn't it safer to ride in a tank than to ride in this car?

But even if this kind of bulletproof performance is already too much, it will definitely become the first choice for elders to travel when it is really produced.

And in his mind, if the bulletproof car is going to be done, it should not bear his own brand in the end,

The most likely situation will be that their company cooperates with FAW, known as the eldest son of Kyushu, to jointly develop this car, and the brand will eventually hang a red flag.

So his focus is not on the car, but on the bus, to be precise, the luxury bulletproof bus,

As for the reason, everything is self-evident.

Doing so may lose part of the honor, but who would have thought of the real benefits gained from it.

All of these are only in his mind, who can explain everything behind?

Thinking back to the plan I made in the virtual laboratory, I went to the bathroom to turn on the water.

It was also when he was draining the water that his mobile phone by the bed rang. It was obviously not easy for him to hold back his urine after holding it in for a day.

I can only continue to play it, and the ringing tone of the mobile phone is no longer ringing.

After washing his hands and returning to the bed, he just picked up the phone when the ring rang again. Looking at the number on it, he quickly picked it up.

"Hey, what? Chief, you said you're here now?

It's right at the gate of our company, okay, I'll go out to pick you up right now, just wait for me. "

After speaking, he hung up the phone, quickly opened the door of the workshop, stepped on a balance bike and rushed towards the door.

This balance car is a by-product when he was manufacturing electric car prototypes. The main reason is that the factory area is a bit too big, and it is too time-consuming for him to walk around.

So one of these was born, and he also built two, which he and Li Yun used for commuting to and from get off work every day.

Wang Yuesheng was sitting in the car at the door and waiting for Li Zhenhua to come to pick him up. Since he didn't go to a military unit this time, he went to a local area, so most of the people he took with him were guards.

Sitting in the car, looking at the gate of the factory area, looking inside, Li Zhenhua's figure soon appeared in his eyes.

Moreover, the figure moved obviously quickly, and then his attention was fixed on the two small wheels under the figure's feet.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and said to the people around him with a smile.

"Old Liu, did you see that fast moving thing is the target of our trip, this little guy is really trendy,

I thought he would come out of it sweating profusely! "

Sitting next to Wang Yuesheng was an old man with silver This old man listened to Wang Yuesheng's words with a smile on his face.

"Haha, young people, their thinking is much more active than ours, and this kind of thing is not high-tech,

Hehe, my little grandson has one of these things. When I take him to the park to play, he will step on this thing.

It was hard work for me and his grandma to chase after him! "

While the two were talking, Li Zhenhua had already arrived at the gate, talked to the guard on the gate post, and the electric gate opened.

Then he got off the balance car, walked out of the door and came to a car with a Lujia license plate outside the door.

And as he came over, Wang Yuesheng also lowered the car window.

Watching the car window lower, Wang Yuesheng's face was revealed.

"Chief, you came so fast, I thought you had to come tomorrow or the day after tomorrow!

Unexpectedly, I called you in the morning, and you will arrive in the evening. "