MTL - Stone Gambler (Orc)-Chapter 14 blue emerald

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"I didn't see this." Bai Zishi waved his hand, showing a slightly shy smile: "Actually, I didn't expect such a good jadeite to be found in it, but I just thought that 700,000 yuan of wool can be bought for 1,000 points. It’s a good deal, and I’ve heard from others that the rough has performed well.”

The expression on Owen's face froze for a moment, and then the crowd around him burst into laughter, and then the laughter became louder and louder. The orcs had good ears and could hear it from far away. Vincent was watching from the crowd. Looking at the little thing standing in the center of the circle, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up, this little really cute.

Unexpectedly... it was such a reason... Shaking his head, Owen thought about the reason Bai Zishi gave, and couldn't help laughing anymore: "Bixi, this little thing you brought is really interesting, holding such a It’s really invincible to think that I can buy such a good jadeite from Shuitou.”

Hearing Bai Zishi's reason, Bixi couldn't laugh or cry, this is not buying clothes, after the discount, she can buy it if she thinks it's a good deal! Bixi wanted to say a few words about him, but seeing Bai Zishi's dark eyes full of innocence, she swallowed it. Anyway, the bet was up, so let's make it clear when I go back.

Hearing the good-natured laughter around him, Bai Zishi didn't respond. Anyway, the bet has gone up, so it's okay to let you all be happy. Owen looked at Bai Zishi and lowered his head, thinking that everyone was laughing and he was embarrassed, so he smoothed things over and said, "Bai... right? I remember you bought a piece of wool just now? Why don't you untie it while you're at it. "

The orc man gradually stopped laughing when he heard that the little doll who had just gambled up still had wool to solve. Bai Zishi was planning to untie the spherical piece of wool and sell it. Owen's suggestion came just in time. He nodded, drove the car with the wooden card in his hand, took out the round piece of wool, and put it on the On the side of the open space.

This is the first time Bixi has seen the wool selected by Bai Zishi. The skin of this wool is black and yellow, without pine flowers, not to mention the python belt. It has no special features except that it is too round. He tentatively asked, "Bai, didn't you just buy this piece of wool because of the circle?"

Bai Zishi looked up at him, blinked, his expression was very innocent and cute: "Where are there so many woolen materials, I only have enough money to buy two cheapest ones, and only this one is the most special!"

have to! It really made him guess right! Bixi couldn't help rubbing his forehead. He wondered if he had made a mistake in encouraging Bai Zishi to take the way of betting on stone masters. How much money is not enough to play like this.

"Hahaha... Interesting, really interesting..." Owen laughed loudly, and the crowd around couldn't help laughing. It's rare to see a child who gambles with stones at such a young age, and it's even rarer to pick wool like this. This child is really too cute!

Resisting the desire to pat Bai Zishi's head, Owen laughed and said, "Actually, it's understandable for Bai to be so picky. This wool was picked from the pile of leftovers. Look at the pile of wool, it's not the gambling world. My big brother, eyesight is really hard to use, why not pick whichever piece you like like Bai!"

Bixi glanced at Bai Zishi, sighed, and carried the stone under the stone cutter: "Bai, you can cut it yourself this time." Anyway, it was a scrap, just for Bai to practice.

Bai Zishi knew that there was jade in it, and if he cut the stone directly, it would be a big loss if he cut the jade in half, so he raised his head and asked, "Can't you rub the stone?"

The people around were speechless for a while, just this stone still needs rubbing? At this point, everyone has completely believed it. The bet just now is all based on luck, and this little doll is definitely a rookie.

Bixi doesn't care, it doesn't matter whether it's rubbing or cutting, it doesn't matter if you practice it, just be happy: "I don't think it's necessary to rub this fast wool, but if you want to rub it, then just rub it."

Bai Zishi seemed very happy: "Well, I think Bixi rubbed out the emerald just now." Bixi didn't know what to say at this time, but he dared to rub the stone because he thought the emerald was rubbed out just now. This time rubbing may also be able to rub out emeralds, I really don't know where he got so many ideas!

Bai Zishi didn't care, he would only regret it if it was true! Picking up the grinding wheel, Bai Zishi chose a random place and put the grinding wheel on it. There was a sound of friction between the grinding wheel and the stone, and the fine gray-white gravel particles flew out. He probably felt that it was a waste of time to look at a piece of wool that was impossible to gamble on. The surrounding sub-orcs gradually dispersed, and after a while there were only Bixi Owen and a few sub-orcs waiting to unravel the stone.

Bai Zishi didn't care about these things, he concentrated on carefully operating the grinding wheel. It was the first time he used the wiping tool from Boya Continent, and it was much heavier than the earth's. Turn on the grinding wheel, pick up the small brush next to it, sweep away the debris from the rubbed place, and pour some water on it. A piece of emerald the size of a fingernail was exposed, it was not the usual green, but a bit of watery blue. It's really good, although the ice species cannot be reached, the water species must not be able to escape.

"It's rubbed up?! It's rubbed up?!" Bixi's exclamation was not small. After all, even the boss admits that this is a quick waste, and now the work has been wiped out! It's just incredible.

Seeing the small piece of blue, Bixi moved over in amazement. After observing it carefully, she couldn't help but curled the corners of her mouth, and looked at Bai Zishi with bright eyes. Didn't say anything, just picked up another set of rubbing tools, "I'll do the next one."

Bai Zishi's arms were already sore right now, Bixi's proposal happened to be what he wanted, he nodded, and then stepped aside, Bixi began to rub carefully along the place where the emerald came out, and as the rubbed out emerald It is getting bigger and bigger, and the emotions of the people around are gradually rising, but no one speaks in the whole venue, and everyone's eyes are fixed on the wool in Bixi's hand, which forms an extremely sharp contrast with the noisy environment around . Bai Zishi, who was originally in a relatively relaxed mood, suddenly felt his heartbeat became abnormally fast, as if there was an invisible pressure that made him unable to relax. He obviously had some confidence in his heart, but the eagerness to know the answer The mood still made fine beads of sweat emerge from the tip of his nervous nose.

After wiping out a window about the size of an orc's palm, Bixi suddenly stopped the machine in his hand, poured some water on it, and watched from the sidelines. The sharp-eyed sub-orc man saw the pale white beside the window: "Yes. Fog! It’s white fog.” The “fog” of jadeite refers to a kind of semi-oxidized and slightly weathered jadeite between the skin of jadeite and the inside or meat of jadeite. In essence, it is also a part of jadeite. The color and existence of fog can explain How many impurities are there in the emerald? White mist generally indicates that the emerald is old and the ground is clean.

A sub-orc man squatted down and looked at the rubbed jadeite, raised his head and said to Bai Zishi: "This wool is full of water, I can't say it for ice species, there are still high-grade water species, and it is a rare light blue. Now rub it out The jadeite here is not too small, but no one can say for sure how much this jadeite will eat. So, if I offer 1 million yuan, you can buy me this wool, will it work?"

One million, this price is already a fair price for this piece of wool. After all, people who buy wool still bear a lot of risk. There is a saying in this industry, "It is better to buy a piece than sell a piece". The possibility of eating jade is high, and it is safer, but if you buy a piece, don't look at it as gratifying, if you only have a thin layer of emerald skin green, you will lose a lot.

Another million! Bai Zishi suddenly felt a little light. Just two hours ago, he was a person with only more than 2,000 points in the magnetic card, but now he can easily own 2 million! Such a huge contrast made him feel a little bit emotional for a while, no wonder there are so many people rushing into the sea knowing that ten bets and nine loses.

But one million... He looked at the piece of wool, pondered for a moment, and said to the Asian orc man who bid: "I'm sorry, I want to untie it." He always felt that the jade in this piece of wool was not small.

Sean stood up and asked unwillingly: "Have you really thought about it? Maybe if you rub it down again, it will collapse. The price I gave is already very high." Sean is also a well-known eye poisoner in the gambling stone world in Maca City. Generally speaking, his price is also very fair, but the price of this piece of wool today is already higher than their psychological price. Otherwise, when Sean bid They will follow suit.

Bai Zishi nodded: "Think about it."

Bixi waited for them to have a good talk before continuing to polish the stones. The wool seemed to be white, and it was up to him to sell it or polish it, but he still hoped that a good jadeite would be born from his hands. Hearing Bai's answer, he It is very pleasant to continue to operate. Although a little tired, the satisfaction in my heart is indescribable.

Bixi wiped away the layer of fog, and a blue color that was slightly heavier than before came into everyone's eyes: "It's risen! It's risen again! This kind of wool is actually so high!!"

"One hundred fifty-five, sell it to me!"

"1.6 million!"

"I offer 1.7 million!"

"I won't sell it, I want to get it out." Bai Zishitou didn't raise his voice and shouted. He looked at the jade that gradually revealed its true colors, and his heart became even more excited. He watched, not caring about the gravel spray splashed on his body. Half an hour later, a spherical ice-blue emerald was pulled out. It is as big as a basketball, transparent as water, and has a soft luster. What's wonderful is that the shape of this piece of jade is just like that piece of wool, which is unusually round.

Bai Zishi hugged this beautiful and indescribable jadeite. He loved jadeite so much, but he felt an urge to sell it.

"This piece of emerald, do you want to sell it?" Just as Bai Zishi was hesitating whether to sell it or not, a male voice as cold as gold and stones sang asked.

Bai Zishi suddenly raised his head and looked at the crowd of beasts outside. He almost saw the indifferent but handsome beastman at a glance.

That's right, that orc named Vincent! .