MTL - Stormwind God-v2 Chapter 2015 Are you here?

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Corrupted Heart Ignos is a big eyeball, the huge size that can fit a frigate, and the scarlet eye pupil exuding ominous eyes, ordinary heroes look absolutely shivering.

For Duke ... I have even killed Cthulne. What kind of spring onion are you?

Just as Duke was about to start, and the round was over, the nightmare barrier on the left was cut through.


A huge spider-type monster enters the battlefield.

It seems that it is very similar to Duke's ashes spider mother who died in the Firelands in the same year. It also has six legs and two huge front chews. The whole body is dark black, but the rest of the body is glowing red.

Duke knows that it's another boss that can switch between Spider and Dapeng forms.

I encountered two bosses at once, not to mention Duke, even Ysera was alert.

"Duke, something is wrong."

"No! The normal response. The enemies are not stupid, they will not queue up one by one to wait for me to kill. Since I can't hide, then I must choose to hold a group and see if I can kill me!"

It ’s like a dragon shouting, ‘He ’s only one! ’Similarly, an attempt to win by quantity is itself a manifestation of the cowardly weak.

Duke poked his mouth, and his face was still light and light, as if he wiped a particle of dust from his sleeve with his hand: "No difference! Killing one or killing two!"

Just when Duke was loading.

The space fluctuated violently again, this time with a crack on the airborne barrier on the right.

"Click! Click!" It was a continuous crackling sound like glass shattering.

Ysera's green eyes narrowed suddenly, and a deep sadness appeared on his face.

Is the familiar existence Isendre, Emory, Laythorne, Tyral!

Once as Ysera's most loyal guardian, now Isodre is beyond recognition.

Corroded by darkness and nightmares, if she left the Emerald Nightmare, she would only spread panic and chaos on the land of Azeroth.

Her previous healing ability was replaced by dark magic, she was able to release smoke-like lightning waves and summon the demon druid. Hysodre and her companions have hypnotic skills that can put enemies into their worst nightmare.

Duke sighed.

As a traversal, he almost achieved his extreme.

How many historically fallen or fallen Alliance Powers, he unknowingly changed his destiny, and obtained salvation and rebirth.

There are always some unlucky guys who have escaped the first day and have not escaped fifteen.

That's it for the four of them. As the emerald four dragons that should have fallen in the heart of molten heart in history, due to Duke's reminder, Ysera discovered their tendency to fall in advance and straightened them out.

Unfortunately, the green dragon legion's power bonus in the Emerald Dream has become a poisonous substance that hastened their degradation. They are accustomed to draw energy from the Emerald Dreamland, and while the Emerald Dreamland is polluted, they also follow the corruption of the Nightmare Dragon.

Ysera didn't have a Duke cross, which is probably the virtue.

Ysera was heartbroken to see his subordinates and companions who had accompanied him for more than 25,000 years, and had fallen into a ugly appearance. She didn't want Duke to see her sadness, lowered the faucet, her chin almost stuck to her breast.



"Give them a relief."

"it is good!"

Just like a paladin who has fallen into a death knight, his power is definitely stronger than that of the ordinary strong. Once the ancient dragon guarding the dreamland has fallen, its harmfulness will also multiply.

Duke glanced around. When he combined his consciousness with the scanning of the system to maximize the enemy system, he was a little surprised to find that it should have been a fallen bear **** in this copy of [Emerald Nightmare]. Usok is not there.

After thinking about it, I felt relieved again.

The original urchin brothers, of course, were liberated from the soul by mortal heroes under the tree of the corrupt world.

That relief was only temporary. Because the place where his soul returns is exactly the emerald dream that can host the soul of the demigod. Therefore, in history, when the emerald dreamland became a nightmare, the poor ursus demigod also fell.

In this life, the Ursoc brothers worked under Duke!

Even the origin of the soul was transferred to the magic net, and the two brothers escaped in disguise.

In addition, the king of nightmare Xavis has already gg. If there is no accident in the Emerald Nightmare, it should be all the remaining bosses here.

"Are you here? Come here, then it's over!"

Duke snapped his fingers.

I don't know why, he just wanted to strike his finger.

Maybe this represents forcing!

In fact, there is a deeper factor here. This is the Emerald Dream, a place where the spiritual power can be realized in the extreme.

From the beginning, what element is called to forcibly break into this space to destroy the enemy. This approach is not wrong in itself, but it is definitely difficult and unsatisfactory.

Ysera was inexplicably shocked.

She never expected that Duke, a foreigner, would ask her how to use the Emerald Dream after a while, and she had mastered the secret of this special space in such a short period of time.


Strange sound!

A bunch of thick golden beams of light burst from the ground and pierced the sky, reaching out to the sky.

As a witness at the center of the beam of light, Ysera had no idea what language to use to describe the horror of the blow.

That control is too precise.

She had never seen it before, and the light cannon could play hollow.

When the light cannon shoots out, it creates a small hollow area, which is like the eye of a tornado.

Let the wind roar outside and sweep the world, there will be peace inside.

As the manipulator Duke, nothing happened.

The light cannon blasted at the location of six huge bosses. Originally, six behemoth monsters had already stood in six equal positions from six directions, firmly surrounding them.

Who knows, this thick light cannon ring directly covers the area where each leader is located!

The golden ring light gun broke from the ground, hit the relatively soft lower abdomen of each leader, reached the beam of light directly through the sky, and then the six bosses' bodies began to dissolve in the halo. .

It's hard to cover Thunder, but it's thrilling.

Ysera estimated that, even with her full-bodied response speed, it was too late to make more reactions. The sky was to create an instant shield, and the rest could only be carried hard by her powerful dragon body.

But the more she witnessed it all as an onlooker, the more shocked Ysera was. While squinting his eyes to resist the strong light, he involuntarily pulled Duke's arm tighter.

"倏" is in a sound quite different from the big bang in the real world.

The blow that Duke summoned seemed to hit a new Un'Goro crater directly in the Emerald Nightmare. ——

The authors absolutely do not admit that the decline in production due to watching the ball.