MTL - Strike Back, Proud Goddess!-Chapter 540 Qiao Liang's Cooking Skills

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Tang Xi got up weakly and looked at Xiao Jing, as if he saw a savior, rushed out of the yard, showing a knowing smile, "You are here, I'm in motion! You plan ..." Tang Xi looked at the hands of several people Carrying the dishes and meat, swallowed the saliva, "Can you cook hot pot?" & 1t; /

Xiao Yidian, we went to Qiaoliang's house and waited for the hot pot to eat, but the guy was good ... Xiao Jing noticed the key point. The two of them were not in their yard! He looked at Qiao Liang and snarled, "I went to your second uncle. It turned out that your kid bought this house before, and he was working on some renovations on Saturday !! It hurt us not to rest well!" & 1t; /

Qiao Liang glanced at Xiao Jing, expressionless, "boy?" & 1t; /

Xiao Jing knew that he had offended someone who was cautious, and quickly covered his mouth and shook his head. "We bought vegetables, and we will cook hot pot in your house tonight, when the housewarming dinner?" & 1t; /

As soon as Qiao Liang was about to say no, Tang Xi agreed, "Really? That's great! I haven't had dinner tonight! I just want to eat a hot pot!" & 1t; /

"Let's go!" He Wanzhou laughed and took the lead in stepping into Qiao Liang's courtyard. After passing Qiao Liang's side, he patted Qiao Liang's shoulders with a mean hand. Ah. "& 1t; /

Qiao Liang opened his shoulders sideways to let others in. Tang Xi smiled at him as he passed by. Qiao Liang held Tang Xi's hand and frowned slightly, "You didn't have dinner?" & 1t; /

Tang Xi nodded very grievously, "Well, I haven't eaten at all." & 1t; /

Seeing that Qiao Liang's frown was even worse, Tang Xi immediately raised his hand and said, "This is to blame you. Call me to tell me about such an exciting problem. I was too excited when the crew put in the afternoon and I was not hungry. You will pull when you come back I have exercised, I have never had a chance to eat ... "& 1t; /

Tang Xi just slipped. & 1t; /

Qiao Liang looked at Tang Xi's back, shook his head helplessly, walked over to close the courtyard door, and then turned into the house. & 1t; /

Although Qiao Liang came in this villa for the first time, the kitchen utensils and utensils were very complete, almost everything, even copper hot pot. Ning Min was looking when he found the copper hot pot in the kitchen. He was shocked. He raised the copper hot pot and put it on the dining table. "You really have everything, you even prepare this pot!" & 1t; /

"It's better to use the pot to make lamb," Qiao Liang said, looking at Xiao Jing. "Go to your house to get carbon. My house doesn't have carbon." & 1t; /

The man instructed the two ladies to wash vegetables, and Tang Xi immediately lay down on the sand and pretended to be dead. "I have collapsed and refused to work." He reached out to congratulate Wan Yi, "Let Wan Yi go." & 1t; /

"No!" He Wanyi took a seat on the sand as a matter of course. "Ms. Ben can't touch cold water in a special period, so it's up to you all today." & 1t; /

Finally, the two brothers He Wanning and He Wanzhou went to wash vegetables in silence. & 1t; /

Ning Yue asked Qiao Liang to cut the meat. Qiao Liang glanced at him and pointed to the kitchen. "There are kitchen knives and cutting boards inside to cut them by yourself." & 1t; /

"This is a housewarming banquet for you, let us work?" & 1t; /

Qiao Liang shrugged indifferently. "Which house have you ever moved to, and the master did it himself?" & 1t; /

Ning Yan: "!!! You and your family are not hands-on!" & 1t; /

"A couple?" Qiao Liang raised an eyebrow. & 1t; /

"What? What's wrong?" Ning Yan blew his nose and stared. & 1t; /

"No." Qiao Liang stood up. "Look at you saying that, I'll get you a cutting board and a kitchen knife for you." & 1t; /

Ning Yan: ".… .." & 1t; /

Ning Yun never cooked, let him cut the meat, it is better to let him cut himself, so he did not move, and the last piece of meat was still there. & 1t; /

After a while, Xiao Jing came over with a basket of carbon, followed by Xiaosha, Xiaosha carried a beer, "Well, I heard that I moved to a banquet, I took beer." & 1t; /

Tang Xi looked up at those meats that had been dead for a long time, and no one moved. He looked up at Xiao He and Xiao Jing, "Second Brother, Third Brother, it's your turn." & 1t; /

"Xiao Rouer, you're thin!" How long has Tang Xi been in the crew and hasn't seen him for so long, it's not because he doesn't want to see her, but because he has expanded the company's business. Months are too busy. & 1t; /

[31Fiction Network updates quickly] Tang Xi nodded and looked at Ning Min complaining, "Ning Ning's food was too bad!" & 1t; /

In fact, Tang Xi wasn't thin at all, just because she was exercising, she was more energetic, and her loose clothes, which had been passed on by sports, looked like a skeleton. & 1t; /

"So brother, cut the meat quickly, and let me eat more lamb and beef, and make up for it." & 1t; /

Put the beer on the table, wash your hands Xiao Xiao, and then come out and pick up the meat slices skillfully with a kitchen knife, and said to Xiao Jing, "You go to make broth, yes, there is fresh abalone in the house. Mom delivered it yesterday. You take it and use the grill to test and fill Xiaorou's belly. "& 1t; /

The crowd didn't care what Xiao Sa was talking about, but they looked at Xiao Sa's perfect knives. They couldn't help admiring it. Qiao Liang even raised his eyebrows at Xiao Sha, and asked, "When did you practice this kind of knife?" & 1t; /

"In order to serve my young lady, what else can I do?" Xiao Sha looked at Tang Xi and picked up a piece of lamb and shook it. "Is this thickness right?" & 1t; /

Tang Xi nodded his head vigorously, and commended the compliment ~ ~ It's suitable, your brother is the best in the world! "& 1t; /

Qiao Liang frowned and looked at Tang Xi, but Tang Xi looked at Xiao Xiao with a smile, without even looking at himself! & 1t; /

"Great!" He Wanyi said, "Three of your brothers will cook?" & 1t; /

Xiao Sa: "The boss doesn't do much, unless he and I are not at home, he needs to wait for our young lady to go to cook. Alone at home is almost always takeaway." & 1t; /

Xiao Jing, who was cooking broth in the kitchen, suddenly raised his voice and asked, "Little Rouer, do you want to eat seafood pasta first, my brother has your favorite big lobster in the refrigerator!" & 1t; /

"Yes!" Tang Xi was so hungry that she was already hungry. The most important thing was that in the last few days of shooting, she had seafood in her meal ... she had long missed her big lobster! & 1t; /

Now instead of focusing on the two brothers, they all gathered on Tang Xi, and Ning Yan raised an eyebrow. "You are usually regarded as a princess at home? They ..." He pointed his fingers at Xiaosha and the kitchen. Xiao Jing inside, "Is all waiting for you personally?" & 1t; /

Tang Xi nodded. "When Mommy wasn't home, they were serving me." After looking at Qiao Liang, she smiled, "You know I won't cook, right?" & 1t; /

Qiao Liang nodded, "Well." & 1t; /

"Then you have to learn a little from us, otherwise my parents won't be assured to marry Xiaoroue to you." Xiao Sha raised his eyes and looked at Qiao Liang, "Can't you learn from me?" & 1t; /

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