MTL - Steel Shell System-v2 Chapter 326 compromise

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When you go to the Spiritual Research Institute of the Interstellar Government, you can definitely get a certificate of primary mental power. With the basic certificate of spirituality, you can directly apply for second-class citizenship without conditions! !!

The eyes of the three people looking at Qian Lingfeng have changed a bit. Here they know that the human being in front of them is powerful. It is definitely not because they have a level-breaking bug that they can defeat the Poseidon King, but that his own strength has already reached a certain level !!

With such a powerful mental control ability, a person can fight at least ten with the same power!

And more importantly, this guy can say that he now truly has the right to talk positively with them!

"According to the Interstellar Constitution, everything my host does is legal. You have no right to punish him. Instead, you yourself have violated the Constitution.

According to the Interstellar Constitution, due to the respect and protection of indigenous intelligent life, although the last-day disaster is an important test to assess whether they have joined the interstellar government, the process must not violate the original intention.

During the last-day disaster, you can reduce the difficulty accordingly, but you cannot temporarily increase the difficulty for any reason!

And you are now speeding up the process of calamity in the last days, so for whatever reason, there is no doubt that you have violated the interstellar constitution. "Ala Lei analyzed in detail.

"Hey ~ That's right, really good, but hum, you know, the rules are made by us."

Just as Ala Lei was talking about it, it seemed inexplicable as if her face had been torn. A black robe commissioner suddenly said so. There was considerable coldness in his tone.

"Number three! Pay attention to your own identity! You are a member of the council based on the interstellar constitution, representing the interstellar constitution, not the interstellar pirates!"

Startled in my heart. However, when Qian Lingfeng's face changed greatly, the member of the black robe who spoke at first turned out to blame.

"You're right, whether we violate the Constitution or not, your master is indeed not guilty according to the Constitution, and we can stop investigating this.

But now the marine mutant beast has been repelled, so anyway, as long as the marine mutant beast does not invade the land. Then you must not be able to enter the sea to hunt down marine mutant beasts. If you violate the rules, then don't blame us for being ruthless. "

After the man in the middle of the black robe interrupted the words of the other. Then it continued strangely to say so.

My heart was shocked. At the same time, the old money knew what the other party meant, and the doomsday disaster wanted complete victory. It is necessary for humans to regain the dominance of the entire earth from the monsters. Land is now the world of human beings, but the ocean is not yet under the control of marine mutant beasts.

Do not allow yourself to deal with marine mutants, which means that there must be another super master who can defeat the sea race among humans!

Wanting to defeat the Poseidon King, even the Poseidon King in the ocean home, Qian Lingfeng estimates that although his strength is stronger than before, it is not easy to do this! Not to mention others!

But eventually the old money nodded. For no other reason, the situation is stronger than others. In any case, it is now that we are weak, as the members of the other affairs committee have said, how the rules are not in themselves but in them.

It is a miracle to be able to fight for the present conditions!

In any case, it has already been a good result. If we continue to argue, can we really go to the interstellar court to sue others for violating the constitution?

Not to mention altering the disaster in the last days without permission. There are many problems in it. You ca n’t even get out of the earth. Not to mention if you really anger the committee members, I ’m afraid they will kill yourself directly. Chance to sue them at the Star Court.

What's more, even so, humans may not have the chance to deal with those monsters in the ocean.

Although the transfer book for Nine Turns did not appear, there were three transfer books for Eight Turns, which means that there can be three strong Eight Turners among humans!

Coupled with the fact that they can shoot on land, in this way, human beings have the ability to stabilize the current situation.

If you build well, humans may not be able to build a base, put everything on the right path, and accept more tasks to complete the task to get more five, six, seven and eight transfer certificates! Even the transfer certificate of Jiuzhuan may not get a chance!

At that time, as long as human beings can develop rapidly and a large number of masters appear, it is only a matter of time to win the marine mutant beast!

Even if there is a strange change, the upper limit of the force in this last-day disaster will not change. The strongest is the upper limit of the power level of the nine-turn golden quality. This strong enemy waits for himself to digest the booty this time, and the power is increased again. , I can definitely match!

Old money has such confidence!

By that time, the innate human beings are already based on invincibility!

"I think you are acquainted ~"

He said something inexplicably, glanced at Qian Lingfeng with a slight smile, and the inexplicable look flickered. Then, the next moment, the members of the three committees of affairs were suddenly distorted, and then disappeared.

"Why ?! Why let him go easily! You need to know, this place is where the Atlantis adult wants it! Things have gone wrong, you and I can imagine the end !!

Even if you are a Samsung executive member! The director of Atlantis wants to deal with you ~ ~ It's as simple as eating and drinking. Are you stupid just now? !! !! "

Withdrawing from Qian Lingfeng's consciousness space, the commissioner suddenly asked his companion who had stopped him just now, and his tone was also a little excited.

"Don't worry, I just received the instruction from that adult." Faintly, and somewhat inexplicably, the questioned commissioner paused, but said so.

"What ?! What exactly does that adult want?" This time, his tone was full of surprise.

"I think there is something wrong with this matter. Don't go too deep. I'm afraid it won't be easy to get out."

"How could ..." Although I wanted to justify it, I didn't know why, and the other two didn't say anything.

Coming out of his conscious space, the old money knew that this time the difficulties were temporarily passed, but the real difficulties had just begun.

Human beings want to truly win this last-day calamity, they must make every effort to develop rapidly, and work hard to completely solve the problem of marine mutant beasts. (To be continued ...)