MTL - Stone Gambler (Orc)-Chapter 82 meet parents

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Vincent was standing at the front of the crowd. When he saw that smear of ink, his eyes, which were usually calm and self-controlled, also showed a little unbelievable excitement. His fists were already clenched unconsciously. It was only when Mo Fei was held in the palm of his lover that he recovered from the shock, and great joy swept his entire mind. His current mood is simply indescribable in words, it feels like a dream. However, the eyes of his sweetheart are gentle, and the ink jade in the palm of his white hand is black and bright, like a cold star in the night sky, shining cold and bright light, the beauty and the jade are in harmony, and the contrast between the white and the deep black is so strong , this scene looks like a beautiful and dreamy picture scroll.

Vincent took two steps forward involuntarily, but his movement seemed to break some spell. The people in the hall who were shocked by Mo Fei came back to their senses instantly. Beyoda and his companions looked at each other, First of all, he shouted: "This elegant family, I intend to buy this Mo Fei, please make an offer!" Shishi is also worthy of the title of "Yajia".

Beyoda's shout immediately aroused the thoughts of many people, but there were not many who had the courage and confidence to open their mouths. Mo Fei, this is Mo Fei! Five kilograms of ink jade! Since the record, the largest piece of black jadeite is only seven kilograms! It was still four hundred years ago! What was the emerald mine like back then, and what is the emerald mine like now? !

Besides Beyoda and Blaze, there is also a high-level hunter who is not from Yacheng who is bidding at this moment. He is dressed in a slightly flowing purple robe, and his aura is not much compared to the previous two eighth-level hunters. Then, he stared at the black jade in Bai Zishi's hand with fiery eyes, and said with a little respect in his mouth: "Yajia, you can make an offer, please sell this piece of black jade to me!" This means that no matter the price.

At the other end, an orc in a tight black kung fu suit glanced at the bidders, his eyes were cold, and he said directly: "No matter how much they bid, I am ten million points more than them!"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of several bidders turned cold, and Blaise sneered: "What a big tone!" The man ignored him, but said to Bai Zishi: "Yajia, you just bid!"

Bai Zishi finally got a chance to speak out at this moment. Before he said he was selling it, several people fought over it. Seeing Vincent smiled, he said directly: "Everyone, don't start a dispute. I don't care about this piece of ink jade. Sell."

Do not sell? ! The hearts of the four bidders suddenly turned cold, and all of them looked at Mo Fei with vicious green eyes like hungry wolves staring at a little sheep.

"Yajia, have you made up your mind? It doesn't matter how much you bid...or say 300 million or even 500 million points?" The hunter in black stared at Bai Zishi with his cold eyes, and spoke slowly.

300 million? 500 million? Although Bai Zishi was determined, he couldn't help being shocked by the price. Someone dared to offer 500 million points for such a small piece of ink jade! And judging by his expression, the price is still negotiable.

"Not for sale." Bai Zishi looked at his lover, and immediately meditated on Ami Tofu, resolutely resisting the temptation! No amount of money can compare to Vincent!

Beyoda saw that the money offensive seemed to have no advantage, so he thought for a while: "Since the Yajia despises the money, then, if I beat Youda Kus, the eighth-level hunter will be freed by the Yajia at his own expense. How about a three-year dispatch?"

As soon as these words came out, even several senior stone gamblers from the Federation of Trade Unions couldn't help gasping. They couldn't understand the energy of an eighth-level hunter. There are very few orcs in the world who can become an eighth-level hunter. It is not an exaggeration to describe it. Among the 1.4 billion orcs in the entire Boya Continent, there are not even thousands of eighth-level hunters. The eighth-level hunters can be said to be at the top of the world. Those top-level beasts that are convulsed can all be supported by these high-level hunters. An eighth-level hunter unconditionally offered to be driven by others for three years! This is a big deal!

Rao Vincent couldn't help being stunned by this condition, because he knew that Beyoda is 121 years old this year, and has been in the eighth-level hunter for 25 years. Absorbing high-grade emeralds, but these accumulations did not allow him to enter the ranks of the ninth-level hunters, but close. With these black jadeites, then he will definitely be able to hit the ninth-level success. At that time, Bai will not be driven by an eighth-level hunter. Hunter, but level nine!

As soon as Vincent thought about the ninth-level hunter, his heart became hot. With the support of this ninth-level hunter, Bai's physical problems could be solved as soon as possible!

"I don't..." "Wait a minute!" Vincent interrupted Bai Zishi's words, and Beyoda's heart, which had been sinking because of Bai Zishi's rejection without hesitation, suddenly came alive again. Looking at Vincent, he remembered , this elegant family seems to be Vincent? Karen? Garcia's partner! The eighth-level hunter frowned again, and his face became gloomy.

Vincent ignored the other people's reactions, pulled Bai Zishi aside, held his shoulder, and solemnly said, "Promise him!"

"What?!" Bai Zishi was taken aback, "Do you know what you're talking about?! This is Mo Fei! Didn't you say that as long as six kilograms are enough for you to enter the eighth level? Almost there!"

Vincent lowered his eyes, covering the struggle and reluctance in his eyes, and calmly told Bai Zishi what he was thinking just now. After listening, Bai Zishi was silent for a long time, staring at Vincent with a gentle and helpless sigh in his heart A sigh, this kind of sigh brings nostalgia and happiness to the bottom of my heart---Vincent, how can I bear and repay you for treating me like this? ! Bai Zishi has accepted his fate: he has been planted in this person's hands for the rest of his life!

"I have my own partner, why should I rely on others?!" Bai Zishi put Mo Fei in Vincent's hands, and asked with a smile. Vincent was stunned on the spot for a moment, staring blankly at his lover , the Little Asian orc wrinkled his nose, "Or do you simply not have the confidence to rely on me? Or would you be willing to see your partner protected by other orcs?"

damn it! How could he be willing! God knows how hard it was for him to say that! Orcs are born with a strong desire to possess their partners, and their partners protect themselves. This creed is engraved on the soul of every orc! This is not only the loyalty and protection of a partner, but also the dignity of an orc! If it wasn't for Bai's special physique, Vincent wouldn't have said such things even if he was killed.

"Believe in me, and in yourself. Vincent, in this world, I only trust you!" Bai Zishi's words made Vincent suddenly realize that he was too impatient, and even faintly doubted himself. , doubting whether he can protect Bai, this is absolutely inappropriate.

After kissing his lover, Vincent raised the corners of his mouth and smiled: "I missed it."

Bai Zishi smiled brightly, turned around and said loudly to everyone, "This black jadeite is for my partner Vincent Karen Garcia. I won't sell it to anyone at any cost!"

As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden silence in the hall again. Beyoda looked at the underage Little Asian orc man and stopped speaking to force him, because he thought of his partner at home, and his partner did the same for him. . Many orcs looked at Vincent with envy and jealousy. How good would it be if they could have a sub-orc partner who would not waver in the face of such a big temptation? How happy is it to be loved and loved so deeply?

Vincent looked at Bai Zishi's petite figure, his heart was so full of happiness that it couldn't contain it anymore, and it flowed out from the corners of his mouth and brows so joyously---well... finally caught him. Unable to resist, he walked over and hugged Bai Zishi's shoulders. Vincent's eyes were tender and tender, and the whole hall was filled with a deep sense of happiness.

However, some people are born to destroy the atmosphere. The cold-eyed orc in black said directly to Vincent, "Since Mo Fei is already yours, let's make a price." The words are full of cold air, with a faint hint of evil.

Vincent stared at each other, "Expert Wilson, what do you mean?"

"Oh? You know me? It will be easier if you know me. Let's make a price." Wilson glanced at Vincent with a calm expression. He is bound to get this piece of ink jade!

"Mo Fei is not for sale!" However, before Vincent could speak, a cold and majestic voice passed through the crowd. Wilson's expression changed. He was considered the No. 1 figure in the Diga Tribe. Now that he was face-sweeping again and again, he was really angry because he was so conceited. However, when someone walked up to him, Wilson knew that he really couldn't afford to offend this person!

The person who came was Kuroro Keren, the lord of the city of Ya, who inherited the cause of the "Karen" of the past generations. It would be fine if he came alone, the key is that there is someone beside him--Hin ?Garcia, the ninth-level hunter of Yacheng, the Abba of the city lord.

"Abba, Eldest Sister." Vincent and Bai Zishi looked at each other, and they both stepped forward. When Kuroro saw his brother, he showed a smile: "I just happened to come to the provincial capital to take a look. I didn't expect to catch up with him. This is a big time!" After taking Mo Fei over to appreciate it for a while, Kuroro returned it to Vincent, looked at Bai Zishi, and did not speak for a long time.

Vincent looked at his partner with some concern, Hein smiled slightly, and patted his son's shoulder: "Wesen has grown up in a blink of an eye, and he is an orc with a partner!" Vincent listened to his father's tone , I felt relieved, "Such a good sub-orc man, son, you have to hold on tight."

Vincent gave Abba a small smile: "I know."

The father and son said this here, and the city lord said this to Bai Zishi on the other side. His tone and expression were considered kind, and both inside and outside the words were small things that Vincent liked and disliked. He completely accepted it. . Bai Zishi listened in a daze, and then returned He Yin with a silly smile---is this considered to be meeting the parents?

Kuroro is very busy every day. Now that he heard that Mo Fei was able to stay for such a short time, he said a few words and left. Before leaving, he reiterated that 'Mo Fei is not for sale'. This is to support Vincent and Bai. If anyone allows this piece of ink to be 'sold', it will be against Yacheng in Yacheng!

Vincent looked at such a small piece of jade in his hand, and put it in his pocket --- if it wasn't for it, the elder sister would not have recognized the two of them so quickly. Of course, he wouldn't tell Bai this. Vincent wasn't angry about what my elder sister did, but just felt sad, and felt sorry for elder sister. All the education that elder sister received when she was born was to put Yacheng first and protect Yacheng. Up to now, this idea has been deeply ingrained in Sister's heart, his heart has been imprisoned by Yacheng, he can't be willful, he has to think twice and weigh everything.

He was very tired, but he couldn't let go of this burden.

Kuroro walked out of the venue of the stone gambling event: "Order, give Bai Zishi the strictest protection, and don't let any 'thoughtful' people from other tribes come into contact with him!"

Blood Fei, Purple Eyes, Mo Fei... These can no longer be simply described as having a keen sense of wool or good luck. Kuroro now somewhat believes in Sigma's judgment, the successor of an eighth-level stone gambler...?