MTL - Stealing The Heavens-Chapter 1127 Endless power

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The first thousand one hundred and twenty-seven chapters of endless power

Don't end your test of your current strength, and other people's crazy cultivation in recent years has suddenly stopped. In the words of disrespect, he was very happy when he cultivated to the peak of the broken road. It was like a person who climbed the peak after a difficult trek, surrounded by endless horizons and good scenery. But don't suddenly break through the level of breaking the road. It's like you don't stand on the top of a mountain with a hundred miles. When you are enjoying the scenery, the place is not far away. The mountain.

The breakthrough of the blasphemy is very damaging to people, so that Princess Yanle has temporarily lost the motivation to continue practicing.

However, the time in the past few years has also greatly benefited everyone. Don’t know that today’s realm is unclear. The princess, the 绮 敖, and the 敖 敖 have all have the power to break the peak, especially their How much more mana is stronger than it was a few years ago? Nowadays, even in the face of Buddhism and Daomen's top worlds and lords, whether it is the channel of God or the simple competition, the three are absolutely not afraid of them.

What's more, each of them has condensed a strong magic weapon, which is beyond the scope of Hongmengbao in the ordinary sense. If the power of Buddhism and Taoism dares to provoke a sin in front of them, it is definitely a dead end.

As for the sacred monarch and the singer, including the weakest rabbit, Xiaobai broke through the broken road. The sacred secrets of the sacred spirits and the sacred sacred sacred dragons have reached the level of breaking the product. The golden horns of the golden horns and the golden feathers of the silver feathers are the mysterious magical rumors of the blood circulation of the family. The repairs are not under the sacred spirits. In contrast, rabbits such as Xiaobai and Qingqing, who are not willing to stay with them, are the weakest, but they are also extraordinary.

Colorful Yunshen Baolian is really a cheating weapon against the sky. With this treasure to enhance mana, the benefits of not being a party are too great.

On the third day after the fight between the donkeys and the donkeys, the corners of the relics were carefully explored, and the crowd gathered at the highest and most magnificent hall in the core of the remains. in.

Don't let it go in the void, a light waterfall with a hundred square feet will appear out of thin air. The panoramic view of the remains is displayed in the waterfall. Everyone can see that there is a strong flash of light under the hall where everyone stays in the waterfall. The fingers of the donkeys clicked on the light of the group. The light of the group suddenly spread, and the panorama of the remains disappeared. The waterfall was a large stone room with a wide radius.

During these three days, don't use the gods to reveal the inside and outside details of the remains. There are no other valuable things left in this ruin. Nothing like the elixir, the magic weapon, and so on. The only thing worth noting is the strange stone room under this hall. All the mysteries of this ruin should be in this stone room.

In the middle of the stone room is a huge pool, about a pool of 40 miles deep. In the vast pond, there is only a shallow layer of water that sways in the depths of the water. The waves of water shimmer like the brilliance of diamond dust, but it is a bit like the strange and unknown power in the body. And don't notice that everyone in the ruins will move their minds to reveal something, and the water waves in the pool will go down one layer.

If the ordinary fruits and other things are condensed, there is almost no consumption of water in the pool. However, if the scent of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred water, the water wave will drop down obviously. After several attempts, I don’t know that this pool is the key to the magic of the entire ruins.

The ruins themselves are nothing special, nothing more than the materials used to build the remains of the building have never been seen in the Pangu world. But this rare material is not a very valuable thing. It is a beautiful sightseeing and can accommodate a variety of aura. These stones are naturally used to build Dongfu and palace pavilions, and there is no other use.

In the stone chamber below the main hall, a large number of pipes made of transparent crystals are connected to the remains, and various runes are densely covered on the pipes. Don't try it all over the ruins. He meditates on an item. When the item is successfully condensed in front of him, there will be a certain amount of water in the pool flowing down the pipe and quickly passed to the donkey. In front of.

I told my thoughts to everyone, and everyone was curious to infiltrate the past into the hall. However, their gods and the gods of the gods are far from each other at the level. Except for the gods of the princess, the gods can barely feel that there is a very hot and extremely powerful force under the hall. Others can’t find any thing.

敖 敖 叽 叽 叽 叽 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Don't shake his head, he just scratched the floor of the hall, and a piece of floor with a few square feet disappeared out of nowhere. Don't let a finger open a mile in the hall. He took the crowd into the ramp, and all the way down. After a while, a piece of light came out, and they had already arrived in the stone room.

The stone room is a hundred miles wide, and there are countless runes on the walls and ceilings. Some of the runes are exactly the same as the 366 runes that have been thoroughly understood, but there are others that have never been seen before. of. Don't forget the first time that these unseen runes are in your heart. You don't have to jump to the pool, curiously grabbed the pool.

A large hand made of black lacquered water mist grabbed the water waves in the pool, but I just wanted to get some fresh water samples from the pool. However, I saw a glimmer of light on the surrounding walls. A thunder landed out of thin air. I didn’t scream, and I was tumbling and flew for more than a dozen miles. Between the rushes, there are three thick dragon scales that protect the whole body, but the power of Lei Guang is outrageous. The three dragon scales on his body are crushed, and the half body is cooked by thunder.

A group of people looked stiffly at the embarrassed squatting from the ground, and this guy was bold and timid but also hard to the extreme. It was dark and black. About a inch thick of flesh was burnt to ashes by thunder fire. Most of the upper body was roasted into cooked meat. He was still alive!

He muttered to himself: "The evils live forever, this is not a fake! If my grandmother is so embarrassed..."

After a fierce chill, I couldn't imagine what it was like after half-baked body was cooked.

"Fat water does not flow outside the field!" The whole body took the barbecue aroma and did not respect the dragon meat of the roast meat, and swallowed it. That kind of scenes made it impossible for him to turn over his head. Whoever saw this kind of monk, can he swallow his own flesh without changing his color? This **** dragon is indeed a bit of a disgrace, but he is indeed a great scourge in the wild. This is a rare place in the world.

The whole body of the cooked dragon meat was swallowed up, and he did not respect the sky and shouted. The strong black gas rolled out from the body. The flesh and blood on his body quickly reborn, that is, the martial arts of a cup of tea. He has repaired the wound. As early as. He screamed and spit on the ground, gnawing his teeth and shouting: "The master here is so stingy, I just want to see what is in this pool, where is it so stingy?"

The voice of the unrespected voice did not fall, and the entire relic was suddenly trembled. Everyone understood that the glare from below had collided on the remains.

In the past few years, everyone has been doing submersible work in the halls of the relics, and they have not noticed any strangeness after the glare hit the ruins. But today everyone stood by the pool, but clearly saw that with the glare of the group hit the ruins, countless tiny transparent transistors in the stone chamber burst into a dazzling glare. Tens of thousands of thin hair-thin transistors also spewed a thick liquid like a smashed diamond dust, which was injected into the pool with a pleasing sound.

This group of glare hit the relics. The original water in the pool was only about one foot deep and the water suddenly increased by about three feet. Obviously, if there is no consumption of the amount of water, the water in the pool will not be used for one year. Can fill up.

Looking at the water in the pool gradually rising, no more nodded with satisfaction, he smiled: "So it seems that the ban in this ruin is not so simple. If this ruin is not disintegrating, look at this situation, The water in this pool is constantly self-filling."

Indulge in a moment, Princess Yule laughed and said: "In this case, does it mean that as long as the remains are not destroyed, the power in this pool will never be exhausted?"

Everyone's eyes are bright. If they can collect this pool, can they get endless benefits?

Don't look around, he smiled and bowed to everyone: "The prohibition here, we are afraid that it can't be restored. If it is to be collected, we must take the entire ruins away. And this pool just stores this wonderful yuan. The container of force, the really powerful baby, is the one that constantly adds strength to the pool. We first thought of collecting this relic, and then went down to see what kind of rareness has such power."

Everyone sighed in unison, not looking at the pool, he frowned, and suddenly shot a hand to the pool.

The crowd was shocked, but they saw that the palm of the hand spurted out a big hand made up of a smashed star powder. The palm of the hand just flashed onto the water and easily grabbed it. A fist-sized drop of water. This time, the four-year ban did not react.

The group of people who had just been shocked also breathed a sigh of relief. Don’t grab this group of liquid beads and play them for a while. Zhangkou swallowed it.

That's right, and the strange new energy in the body is like a source, just not as good as the energy in the body.

If you say that the energy in the body is alcohol, the water in the pool is up to 30 degrees of water.

If you look thoughtfully about the ban on the surrounding of the stone room, don't laugh and say: "Well, we have thought of collecting this ruin, saving it from slowly collapsing here. It is really a violent thing!" ”

The group of people laughed in unison, and they rushed out through the road.