MTL - Strong Offense and Defense-~

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Nie Chuan looked at Ralvin's back, he was stunned.

In the applause of the audience, dk was silent. The strength of azu let everyone know clearly that the first tough game in the final.

Seston slowly walked to Ralvin, without a proud expression of victory on his face. He reached out to Ralvin: "This game is very enjoyable."

Ralvin raised his head and twitched his lips: "Don't underestimate dk."

"Azu can take this step precisely because we don't underestimate any opponent. See you next year, Ralvin."

After the game, the teams retired, and Nie Chuan got up.

"Rice, I'm going to say hello to Ralph."

Before Nie Chuan turned, he was dragged by Carlo: "You and Ralvin are also familiar?"

"Haha, we played several games together during the Christmas holiday."

Reese did not object, and followed him to the UFR lounge.

Nie Chuan walked in, but Reese crossed his arms against the wall, waiting for him outside the door.

The team didn't have a sluggish mood, everyone was talking to each other, but Nie Chuan could still see the regret in their hearts from their expressions.

When Nie Chuan came in, everyone looked over.

"Dk's point guard Nie Chuan."

"Why is he here?"

At this time, Nie Chuan saw Ralvin in his seat. He lowered his head, covered his towel, and his shoulders were undulating due to breathing. He had not fully recovered yet.

Nie Chuan came to Ralvin and sat down, putting a can of Coke on Ralvin's face: "Drink?"

Ralph's lips line curled up: "How do you feel today's game?"

"I think you are handsome." Nie Chuan smiled.

"I mean to Seston Lind." Ralvin raised his hand. Nie Chuan knew he was going to push his head, but he didn't have enough strength.

This makes Nie Chuan feel more powerful.

"He is very powerful. Before watching the game of Azu, I just thought he was strong. But now I find that Azu is like a mountain that is difficult to conquer. Probably because your UFR is the most powerful opponent that Azu meets, otherwise I would not There was no chance to see the full strength of Azu. "Nie Chuan narrowed his eyes and answered seriously.

As long as he closed his eyes, his mind was repeatedly playing Seston's wonderful pass and scoring. When imagining his opponent, Nie Chuan found that he did not necessarily have the ability to respond to Ralvin.

"So you see clearly?" Ralvin asked. "His dribbling style, his rhythm, his usual scoring skills and his cooperation with Ben Robbins?"

Nie Chuan hesitated. To say that this game is like a classic example against azu. Although UFR lost in the end, it gave dk a lot of reference and experience.

"Thank you." Nie Chuan put on Ralvin's shoulder. "I won't let you desperately show me what you see."

Ralvin replied funnyly: "You guys are less self-confident. I would rather win azu than meet you in the finals rather than be your wedding dress."

Nie Chuan also laughed.

"Now the only point guard in the league that can compete with Seton is you."

Ralvin's words made Nie Chuan stunned: "Hey, don't you guys stick gold to my face. Where am I so powerful?"

At this time, Ralvin ordered a teammate to walk past them, and the palm of the other person nipped on Nie Chuan's shoulder. I don't believe it. But when I saw you singled out Raven Harvey and Owen Westhawk, I realized that Ralvin never really exaggerated. "

Nie Chuan looked at Ralvin. She did not expect that Ralvin would give such a high evaluation to herself.

"What about Rees?" Ralvin asked softly.

"Just outside."

Larvin chuckled softly: "Maybe only the two of you can fight against the combination of Seston Lind and Ben Robbins. I tried my best to show you the true strength of Seston Lind Don't let my efforts go in vain. "

"I know." Nie Chuan clenched his fists.

Out of the lounge, Nie Chuan and Reese walked side by side to the exit. When they passed Azu's lounge, their team members came out.

Ben Lengbu, who talked back to Seton, hit Nie Chuan's shoulder.

"Yeah! It's you!" Ben rejoiced, "Thank you for cheering for me today! I have played so much today!"

For the first time, Nie Chuan met Ben Robbins at such a close distance. He has a beautiful eyebrows, a slender figure but never thin. Even under the sportswear, Nie Chuan can see that he has beautiful lines of my muscles.

"Ah, you are amazing today ..." Nie Chuan nodded.

Too bad to shake Ewing's confidence.

At this time, Seston also came out, and he bounced into Ben's head funnyly: "Don't be stupid, he obviously cheered for Ralvin. But I'm sorry, your final opponent is azu not ufr."

"It's the same for everyone."

Reese was about to turn around, but Seston suddenly clasped Nie Chuan's shoulders and dragged him to his side, holding Nie Chuan's neck with his arm.

All this happened too quickly. Nie Chuan did not respond at all. Seton's actions did not make Nie Chuan difficult to breathe, but it made him feel a sense of oppression he never had, as if he were a fragile antelope. His throat was bitten by the lion.

"Let him go." Reese turned around, his cold eyes and sharply raised eyebrows made it clear that he was angry.

Seston's face was still relaxed.

"What are you nervous about? Even if I kill him, it won't be here, but on the basketball court."

After speaking, Seston raised his arm, and the moment Nie Chuan was free, he was dragged over by Liz and rammed into Liz's arms.

"You will regret the provocation against me today."

Reese glanced at Seton and dragged Nie Chuan away.

"Ah ... why do you have to pretend to be annoying to provoke Reese?" Ben shook his head helplessly.

"I'm annoying at first, does this need to be installed?" Seton asked ridiculously.

"Actually you like Nie Chuan, don't you?"

"Why do you think I like Nie Chuan?" Seton asked funnyly.

"Because I saw you watch a video of Udk against KSU on your mobile phone. In that game Rhys didn't play because of injury. The highlight of the whole game was the match between Nie Chuan and Raven Harvey. You will watch that so seriously In the competition, your research object cannot be KSU who has lost, but Nie Chuan, right? "Ben presented the expressions I know best about you in the world.

"Reese Reddington is more suitable for singles than teamwork. The guy who can let him go free to cooperate must have something special that others don't have. Nie Chuan has grown very fast, from the regular season In the finals, it can be said that they are judged to be two. In the regular season, he can only be regarded as an excellent point guard, but when entering the finals, especially his battle with Raven Harvey made me think this The guy has reached the level of the opponent. "

"Hey, Seston, do you know why I am willing to partner with an obnoxious guy like you?"


"Because you are proud, but you can always face your opponent." Ben said seriously.

"So the reason I'm annoying is pride?"

Ben shook his head, walked forward a few steps, and distanced himself from Seston, and answered, "Because you are annoying everywhere except for your skills and face!"

Having said that, afraid of being retaliated by Seston, Ben ran away.

Seston smiled helplessly in his pocket: "If I really want to punch you, can you run away these few steps?"

At this time, Nie Chuan and Reese had already boarded the car.

Nie Chuan closed her eyes and leaned back against the back of the chair.

"What are you thinking?" Reese asked softly.

"I find that my memory is getting better and better. The picture of the game is like a slow-motion playback in my head. How Ralvin broke through Seston and how Seston stole the ball from Ralvin. , The amplitude of their body swings, the steps under their feet are so clear ... "

"This is because your responsiveness is faster than before, so your brain can leave these pictures."

"Seston is too fast. I'm afraid I can't catch up with him."

"It's a good thing to acknowledge the gap, but don't underestimate yourself. In the past, you didn't think you could rival Raven Harvey, nor did you think you could score continuously from Owen Wishaw. So now you feel like You can't catch Seston. When the game really starts, maybe you can cover Seston hot pot. "

Reese's voice was calm, as if stating a fact.

Nie Chuan pursed his mouth and laughed.

There are still a few days before the finals, and Nie Chuan decides to make good adjustments.

That night, he was lying in the quilt, leaning on Reese's arms and brushing his circle of friends. Reese had a book in his hand. Suddenly Nie Chuan received a text message from Ralph, and Nie Chuan's eyes were falling. .

"My mother! Ralvin will come to me tomorrow!"

"Can you ask for comfort?" Reese asked indifferently.

"No, he asked Owen to come with him!" Nie Chuan stood up, "two to two with us!"

"This is a good thing."


& # 160; "Ralvin's research on Seston is very deep, and Owen is the closest point guard in the league to Ben Robbins. They can simulate the match between Seston and Ben for us. . "