MTL - Stormwind God-v2 Chapter 2072 Agrammar

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The battle between the Burning Legion and Azeroth has reached its final stage.

In order to destroy the planet Azeroth, a Kil'jaeden alone is not enough. Sargeras, the legion's highest combat power, must be put on the battlefield. The resurrection of Sargeras has reached its final stage. If Zaza resurrects first, with the ability of Sargeras to pass through the sky, he will be able to rush back if he is not good, blocking Duke on the Burning Throne.

In turn, Duke they had killed to the end of the Burning Throne and faced the four Great Mothers and the two fallen Titans.

For 25,000 years, due to the lack of soul and body, the Pantheon could not be activated at all, and became a superficial term.

Once the coalition forces successfully copy the planet of Argus and rescue all the captive Titan souls and corpses, the pantheon's combat power will change radically. It has never indirectly provided assistance in pain, and has become the strongest combat force that can directly participate in the war.

Even if they had a shrunken version of the body, if Amansul could play half of their combat power, it would be enough to pack the forsaken soul and the corpse forged in Sargeras, who was resurrected by Azeroth.

This is undoubtedly a mutual explosion!

See who's home can't carry it first.

No one is right now, but who is taking the lead?

In the Tomb of Sargeras on the planet Azeroth, Kil'jaeden couldn't carry it.

Martyrs are also afraid of ** meters.

What's more, it's not the twenty-five foot men in the game, but a group of super cows who are not much worse than him. They all have boss templates.

In this, it is not the guardian of the Titan, or the demigod, and even the mere mortals in the eyes of the egg, most of them are the old rivers and lakes that have struck a bunch of demigods and big devil after 20 years of war.

The Duke and Ereda twins sold a thorough egg, and despaired to find that they acted, revealing any one of the starting gestures. Those mortal strong men have already responded.

Then the Titan Guardian rushed up.

come! Head to head! What's not right is the waste without eggs!

Either Odin, or Torim and Hodir, all the same way.

But Kil'jaeden couldn't get around these big guys and killed Freya who kept adding blood.

As the portal closed, the void lords around him collapsed, and Kil'jaeden's condition became worse.

The injuries are constantly accumulating, and the margin for him to cast spells is getting smaller and smaller.

However, the power of silent and instant shadow magic could not kill these Titan Guardians at all. As soon as he vomited blood, Freya's healing over there restored them.

Adding blood in front of his face, let him watch his wound heal with the naked eye.

It really woke up the dog!

How can you fight like this?

As a last resort, Kil'jaeden was unwilling to stop, and finally used the last backhand. He secretly draws magical power from the magical energy pool that originally supplied Sargeras' resurrection.

"I am for the resurrection of the great leader!"

"If I die, no one will protect the master of Sargeras being cast!"

"He's so strong as a fallen Titan, it doesn't matter if he has less magic."

Kil'jaeden, this sinister guy, was not always the reckless husband of Archimonde. Between self-preservation and loyalty, he quickly made his own choice.

It seemed that Kil'jaeden had beaten chicken blood, or turned back, and suddenly he shoved two grades. Don't throw out all kinds of big tricks, and kill the coalition strongmen for a while.

On the Burning Throne side, when the Duke Harem Regiment besieged the mothers and mothers, a few Dukes in front of them finally encountered the fallen Titan Aggram.

As soon as he entered the hall, a throbbing sound burning like a flame, his head was covered and his face calmed down. Just the flame element contained in the sound waves is enough to make ordinary ordinary void lords instantly turn into coke.

"Stop! Intruders! No existence is allowed here except the great master Sargeras"

Looking up, a hundred-foot-tall fire giant is in sight.

On the dark stone body, each muscle contour is divided by the hot flame line. The extremely heavy metal armor only covered less than half the body, and its chest, thighs, and upper arms were not armored, and those armors were more like a decoration.

The huge flying wing helmet resembles a bull horn shape. In the t-shaped exposure of the front end of the helmet, you can see a pair of flames with gold lights flashing.

Before I stepped on it, it was the feeling of shaking the ground.

What a fallen Titan, it is really magnificent.

However, it is only imposing.

To this guy, Duke didn't look down.

The fallen Titan, unable to contact the planet and the universe for external force, is not a real Titan. It is just a large giant who has the shape and partial ability of a Titan, and cannot show its endless power at all.

"Oh! The once noble Pantheon Titans fell into the watchdogs of enemies and traitors. And so many of you are succumbing to one, this is really ... a share." Duke groaned in the magical communication in the harem.

Queen Greek and Vasque both smiled slightly.

Duke turned his head: "Ilidan, can you fix this guy?"

"Who do you think I am?" Illidan arrogantly raised his chin, feeling a little egg comrade who had been taken lightly, becoming wary. Taking out the extremely famous [Essinos Double Blade] from behind, he went into the demonic form in one breath, and rushed forward.

Regarding body shape, Illidan rarely said that he was five meters tall. This is already a giant for the night elves.

It is a pity that in front of Aggrama, he is a small bug-level existence.

Aggramar's instincts were aversion to Illidan.

"Hateful and lowly demon! Go to death." Along with the thunderstorm, Agrama held up his artifact two-handed sword [Thai Salak] and chopped it down.

When it fell, the burning sword felt like a mountain of flames crashing down.

The momentum of the mountains and the flames can be described as amazing.

Illidan flashed over!

Aggramar was not slow, but Illidan was faster, a side flash, and he passed at high speed from the side of the great sword.


Awkwardly, Agrama's neck had a terrible wound that was two meters wide. The green flames burned more than at the wound, and seemed incompatible with the red flames lingering around Agrammar's body.

Duke glanced: "Let's go!"

Whether Illidan can defeat Agrammar or not, Duke is not so concerned, as long as Illidan can keep Agrama away from his place while Duke cleans up Argus the Desolate, it is a great achievement . 8)