MTL - Strike Back, Proud Goddess!-Chapter 11 Press conference

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At this time, Xiao Jing, who had been waiting outside the door, knocked on the door. "Little girl, are you alright? The banquet has already begun, and Dad called to urge."

Tang Xi originally planned to look in the mirror. When he heard Xiao Jing urging outside, he responded quickly. He opened the door and laughed, "Okay, let's go, brother."

But Xiao Jing, who was standing outside the door, was already stunned. He opened his mouth, and finally asked a little later, "Are you Xiaorou?"

Tang Xi was a little confused, so he looked at Xiao Jing and nodded, "Of course, what's the matter with you, brother?"

Xiao Jing shook his head blankly, "It's okay ??? It's okay, but you seem a little different."

Tang Xi, when he looked at the club, saw how he looked when he wore this skirt. It was indeed better than the usual Xiao Rou, so he thought it was a change, and said, "It should be the skirt."

Xiao Jing's expression is a bit difficult to see at a glance. Can a skirt support a person's figure so well?

Can this princess dress change the contour of her face?

"Brother, don't you go?" Tang Xi opened the door just because Xiao Jing knocked on the door. Now Xiao Jing is not in a hurry.

"Let's go." Xiao Jing stretched his elbow to Tang Xi and smiled, "Dear lady, am I honored to bring you into the stadium?"

Tang Xi smiled, reached out and held his hand, and smiled, "Of course, perfect gentleman."

Brother and sister walked to the banquet hall step by step, attracting guests and waiters along the way.

"Is that the three young masters of the Xiao family? Who is the girl companion around him? Little princess!"

"I didn't expect Xiao Xiao's three young masters actually had girlfriends! And they are so good!"

"Oh my God, that's the three young masters of the Xiao family, so handsome!"

At this time, a lot of media came over and pointed the microphone and camera at Tang Xi and Xiao Jing. "Master Xiao San, may I ask your girlfriend?"

"I don't know which lady this lady is from?"

Tang Xi was very puzzled when she heard the conversation between those people. She was like a tablet, and some people said she was in good shape?

Is that man blind?

Also, you see clearly, where am I a little princess, am I obviously the queen!

Xiao Jing was worried that Tang Xi would be uneasy because of questions from the media. He looked up to see that she was obviously absent-minded and a little lazy. He was a little bit laughed ???

At this moment, there was a sudden silence. Xiao Jing turned around and saw his parents helping his grandfather come. At this time, Tang Xi, who had been holding him, released him and walked to Yang Jingxian. He shrugged and told the reporter. , "You will soon know her identity."

Yang Jingxian has seen Tang Xi wearing this princess dress, but at this time when she saw Tang Xi, her body was obvious. Xiaorou now wears this skirt, which looks better than wearing in a styling company ??? No, it should It belongs to perfection.

Although she couldn't see what was wrong, she felt that she had become very beautiful all of a sudden.

Xiao Hongli didn't expect Tang Xi to become a real little princess after this dress. He raised his eyebrows and touched Tang Xi's hair affectionately. "My little princess, my father almost didn't recognize you . "

"Grandpa almost didn't recognize it."

Tang Xi has a temperament, that is, who is good to her, she is good to everyone. After listening to the three of them, she immediately played Yang Jingxian coquettishly. "Do n’t mom and grandfather dislike Xiaorou? "

"Where is it so good." Old Xiao Xiao said with a smile.

I was very relieved that it seemed that my granddaughter was not sad because she could not recognize her biological parents.

At this time, the reporters around Xiao Jing all came to surround the three generations. "Mr. Xiao, I heard that you have a very important thing to announce today. What is this thing?"

Xiao Jing saw his parents, grandfather and sister surrounded, immediately crowded in and said with a smile, "Dear friends of the media, let's ask questions little by little. Don't worry, ten minutes."

At this time, Xiao Hongli stepped forward and raised his hand with a smile to stop those reporters from talking. "The convening of this press conference today is indeed a happy event to announce to everyone."

At this time, Yang Jingxian pulled Tang Xi forward, Xiao Hongli stretched out Tang Xi, and laughed, "This is Xiao Rou's daughter Xiao Rou. Because of the holiday of the older generation, I was hugged by the people from birth. Go, after twenty-three years of searching, we finally found her, and today I will introduce her to everyone. "

As soon as he said this, the following reporter immediately became a sensation. Although the reporters have changed and do not know how many generations, the news that Mrs. Xiao was pregnant with the fourth child was very sensational. Later, the Xiao family only had three. Many sons have speculated that the fetus has not been saved, and I did not expect that such a bombshell was thrown out at this time!

For a while, the reporters went crazy, UU reading they rushed forward crazy, "Excuse Mrs. Xiao, is it true that Mr. Xiao said?"

Because Xiao Hongli did not hold any position in the Xiao Group, but worked in the municipal administration, outsiders called him Mr. Xiao and Mr. Xiao Hongyi as President Xiao to distinguish between the two of them.

Yang Jingxian smiled and nodded, tears in his eyes, "Yes, I'm grateful to God for getting my daughter back."

"Looking at Mrs. Xiao smiling so happily, must you be very excited at this time?" A reporter suddenly shifted the problem to Mrs. Xiao.

Mrs. Xiao rarely appeared in front of media reporters, and a rare smile appeared at this time, "Yeah, I thought there was no hope. Who knew that God gave me this old man a big gift, I am very happy that my granddaughter was able to return Our Xiao family. "

Suddenly a reporter asked a question, "Mr. Xiao can answer, who is the person who adopted Miss Xiao or abducted Miss Xiao?"

Xiao Xiaoli flashed a gloom in his eyes and silently remembered the newspaper.

At this moment Tang Xi suddenly stood up, she smiled slightly at the camera, her eyes softened, but let the reporter who just asked the question have a cold spine. At this time, Tang Xi said gently, "Who was I being abducted from? This incident has always been a pain for my parents. I hope that journalists will not expose my parents' wounds. As for me ?????? Tang Xi suddenly felt that one hand caught her suddenly, she looked back At a glance, it was Yang Jingxian. She smiled at Yang Jingxian and said, "I have nothing to hide. I was kidnapped and bought in a mountain village in W City."

"I grew up in the mountains from a young age. You can't imagine what I used to be. I couldn't imagine it before. It turns out that this is my home."