MTL - Steel, Guns and the Industrial Party Across the World-Chapter 486 The lights of Horn Bay are going out

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Just as Paul and Gerd were talking, a man dressed as a guard of the lord's mansion trotted into the factory and quickly came to Paul's side.

He saluted Paul and Gerd, "My lords."

Then he looked at Paul.

Paul asked, "Looking for me? What's the matter?"

"It's the members of the Government Affairs Council who came to discuss things with you, and the specific reason is in this letter."

Because of Gerd's presence, the guard didn't know whether to say anything, so he simply handed the letter to Paul.

Paul opened the letter, his eyes flicked from side to side, his brows first furrowed tightly, and then relaxed again.

Gerd suppressed his curiosity and waited for him to finish reading the letter.

"With all due respect, did something happen? If you could tell me."

Paul handed him the letter directly, "The war in Jiaowan broke out."

"So that's how it is."

Gerd took the letter paper and browsed it roughly.

There was no expression of surprise on his face at all, and anyone who knew a little about the situation in Jiaowan would not be surprised by the outbreak of war.

It would be surprising if it didn't explode.

Paul said: "The initial news was sent by pigeons. The war has probably been going on for more than a week."

He asked again, "Does the Royal Government have the power to provide protection for the Aldo merchants in the corner?"

Gerd smiled wryly and shrugged his shoulders, "In the current situation, it's a bit embarrassing, and there is Giles between the royal family's territory and the corner. In fact, this is the first time I have heard of using national power for Generally speaking, the protection provided by businessmen who have traveled abroad should be left to their fate, after all, they have chosen to pursue wealth, so they have to bear the corresponding risks."

"Okay!" Paul didn't continue talking on this topic.

"Earl Graham, does the outbreak of the Horn Bay War bother you?" Gerd saw a trace of worry from Paul's eyebrows.

Paul replied: "Jiaowan is our important trade transit point and rest and supply point. If there is instability there, it will pose a serious threat to our trade with the East."

He said apologetically to Gerd: "In this case, Lord Earl, I have to discuss countermeasures with my officials immediately, and I am sorry that I cannot accompany you to continue the next visit."

Gerd waved his hand, "You don't have to worry about me at all, please go about your own business."

He knows that there is a huge maritime trade in the Northwest Gulf, so this matter is very important to Paul.

Paul nodded slightly to him, and walked out of the workshop with the guards.

The militia system is generally practiced in the countries of the Jiaowan Bay. Take the Jiaowan League as an example. The alliance has ten main cities including Nissberg. Each main city and the surrounding satellite towns form a large area. The large area is not only an administrative unit, It is also a military organizational unit. Each district required a detachment of infantry and cavalry, and five ships, manned and armed, and had always been roughly constituted in this way. The navy and army in the ten regions of the Jiaowan Alliance are commanded by ten generals. When going out, the ten generals take turns to command, and the chief general holds the highest position.

All the freemen of the Angle Bay Alliance are citizen soldiers. The arms of the citizen soldiers are divided into four grades based on the amount of property: the first and second grades provide cavalry, the third grade provides heavy infantry, and the fourth grade or proletarians provide light armor. Infantry or oarsmen.

In the past, citizen soldiers of all ranks were required to bring their own weapons—this is why they were classified according to property.

However, this time, in order to completely solve the threat of the inland countries, the alliance carried out certain military reforms, and spent a lot of money to purchase a large number of weapons and armor from the Northwest Gulf. On the one hand, it increased the number of heavy infantry with metal armor. On the other hand, the leather armor provided a certain degree of protection for the light infantry who were basically unarmored.

At this time, Quiller Foster was wearing a pair of well-made full-body armor, standing on a high platform with other important military generals in Jiaowan, and there were dark crowds under the high platform.

As a son of a nobleman, Queller must have his share in the war.

The second son of the Foster family looked at the scene in front of him with worry.

A mobilization meeting for war is being held in Nissberg.

Senator Horace, the leader of the main battle faction, is trying his best to instill in the audience the message of his side's justice in this war and his side's victory in an impassioned tone.

"Citizens of the Confederacy! My dear countrymen!"

"The evil Horn Bay Church and their inland lackeys have assembled and as I speak their armies have begun to cross the border and invade our beautiful country! Answer me, we should sit idly by ?"

The audience was excited, "No!" "Kill the lackeys of the church!"

There are endless calls.

"I see your enthusiasm for defending your home and country!"

Horace went on shouting, pleased with the reaction of the people.

"The despicable and shameless Jiaowan church actually used a long-planned murder to frame the great alliance! They really pretended to be the servants of the Lord of Light, and the heavenly father will send down angry thunder to punish them."

"For a long time, the Jiaowan Church has been using the name of the Lord of Light, but it has been bullying men and women. Citizens and compatriots, which one of you has no relatives who have been deceived by the church's so-called witch hunting activities? Bullying? But, are they really witch hunting? Oh, look, it's clearly stated in the "Record of Wrongedness", they are just using the name of witch hunting to exploit innocent people's wealth."

The audience reacted fiercely, "Go to his son of a **** church!" "Go to his son of a **** Elvis!"

The scolding was endless, and everyone was reminded of the painful memories of the witch hunt.

"Because of the witch hunt, our commercial activities are blocked, because of the witch hunt, everyone in our country is in danger, and because of the witch hunt, we even have to be careful about what we say!"

"However, we have put up with all this. At that time, we naively thought that the church was really thinking about the common people! But until the church of the son of a **** wants to transfer everyone's hard-earned hard-earned money to the inland When the group of white-eyed wolves got something for nothing, we realized that we had been fooled, and reality gave us a slap in the face!"

"Then the heroic people of the Confederation gave a heroic reply - expelling the lackey of the Church from Confederate territory, no longer recognizing it as the representative of the Father on earth, and bravely confronting the church's angry threat of war! "

"Now, they have put their threats into practice with despicable reasons! But, we want to tell them that the great alliance dares to protect his people! We - vow to fight to the end!"

Horace's rapid-fire speech completely ignited the emotions of the audience.

"Fight to the end!"

"Fight to the end!"

The loud slogans resounded almost throughout Unlike the frenzy in the square, the speaker's office was completely silent.

Joe Foster and his friend Speaker Marcus were standing by the window, watching the people dispersing after the mobilization meeting.

"My friend, do you think we will win this war?"

Unlike his self-confidence in front of other people, Marcus asked this sentence in a nervous tone in front of his friends.

Foster said slowly, "Whether or not we win the war..."

He pointed out the window. At this time, it was approaching night. Every household in Nessburg began to light up their lights, and a raging fire began to ignite on the top of the lighthouse on the pier—the dense lights have always been the pride of Nessburg. This says a lot about how wealthy the residents are.

Yet Foster says:

"Lights are going out across Horn Bay, and we may not see them relit in our lifetimes."