MTL - Strike Back, Proud Goddess!-Chapter 452 Xiaorou

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Although Qiao Liang still kept his face cold, his clenched hands had proved that he was stunning again by his girl.

Tang Xi walked on the runway with a confident smile and raised her chest. She looked at the small number of stands, and walked forward step by step with a smile on her mouth.

He Wanyi looked at Tang Xi and was pleasantly surprised, "My God, I want to record a video and post a Weibo!"

He Wanzhou, He Wanning, and Ning Yan, when they heard He Wanyi say this, they also took out their mobile phones to take a video with Tang Xi, and then sent Weibo. Several people sent a Weibo at the same time, and These micro-blogs have made THEQUEEN officially step into the luxury goods industry and become a brand sought after by the domestic elite.

He Wanyi: Tonight's show is really nothing, and the Queen is indeed the Queen. Tonight I witnessed the birth of a Queen #THEQUEEN 首 秀 ## 萧 柔 THEQUEEN #. 【video】.

Ning Min raised her eyebrows and took a look at He Wanyi, a corner of her mouth, and sent a Weibo.

Ning Min: This is the queen scene I am looking forward to. It is indeed the model and clothing company that Laozi fancy! There is potential! #THEQUEEN 首 秀 ## 萧 柔 THEQUEEN #. 【video】

Ning Min: I just gave the video, I'll show you mercy and show you some Queen's clothing pictures! 【image】

The first three pictures of Jiugongge are He Wanyi's promotional photos for THEQUEEN, the middle three are THEQUEEN's high-definition costumes, and the last three are photos taken by Tang Xi during the short film.

He Wanzhou also quickly tweeted.

Master He: This THEQUEEN is indeed a queen. #THEQUEEN 首 秀 ## 萧 柔 THEQUEEN #. 【video】.

He Wanning: I did not expect that the little fairy at that time has become the queen of today. At the time, I still wanted such a little fairy. If only I knew your true identity was too bad, I did not expect that the little fairy has become a little princess Then she became a queen, and it was great. #THEQUEEN 首 秀 ## 萧 柔 THEQUEEN #. # 唐 潇 萧 柔 ## 萧 柔 幻 蝶 婚纱 # [Video].

And this video of He Wanning is not the same as theirs. This video is a video of the last perfume advertisement and this catwalk show.

Xiao Jing watched all three people posted the video, and at the moment he would not be outdone, and immediately posted a Weibo.

Xiao Jing handsome man: It is indeed my sister who wants to spoil you as a little princess, but you have become a queen. You can be a queen's model when you go to Paris for a medical examination, which is great! #THEQUEEN 首 秀 ## 萧 柔 THEQUEEN #. # 唐 潇 萧 柔 ## 萧 柔 幻 蝶 婚纱 # [Video].

Everyone posted a video, everyone was successful, but soon they found a problem, that Qiao Liang actually sat there and said nothing! And Tang Xi is almost about to step down. Everyone collectively set his eyes on Qiao Liang. Qiao Liang raised his eyebrows and looked at the crowd. He Wanzhou grinned, "Master Qiao, you are asking me to chase Xiaorouer The rhythm? "

"Don't you advertise my sister!" Xiao Jing squinted.

He Wanyi despised Qiao Liang.

Qiao Liang shrugged and looked at Xiao Jing with a look of calmness, "Your sister didn't allow me to make our relationship public."

Xiao Jing snorted and looked at Qiao Liang in contempt. "You take my sister as an excuse!"

Ning Yun: "Come on, you're going to post a Weibo, but you have two or three million fans on your Weibo. Most people know this time you came to the show. By then, we didn't post it. Aren't there three hundred and twenty silver here? "

Xiao Jing raised an eyebrow, "Yeah! Hurry up!"

Qiao Liang glanced at everyone, took out his mobile phone to find the photo he had taken, and posted it on Weibo.

Qiao Liang: The Queen. 【image】.

Everyone immediately went to Qiao Liang's Weibo, and sure enough saw Qiao Liang's Weibo, and this picture!

"Fuck, Qiao Liang, what kind of mobile phone are you? Even in the evening, you can still take close-up shots!"

Xiao Jing raised an eyebrow. "My video is also very good."

Ning Yan raised an eyebrow. "What phone do you use?"

Xiao Jing shrugged. "There is no brand. I picked up the phone."

Everyone despised.

Qiao Liang looked at the self-confident and beautiful queen on his Weibo, and gradually raised the corner of his mouth. He watched Tang Xi walk towards the backstage, Qiao Liang stood up and looked away.

He Wanzhou, who was watching Qiao Liang ’s Weibo, looked up, “I ’m relying on, Qiao Liang, you ’re too kinky! Millions of fans have only posted three Weibos ... eh, Qiao Liangren?

Ning Yue blew a whistle and raised his chin. "They went to see Yiren."

Lawrence and Carl also looked at each other and did not intend to leave here, but sat here waiting for Chu Ling to come out.

He Wanyi and others were sitting opposite Lawrence. The others were gone, and the show lights were turned on. He Wanyi looked up and saw Lawrence and Karl. This made one a spokesperson for Xiaoxiang Family. He Wan Yi meal, her eyes widened, "How come they come over Karl?"

He Wanzhou raised an eyebrow, "Do you know?"

He Wanyi took a look at his big brother who only knew beautiful women, "Carr is the director of CHANEL! Lawrence is the owner of fashion Paris ~ ~ is very powerful in country F, even the president has to give him Thin, how did they come back to the Queen's show. "

Most importantly, she hadn't noticed before!

And here Tang Xi just walked to the backstage as if he was about to collapse, and stood there staring at Chu Ling with no light in his eyes, "Am I right?"

Chu Ling gave Tang Xi a thumbs up. Tang Xi finally felt relieved. At this time Qiao Liang suddenly came over. Tang Xi looked back at Qiao Liang. She smiled at Qiao Liang and was about to speak. Qiao Liang came over in two steps. She lifted her back and kissed.

Tang Xi was surprised and stared at the face close by. He was crazy! So many people here!

But his body is very honest.

Chu Ling raised an eyebrow and greeted the models and designers who covered their mouths to leave, and went to the show in front.

After a full minute, Qiao Liang released Tang Xi. Tang Xi was weak and almost fell. Qiao Liang quickly held Tang Xi. Tang Xi stood still before staring at Qiao Liang. "What are you doing ~ "

Qiao Liang's voice was a little hasty, "Punish."

Tang Xi: "Punishment?"

Qiao Liang responded and looked at Tang Xi deeply. "I regret to promise you to come to power."

Tang Xi grumbled, a little angry, "Don't it look good?"

Qiao Liang looked at Tang Xi and smiled. He embraced Tang Xi in his arms and lowered his voice. "I look impulsive at you, do you think she is pretty?"

Tang Xi blinked, and it took a while before he reached out and hugged Qiao Liang. "So did I succeed?"

Qiao Liang: "Successful."

"However, you need to raise your body quickly. I think if I go on like this, I will get sick."

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