MTL - Strange Life of a Cat-Chapter 327 Wei Xiao fat

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Er Mao now has a new car, which is no longer a humble car. In the past, Mao drove for his own convenience. Now he still drives his wife and children from time to time. He has much higher safety requirements. After all, he has the financial resources to not buy A better car cannot be justified.

叹 Zheng Tan saw a lot of children's supplies in the car, as well as a smell of milk.

Xi Ermao was in a good mood. He always talked about his daughter's duality on the road. However, no matter how cute and pleasing Er Mao had praised his daughter, Zheng Tan had never seen it in person and would not comment.

After walking to the lakeside villa area, Zheng Tan didn't stay in the car and followed Er Mao to the old woman's side, but went to Feng Baijin.

As soon as Zheng approached the room, Zheng Tan heard Feng Baijin growling.

"If you bite Lao Tzu's data cable again, Lao Tzu will throw away your tiger toy! You know? Throw it away completely!"

Feng Baijin has classes only in the morning today, but all of them are out of order. Now, in the morning class, Feng Baijin is the first two lessons to escape, and the next two lessons are chosen to escape, depending on when they sleep. According to the rules of Chuhua University, morning exercises in the freshman and freshman years, Feng Baijin basically does not go, from elementary school to high school have to do morning exercises, still do exercises in college? Fuck! If you want to deduct points, deduct them.

Today Feng Baijin has been sleeping in the morning. He played games too late last night. He couldn't get up today, but when he got up, he found that the data cable resting on the computer desk was bitten again. I wanted to download a few songs to MP3. Now, it seems that we can only buy a new one.

As for what Feng Baijin called the "tiger toy", Zheng Tan also knew that when he fished a small tiger from the relocated lane, he put the furry tiger toy next to the tiger. Later, The tiger directly regarded it as its own toy, and it was necessary to carry the toy over when moving out of the nest. Sometimes he also held the toy to sleep, just like when he was a kid, he didn't change his habit when he grew up.

Li Yan, who works as a nanny, takes out the toy to wash it at regular intervals, and then hangs it on the balcony. At this time, the tiger will squat on the balcony and guard it, and will go to the balcony after a while. Look at the drying racks for fear of being thrown.

The door of the house was open, Zheng Tan walked in without going through the window. Li Ye was mopping the floor, and saw nothing but saying that Zheng Tan continued to mop. It is not unusual that Zheng Tan is already a frequent visitor here.

On the second floor of Feng Baijin's room, Zheng Tan saw in the past that the tiger was lying in its own nest, and the two front paws clung tightly to the tiger toy to prevent Feng Baijin from taking it away.

After Feng Baijin pulled the tiger head of the tiger toy, he snorted and let go, and the tiger quickly moved the toy into the nest and moved it again.

"Even this time, even next time I will throw your toy apart without throwing it away! See what you hold while you sleep! Do you know the split?"

类似 Zheng Tan has heard a lot of these words. Each time it starts with "You ... I'll ...", and after a while it becomes "It's OK, next time ..." and ends.

The tiger did have a few scars on it, but looking at it, he was in good spirits. It is estimated that he can recover soon. If he does not go out, it is not that he cannot go out, but every time he is injured, he will be stared at by the three in the room. Get out.

Zheng Zheng sighed and looked at Feng Baijin's computer. The screen was a picture of a game.

Feng Baijin did nothing at home to make games at home. Unlike commercial production, Feng Baijin came entirely by preference. The two games that Feng Tan knew about Feng Baijin, one was "Cat Cat Lianliankan". This game is essentially There is no novelty, there are too many games to watch. There are a lot of downloads for this game made by Er Mao. One is that the cartoon cats in the game are very cute. When they are removed, there are different animation effects and different cat sounds. Among them, One of the original shapes is a tiger. When it is not removed, the cat's head is still cute. When it is removed, it looks like he was beaten hard. His voice is the same as that of the tiger.

The second game is called "cat and mouse", which is really not novel. Catching mice in front is similar to some small action games, but what many people like is that after catching mice in the back, it is scary. For example, Place on the bedside, quilt, drawer, schoolbag, etc. of the owner. This kind of thing is fun to play in the game, but in real life, it can definitely be called a pit father, Feng Baijin knows it well.

柏 Feng Baijin integrated his personal experience into the game, but the people who play the game will not think of the history of blood and tears of the developers behind it.

In fact, Zheng Tan is looking forward to the game behind Feng Baijin. These are just his own exercises. Many things are not perfect. I wo n’t be sure in the future. It seems that Feng Baijin may develop further in this area.

When I went downstairs and went out, Li Yan was sitting on the sofa on the first floor, drinking tea and watching TV, wearing a red bracelet on the wrist of a tea cup, and a simple red rope weaving.

Li 婶 is also estimated to be a natal year, Zheng Tan had never seen her before.

After coming out from Feng Baijin, Zheng Tan went to the old woman and looked at him. He squatted not far away and waited for Er Mao. He didn't want to go to the old woman's house. Every time I saw the old woman, Zheng Tan always felt strange and could not say What it feels like, so it's still not good to see.

Er Mao said when I came here. We went to Wei Ling for dinner together in the afternoon. The phone calls with Dao Jiao, so Zheng Tan did n’t go back. After Er Mao came out from the old lady, he took the car with him.

Speaking of him, Wei Ling's son is also one year old. The birthday party and the two-year-old daughter's day feast are relatively close. Zheng Tan hasn't visited Wei Ling's house very often. Every time I go, I feel that Wei Xiaofei has changed a lot. .

叹 When Zheng came last time, Zheng Tan still remembered that Wei Xiaofei could only crawl on the foam pad, and now he can take two steps.

Xiao Wei is the nickname of Wei Ling's son. He was very fat when he was born. Although he is not looking at such a mass of meat, he is still fatter than some children of the same age.

When Zheng Tan and Er Mao arrived at Wei Ling's house, Wei Xiaofei was holding the wall walking. Seeing Zheng Tan and Er Mao were not afraid, he laughed and wanted to go this way, but he just lay down after just two steps. .

The floor and the walls on the side are covered with a layer of cushions. The furniture with hard corners, such as home furniture, is covered with cushions. You are not afraid of bumps and injuries, so Wei Xiaofei will not be hurt if he falls to the ground. .

I rolled over, Wei Xiaofei didn't cry, still came here cheerfully, this time I didn't go, I used the crawl to go directly, so it came fast.

Er Ermao wrapped the little fat man who crawled in front of him, "Hey little fat man, come and call the second uncle, and the second uncle--"

The little fat man laughed very happily, and then sneezed directly at Er Mao's face, and Er Mao was drooling.

Er Ermao wiped her face, her belly was still cute, but the fat man was too jerk.

嫂 "Sister-in-law, is Wei Xiaofei cold?"

Xi Weiling his wife picked up the child and looked at it, "It's okay." Then he put Wei Xiaofei down again.

The fat man who had regained his freedom crawled towards the sofa where Er Mao and Zheng Tan were sitting.

"I heard it's called mom and dad?" Er Mao asked.

"Yeah, it's just not clear." Wife Weiling smiled. There is a child in the same community who can be called at ten months old. Although Wei Ling didn't say anything, every time I watched the family get angry in front of them, Wei Ling was very upset, but this was anxious, different The child's situation is different. After hearing Xiaowei's mouth last week, Wei Ling was so happy that he fell asleep in the middle of the night.

"Come, call it Black Brother." Wei Ling's wife put Wei Xiaopeng up on her lap and said in the direction of Zheng Tan.

After knowing that Zhuo kitten was called Zheng Tan Black Brother, every time Wei Lang's wife saw Zheng Tan, he also made Wei Xiaofei call Black Brother, but before that, the fat man wouldn't say, and never called.

Xiao Wei looked at Zheng Tan and called "Haka" after his mother guided him a few times. He didn't say it clearly, but he could hear that.

After the joke, Er Mao made Wei Xiaofei call "second uncle" again. Wei Xiao fat responded with "Hello!" Er Mao was so angry that he was treated differently.

Xi Weiling came back early in the afternoon. He didn't work overtime today. After returning, he held Wei Xiaofei and shouted twice before chatting with Er Mao.

"Here!" Er Mao threw something at Wei Ling.

Ji Weiling took a look at it, a red woven bracelet, very simple things, there is no gold, silver, jade or the like.

"Aren't you a natal year? I gave you one from my aunt. She has a lot of stuff here."

At Er Mao's words, Zheng Tan thought about the one in Li ’s hand. The two woven bracelets looked similar, but Wei Ling ’s one should be a man ’s model. The knot on the rope was slightly different from Li ’s one, even if it was useless. The metal ornaments also looked more rigid.

Xi Weiling didn't worry about this at first, but thought of the "tasty" boss's thing heard from Ye Hao, she still wore it. Anyway, it's a gadget, and it's not troublesome. It's just a psychological comfort, and it's not bad to wear it.

At the beginning, the two talked about the old age of the chubby chubby and the two-day hundred-day banquet. They talked about the elderly master, and they both sighed again. The old man was getting older, and he accidentally fell down a while ago, even though he usually looks healthy, but after all, he was there and he was forced to stay in bed for a while by several apprentices. This time Wei Ling and Er Mao did not want to let Elderly parents came here on a trek. The old people participated when they got married. Now the old people can only see the two little guys through the computer to pass the pictures ~ ~ But Wei Ling thought, when do you go there to watch See, the apprentices and teachers are gathered.

Now several teachers and brothers have become their respective fathers. When Er Mao got married, the several brothers who participated in the wedding said that they would find a time to go to the old people's side to gather together. After years of separation, the gatherings were less and more, and each later Busier, others are not sure.

"I also know that I will go there a little after the year. By the way, the old man is in a good state of mind. However, I thought, wait for my family to become older and hold it together for him to see. , Now the yuan is still too small. "Er Mao Road.

"Well, I'll bring the chubby by then."

"Oh, the master and his old man also said that if we go, we can take the black charcoal over and play with Dashan."

"Really take it?" Wei Ling looked at Zheng Tan next to him, thinking about Dashan's fierce appearance, and thought that this was not a good idea. He had met Dashan when he visited the old man by the way at the end of last year. Dashan was biting blood while eating a rabbit.

叹 Zheng Tan also pondered the mountain in the words of Er Mao and Wei Ling. He had heard of the mountain's name long ago, but he had never seen it.

I was too focused and didn't pay attention. When Zheng Tan noticed it, Wei Weifei was standing on the edge of the sofa, holding Zheng Tan's cat tail in his hand and sending it to his mouth.

Zheng Tan: "..." In contrast, the original Zhuo kitten was really a good boy. (To be continued, "". If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation.)