MTL - Steel, Guns and the Industrial Party Across the World-Chapter 479 Apostle of the Holy See

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After the first large-scale riot against the church occurred in the Messiah, the headquarters of the Horn Bay Church in Collins responded quickly, and immediately dispatched armed forces from various places to form a cathar to suppress the Messiah.

At that time, the coastal countries and the church had not yet officially become hostile, and the church's troops could still move freely among the countries.

So the army of the church easily arrived at the main city of Messiah, and the people in the main city of Messiah hurried out of the city to fight against the army of the church after hearing the news.

But at this time, the armed force that the Messiah can send is only an army with a few knights who are dissatisfied with the church as the core, and most of the personnel are recruited militia.

Sir Richardson, the most prestigious anti-ecclesiastical knight, became the backbone of Messiah's side.

The lord of Messiah's independent domain, because on the one hand, the people were so angry that they lost control, and on the other hand, the church was so tough that they sent troops directly. He felt that neither side was easy to offend, so he took his confidant and ran to another place to seek refuge.

But how can a temporarily established army fight against the church army that has been used to hunt down witches all year round, not to mention that the military forces of coastal countries are better at fighting on the water, and most of the members of the church army come from Collins, the inland countries, and are proficient in land combat. fight.

Outside the main city of Messiah, the armies of both sides had decided the winner after two hours of fighting. Messiah's side was defeated and hurriedly withdrew into the city.

However, due to the low degree of organization, the retreat quickly turned into a rout, and the rout soldiers who were so panicked that they had completely disobeyed their orders even blocked the gate of the city.

Seeing such a scene, the church army ordered the whole army to press up at the risk of being ambushed.

He made the right bet. It was either a messianic plot, or a real defeat.

The gates of Messiah's city were captured by church troops before they could be closed.

In this era, the change of ownership of the city gate can basically declare that the siege battle is coming to an end, and the Messiah will soon all fall into the hands of the church army.

The church army carried out a large-scale search and arrest of the whole city, arrested a large number of people who participated in the riot, and then dragged them down to the square for public execution.

In particular, Sir Richardson, who commanded the army, had his head chopped off and hung on a column in the square until it was left to dry.

It was useless even for Lord Messiah to unite with those in power in several neighboring countries to write letters to intercede.

The day of the collective execution was July 19th of the Jiaowan calendar, so it was also called the July 19th Massacre.

The hearts of the Messianic people were struck hard.

Although the first fire is extinguished, there are sparks hidden in the embers, which will rekindle once the right environment is given.

Under the high pressure, the undercurrent in the corner of the bay is surging, and various dissident organizations that are dissatisfied with the church have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

Sir Richardson, who is no longer alive, became the common spiritual leader of these organizations.

"Remember Richardson, remember July 19th!"

This sentence has also become their common slogan.

Under such circumstances, the church’s original witch-hunting activities have completely lost the foundation of popular support, and with the help of “Record of Grievances”, more and more people believe that the church just wants to fight against dissidents and seize The wealth of the innocent.

The Principality of Eaton was the first to stand up, saying that any actions of the church in its territory must be approved and supervised by the Grand Duke's government, otherwise it will be illegal, including the investigation, trial, and punishment of wizards and heretics. Series of activities!

Archbishop Elvis was furious, and immediately said that he would mobilize the army to repeat the actions in Messiah against the Principality of Eaton.

However, the second and third countries also successively issued statements stating that they would take the same measures as the Principality of Eaton.

In the end, even the most powerful country in the Horn Bay, the Horn Bay Alliance, also took the side of the Principality of Eaton.

The huge contradictions even caused divisions within the church. A large number of clergymen from coastal countries began to break with the church, publicly expressing that they would no longer obey the instructions of the Jiaowan Church.

They connected with each other, supported each other, re-established the organization according to the internal form of the original church, called themselves Protestantism externally, and called the original church Old Church to show that the two sides had broken.

The leader of this new sect was the central figure in the first throwing out of the window incident-Bishop Angelo of Niceburg of the Horn Bay League.

At that time, it was the Nessberg priest represented by him who opposed the shipment of 90% of the tithe to Collins. The church messenger decided to arrest him and go to Collins for punishment. Come out the window.

This kind of situation was beyond Elvis' expectation. He thought it was just some thorn in his side, but he didn't expect so many countries to unite against the church, and even a large number of clergymen stood on the opposite side of him.

Of course, in the eyes of the bishop, all the new sects are heresies and filthy existences.

But whether to use troops against Eaton, Elvis fell into a dilemma of choice.

It was also at this time that the Holy See once again sent envoys to Jiaowan.

"Punch hard! To deal with these heretics who deviate from the teachings of the heavenly father, we must strike hard, so that the foolish people along the coast can return to the right way."

"Master Elvis, please lead us to fight against these heretics!"

In the meeting hall of the Jiaowan Church, a man wearing a crown sitting on the right of Elvis shouted loudly.

He is the king of Corinth - Segovia II.

Collins is the country that most advocates taking tough measures against coastal countries among the landlocked countries in the Horn From nobles to civilians in the country, the willingness to go to war is quite strong.

Collins is the headquarters of the Horn Bay Church, and everyone is proud to live in a place where the glory of the Heavenly Father shines directly. However, due to geographical constraints, Collins is not as wealthy as the coastal countries.

The superiority in spirit and the backwardness in materiality lead to a strong dislocation in the hearts of the Collinsians. They regard the coastal residents as vulgar nouveau riche, but they are secretly concerned about their huge wealth.

"Your Majesty, please be calm."

One of the clergy sitting to Elvis' left stood up.

He has a good-natured face, gray hair, wrinkled face, and a thinning beard.

"The purpose of the Holy See sending me and Anthony to Cape Bay is to make a last effort. War—no one wants it to happen. Once a war breaks out, how many mothers will lose their sons, and how many wives will lose theirs Husband, how many children will lose their husbands."

The envoy of the Holy See, Leadbetter, who had just arrived in Collins, looked around at the crowd while slowly expressing his point of view.

"How many unnecessary sufferings and tragedies will increase in the world, I think this is what the merciful Heavenly Father does not want to see."

"So, I will go to the coastal countries with Anthony to pray for the continuation of peace and prevent the outbreak of war."