MTL - Starting Off With A Blacksmith Workshop-v2 Chapter 310 lift off

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Those who can accept his statement are Wang Yuesheng and Juntou, because they have seen how the energy core was born from his hands before this.

Those who cannot accept his statement are Cui Tianzhi and the pilots who came with him. They cannot accept Li Zhenhua's statement, because in their hearts, an airplane is an airplane, and the inherent image of an airplane is too deep-rooted. .

Although they showed two completely different attitudes, these had nothing to do with Li Zhenhua at all. Regardless of whether they believed it or not, Li Zhenhua had already made up his mind to speak with facts.

Only by presenting all the facts, in front of the hard facts, everyone will bow their heads and admit what they don't approve of.

"Why do I hear what you said about clouds and mountains and fog? The things you said are not practical at all, and you have anti-gravity technology. I said Zhenhua, you can't make those problems that we made during the great leap forward!"

Cui Tianzhi didn't believe what he said at all. From what he said, he could know what he meant. He thought that Li Zhenhua was spreading his satellites, and the things he said were all unrealistic.

It's not that front-line personnel like them haven't thought about anti-gravity technology, but they generally believe that this technology is not something that can be developed in this era. If anti-gravity technology can really appear, their air force will become the first large-scale A unit with a scale that spans the universe.

It is very likely that their air force and navy will be combined into one army in the future, and by then there may be only the space army.

Looking at the expressions on the faces of Cui Tianzhi and others, it was only revealed when they didn't believe it. Li Zhenhua didn't say anything about their disbelief, because what he created now is indeed some black technology.

In fact, there are still traces of his research and development on power armor before, but the fighter that he has produced during this period of time seems to be suspected of cheating.

Although there are suspicions in this regard, there are still traces left. When Li Zhenhua was researching this project, he asked for a lot of learning materials in the Kyushu Science Research Institute. The technology in his hands didn't come out of thin air, it was researched by himself, but the speed of research and development was somewhat fast.

Facing the suspicion of Cui Tianzhi and others, he also responded quickly.

"Chief Cui, in fact, whether what I said is true or not, and the doubts in the middle can be solved, and the method is also very simple. As long as I can fly this plane into the sky, I believe that all the doubts in your heart can be answered. .

As for whether what I said is true, it probably won't matter by then! "

Hearing his answer, now Cui Tianzhi and others really believe it. Under their watchful eyes, Li Zhenhua spoke to everyone again.

"Everyone, all the chiefs, I will start this experiment next. In a while, the ceiling of our workshop will be separated to the two sides, revealing the space for the plane to take off. Please don't panic."

After he finished speaking, his eyes were locked on the two leaders Wang Yuesheng and Juntou. Seeing that they all nodded, he took out a remote control from somewhere and pressed the button on the remote control. a bit.

There was a gap in the ceiling above their heads in the workshop. As the gap got bigger and bigger, the ceiling of the workshop was completely opened, and the plane and them were all exposed to the sky.

But just now, while the roof was opening and closing, Wang Yuesheng asked about the plane.

"Zhenhua, just now you only talked about the technology used in the aircraft. For us two old men, we don't really understand what you said. Why don't you explain it to me in an easy-to-understand way!"

Wang Yuesheng's speech was really very good, and after he heard it, he immediately introduced it to the two of them.

"Good chief, now I will tell you the details of the plane. The plane in front of us is 35 meters long, 8 meters high, and 5 meters high after removing the landing gear. There is also a 5 meters.

Equipped with a solar star nuclear fusion energy core and Dijun anti-gravity engine, the specific speed of the aircraft has not been tested so far, so I don’t know, and there are still many items of data that can only be detected after the test flight.

Then there is the unique energy weapon system on the plane. Among them, there are no less than twenty one-particle energy guns on the whole plane, a total of ten five-particle large-caliber energy guns, and a total of three ten-particle energy cannons. One energy main cannon with ten particles.

You probably don’t quite understand the weapons I mentioned. I will introduce them to you in detail after the test flight is over.

There is also a defensive means of energy shield on the plane. In fact, the chief said in a very shameless way that the fighter in front of him has the power to change the current world situation. "

Wang Yuesheng listened carefully. As he said more and more, he had more and more doubts in his heart. He was very confident in him at first, but now he heard Li Zhenhua boasting so loudly, which made him a little bit Can't make up my mind.

But before he showed it, the ceiling above his head was completely opened, which also prevented him from asking questions later.

Wang Yuesheng and Juntou just made eye contact, and then reached a consensus, and they could only temporarily suppress the doubts in their hearts.

The canopy is fully opened, and the next thing to do is to conduct a test flight of this aircraft that does not look like an airplane. As for how to test the flight, it depends on how Li Zhenhua arranges it next.

Li Zhenhua said to Wang Yuesheng again at this moment: "Chief, the next thing is the test flight of the plane, just watch how I perform!"

After speaking, he was about to leave here, but before he could take a few steps, he was stopped again by Wang Yuesheng behind him.

"You kid, you can only play tricks, but I still have to ask, you mean to watch your performance? Are you planning to go up and drive it yourself?

This is not just for fun, this is going to fly into the sky, and if you are not careful, you will risk your life. If you want to go up by yourself, I advise you to give up this idea as soon as possible! "

Li Zhenhua really turned into a bitter face at this moment. What Wang Yuesheng wanted to express was very clear, that is, there was no problem with the test flight of the plane, but it was impossible for him to go up in person.

Immediately, he encountered a difficulty, and it was a real difficulty. If he only cared about the design of the previous aircraft and didn't care about the heavenly affairs, that's okay. But now this plane is not an ordinary plane, it can fly directly into outer space.

It's not that he doesn't believe in the skills of the pilots, he's just afraid that the pilots will experience emotional fluctuations after ascending into space, so in general, he is extremely worried.

So for this test flight, he has to go up. If he doesn't go up, if there is even a little problem with the plane, he may be able to save it while on it. When other pilots go up, no problem will be fixed, and they will not even start. The problem is, he is really afraid that the opportunity of Kyushu standing on top of the world will be destroyed in front of his eyes.

But he saw Wang Yuesheng's attitude, he wanted to test fly this plane, but there was no way at all.

"Chief..." Before he could say anything, he just said two words, and Wang Yuesheng immediately pushed him back.

"Zhenhua, stop talking, I will not allow you to go up, even if I don't test fly this plane, I will not agree to let you go up, your value is greater than the plane, as long as you are here, what can't be built?

Okay, let's see what I arrange next! Just leave it alone! " After speaking forcefully to Li Zhenhua, he turned to look at Cui Tianzhi.

"Xiao Cui, let your soldiers follow Xiao Li to change clothes, and let your soldiers go up and test fly this plane in a while!"

After he finished speaking, he ignored Li Zhenhua who was standing at the side, and turned his head to talk with Juntou.

When the pilots brought by Cui Tianzhi lined up and walked up to him, he was still staring at Wang Yuesheng.

At this moment, Wang Yuesheng also noticed that Li Zhenhua was still staring at him, so he turned around and said something to him.

"Why don't you hurry up and bring someone to change clothes, why are you still standing there stupidly?"

After Li Zhenhua heard it, Ou just became a little depressed and obeyed his words, turned around and led the team of pilots to the dressing room next to him.

Depression was depression, but he couldn't feel anything different about Wang Yuesheng. He knew that the other party was doing it for his own good and protecting his life, so he couldn't say anything.

He brought the five pilots to the locker room, and found out the equipment they were going to wear later in the locker room.

The five pilots who followed were shocked when they saw the equipment he took out. They were no strangers to the equipment in front of them. They had often seen it on the news a while ago. The appearance of this equipment.

This equipment is obviously Wu Gang's spacesuit. All the pilots were surprised. Did they use too much force? Isn't it just a test flight of an airplane! Is it necessary to make it so big?

Now they even took out the latest Wu Gang spacesuit. They knew it was going to be a test flight. If they didn't know it, they thought it was going to outer space!

But now that the equipment has been prepared, they can only wear it. Of course, there is no selfish desire to wear space suits.

Li Zhenhua was in the locker room, directing the pilots to help each other put on the spacesuits, and finally everyone put on the spacesuits under his guidance.

As for how Li Zhenhua instructs them, it's simple, as long as you tell them how to put them on, it won't be long. So he put on a whole set of Wu Gang's space suit under the gaze of everyone.

The pilots are now very grateful for his practical demonstration, and then the pilots also put on the space suits on their bodies.

After they put on all the equipment, Li Zhenhua brought them back to the workshop again after they had changed into Wu Gang's space suits.

Their appearance also gave Wang Yuesheng a sense of misplacement, making him think that this was at the space agency or the Jiuquan launch site, not the Kyushu beast in Dongshan.

"Xiao Li, you are tall enough to be grand. Are you going to test fly a new model aircraft soon? The battle is a bit big, why are you even wearing a space suit!" Wang Yuesheng, who had been talking before, really did at this moment He didn't say anything, but the military leader who had been watching asked him questions.

The meaning in the words is also to express that he has made a bit of a fuss about this test flight.

Only Li Zhenhua knew why he was wearing a space suit. The willingness to wear a space suit was really a mission requirement. He didn't explain clearly the chief's question, so he just used these four words to explain it.

And Wang Yuesheng also asked later, why he also put on a space suit, he just used the excuse of demonstration to prevaricate.

If he told the truth, he estimated that this test flight could be stopped now, so it is better not to say some things now.

The flight test personnel are all dressed up, and the next step is the test flight. After checking everything, Li Zhenhua also explained to the pilots how to fly, and the test flight will start soon.

After all five pilots boarded the plane, the door of the plane in front of them was tightly closed, but no one noticed that there was a very special protrusion not far from the door.

All the pilots boarded the plane, but Li Zhenhua was left by Wang Yuesheng's side, and the old man watched him very closely, afraid that he would not see him alone, so Li Zhenhua got into the plane.

After the pilots are all ready, they start to take off under the orders of the three leaders. Since it is the first time for all pilots to fly this and it is a vertical take-off and landing plane that goes straight up and down, so when taking off That's pretty slow.

And everyone at the scene, the moment the plane took off, all had wonderful expressions on their faces. They really couldn't figure out why this thing that looked like a container with wings could rise into the air.

When they were all staring up at the plane taking off, no one noticed that Li Zhenhua, who was standing beside them before, had already come directly under the plane.

The speed of the plane rising into the air was very slow, and the hands of the five pilots driving in the plane were all sweaty. They were extremely careful about this plane that they had never piloted before, for fear that they would make a mistake and cause any loss.

When the plane was about to fly out of the workshop, Li Zhenhua, who had been prepared for a long time on the ground, jumped up from the ground directly under the plane under the incredible eyes of everyone. A small bump left over from the previous hatch.

He grasped the bump in his hand, grasped the bump with one hand, and touched the fuselage twice with the other hand, and then a square hole appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

As for Li Zhenhua, who was hanging under the plane while holding onto the bulge, he has already slid in along the hole. When he got in, everyone at the scene was dumbfounded. airplane!

PS: Please ask for a guaranteed monthly pass! orz

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