MTL - Starting Off With A Blacksmith Workshop-Chapter 94 selling price

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What's it like to fly into the sky? he knows,

But what does it feel like to fly into the sky by yourself? He really doesn't know.

He was sitting in the plane and was reproducing the operation of Lieutenant Wang before takeoff.

All the procedures are correct, and the early stage went smoothly,

Just when the plane was taxiing enough to take off, he raised the joystick by hand,

There was an angle between the nose of the plane and the ground, and after more than ten seconds, he noticed something was wrong.

The tail of the plane touched the ground, and the tail of the plane gliding at high speed and the ground produced a lot of sparks.

After feeling something was wrong, I immediately went to restore the joystick, but it was too late, the speed of the plane was too fast.

The tail of the plane was rubbing against the ground, but the nose was still adjusting to a higher angle.

Finally under his control, the plane lost control,

On the ground, the plane seemed to be floating in the water. After a few strokes, it lost its balance.

The plane fell sideways, the wingtips touched the ground, and in a series of reactions,

The wing didn't last long, and the wing broke off. This time it was fine, and the engine propeller cut the ground at high speed.

Soon one side of the engine caught fire, the wing broke and the spilled fuel exploded in the air.

All of this happened so quickly in less than ten seconds, there was no time to react,

He just unbuckled his seat belt, and the shock wave generated by the fuel explosion over there shattered the cabin glass.

Then a fire rushed in through the window, and he was completely engulfed in the fire.

"Fuck, it's over, Barbie has Q, it's really a roasted whole lamb."

After speaking, he also smelled a smell of barbecue, but he couldn't tell whether it was fragrant or not.

Anyway, I can't seriously recall it, and it makes me sick when I recall it.

Then in this feeling, everything in the virtual laboratory returned to its original state.

When he stood in the laboratory again, he still had palpitations in his heart.

"Damn it, it doesn't feel good to be burned to death!"

With such a flash, he lost the mood to continue playing this in a short time.

Just as he was lying on the bed and going through life and death, everyone from the Hongdu factory committee came to the meeting room.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Gu Changkong spoke first.

"Let everyone come here today, it's about our flying boat project,

Everyone should know that the airship in front has been short of engines.

Recently, Mr. Yan found two suitable engines, which were manufactured by a domestic manufacturer.

Now let's discuss whether to use this engine or should we go to Hans cat? "

The leaders who participated in the meeting were all newly recruited after the previous leaders were fired, and they were self-motivated.

They can be said to be the hawks among aviation people. They would rather drag than kneel to make money before.

Now knowing that there is a company in China that can provide engines, everyone has the same idea,

As long as the price is not outrageous, they are all in favor.

"Chairman, I want to ask, is this engine completely made in China?"

Gu Changkong nodded and returned. "Yes, it is completely domestically produced and has complete independent property rights."

"What about the parameters? How are they?"

It was Gu Changkong's secretary who walked in with some documents in his hand, and distributed a copy to everyone present.

When everyone looked at the data, they all looked excited.

Judging from the data obtained from the test, it is really a good motivation.

"Chairman, let me make a statement first, as long as the engine can be provided stably,

The quality can be guaranteed, and the price is not too expensive, so why don't we buy this engine! "

Several other leaders also echoed, and when they finally raised their hands to vote, these people all raised their hands.

"Then let's set a price. The designer of this engine never mentioned any money to us during the whole process.

Although we can't say that we are obliged to help us, we can't let others look down on us too much.

We will buy according to the normal purchase price, and we should not covet this cheapness.

If we cooperate in the future, the opportunity to make money will come later. "

Another show of hands began. These leaders don't value money very much. They are the kind of people who want to do something practical.

Maybe they will be corrupted later, but at this moment they still maintain a certain purity.

The price of the engine has been fixed. The 1.2L model is priced at 1.2 million per engine, and the 1.8L model is priced at 1.1 million per engine.

This price is set by the Hongdu factory according to the normal price, which is of course cheaper than buying it internationally.

The price is fixed, the engine is ready, and this aircraft can be regarded as a successful development.

It's time for Hongdu to build momentum and go publicize the plane.

Gu Changkong thought, taking advantage of signing the contract with the engine company this time, why not hold a press conference.

He immediately brought it up from the meeting before everyone left.

"I suddenly had an idea that our aircraft is aimed at the international business jet market.

Although the domestic market is not big, it is not small. We still have to fight for what we should fight for.

I think it's better to take advantage of the signing of the engine procurement contract this time, and let's hold a press conference. "

When this proposal came out, several people started a discussion.

When everyone is still talking, one person expresses his opinion.

"Chairman, your proposal is very good, but are we in a hurry,

Our aircraft has not yet undergone interior decoration?

In case people think this is what we built the plane, don't be negative. "

There are also different voices in this meeting at this moment, and the previous scene of unanimous approval is gone.

Everyone was chattering, and you were divided into two factions, and no one could convince the other.

In the end, a show of hands vote was taken, and his proposal narrowly passed.

After the factory committee meeting was over, these leaders returned to their posts and began to do the tasks assigned at the meeting.

After Gu Changkong finished the meeting, he returned to the office and called Yan Hang.

After explaining the decision passed at the meeting to Yan Hang, he also started calling the Second Machine Department.

The news must always be reported to the superiors first, if they quietly release a big satellite,

Leaders don't know that good things can also turn into bad things for you.

After the leaders of the Second Machinery Department found out, they were more enthusiastic than Gu Changkong himself.

"Xiao Gu, I'll contact Kyushu TV for you, don't worry about it, this time you've embarrassed our second machine department, work hard!"

All he thought about at first was the news from the provincial TV station, but now it's all over, he can actually be on the Kyushu TV station.

Soon, under the coordination of all parties, their press conference was fixed, and the time was the next afternoon.

Yan Hang walked around the workshop, did not see Li Zhenhua who had been there before, and then walked towards the guest house.

Li Zhenhua rested for a period of time in the virtual laboratory, and then climbed into the plane without fear of death.

After another five crashes, he finally got the plane off the ground.

But when he was happy, his joy turned into sadness, and the plane fell down again.

Just as he re-embodyed the plane, he heard a knock on the door outside.

The flight was interrupted this time. When I came out of the laboratory, I took the phone and saw that it was three o'clock in the afternoon.

He got up from the bed and opened the door for the knocker, only then did he know it was Yan Hang.

Yan Hang approached the room where he was staying, and told him the result without any courtesy.

"The factory has already agreed that the cooperation between our two companies will sign the engine procurement contract tomorrow afternoon.

Also, the price given by the factory is 1.2 million for 1.2L and 1.1 million for 1.8L.

Do you have any comments? If not tomorrow we can sign the contract. "

After listening to Yan Hang's words, although he was very satisfied with the price, the actions taken by the other company were full of the domineering style of this large state-owned factory.

There was no negotiation between the two companies, and their cooperation was settled just like that.

Although according to Li Zhenhua's recent understanding, some changes have been made in the Hongdu factory, but some domineering styles are still not so easy to change.

Although it made him feel a little uncomfortable, he was very satisfied with the other party's pricing.

He has learned about the domestic market of aero engines before, but the market is not big, and the engines sold are also second-hand.

As for the civilian companies that manufacture aviation engines, there are really not many companies that buy foreign patents and earn hard money.

But they are different, all the property rights of this engine are in his hands, so the money for buying the patent is purely earned.

Thinking of this, he didn't show any other meaning, and nodded directly to Yan Hang.

"Grandpa, I have no objections, so just sign the contract tomorrow afternoon?"

If he didn't ask this question, Yan Hang almost forgot about the press conference, and went back immediately.

"If you don't ask, I almost forgot. The factory said that there will be a press conference tomorrow.

At the meeting, our two companies signed the engine contract,

I heard from the factory that the press conference was very big this time.

It can also be regarded as a promotion for the aircraft. "

At this time, he also understood the meaning of the other party's desire to hold a press conference.

It turned out that they wanted to draw out the aircraft they manufactured from the procurement contract,

This approach is really clever!

"Oh, ok, I see, then I will wait to sign the contract at the press conference tomorrow."

After Yan Hang finished talking, he chatted with him for a while before leaving.

Before leaving, he said that when the contract was drawn up in the factory, he would send him an electronic version and let him have a look first.

After receiving the electronic version of the contract in the afternoon sent the contract to the company's legal counsel.

He checked it himself, and found no traps in the contract, and the price was clearly written out.

It didn't take long for him to receive a call from the company's legal counsel, telling him that the contract was fair.

At this moment, he can be regarded as an explanation for his business trip, and it will definitely surprise people when he returns with this contract.

Now waiting for the press conference to be held.

And at Kyushu TV station in Beiping, there were also a few reporters packing up their equipment in a panic.

"Really, why is the task so urgent this time, why can't we notify in advance, let us make preparations in advance?"

The person who spoke was loading a large box onto the car, complaining while loading it.

"Okay, don't complain. It is said that the leader of the Second Machinery Department asked our station leader for this task, so this time it is so urgent. It seems that this press conference is also a temporary decision."

"It's really a leader's mouth, and the subordinates run away!"