MTL - Stormwind God-Chapter 3 Retrieve the lost martial arts

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"Don't thank me, I'm just removing an evil beast for the other animals in the forest. Go to heaven with peace of mind."

Everyone said so, Duke also knew that this short exchange should end here. In a state of soul, he put his right hand on his left shoulder and bowed to Aurelia.

Alleria nodded, and a flash of her body quickly disappeared into the woods.

"Hoo--" Duke Changshu breathed a sigh of relief.

Well, it's time to retrieve the lost martial arts.

Shaking his head, Duke ran wildly near his body, and he saw the huge wild boar that fell down. The two arrows inserted the wild boar's eyes with great accuracy and penetrated the brain. The third arrow was inserted into the boar's throat.

"His--" Duke took a breath.

What a terrible archery!

Fortunately, just now wit is enough, otherwise these three arrows will not shoot wild boars.

The voice of the system elf sounded again: "You have found your lost rhythm, oh, it's a corpse. Is it resurrected now?"

"Please, your joke is not funny at all."

"Then ... is it resurrected."

"Crap! Of course resurrection!"

As my heart clicked 'yes' to the pop-up window in front of me, the surrounding scene changed rapidly. Duke could clearly see that his miserable corpse, which had been smashed by the wild boar, immediately turned into a stream of light, and within a few seconds it was broken down completely, leaving no blood.

All the light began to converge on Duke's soul.

Duke could feel his body plump. The most important thing is that the moral idea that seems to have become weaker has returned.

Oh oh oh! Lost martial arts, come back!

Looking at the world that has become colorful again, listening to the words of the birds around, sniffing the fragrance of earth from the earth.

For the first time in his life, Duke felt that it was good to live!

I really want to laugh three times, but unfortunately, looking at the system ’s ‘Soul Power 99’ and ‘Humanity 99%’ tags, Duke ’s happiness faded again.

"Well, come here, my journey into the realm has officially begun? Then, how can I become a strong enough to protect myself before the [Dark Gate] incident arrives?"

The goals are clear and the process is confusing.

"Uh, it seems that there were novice gift packages before becoming a strong one?" The bad hessian clothes on his body caused pain in his body, and Duke, who was used to modern industrial clothing, was not used to it.

The ideal is full and the reality is very skinny. Duke touched his body and found that he was full of body, penniless, and completely empty in his pocket.

Unconsciously, Duke set his sights on the beast that killed him.

"Such a wild boar is definitely not a cat or a dog. I remember that the skin peeled in the game can be sold for money?"

Immediately Duke found the problem.

"Well, do you want me to peel it with my bare hands?" There was no way but to give up.

Duke went a little bit frustrated, and walked a little blindly for about ten minutes, and suddenly he heard the sound of the river. From ancient times to the present, people often live in places where there is water ... should, right?

Taking a few steps along the river, Duke slipped, and he was tragedy, so he just slipped into the river.

Duke, who was driven downstream by the river, didn't know that when he reached the river, Aurelia's healthy and beautiful figure suddenly appeared beside the dead wild boar.

For some reason, she instinctively felt that something was wrong, and after walking for a while, she decided to look back and recover the arrows by the way. When she arrived at the scene, she immediately found something wrong.

There was only a wild boar and her arrow. The human blood she just smelled was gone.

Looking at the traces of fierce struggle on the ground, the Ranger General could absolutely conclude that there had been personal sacrifices here.

However, there were no corpses, no corpse fragments, not even bloodstains, and no traces of other creatures passing by.

"What the **** is that?" Aurelia buried deep doubts in her heart, and then Aurelia smiled, like a spring smile blooming on her beautiful face.

Correct! She is intrigued.

On the planet Azeroth that Duke traveled through, it was composed of two continents, the Kalimdor continent to the west and the Eastern Kingdom continent to the east.

About 9,000 years ago, a group of high elves were exiled from the Kalimdor continent to the Eastern Kingdoms because they did not want to give up their precious magic. They traveled to Quel'Thalas in the north of the continent and re-established their civilization there.

For thousands of years, Quel'Thalas has been considered a place where magic gathers. A source of magic called the Well of the Sun has provided an inexhaustible source of energy for every high elves who use nature Power gains immortal life and power.

Therefore, the high elves are races with immortal life, and living for ten thousand years is nothing at all.

However, a long life has both advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that you can spend endless hours.

The disadvantage is that, after going through too many things, I know almost everything and know everything. This is undoubtedly a torture for 'windrunners' who like new things and wander about.

If it is a state of war, as a Ranger General of the High Elf Kingdom Quel'Thalas, Of course Aurelia cannot leave the post without permission.

But she was on vacation and came here while strolling.

"It seems ... something interesting at last!" Aurelia's beautiful face had an ecstasy dominated by curiosity.

Ranger, expert in guerrilla operations, darling of the forest, one of the strongest trackers.

Aurelia jumped up and jumped on the top of the tree, and with very little effort, she found Duke's footprints.

"Oh? The first footprint was more than forty yards away from where the original corpse was?" Aurelia's smile grew stronger, and that was the look of finding a fun toy.

With almost no foot on the ground, the sturdy Ranger General flew up and down the large and small branches. Its speed was almost phantom.

Soon, she came to the small river.

She lost track of Duke. The river is full of pebbles, and it's hard to leave footprints or anything unless you step on it deliberately.

"Oh? Some anti-recon tricks."

It is difficult to leave footprints. It does not mean that footprints will not be left at all. The weight of an adult pressing on the stone floor will still change slightly.

Aurelia followed a few steps, but suddenly found that the footprints had disappeared.

"Should it be too stupid to be washed away by the water?" Aurelia quickly sketched another picture. In order to avoid tracking, a mysterious man pretended to go downstream, but quickly walked deeper after taking a few steps. In the water, heading upstream upstream.

Aurelia really misunderstood Duke, and at this moment in her mind, she immediately increased Duke's cunning number of times. The high elf Qianli's figure suddenly disappeared by the river, rushing towards the upstream direction.