MTL - Stormwind God-v2 Chapter 2057 What the **** happened?

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Of course, there are exceptions to everything. If a lord of wind elements happens to occupy the airspace and then let the meteorite fall under the gravity of the planet, it does not touch the atmosphere at all, but creates a nearly vacuum space channel.

The meteorite will accelerate at a more exaggerated speed.

The perfect combination of quality, speed, and the two shows the destructive power of the sky.

"Boom!" That was a huge shock that shocked the entire Burning Throne, and the dust that was lifted even reached the troposphere of the planet.

Just less than ten kilometers from the Burning Throne, I saw that what used to be a first-level military barracks has now turned into a large pit.

Tens of thousands of demon elites staying in the barracks have already died in a terrible shock explosion.

The exaggerated large-sized meteorite lay quietly in an oversized pit that was one kilometer deep, and the meteorite burned with flames. Even more terrible came later, the black shell on the surface of the meteorite was peeling off, exposing the strange matter under the bright light.

That is a core of elements.

The core of a special element that has not been contaminated by evil energy or even processed by the Holy Light.

The core of each element can be regenerated into elemental creatures as long as it is infused with sufficient elemental energy. These elemental creatures will inherit all the memories of the former owner of these elements.

Almost at the same time that the core of these batches fell from the sky, the tide of extremely exaggerated elements rushed to the fall points.

Above the Burning Throne, clouds of fel flames that have been tumbling for more than 10,000 years are dissipating.

A gust of wind of unknown origin blew them apart, revealing the deep starry sky that Eredar and other race demons had not seen for 25,000 years.

In the huge hollow, more meteorites are dragging long trails across the sky from north to south, shining brightly. Eventually penetrated the atmosphere that had been temporarily transformed, and accurately fell to the bank of the Styx.

These meteorites are the most terrible space-based bombardment. They destroyed the Burning Legion Barracks and the demons on standby with great precision.

A series of exploding rays of light reflected in the eyes of the four major mothers of the Witch Witch through the mirror of magic. Those shining, like a hot slap, were drawn on their faces fiercely.

"What's that?" Asked Mother Tima.

"The enemy's offense!" Mother Nora sneered.

"Miscellaneous, is the army of elements. Then it should be right." Mother Osara chilled.

In the end Mother Suraya reluctantly spit out a name: "Duke Marcus!"

Even if the four main mothers are fighting each other and seeing each other's eyes, they know that once the Burning Throne happens, Sargeras will certainly pick up each of the main mother's skins when they return, leaving their souls in endless purgatory There is mourning forever and everlasting.

"Issuing a first-level siren!"

"Let all lords of Argus take soldiers to the Burning Throne area."

"Allow freedom to attack all suspected hostile elements."

"Prioritize attacking elemental creatures."

A series of orders were issued, but unfortunately, they were shocked to find that the order could not be transmitted at all. There is a noise in the magic messaging network.

They tried to make the high-level demon elite as the herald in the most primitive way. However, with the burning throne as the center, they screamed almost everything.

This greatly delayed the transmission of orders.

Not far from the burning throne of Antorus, Duke and his team waited quietly.

Duke laughed lightly: "The Burning Legion has no brains. It has been 10,000 years. The communication method has not changed. I can't even learn encrypted communication. It should be hacked by me."

The core of magical communication is the transmission of changes in arcane elements and the remote reconstruction of elements. If the arcane element receives too much interference during the conduction process, affecting the arrangement of the arcane element, then the communication will naturally fail.

You know, the earth that Duke crossed is a world that already has a variety of cryptocurrencies, new cryptography, and blockchain.

In the ten years of preparing for the war, Duke had long upgraded the alliance's magic messaging system. Who would have thought that compared to the Alliance, the Burning Legion used the same mode of communication as the earliest Morse code?

Fools know sos is for help!

Duke even had the opportunity to issue various unreliable orders to the lords around Argus in the form of imposing the four major mothers.

For example, an abyss lord betrayed, you doomguard lord rushed to destroy that.

In turn, a similar order was given to the Lord of the Abyss.

Originally, they had a quarrel with each other, and received the 'command' from the top of the Burning Legion. The Nether Lord below worked harder.

King of the Army?

Sorry, there is no drop!

Around the Burning Throne, the bombardment of meteorite rain has already destroyed more than half of the whole riverside area.

Countless ancient buildings in the Ereda style have been completely razed to the ground, and almost every main road leading to the Burning Throne has been destroyed or blocked. Every large barracks made a moan of destruction in the flames.

While the meteorites from the sky destroyed the site, they also built huge craters on the spot.

"What the **** happened?" An Ereda demon who survived by hitting a meteorite straightly looked at the endless flames spreading around him, watching the potholes all over the earth, the shocking cracks, Companion corpses all over the ground.

Argus has not been attacked on this scale for too long, too long, which is completely beyond the concept of Void Lords conquering each other.

"Ah, this is ..." He hadn't had time to say a complete sentence.

A sea that could not have existed in Argus has completely drowned him.

It was a long-lost, blue sea!

The huge amount of water body is really deadly to the demons who are accustomed to high temperature and high heat.

The icy sea water frantically washed his hot skin, and his dark blue skin was forcibly brittle like a blender, torn off, exposing high-temperature muscles, bones, and internal organs, and then all these were washed under ice water again, repeat Steps of embrittlement until his entire body is shattered by seawater.

At the Burning Throne, the four great masters saw in distant sight the horror. It was a huge crater rising from the ground.

A huge mountain wall more than two hundred meters high surrounded the entire burning throne, and the violent body of water from nowhere came, filling all the space in the whole crater with water.

The Burning Throne looks like a smoky chamber in the middle of a traditional hot pot, which looks ridiculous.

Millions of demonic forces turned into dregs in this ocean.

The aunts were stunned for a moment.