MTL - Stormwind God-v2 Chapter 2066 Anti-exploitation

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"Captain Marcus is launching an onslaught against the fallen Titan Argus guarding the planet. As long as you kill the Vampire, you can lose the ability of the Burning Legion's most powerful Nether Lord and Demon Elite ..."

One stone stirs up thousands of waves!

Suddenly, all the tens of thousands of soldiers in the alliance all seemed to fight chicken blood and yelled together.

"Long live the league!"

"Long live Azeroth!"

"Long live Marcus Commander!"

The soldiers yelled, like turning every air in their lungs into a shout of resistance, pouring it out and roaring out.

As he shouted, the frontline soldiers poured out fire at the demon in a frenetic state.

The news is so exciting.

Prior to the Legion's return, every Azerothian was truly instilled by the Alliance's propaganda agencies into the Legion's harm. Destroyed Draenor's audio and video were used as teaching materials, the draenei who lost their homes taught and taught, and the older generation who had suffered from the demonic army led by Archimonde was telling.

While people have strengthened their stand for resistance, they can't help but worry, anxiety and fear.

Especially when the Legion really launched a full-scale attack, everyone set foot on the battlefield with a determination to die.

Wife gives husband.

The old man gave his son.

Children give their father.

Men are on the battlefield, and women.

Many cities and towns have almost become empty cities. The only people left in the sanctuary are the old men who are too old to take a gun, women with big belly, and children who are babbling.

There is no retreat, twisting everyone into a rope.

But when will the last hope become despair, this is a bad thing for everyone.

Unexpectedly, in this desperate moment, it was the hero Duke Marcus who saved Azeroth over and over again. With a transcendence strategy, he gave the opponent's teleportation hub.

Now, what if you have 10 billion troops in the Burning Legion?

If all the cards can't come out in the twisted void, it is a series of meaningless numbers.

If there is anything wrong with Kil'jaeden, the only leader of the Burning Legion, or if Sargeras' resurrection fails, then it is fun.

"Oh oh oh oh!" Shouted the allied soldiers, launched a fierce counterattack, and killed the portal to every demon.

For sane commanders, the enemy's teleportation situation may still be repeated. Take the opportunity to completely destroy all the portals of the Burning Legion in Azeroth, which has at least been pulled back at the strategic level. .

As to whether or not to deal with Argus the Silent, that's a matter for Alliance heroes.

"Counter-attack counter-attack! Give me all the artillery shells! What are the logistics doing? I need 100 base ammunition to get me to the front line as fast as possible." Marshal Brigitte Abidis is no lady Shouted politely.

Whether it was Brigitte, Taylor, Alfred, or Old Mograine, these frontline commanders seized the opportunity.

In the tomb of Sargeras, Kil'jaeden was furious: "Impossible! Duke's little bastard. He just controls the teleportation hub of the burning throne of Agusri! How can he even twist the portal of the void Are all closed? "

Torim haha ​​laughed and gave Kil'jaeden a thunderous thunder, smashing the eggs into a squeak, and revealed a very human smile: "Guess!"


Guess the wool!

Kil'jaeden's lungs were about to explode.

In fact, let alone Torim, even the leaders of the league did not know how Duke hit Argus, and even the distorted void was pitted.

I do n’t know, it does n’t matter, even the skin is very happy!

In the Tomb of Sargeras, without the endless support of the Void Lord, more powerful and more elite members of the coalition suddenly impressed.

Like Odin and Thorim, they are not good at fighting long-term wars. Strategic needs, forcing them to use their own strength.

As soon as the portal was closed, they didn't need to be beaten and they suddenly became the most dazzling star on the battlefield.

"Kill him!" Kil'jaeden yelled, and suddenly two lords of the void swooped up in an attempt to destroy Odin, the most obscure guardian first.

Not only is Odin annoying, but almost all Odin attacks are divine.

Unfortunately, Odin is not a bachelor commander.

He may not be able to command his former colleagues, and his dog legs are still quite powerful.

Heimdall, Odin's gatekeeper in the Hall of Spirits, as the guardian second only to the guardian, is also quite powerful. A [Blood Sweep] directly blasts an abyss lord to vomit blood and back.

The demon wolf Fenrell swooped up, and a lightning bite a fear demon king. Regardless of how the goods struggled, moving his strong limbs, he dragged the guy back into the coalition.

Tortola, the turtle god, is very eye-catching, using his weight of over 1,000 tons to lighten up.


Well, the dreadlord has become the dread sauce. Dogs won't eat the stuff that affects the city.

Odin launches [Bright Light Storm], rolling up thousands of sacred pulses of energy pulses. The kind of golden light rising like the rising sun, but when the demons below the lord meet, they are lying dead, there is no second end.

Rao is also a big loss for Kil'jaeden. This level of light is still as strong as he is.

One face to face, a series of bucket-sized, blisters-like things bulging over his red skin.


It's not bad for the huge demon commander like Egg.

The demon lords who could serve as helpers around Kil'jaeden quickly diminished.

On the other side, in the Burning Throne of Argus.

Everyone got the latest news from the portal over Azeroth: Even the portal of the twisted void was closed.

Tyrande was curious: "Duke, how did you do that? Argus and the Twisting Nether Portal are not a system, are they?"

Duke smirked: "Remember the shot I was twisting the void?"

Tyrande froze and twisted: "Which ... which one?"

Duke knew Tyrande had misunderstood him, and he forced himself seriously: "Ten thousand years ago, I used the energy of the Well of Eternity to recoil and blow up the demon fortress that had the largest distortion in the void. This made Sargeras and Kil'jaeden At the same time, it is very distressing, and it has also led to the birth of a series of new measures. "

Jaina realized: "For example, they transferred the soul core of themselves and the strongest high-order void lords to be controlled to Argus?"

"Yes. My own portal might have been used again. All the distorted void portals are equipped with a counter-attack array. That is to say, when they encounter a high intensity of reverse energy, they will close the portal themselves. In case the intensity is too high When the predetermined threshold is exceeded, the portal will be blown up by itself to ensure the safety of the distorted void. "8)