MTL - Stealing the Hero’s Cool Script-Chapter 80 COLONY

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Soon, Li Kesi's mutation was not limited to those tentacles baring his teeth and claws. His muscles began to swell, his skin became black and blue, and the pores on the skin surface gradually expanded, and then transparent blisters popped up one by one.

Yan Yu closed her eyes lightly, this distance is not enough for the induction between her and the Goddess' blood, more concentration is needed.

She could feel the blood clamoring to rush out of Li Kesi's body, because they sensed that her real master was nearby.

Blood mixed with breath, tearing Li Kesi from the inside, as if pulling a piece of rubber, dragging his body into twisted and weird shapes.

Accompanied by his piercing screams of pain, the blisters on his body grew bigger and bigger, bursting one by one in the air, the light green liquid splashed all over the ground, and countless tentacles stretched out from these open wounds again, they Zhang cooperated with Senbai's dense teeth, and crazily attacked the auditorium.

His soul power was going berserk, so more energy was needed to generate the power to fight against the blood of the goddess. These innocent spectators, in the eyes of him who had fallen into a demon at this time, were the most delicious food.

"Damn! You should run quickly just now, to see what's going on!"

"Mom! Help me, I'm scared woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, mom will take you away."

The spectators at the entrance were jammed together, and the few orcs mixed in the crowd formed their handprints, ready to fight.

When everyone's nerves were hanging by a thread, suddenly a semi-circular barrier descended from the top of the Colosseum. The diameter was enough to cover the wide field, directly separating the audience from Li Kesi.

This barrier is not purely transparent, but there are gilt rays of light emerging from its surface, swimming slowly like quicksand.

"What is this?" A bold person reached out and touched it, "It's so warm... so comfortable?"

Yes, she could only think of this description.

When touching this barrier, there will be a kind of comfort that the pores of the whole body are stretched out, like the hands of the mother accompanying the side and patting the back when sleeping, they also give people a sense of security.

"This is imperial art!"

"It's the first time I've seen such a big barrier!"

"Did the goddess come to save us!"

Yan Yu has never been so calm before preparing for a battle as she is now. She looked down at the audience and met Yu Fusang who finally found her figure.

Facing the other party's gaze that seemed to pierce her, she smiled instead, stood up slowly with the wheelchair in her hands, and nodded slightly in her direction.

Successfully seeing the look of astonishment on Yu Fusang's proud face of "I have the whole world under my control", Yan Yu thought, it's her turn this time.

So he opened his lips lightly and mouthed a word to her.

"Thank you, Teacher Yu."

There has never been a "teacher" that is more embarrassing than Yan Yu's words at this time.

Yu Fusang's pupils shrank suddenly, and her emotional ups and downs were unprecedentedly violent. She felt a fire burning in her chest, but it didn't all come from anger, and there was even a faint excitement.

The winner who looks like Dugu Qiubai has finally found an opponent with whom he can fight.

She admits that Yan Yu's strength in a certain point is that she knows how to use her very deceptive appearance to throw smoke bombs on people.

Yu Fusang had never trusted someone so easily before, and was actually deceived by her cute appearance.

The blood that had been silent for a long time boiled again, and Yu Fusang himself didn't know when was the last time he felt this way.

A ghostly figure appeared behind her silently.

"Don't make her mind up."

Yin Beiqing pressed Yu Fusang's shoulders and told her to sit firmly in the seat just now, "Don't you like to watch operas, this time I'll let you see enough."

Behind Yin Beiqing, there were several other people from Langdie Valley, and they were the only ones who could gather so many Grade A beastmen at once, standing in a row, and the feeling of oppression was simply unbearable.

But Yu Fusang didn't seem to feel the warning eyes from these people at all. She rearranged the messy cuffs and clasped her hands on her knees.

"Thank you, your family is really considerate."

She has completely lost interest in Li Kesi now, existence or non-existence is no longer important.

She has succeeded in the experiment, so what to do with the waste of the experiment has nothing to do with her.

In the golden streamer barrier, Yan Yu dressed in white slowly landed from the air like a celestial maiden. Her fluttering hem brought a unique fragrance of flowers, which was refreshing.

This fragrance is very unique, Li Kesi raised his head subconsciously and took a deep breath, unable to open his eyes for a long time, seemed to be very fascinated by it.

As long as some auxiliary small materials are added to Jintenghua, and then heated and purified, its medicinal properties can be improved, and it can be turned into a tranquilizer that can paralyze people's mind.

This small prescription is written on the thirty-second page of the textbook of the elixir department.

Simple, but easy to use, the difficulty lies in the purchase and planting of Jinteng flowers.

Li Kesi breathed unconsciously, and because the effects of Jintenghua's medicine took place slowly and indistinctly, he didn't even notice any changes in his body.

But Yan Yu approached, and he still noticed it.

"You, it's you who messed up!" He said angrily, "You messed up everything, you pay me! You pay me!"

The tentacles blocked by the barrier started to turn around, opening their mouths wide and rushing towards Yan Yu's direction.

The person concerned didn't panic, stepped back with his left foot, slightly staggered his steps, stabilized his lower body, then raised his hands, pinched the head of a certain tentacle precisely with the first stroke, flipped his wrist flexibly, and then slashed heavily It pops open.

There are many details in this set of movements, but in fact she can do more than a dozen sets in a second, and sometimes two tentacles can be connected to block it together. As long as Yu Fusang is not blind, she can see that this is her previous move. I just taught skills in class some days ago.

In just a few days, Yan Yu has not only mastered it more proficiently, but has even become proficient in it, comparable to the level that others can achieve after five or ten years of hard work.

In her eyes, these hideous tentacles seemed to be just lifeless wooden sticks. Li Kesi was the wooden stakes standing dry in the practice room, and they had no other purpose except being beaten by her.

Standing in front of the evil spirit, her expression was calmer than any bystanders. It seemed that this scene had been rehearsed countless times in her mind, and she couldn't bring up any extra emotions for a long time.

Finally, when the effect of Jintenghua took effect, Li Kesi's speed was obviously slow and stiff, but Yan Yu exerted all his strength.

His legs, which had been standing still just now, took an unseen stride, grabbed a tentacle with his right hand and passed it through his armpit, and the cold and temperatureless hand pinched his neck like a powerful claw .

The close contact gave her more space to control the blood of the goddess. The last time she did this was in Yaochi, where she purified Yin Beiqing who had entered his body with marsh gas.

But now she is much more proficient than at that time. The blood of the goddess is like a fish in water in Li Kesi's body filled with methane gas. The more methane gas, the deeper she can control it.

So she lured Yu Fusang to take action against Li Kesi, she knew that even if the other party had a little bit of displeasure that she might be used as a gun, she would not be willing to give up this opportunity.

Using the blood blast to gather all the methane gas to Li Kesi's heart, the other party's face has lost all blood due to the pain of being unable to breathe.

His eyes are staring straight, protruding slightly, like a fish out of water, only knowing how to breathe heavily.

It felt as if a huge stone was stuffed into that small organ, which was heavy, pulling his body down and falling.

Never had he been so close to death for a moment, and only then did he feel his ignorance deeply. Even if he took a shortcut to fall into the devil, he couldn't keep up with Yan Yu's evolution.

But how did she transform so quickly in such a short period of time?

"What the **** are your legs..."

"Legs?" Yan Yu squinted at him, "Aren't you curious about the others?"

Her hand on his neck began to tighten, and her voice was so cold that it seemed to drag the season into winter, "Just practice hard with the determination to kill you no matter what."

The flesh and pulse under the palm of his hand beat more and more violently, like a kind of resistance, Yan Yu, who had always been only a redeemer, seemed indifferent to it.

If pulling out a lesion can prolong the patient's life, she will do it quickly without hesitation.

She knew very clearly that "Li Kesi" was not needed in this world.

"No, if I die here, the system will not extend my life in reality, then I will really—"

"Hush." ​​Yan Yu interrupted him, "For the last time, let my ears be quieter."

At this moment, the auditorium was so quiet that a needle could be heard on the ground, so when the joints twisted and made a dull "click", everyone's ears clearly caught it.

The goddess in white raised her left hand to face the filthy evil spirit, and the jingle bracelets on her wrists collided with each other, and the sound was clear and pleasing to the ears.


With the clearing spell, the black methane gas dissipated in an instant, Li Kesi's body, which had softened, suddenly arched upwards, his chest cavity exploded with a "bang", and the heart that had accumulated the methane gas leaped out.

He had his last breath left, but he could only watch it lose its vitality a little bit with his own eyes, his eyes rolled, and met Yan Yu's looking down.

Cool and calm, without much anger.

He was stunned for a moment, suddenly aware of a fact.

From the beginning to the end, their positions have not changed in any way because of what he did. He is the "evil spirit" of the fallen demon, and she is the "goddess" of salvation. She tore off his fig leaf and revealed it to everyone Hypocritical lies, this seems to be the ending that was written from the beginning.

Things that the system can't do, but she seems to do it effortlessly.

But why is it her, why! why!

"Want to be a goddess?" Yan Yu looked at him and slowly opened his mouth, "Okay, go to your **** and continue dreaming."

Losing the heart that provided energy, Li Kesi's body collapsed, like a pool of mud that could no longer be shaped again, and the originally gathered evil spirit beads turned into loose sand that lost its viscous agent and scattered around.


"Yes, master!"

The black and white fluffy creature moved quickly, the tone of voice in its mouth was milky, and it stood up straight but was fully two people tall. With its strong arms, it looked like it could strangle an elephant casually.

"Wow..." The crowd broke up and sighed in surprise,

"The Beast Soul who met the Goddess in the entrance examination last time was about the same height as her. Why did it become so big all of a sudden?"

"This must be of a special level."

"It looks so fierce, if this hits my head, it will be smashed directly."

However, this "ferocious" beast soul, in the next second, puffed up its face, crossed its waist, and swallowed all the evil spirit beads that fell on the ground with a few mouthfuls. Smile silly.

"Master, master, they are tickling me in my stomach, it's so itchy hahahaha." Panpan covered his stomach and let out a series of laughs.

Yan Yu patted it, "Don't be naughty."

"Oh." The big chubby pouted, rubbed his belly with both hands a few times, and when he felt that it was about the same, he spit out the evil spirit that had just been swallowed with a "poof".

But at this time, they have completely lost the smell of marsh gas, so they should be called beast spirits more appropriately.

Some faster birds and beast spirits pecked through the outer barrier, got out of the beads, stepped on the ground and chirped around, followed by snow-white short-haired rabbits and beautifully colored cheetahs. , Silly tortoise...

"Ah, this rabbit is so cute, I want to tame it and take it home as a pet!"

"Wake up, when he was an evil spirit just now, you were so scared that you were about to cry."

"To be able to purify so many evil spirits at once, the goddess is too powerful!"

The level of these evil spirits is generally not very high, and the advantage lies in the large number, which is why Li Kesi can burst out such powerful energy.

Panpan's purification ability was only awakened by Yan Yu after Lin Hegui reminded him.

When Yan Yu was in danger, it had jumped out to build barriers for protection many times, and it was able to use imperial techniques independently, which showed that its level had reached at least Grade A, and it should be cultivated more for its independent combat capabilities.

So for the devil training these days, Yan Yu did not do it alone, but with Panpan, but it has been absorbing spiritual energy in the soul domain and doesn't show up much.

Its original soul power is not low, and it has been drinking the Yumu herbal prescription in Lin Hegui's notes, which has absorbed a lot of heaven and earth aura, and it has pulled up the previously stagnant level, so now it is trying to purify a few low-level evil spirits Not a problem at all.

The dust of this duel has already settled, but Yan Yu is not stingy about taking one more step to deal with the aftermath.

She built a fireball with her fingertips and threw it towards Li Kesi's body. The flames were burning, and she kept her eyes fixed on the center of the fire until she witnessed him turn from a charred piece of flesh to ashes.

Dots of blood rose from the high-temperature flames and penetrated into the animal mark between her eyebrows.

Return to the original owner.

It's just that when the blood of these goddesses returned, a series of sharp sirens suddenly sounded in Yan Yu's ears.

"Di—" It's like an occasional tinnitus, and it disappears after just one click.

Yan Yu rubbed her ears, guessing that this phenomenon was caused by staying up too late these days, but when she was about to walk towards the auditorium, a strange voice sounded in her mind.

"The system is preparing to connect to the new host and is reloading the data."

"The countdown begins, ten, nine..."

The author has something to say:

Cheat +1 means this system has to be /tune/teach/tune/teach/to use.

ps: To celebrate Li Kesi finally going offline, a small red envelope quq will be dropped in the comment area of ​​this chapter

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-09-03 12:46:45~2021-09-04 18:00:22~

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: Duobao Xiaomu, the meat-loving rabbit, and a mink kid Jiejie;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 50 bottles of hills and valleys; 40 bottles of readers; 20 bottles of Yuanchen and forever deer antler; 10 bottles; 9 bottles of Boom; 5 bottles of mist; 1 bottle of grapefruit, He Shengming, and Cirvanas;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!