MTL - Stormwind God-v2 Chapter 2002 Restricted invasion

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Anyway, every alliance soldier feels very magical. For the hair on that warp, the descending Burning Legion spaceship must fly those destined trajectories.

In the case of unsuccessful discussions, the reason can only be attributed to Duke being the powerful **** of space magic.

Duke was a bit bitter, and he didn't know what to explain.

This involves a full set of laws of physics, in fact, not even Duke himself.

God fucking, system elves have figured it out for him.

When Duke converted the calculation results of the system into trajectories and projected them on the large screens of the theater's various theater headquarters, the crowd made a noise.

"Wow! This is really ..."

"Too accurate."

Rao is Duke adding so much black technology to Azeroth. Creating an ambush circle is not easy. In particular, the ambush circle must not be too large, otherwise according to the communication ability of this era, it is likely to lose sight of it.

No one can guarantee that all kinds of communication on the battlefield will still be convenient. Any area of ​​an ambush ring that is more than ten kilometers in diameter is easy to get into trouble.

In turn, to limit the landing range of the enemy, this is also a super technical job.

This is a super class thing.

The whole world, only Duke can do it.

None of the Burning Legs predicted that there would still be hundreds of flying turrets in the stratosphere of Azeroth.

These turrets are often not large. Dozens of artillery pieces were placed on round stones of about 100 meters in diameter. Except for a magic cannon similar to Dalaran's main cannon 20 years ago, the rest were all anti-aircraft artillery.

This makes these forts look more like a hedgehog.

The new magic artillery crafted by Ulduar technology is all controlled by Duke's system.

This is how Duke played the ‘Hundred Hands of Death’ warfare.

It is an enhanced version of ‘one person is one army’.

The allies on the ground looked at what seemed to be half of the last day in the sky. After countless star destroyers forcibly broke into the atmosphere, they pulled out in the sky like a long line of fire coming from a comet.

It looks like a shooting star, but it is not the case at all.

Just as everyone was silently waiting for the comet to fall to the ground, the sky was lit with dazzling purple-blue lights. At first, there were purple light spots, and then each light spot bloomed like a star.

When the brightness of the light spot reached its maximum, a cluster of light clusters that flew obliquely upwards against the 'Meteor Rain' appeared.

"So pretty!" At the headquarters, Sally Whiteman sighed.

The clusters of light that are rising from the sky are straight. I did not expect that those flying warships that bent and pulled out huge arcs became the moth that fluttered. It seemed that they had bumped into the purple light cannons.

"Bang! Huh! Huh! Huh!"

In the night sky, countless dazzling flares were lit.

Suddenly, the huge meteor was torn apart in the sky and turned into more scattered and bright fragments.

From a distance, it looks like a fireworks display.

But everyone knows what this means.

I still remember the final battle between the alliance and the tribe six years ago. The shells of the alliance battleships burst the tribe's old flying warships, and the large parts of the warships were still so carved, turning into petals scattered in the storm.

The only difference is that the battle took place at a more unimaginable height.

People with a bit of common sense know that the greater the distance, the greater the error.

It may be shaking on the turret, with an error of one millimeter. When the shell finally flies ten kilometers away, the landing point will have an error of more than one hundred meters.

This kind of sniper beyond imagination can be done only by the Alliance Commander who is not the true **** but better than the true god.

At various headquarters, the soldiers of the alliance were in jubilation.

"Long live the league!"

"Long live Master Marcus!"

In fact, as long as Duke thinks, he can even make these 112 Legion battleships completely destroyed in the atmosphere.

He did not do so.

This is not his own war, this is the war of all Azeroth intelligent creatures.

If he can afford the war by himself, he doesn't mind the Alliance being a salty fish that only shouts 666 beside him.

Unfortunately, Kil'jaeden will come, Sargeras will come. This time there are no more anti-Titans to suppress their power.

When he, who stepped into the realm of the gods, stubbornly resisted the strongest in the legion, it was the moment when mortals took on the heavy responsibility of defense.

In today's fast-changing science and technology, 5 years is already a generation of soldiers.

Many veterans who have had actual combat experience have become non-commissioned officers and even generals. Those who are about to fight on the front line are recruits with little practical experience.

The actual combat is completely different from Duke's having Ereda twins pull a group of captured demons to simulate a war.

Recruits always grow up in the trials of blood and fire.

How to make recruits grow for a smaller price is a responsibility that every commander wants to accomplish.

Duke left about one star destroyer and more than forty assault ships for each landing point.


The assault ship forcibly landed and plowed a long trench like a trench in the wild field in the west.

The Star Destroyer is even more anti-biological, ignoring the lives of the crew inside it, and directly annihilating the Star. It didn't slow down at all, and it burst into the ground. The huge bow that was more than two hundred meters long was sunk into the ground, leaving only a strange light ball with green waves on the ship, which kept blinking.

Within half a minute, the green ball of light suddenly expanded and turned into a three-storey portal. One by one, blue-skinned demon guards with giant axes began to rush out.

This scene was peered into by the magical eyes that had been arranged near the scheduled ambush circle.

In the western wilderness, Marshal Grian Antosman raised his hand in the Death Mine Command under Yuexi Town.

A minute later, the Alliance's counterattack arrived.

There are not only routine artillery scrubbing, but also hundreds of flying turrets in the sky. These turrets have very different mechanisms from the Alliance battleships. They are more like a hedgehog that the demon attracts fire, not only with magic artillery and conventional artillery, but also with extremely heavy armor. Alloy armor with a thickness of more than one meter is wrapped around granite, adding a bit of hardness.

When the artillery dissipated the array of demonic soldiers, dense machine-made artifacts began to surround it.

In addition to the standard tracked tanks and self-propelled artillery, there are also mechanical beasts equipped with heavy armor, such as lions and spiders. They move flexibly and behave like real creatures, looking from a distance, like a piece of Everything swallows up the swarm of metal marching ants.

This is the perfect combination of Ulduar Machinery Corps, Alliance Tank Forces, and long-range artillery.

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