MTL - Strong Offense and Defense-Chapter 19 . The dream is cool, the reality is awkward

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"Nie Chuan! Hold him--"

In the ear of Nie Chuan, the shout of teammates came.

Infected by such a tense atmosphere, Nie Chuan's nerves were extremely concentrated.

He lowered his center of gravity, held his breath, and Rees rushed in front of him. A false move to the right was extremely realistic. Nie Chuan knew that if he saw through, Rees would pass the plan. If Nie Chuan followed, he would definitely do it again. Change direction!

Reese turned decisively and quickly for two consecutive times, but Nie Chuan always stood in front of him.

This offensive and defensive battle is extremely urgent. The magnitude of the left and right fake moves is staggering, but the two people are always anxious, as if there is invisible gravity between each other. No matter how they break free, they always maintain an axis.

Reese twice passed the stop sharply, and Nie Chuan kept pressing on his rhythm. Reese gliding past the dribble and passed the hand to protect the ball. Time became slow in Nie Chuan's eyes. When he got up, Reese's hair was raised because of a breakthrough, the sharp color in his eyes, the muscles he stretched, the lines of tension in his legs, all stopped at that moment.

I only heard the sound of "pop ---" Nie Chuan's hand waved, time flowed again, and the hustle and bustle was endless, but the offensive and defensive positions were instantaneous, and the ball had reached Nie Chuan's hand.

Reese didn't hesitate to cling to Nie Chuan. The aggressive feeling of oppression made Nie Chuan almost weightless and fell back.

But he quickly found his center, centered on his left foot, and quickly passed the ball out.

Reese turned abruptly and chased Nie Chuan's teammates. His speed was extremely fast, and Nie Chuan rushed after him. He has never run so fast. He only has one belief in his heart, that is, he will never let Rees take the next goal!

Nie Chuan came to his teammates. The teammates passed the ball without hesitation.

He could clearly feel that there was a force coming behind him, so he gave up the shot without hesitation, and turned sharply at the moment of landing, avoiding Reese who was about to cover his hot pot. Nie Chuan took off, Reese came to Nie Chuan in an amazing speed, and suddenly he got up. His body was stretched out with extremely powerful lines, his arms stretched, and his fingertips seemed to reach a height that Nie Chuan could not reach. But Nie Chuan threw that ball out. It was a beautiful parabola, as if it crossed all eyes beyond all imagination, and fell steadily into the basket.

Reese hit Nie Chuan, and the two fell backwards.

Nie Chuan opened her eyes wide, and watched the ball fall to the ground between the hairs rising from Reese.

He thought he would fall badly this time, but he never expected that Reese's palm clasped his back of his head, his arm rested on his back waist, and when he collided with the ground, he only felt the shock, but It's not pain.

At this time, Reese's voice sounded in his ear.

Cold, calm, with some kind of extreme temptation: "Are you cool?"

Nie Chuan trembled violently, and opened his eyes suddenly.

Daylight came in through the curtains. The room was softly lit, with the ceiling in front of the house and a soft mattress underneath.

Nie Chuan realized that everything just now was dreaming.

"Damn-why is it dreaming again!"

Nie Chuan exhaled heavily and raised his hand to wipe the sweat off his forehead.

He said how could he intercept Reese's ball. It wouldn't count if he intercepted the ball, and he could pass Reese's defense? Can Reese take off and score?

This can no longer be explained by Tian Fang Ye Tan.

However, the feeling of overcoming obstacles, especially the defensive scoring of such a powerful opponent, is really great to describe in words.

It ’s just ... Will I have that day?

Nie Chuan doubted in his heart.

He stretched his hands, his fingers touching the ceiling, as if coincident with Rees's fingertips.

When the boiling blood had cooled down, he realized something.

Lifting the quilt, he sat up and slammed the mattress hard: "Damn! Why is it wet again!"

He stood up arrogantly, took off his pants, and went into the bathroom to scrub.

At this moment, his heart was extremely desolate.

Why it came out like this? Why isn't it because I dreamed of Catherine every time, but Reese Redington!

Can it be more shameful?

Just then, Mom's voice rang out from the door: "Ogawa! Ogawa! You have a friend to come to you again! He said that he asked you to play basketball together! Don't rely on bed, hurry up!"

Nie Chuan's shoulder shook, and he was asked to play basketball except Reese. He couldn't remember having a second person!

Is this the rhythm of the ghost? Whoever he least wants to see, he desperately tries to brush his presence!

"Know, I'll ..." The moment Nie Chuan turned around, he was completely dumbfounded!

Because the bathroom door was broken for two days, there was no time to repair it. Although Nie Chuan closed the door, it opened it halfway again.

Reese, standing in sportswear, stood behind him, holding his arms, and smiling at the corners of his lips.

Nie Chuan's face turned red instantly, and the door closed again suddenly: "Don't you know that you want to knock on someone's door?"

"I just stood at the door and didn't come in," Reese said lightly.

Nie Chuan almost sprayed blood on the opposite mirror.

He didn't even think that anyone other than his mother would come in. Now he only has the bottoms dipped in the pool and the pajamas that have been coated with soap ...

Nie Chuan touched himself backwards, and then cried.

Reese would laugh like that, definitely saw it!

Unless you are blind, you ca n’t see it!

Nie Chuanyangtian, is his innocence gone?

Just then, Reese knocked on the door and couldn't hear the ups and downs in his voice: "Where are your pants?"

"... in the second drawer of the closet ..."

Although Nie Chuan was really reluctant to help him find pants for him, he did not want to go out wearing wet pants, because it was more funny than not wearing them.

Less than two minutes later, Reese's hand reached in, and his fingertips hung a pair of underpants belonging to Nie Chuan, shaking it gently.

That feels ... sour ...

Nie Chuan quickly drew the pants over and quickly put them on. Fortunately, the hem of his pajamas was long enough to reveal only half of his thighs, but the most embarrassing place was still covered.

He pushed the door away, avoiding Reese's eyes, and glanced at the clock outside, it was already eight: 50!

"I ... I haven't had breakfast ..."

If you practice without breakfast, will you collapse?

"I know. Aren't you busy washing your pants?"

Nie Chuan walked back to his room, and Liz followed his pockets tightly and slowly.

Nie Chuan lowered his head all the way and came to the door of his room. When his finger just touched the door handle, Reese stretched out a hand, almost rubbing Nie Chuan's ears and pinched on the door.

"It looks like you had a good rest last night and you have a lot of energy."

I don't know if it is an illusion. Nie Chuan felt a warm breath passing his ears, and he didn't dare to turn back, because Reese was talking like covering his ears.

The whole space seemed to be cut off by Reese, and the scent of Nie Chuan's nose was a very refreshing shower milk belonging to Reese.

"I'll wait for you in the living room."

Reese took it back, and the sense of oppression finally disappeared.

Nie Chuan entered the door and exhaled hard.

When he wore a t-shirt and track pants and came to the living room, he saw Reese sitting at the table, eating the soy milk squeezed out by Nie's mother, and the steamed steamed buns. To entertain him, Mother Nie also mixed a cold dish and fried rice cakes. The fragrance of osmanthose is mouth watering.

Nie Chuan didn't feel that way. Why hadn't he received such VIP treatment before?

"Rice! Eat more! It takes time to play basketball!"

"Thank Aunt."

"Auntie, thank you. Originally, our family came here, and I was worried that Ogawa would not make friends or could not integrate into the life of this country. What if he was lonely? But seeing you will take him to make friends, I will play basketball with him again, I'm assured! Xiaolongbao, osmanthus fried rice cakes, are all things that Ogawa likes to eat. Auntie also doesn't know that you are used to eating. "

Mother Nie is probably too happy and has a lot of words.

Nie Chuan was embarrassed.

"Auntie, did you get Xiaolong Bao?"

Although Reese's Chinese pronunciation has an American accent, his special sound quality makes his spoken Chinese inexplicable.

Nie Chuan really wants to know, where did Reese learn Chinese? Maybe better than what many college students in the Chinese Department have said?

"It's my bag. What I can buy here are frozen in the Chinese supermarket for a long time, it's not fresh, so my aunt packs it herself."

"No wonder it's not the same as in a Chinese restaurant. The fillings are special and the soup is thick."

Reese bended her lips and smiled. It was completely different from the arrogant and cold smile on weekdays. Even the corner of her eyebrows had a touch of coziness, as if she really enjoyed the breakfast made by Nie.

Nie Chuan has a lot of his own feelings. Isn't it the classic scene of mother and child filial piety?

"Ogawa! Have you finally washed up? Come and eat! Soy milk is going to be cold!"


Nie Chuan sat down dumbly, eating quietly.

Till the end of the meal, Nie Chuan followed Reese's home and landed on Reese's Land Rover.

Just now, the kind expression on Reese's face calmed down. Without turning on the air conditioner, Nie Chuan felt that the car was cold.