MTL - Study Days at Hogwarts-Chapter 1283 Rescue Mission (2)

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  Chapter 1283 Rescue Mission (2)

   Following George Apparition, the two appeared in a remote suburb, surrounded by some deserted houses, and the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix was hidden here.

   "It's not far ahead."

  George was just about to reveal the location of the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix to Albert, but was suddenly stopped by Albert.

   "What's wrong?" George immediately looked around.

   "Your Animagus is recognizable."

  Albert waved his wand and pulled out the shadow hidden in the shadow of the abandoned house.

   "Not every wizard is as sharp as you."

  The black dog turned back into Black in front of Albert, and greeted Albert.

   "I'm sure everyone will be delighted to meet you."

   "What were you doing just now?" George asked suspiciously.

"When we came here just now, we triggered the invasion curse left by the Order of the Phoenix." Albert explained casually, "Blake probably came here to see who is coming, and if it is an enemy, he can find a chance to sneak attack the other party. "

   "Probably so."

  Sirius cast admiring gazes at Albert, and walked in front of Albert and George to lead the way for them.


   After walking for a while, the three stopped and stood in front of an open space.

   "Welcome to 19 York Village."

  As soon as George's topic came to an end, the outline of a dilapidated house appeared in front of Albert.

   Albert did expect that he would come to the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix one day, but he didn't expect to come because of it.

   "Dobby, take George back first, and come back later."

   After being informed by George of the location of the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, Albert suddenly said to the air beside him.

  Dobby the house-elf appears out of nowhere, reaches out to take George's hand, and prepares to apparate him away.


  Before George finished speaking, he was apparated by the house elf.

   "House-elf?" Sirius looked at the place where Dobby left, and was surprised that Albert still had a house-elf with him.

   "Dobby used to be the house elf of the Malfoy family, and then I spent a few Galleons to hire him to work for me." Albert explained.

   "You are probably the only one who would do that in the entire wizarding world." Sirius didn't ask much, and Albert must have his reasons for bringing a house elf.

   "They are good helpers, loyal and reliable." Albert still trusts the house elves.

   Sirius froze for a moment, expressing his doubts.

  No way, Kreacher gave him a really bad impression.

   Just as they were walking towards the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, the wooden door in front of them suddenly opened, and a black figure flew directly into Albert's arms, and Hermione's voice rang in his ears.

   "I knew you would definitely not sit idly by, and would definitely come to help us." Hermione said excitedly.

  Albert patted Hermione on the shoulder and said helplessly, "Okay, we'd better go in and talk about it. I'm afraid it's not safe here now."

  Behind Hermione, Ron was sullen, as if someone owed him a lot of Garen, but it was Harry who gave Albert a grateful look.

   "Sorry, I'm happy."

  Hermione let go of Albert and pulled him into the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix.

  As a half outsider, Hermione knows better than most people here how rare it is that Albert is willing to help clean up this mess.

  The current troubles are entirely caused by everyone's unwillingness to follow Albert's advice before, and have nothing to do with him.

   What's more, Albert has helped them more than once, and it can be said that he has done his best.

  Now, he is still willing to help clean up the mess, which is enough to show how good his character is.

"You need to be vigilant about your surroundings recently. There is a high probability that the Weasleys have been arrested. As long as the mysterious person has a normal mind, it is not difficult to find Harry's whereabouts or the approximate location of the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix from their mouths." Ai Burt suddenly said to Sirius, "That's why I asked Dobby to send George away, lest he, the secret keeper, appear here and do bad things."

   "You mean... there will be dark wizards watching over here." Lee Jordan understood the meaning of Albert's words, and Albert has always been very strict about this matter.

  Only the Fidelity Curse can truly block the enemy from outside, and other defensive methods are not very effective.

   "Obviously." Albert looked around and asked puzzledly, "By the way, where is Fred?"

"Fred's mood is not stable, so we let him rest first." Lee Jordan was a little embarrassed when he talked about this incident. Problem, acting impulsively can easily screw things up.

   "Go and wake up Fred first." Albert could understand Lee Jordan's good intentions.

In the final analysis, they went too smoothly along the way. Although the Weasley twins have matured a lot with him, the Gryffindor impulse is still there, especially when it comes to their own family members. Easily influenced by emotions.

   I don't know what happened, but the originally spacious corridor suddenly became crowded. Many members of the Order of the Phoenix came to see Albert, as if he was some precious and rare magical animal.

   "Go inside if you have something to do, don't squeeze in here." Mad-Eye Moody finally couldn't bear it and roared at everyone.

  Everyone flocked into the living room, wanting to hear Albert's opinion. Right now they really have nothing to do.

  Especially after their hasty escape from the Burrow, no one wants to risk going back to die.

   "I just did a divination."

   Albert didn't care about the gazes cast by others, and directly announced the answer, "The Weasleys will probably be locked up in Azkaban in the end. However, the current situation is not too bad."

  Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

   If this is "not too bad", what is bad?

   "Do you know what's going on at the Burrow?" Albert asked.

   "Kingsley just went out to inquire about the news, and he should be able to get the news when he gets back." Sirius quickly explained, "Other people with connections are also helping to inquire about the news in the Ministry of Magic."

   At this time, Bill walked into the living room with Fleur, whose eyes were a little red and swollen. The wedding turned out like this, which they never imagined, and the whereabouts of the Delacours are still unknown.

   "Does any of you know how many people Scrimgeour killed before, I mean how many dark wizards died?" Albert looked around the crowd, and his eyes finally fell on Mad-Eye Moody.

"All the Death Eaters were slaughtered by that guy himself, and many dark wizards also died in the previous fight." Mad-Eye smiled wryly, "You know, Scrimgeour has allowed the Aurors to directly kill those who resisted. Dark wizard."

   As soon as the voice fell, everyone suddenly understood why Albert said it wasn't too bad.

  No way, Scrimgeour directly wiped out the attacking Death Eaters this time, and it is quite normal for Voldemort to vent his anger afterwards.

   After all, Scrimgeour would most likely die in the duel with Voldemort, and if that didn't allow Voldemort to vent his anger, it would be a disaster for those guests who didn't escape in time.

   "I warned them."

Albert suddenly said this, and he continued: "They are all adults, and they all need to be responsible for their actions. Those who continue to stay under such circumstances must have realized something. "

   This is really speechless.

   "According to my divination results." Albert brought the topic back again: "The Weasleys are likely to be tortured severely, and then put into Azkaban Prison as bait to attract you."

   While speaking, his eyes swept over the three of Harry.

"However, the situation is not too bad. As long as people are still alive, there is still hope." Albert looked at Fred who hurried into the meeting room, and said to Sirius: "Give Fred a sedative, Impulse will never solve the problem."

   "So, we are going to rob prison?" Bill suddenly asked, "Rescue them from Azkaban?"

"It will most likely be a trap, and 80% of those who step into it will die there. The most correct way should be to stop them on the way to Azkaban and **** them back directly." Albert asked Moody directly: "Do you know where Azkaban is? Do you know how the Ministry of Magic escorts prisoners to Azkaban Prison? I don't think it's using Apparation or Floo powder!"

"There is a dedicated port in the magic world. If the Ministry of Magic does not change the way to go to Azkaban. Aurors usually rely on an automatic cruise ship to send prisoners to Azkaban prison. As for the specific location, Nobody knows, but it's probably on a small island in the frigid waters of the North Sea, and finding it is mostly a matter of luck."

   "In this case, it may be more troublesome to intercept halfway." Albert waved his wand, and handed the parchment and quill to Fred. "I need you to briefly draw a topographic map near the Burrow."

  Fred, who had just drank the sedative, couldn't help asking: "What do you want this for?"

   "I need to find out if they're still at the Burrow, and find out what's going on there."

   Everyone looked at each other, not understanding what Albert wanted to do, but Fred still drew the picture according to Albert's intention, and asked Ginny to help add details.

"The Human Footprint Charm is a very practical spell." Albert took the parchment and tapped it lightly with his wand, "If the Death Eaters are still staying in the Burrow, we may even consider going directly to the Burrow to rescue them. Man, as long as You-Know-Who has left."

   "That's not like you at all," Fred muttered. They never thought Albert would be afraid of Voldemort.

   As for the reason, Albert never made it clear, only telling them that the time had not come.

  The original map began to change, and an ink dot appeared out of thin air on it, and Kingsley's name was also marked on it.

  The gang of thugs who didn't come in person have left, and they obviously didn't plan to question the wizards they caught at the Burrow.

  (end of this chapter)