MTL - Stir Up the Whole World-Chapter 22 I also look back at you (12)

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Lu Chi tried his best to stabilize himself, and sent his elders to leave by car before turning around to find Ruan Nanxing. Only this time, she probably is not here anymore. Lu Chi drove back immediately, and made countless phone calls on the road but no one answered.

When he drove back, he saw the man sitting on the sofa in the living room. She wasn't crying, her eyes were still red, and she had no expression on her face. It was quiet to see him return.

Lu Chi lifted his foot and walked over, making an extremely difficult opening, and only dared to shout, "South Star ..." The moment he touched her with his hand, the person who was originally sitting up stood up like a spring.

Ruan Nanxing stood in front of him with red eyes and choked, "Lu Chi, I can't cheat myself. I know that in the eyes of others, I just don't deserve you."

"Even so, I think, as long as you can get together and get together in the end. But you do it again and again ... I went to the hospital to see you at the time of your car accident. In fact, I knew then There will be today. "

Lu Chi tried to explain: "The thing that doesn't tell you about a car accident is that you are too worried, which will affect your filming ..."

I do n’t know where this irritated her. He threw a vase on the coffee table at his feet and Ruan Nanxing bit his lip fiercely: "Lu Chi, do you believe this? I tell you, do n’t use it Such words come to me! "

Later, Ruan Nanxing ran out, and he chased out for a long time without finding her. At that time, the more he couldn't find anyone, the more desperate he was, but he didn't know it. For the next four years, he had never seen Ruan Nanxing again.

Lu Chi woke up from a dream, wondering why he dreamed about the events of that year.

He thought that in this life, he would no longer want to remember those.

What happened after that night, in retrospect, Lu Chi often felt that he was beaten by surprise. Ruan Nanxing really disappeared into the city like a shooting star.

She canceled the contract with the brokerage company, and the suite he gave her was discounted by her at a low price, discarding all the original contact methods, and all the things in him were gone.

Even her family changed places early when he later approached. He went to check her news and found nothing. Everything seemed to be planned in advance, and he was always kept in the dark.

That year, Lu Chi couldn't remember if he had slept well. What I remember is that as soon as he closed his eyes, he would think of that ruthless person than anyone else, and if he lost it, he would leave his Ruan Nanxing.

But then, she never appeared again, and he no longer thought of her.

Lu Chi turned his head to look at the electronic clock on the bed, it was already more than six in the afternoon. Raising his hand and rubbing his forehead, he lifted the quilt and sat up, but felt his head dizzy. He sat beside the bed for a while before getting out of bed.

At nine o'clock in the night.

In the luxury club on the top floor of a building in the heart of B's ​​business district, Lu Chi was sitting at the card table, bored and playing cards with a few friends. The acquaintances here were acquaintances, and the two laps were drawn down, lively.

Sitting opposite him was Zhou Rui, who had just touched the card and the phone screen on the side flickered. Zhou Rui looked at the call prompt, raised her brow slightly, and signaled the female partner next to take the call, taking care of herself.

Say a few words to hang up the phone, Zhou Rui Mei smiled and said to the others: "My second brother is here too, probably to do business. Know that we are here, say hello to come over a while."

Zhou Rui's second brother, Zhou Ye, is the youngest son of his uncle, but he is slightly older than four or five years old and has been abroad for almost ten years. But the relationship is still there, after all, the family is very familiar.

Despite this stubble, none of the people present here paid much attention, and still played with interest. Lu Chi was also unconscious, and after about ten minutes, he just played a card and said casually, "Fuck the four."

Zhou Yan just happened to be here.

He was also carrying a beautiful woman in his arms, and his figure was pretty glamorous, a little eye-catching. Everyone looked over for a moment and said hello to Zhou Zhen. Lu Chi also looked in the past, waiting to see the face of the person next to Zhou Yan, a little faint, his face changed suddenly.

Zhou Rui didn't know when Zhou Yan met Ruan Nanxing and brought her here. He remembered some old things, and his face was a little bad, but he subconsciously looked at Lu Chi sitting opposite him.

For so many years, the acquaintances around Lu Chi slowly forgot something about him, as did Zhou Rui. Just seeing Ruan Nanxing, those memories of the past burst out instantly. He fixed his eyes on Lu Chi, worried about his condition.

Lu Chi recovered his usual look before anyone. There was a thin smile on the corner of his mouth, and he said in the most ordinary voice: "The second brother is here." The voice dropped, and he never looked at the person beside Zhou Yi.

Zhou Zhen took a short stop here, and the people who accompanied him turned away. However, when Ruan Nanxing's figure disappeared by the door, Lu Chi's Mahjong card was slammed on the table.

Except for Zhou Rui, everyone else was stunned. But Zhou Rui didn't have time to make the round, and Lu Chi picked up the car key without a word and went straight out. Zhou Rui didn't have time to hold him.

A black car was flying in the night, and Lu Chi's mind was blank and he couldn't figure out the direction. He stepped on the throttle like a violent all the way, waited until the car stopped at last, looked out, and found out where he was.

This place where Ruan Nanxing lived, he has not been here for at least three years. Looking at this completely dark house, Lu Chi sat in the car for a long time, finished a box of cigarettes, and finally got out of the car.

He went down the porch and reached out to open the door.

At the same time the door was opened, those long-held memories seemed to rush towards the face. The furnishings in the room have not changed. Some people come to clean it regularly. It looks as if nothing has changed, but in fact everything is different.

Lu Chi didn't turn on the light and sat down on the sofa in the living room. In the darkness, he remembered the night when Ruan Nanxing ran out-that day, and also a night in July in summer.

She actually came back, and she looked even more beautiful than four years ago. She hasn't filmed yet, but she seems to be living very well. She is not as thin as she was then, and she is even more shapely.

Lu Chi repeatedly thought about the face tonight, and also remembered that she didn't squint, didn't even look at herself ... this extremely cruel woman!

This would be furious, Lu Chi lifted his feet and turned over the coffee table.

After the loud noise, everything was quiet, he leaned heavily on the sofa, but raised his hands to cover his face.

Coming out of the club, Lu Man bid farewell to Zhou Zhen, and went back to the hotel by car alone, listening to S520 and telling her about Lu Chi. When she heard S520 say that her strategy had risen from 1% to 50%, she couldn't bear it.

At that time, she planned to run, attempting to run successfully, and at the same time could win the task of this world. Originally, it was quite smooth. There is no problem in theory. After the attack degree rose to 99%, I was motionless.

At that time, she was already abroad and could not be saved even if she returned. How did S520 tell her at the time? According to a systematic analysis, the target person was still unable to let go of being slept.

Spicy chicken pit father used system!

The mission was not completed, she could not escape from the world and had to stay here. Lu Man later thought about it carefully, maybe this second-hand system is a HE party, she wants to play BE, the system is unwilling.

The problem is--

Now that she is back, she will definitely be able to HE?

Naive! Tan90 °!

Back at the hotel, Lu Man kicked off the high heels on his feet and lay down on the bed: "What now? I haven't eaten backgrass! Your pot, your back!"

S520 still counseled: "Hey hey ... Man, I believe you, you can!"

Lu Man: "Keke, I don't think it's ok!"

According to Lu Man's original idea, Ruan Nanxing disappeared from Lu Chi's world and her mission was completed. Lu Chi slowly accepted this fact, and since then he took his relationship seriously, then married and had children, his wife and children had a hot bun for a lifetime.

It could have been abused in one place, and now it has to be abused again ...

Lu Man felt that he was so embarrassed that he wanted to hold a tear of sympathy for Lu Chi. She thought about what happened that year, and Lu Chi probably didn't figure it out till now.

Lu Man fell asleep and felt a little restless.

When she woke up, she was more tired. After getting up, she packed herself and went to the hospital by taxi.

The task was not achieved. At that time, Lu Man considered returning six or seven years later. Now it is planned ahead of time, but also because of something wrong with He Feng. He was diagnosed with cancer last month and contacted her repeatedly. She promised to return to China.

Before she wanted to go out, He Feng helped her a little. He hasn't disturbed him for so many years. When contacting her this time, he probably felt that there was no other person to trust. In this case, I just want to live a little decently.

Lu Man bought a flower and fruit basket and went to the hospital. He went to the ward and saw that he was a popular male idol now. At that time, no one could have imagined what would happen today.

He Feng had just finished chemotherapy, and he was still very weak. When she saw her, she smiled and said a few words, she couldn't help falling asleep. Lu Man stayed with him in the hospital for a whole day, and when the nursing staff came over at night, he left.

He didn't want to let his family know about it, and the media blocked the news. He still hoped that he would get better, so he was actively treating him. The following week, during the day, Lu Mandu came to the hospital to accompany He Feng.

One day, she stayed until the evening and just walked to the first floor of the inpatient building, and there was a heavy pouring rain outside. The rain was getting heavier and it couldn't be called by car. Lu Man had to wait for the rain to be smaller at the entrance of the lobby.

Before ten minutes had passed, a black Maybach stopped in front of her.

The driver got down from the car with an umbrella and opened the door of the back seat. Lu Chi was sitting in the car with a low voice: "Get in the car!"

Lu Man was wearing a **** pink dress, holding a handbag, standing there, staring at Lu Chi with big eyes.