MTL - Steel, Guns and the Industrial Party Across the World-Chapter 531 rebellion three

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While trying their best to avoid alerting the traitors, Paul's camp acted nervously and quickly. Even Paul himself, guard captain Victor and intelligence agent Brandy also joined the ranks of preparations. The lost things—planks, carriages, boxes, and stones were all piled up around the camp.

Radi took a bottle and sprinkled some unknown powder inside in different shapes in every corner of the camp. And the parrot she summoned flapped its wings and flew into the air, taking advantage of the cover of night to fly to the distant sky.

After completing all the preparations they could do under the current conditions, Victor ordered to extinguish all the lights, and the entire camp was instantly plunged into darkness.

The abnormality in the lord's camp was finally known to the traitors.

Fergus' tent was brightly lit, and a group of people sat on the ground in a circle, and some of them felt that some of them were wearing armor.

"Greyman must have noticed something!"

Fergus immediately made the above judgment after hearing the report from his subordinates that the lord's camp suddenly fell into darkness.

"Ah?" Old Varun panicked, "He...they won't run away, right?"

It's not time to do it yet—they originally planned to wait until midnight, when most of the people in the lord's camp were fast asleep.

At this sensitive time, old Warren hated anything that went unplanned.

If the lord is allowed to run away, wouldn't they be killed?

"Lord Fergus... what should we do?"

Others also asked.

Although they were full of ambition during the premeditation, everyone vowed to cut off the head of the lord, but at the moment before the action, everyone felt flustered, no matter what, the Greiman family ruled them for more than a hundred years. It has been years, and after Paul Greiman succeeded to the throne, his family's prestige has been rapidly increased, and he has become an existence in awe of the major lords in the Northwest Gulf, including Duke Ferdinand.

Some people have even had the idea: How did I have the guts to participate in their conspiracy.

But already on board, there is absolutely no possibility of retreating now.

In this case, Fergus, the only one with military experience, became the backbone of the rebels.

A bunch of trash! Seeing the expressions of his friends, Fergus cursed secretly in his heart.

"What are you panicking about? Our people and traps are everywhere in this forest. Where can they go? Now, immediately gather all your people and attack the lord's camp!"

"Yes, Lord Fergus!"

As long as the backbone gave the order, their inner panic was reduced a lot, and they got up one after another to gather people.

Paul tightly held his self-defense pistol, his palms were full of sweat, he and he hid behind a wooden box, with only half of their heads sticking out, staring at the dark forest in front of them by the moonlight. The forest that seemed to be full of vitality seemed to have turned into a monster that wanted to devour everything, and was approaching him little by little.

The green-haired witch was right next to him. She felt Paul's tension, and pressed her hand gently on his back. In an instant, Paul felt a warmth rising from his heart, and his originally tense nerves relaxed a lot. few.

The rifled gun that Paul used for hunting has been handed over to the guard with the best marksmanship—a young man named Egram. He is next to the captain of the guard, Victor, and follows his instructions at any time to snipe and kill the most valuable Target.

"Coming!" Radi reminded.

The witch's eyes emitted a faint light, and Paul wasn't sure if it was the effect of magic.

"Attention everyone!" Victor growled.

Within a few seconds, everyone heard the rustling sound from the depths of the woods.

At the same time, in the barracks in Huxin Town, the signal to turn off the lights had already blown, and the entire barracks was shrouded in darkness, with only a little light on the post.

The militiamen who came to the training camp climbed into bed early. They have been tossed a lot in the past two days.

Especially today, the instructors asked them to repeat reloading and shooting over and over again like crazy, and the crackling sound rang out in the barracks all day long.

Zane lay on the bed, the thunderous snoring of his companions lingering in his ears. Although the body is very tired, but he has not fallen asleep, it seems to be insomnia.

For some reason, Zane felt flustered after going to bed, as if something bad was going to happen tonight.

What a **** premonition, he muttered silently, wrapping himself in the quilt.

Alas, there will be early training tomorrow, so I have to fall asleep quickly.

One sheep, two sheep, three sheep...

He started counting sheep, silently imagining a scene in his mind of a large herd of goats queuing up to jump over the fence.


Suddenly he heard the piercing sound of bugles.

Ugh? No, even dreaming about emergency assembly, my brain is really worthy of my hard training during the day.

"Didi Didi" - Didi - Didi Didi - Didi! "

The continuous sound of bugles reached his ears.

Zane sat up suddenly. and many more! This is not a dream, someone is indeed blowing the trumpet.

What is this voice? It's the sound of the trumpet for emergency assembly.

"Get up! Get up! Urgent assembly!"

Zane yelled in the dormitory at the top of his voice, and jumped on the floor to start putting on his clothes.

"Gathering? Gathering for dinner? Hey boy!"

McGee mumbled in his sleep until Zane wrung him awake.

"Don't dream, it's really an emergency assembly, hurry up and get dressed."

With Zane's efforts, all eight people in their dormitory were called up in less than a minute.

Five minutes later, they rushed out of the dormitory and headed straight for the playground.

On the playground, Zane and the others found their positions during the daytime training lineup. Um? What, is your dormitory the first to arrive?

Then soon a large group of people ran over from the dormitory area.

"Line up! Line up like in the daytime!" Zane called loudly to the militiamen from Tata there was a lot of noise at first, within less than half an hour, the militiamen were ready The team is waiting for the arrival of the instructor.

Lieutenant Burgan walked into the playground with his head held high, and then came to the podium facing the militia phalanx.

"Brave warriors! The speed with which you assembled shows that you have worked hard during the day. I—Lieutenant Bulgan—will always be proud of you!"

"However, the purpose of this emergency assembly is not to test you. Tonight you will take on a major responsibility that is enough to be written in the history of Arda!"

Great responsibility? The uneasiness in Zane's heart grew stronger.

I only heard Bulgan on the podium saying very seriously.

"Our great and benevolent lord—Paul Greiman!"

"Unfortunately, he was assassinated tonight!"

Boom! There is a frying pan under the podium.