MTL - Strategy to Capture that Scum Gong-Chapter 12 I heard that my boyfriend and his brother secretly loved me 12

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Zhou Yizhe’s heart is like an ice cave.

Obviously this is what he wants, obviously this is what he wants... but why, I feel so painful...

This kind of thank you is more than a hundred times more painful than hating his thank you.

But he has no way to say this pain. Instead, he must cover his depressed heart with a gentle smile, just because he can no longer hurt the youth in front of him.

Xie He kissed Zhou Yizhe, but found that he did not react, just stared at him with a heavy gaze. This kind of gaze reminded him of the terrible day. On that day, Zhou Yizhe used such a deep look that he could not see his emotions. Look at him, then... torture him without mercy.

Xie He’s movement suddenly shrank, and the look of fear appeared in his eyes. He shivered: “I, I really didn’t think about him... Don’t be angry, don’t be angry...” The eyes seemed to say, don’t Then treat me like that... I will be jealous and please you.

Zhou Yizhe closed his eyes in pain. He slowly opened his mouth and revealed a smile. "I am not angry."

"Really, really?" Xie He looked at him with surprise.

"Really, I am not angry." Zhou Yizhe repeated it in a soothing tone, gently stroking the young man's back, and the gentle movements gradually calmed down the body under his body. "I just just got a little distracted, not **** off."

"Oh..." Xie He’s eyes bent slightly, revealing a shallow smile, as if he had got something that would satisfy him.

So... easy to meet... so... cautious.

Zhou Yizhe’s eyes are darker. Is it in front of Zhou Yi’an that he is so docile and docile? Is it such a gentle smile, so obedient.

Nothing is unwilling to humiliate, and some are just willing, so that people want to pity.

If he can get such a thank you, he would rather deceive himself.

He is like a terminally ill patient who refuses to treat. He knows that the cancer that grows in his heart will kill him, but he still enjoys the strange pleasure under the affliction... For that satisfaction and pleasure, you can do whatever it takes.


[444: The host is big, only a few days, Zhou Yizhe's goodwill has risen to 95! You tortured him like this, and he changed his way to his heart all day long. He still loves you more and more, and it is getting better and better for you. Why is this! (⊙_⊙)b]

[Thank you: guilty:)

[444: I am serious! ╭(╯^╰)╮】

[Xie He: ... I am also serious. Just that is the commentary of the popular version. If you want to listen to the literary fan, you can do it. People, once you taste the taste of love, you can’t bear to lose it easily, just like drinking and quenching thirst, even if you end up It is □ □ will also drink. I gave him the love he wanted. He knew it was fake and accepted it. Shen Shen was unable to extricate himself in his own love. 】


[Xie He: So if you have a disease, you should take medicine, don't give up treatment.]

[444: ... I still think the popular version is easier to understand...]

Xie He heard the opening of the door, immediately put on a pleasant expression, greeted the door, slammed into the man's arms, and raised his head to give him a kiss. He found that Zhou Yizhe really liked him to do this. Zhou Yizhe likes things, he will do it seriously, and there is absolutely no water!

Zhou Yizhe returned a deep kiss to him, then hugged him on the sofa and smiled and stroked his soft short hair: "Is the body better?"

"Much better." Xie He squinted and lie in Zhou Yizhe's arms like a cat.

Zhou Yizhe looked at him with affection and pity. He felt that he was not close enough. He couldn’t help but kiss the young man’s forehead and reacted with his body. But when he thought of the injury suffered by the youth, he could only try to suppress his own * .

Zhou Yizhe tried to control himself, let go of Xie He, and was ready to go to the bathroom to take a cold shower.

But the young man who has always been obedient, never does anything extra, this time suddenly grabbed his sleeves, the wet scorpion showed a grievance, and kept the whisper: "I, I already All right."

Zhou Yizhe’s heartbeat almost missed a beat. What did he hear? Invitation?

At this moment, he really wants to overwhelm the youth, to gallop on his wonderful body, to vent his *, so that the sex-love that can cooperate with each other, will be unprecedentedly beautiful? Just a little bit, Zhou Yizhe would have to compromise, but he remembered the doctor's words, saying that it would take at least half a month.

He forced himself to calm down and slowly pulled the young man's hand down and said: "Don't make trouble."

Xie He’s eyes gradually showed a helpless look.

It is clear that he has put down his body and volunteered to ask for a man. Why did Zhou Yizhe refuse to ask him? Is it aversion to him? Then he is not useless, he has no use for such a point! I thought of a faint mist of water in my eyes, showing a sad look. He bit his lip and suddenly untied the waistband of his pajamas.

With a gentle pull, the entire pajamas fell to the ground, and nothing was actually worn inside.

The young man stood in front of Zhou Yizhe, and the red-naked body-like body still had a faint unhealed bruising mark on the skin of the white jade, but it did not weaken the beauty of the body, but it was more attractive and seductive.

He stared at the wet eyes, his face was a touch of blush, slowly, and went to Zhou Yizhe.

This scene falls in the eyes of Zhou Yizhe, like the Kraken slowly coming to him in the water level. The beautiful scenery of the enchanting tears his sensibility a little, his throat swayed.

Xie He gently grabbed Zhou Yizhe's hand and placed his hand on his chest, under the delicate and smooth skin, and heard a heartbeat.

"Don't you like my body most?" Xie He's lips showed a shallow, sly smile. He held Zhou Yizhe's hand, slowly descended, and finally fell on his shameful part, his voice was **** and hoarse. : "My body also likes you very much, wants you to enter me and fill me up."

"Don't want me... okay..." Xie He looked up, and the faint pleading in the red lips made Zhou Yizhe's heart tremble.

The seductive, beautiful, and beautiful words gradually woven into a black net, covering Zhou Yizhe from beginning to end, slowly tightening, and reaching the point where it was almost impossible to breathe.

A man who has always been angry and indifferent, his eyes are finally out of control and reveal a painful look.

Unable to continue to maintain a calm appearance.

Zhou Yizhe's hand was pushed gently, and Xie He was pushed down on the sofa, and the man who pressed down brought a strong oppressive atmosphere. Xie He’s eyes showed a hint of happiness. Is this what he wants?

Suddenly, thank you for feeling tight hands, Zhou Yizhe directly pulled his pajamas and tied his hands in front of him, then slowly and firmly stood up and got up and went to the bathroom.

Even if he stays for a little longer, he will not be able to control the person he is hurting again.

This week, Zhou Yizhe washed for a long time. He spent a lot of effort to reluctantly suppress his painfulness*. The cold water brought his reason back to his mind, and his powerful self-control made his expression calm. As the leader in this relationship, he needs more and more perseverance to make the right decisions, not indulgence.

When Zhou Yizhe returned to the living room, he found that the young man was curled up on the sofa and his body was still red-naked.

He gently lifted the youth and fell into a pair of fearful eyes.

Zhou Yizhe felt that his heart was **** by something, and the pain was twisted. His face was helpless and gentle smile, with a very gentle tone. "Don't think about it, I don't want you, just your body." Not good yet, I want to wait any longer."

"I..." Xie He was about to talk, and Zhou Yizhe bowed his head and kissed him. His face was red and gasping before he let go.

"Do you not believe me in my words? As long as you are obedient, I will not want you." Zhou Yizhe laughed. What he didn't say is that even if you don't obey, even if you hate me, I won't want you...

Xie Hezhen looked at him as if he was telling whether this sentence was true or not.

For a long time, he seems to have finally relieved, revealing the expression of absolute trust, and pleading with Zhou Yizhe, "I am sorry, I should not doubt you, I will believe you in the future."

[444: Hey, the target goodness is +1, the current good feeling is 96]

Zhou Yizhe sighed and untied his hands, carefully holding him back to the bed and hugging him until the youth fell asleep in his arms. Zhou Yizhe stared at the youth's sleeping face. When she fell asleep, the youth's brows were always picked up slightly, and from time to time it would still be painful. It seemed to be riddled with terrible nightmares.

And this... is the real one.

In front of his own eyes, it is just a fake thank you, a thank you for pleading with his self-esteem. He does all this for Zhou Yi'an. Zhou Yizhe thought that he could accept such a result, continue to paralyze himself with illusion, until today... When Xie He took off his clothes and asked him to go to him, he found that his heart almost broke open. It hurts to breathe.

This is not what he wants.


A few days later, Xie He wakes up in Zhou Yizhe’s arms, but today Zhou Yizhe does not seem to be going to get up. Like an ordinary boyfriend, he is thankful for how tired he is in bed.

"Would you like to sleep again?" Zhou Yizhe held Xie He, unsatisfied and sniffed the breath of his body.

"Yeah." Xie He squinted and lazily.

“Do you want to go out today? Some of my friends have organized outdoor activities.” Zhou Yizhe said with a smile: “You don’t want to be moldy at home.”

"Okay." As long as it is Zhou Yizhe's proposal, Xie He will never refuse.

Zhou Yizhe also understands this in his heart. Therefore, since this time, any words he said to Xie He have been well thought out. Careful consideration of whether Xie He will be embarrassed, because even if it is difficult, Xie He will not say it.

Zhou Yizhe personally helped Xie He to put on his clothes and kneel on his knees to help him put on his shoes. This is a smile: "Let's go."

Outdoor activities are held in a wild ecological park on the outskirts of the city. It has always been loved by the local rich second generation, and there are various shooting and hunting games. For such activities, Zhou Yizhe rarely participates in the same time. Although he belongs to the same generation, he is different from those people. He has played a more important role early on, while the rich second generation is still playing with women. He has already taken over the company of Noda and has entered various formal occasions.

Therefore, when Zhou Yizhe suddenly appeared, it caused a sensation without surprise. A group of people greeted him in front of him, and Zhou Ge, Zhou Da Ge and so on.

Such an occasion made Xie He very uncomfortable, but he soon found a good way to shield the cockroaches. He only needed to ignore those people, just like Zhou Yizhe at home. Xie He Wenshun was sitting by Zhou Yizhe, no. Unspeakable, let others cast a curious eye on him.

Zhou Yizhe responded to those people, although he proposed it, but it seems that he did not want to participate in any activities, just diligently thanking him, from time to time asked him thirsty, hungry, hungry, like a twenty-four filial boyfriend .

Zhou Yizhe's performance fell in the eyes of everyone, people look at Xie He's expression is different. This young man who appeared in their circles for the first time, is it true that Zhou Yizhe’s true love? !

Xie He did not care about this, Zhou Yizhe handed over the water he drank, he handed over the things he ate, and from time to time to cooperate with the expression of happiness and satisfaction.

Inadvertently abused the dog countless.

At this moment, Xie He suddenly heard a familiar voice, making his body slightly invisible.

"Brother, you can come over is a rare guest." Zhou Yi'an is a jacket. It seems that he just came back from the outside. The short hair in front of his forehead was wet with sweat. The handsome face of the sun showed a little sullen smile. "It's better to play a game." ?"

Zhou Yizhe looked at him faintly. When everyone thought he would refuse again as before, he suddenly smiled. "Good."

Zhou Yi'an seemed very happy. He turned his eyes on Xie He's body and smiled. "The original scorpion is also here."

"Yes." Zhou Yizhe looked at him deeply.

Zhou Yi'an slowly, revealing a playful smile. "It's not fun to play without a color. It's better to take a bet to make a bet. Whoever wins today, let him accompany him at night. Brother, what do you think of this suggestion?"