MTL - Summoner of Miracles-Chapter 2554 When it comes to return

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At this moment, everyone present was silent.

Looking at that who followed Luo Zhen, watching Tiamat, who was waiting for himself, quietly, even the existence of Gilgamesh was in a state of silence.

The followers who had some absolute contract with Luo Zhen, such as Matthew, Alter, Alter, and Jing Jing, were a little bit confused.

Quizal, the Leopard, the two rituals, and Nobunaga were all silent.

Even Ishtar wanted to say the last.

"You are not afraid of death!"

Isn't it?


Is that something that can be taken simply?

That is the beast of original sin!

That's "human evil"!

Threatening the primate world itself, the strongest beast that needs the crown of seven riders to fight, how to conquer it?

This is no longer a question of fear of death, but whether there is an error in the head.

If it is a villain, an evil spirit, or a demon, then humans may still want to conquer, but who would want to conquer natural disasters or cancer cells?


And "Human Evil" is a real natural disaster. Cancer cells of the primate are born from human beasts. It is also the original sin of human beings. Would anyone want to conquer this kind of thing?

It's ridiculous!

But Luo Zhen did just that.

And, if you think about it, this is not the first time he has done such a thing.

After all, strictly speaking, isn't Attila also a kind of existence similar to "Human Evil", or even worse?

Civilization from aliens destroyed weapons, ended prehistoric civilization, and ended the prosperous gods, so that the white giant who got the mystery of this planet to decline, wouldn't anyone want to conquer it?

Luo Zhen did the same, and succeeded.

Previously, everyone thought that Luo Zhen had taken Attila as a follower and it was already a crazy thing. I did not expect that this master would go further and further on the road of madness.

A star warrior and a beast of original sin have all become his enemies.

If this is not good enough, I am afraid that this planet will be decisively destroyed by Luo Zhen.

Luo Zhen's behavior is almost like carrying two nuclear bombs on his body and dangling around. This is no longer not afraid of death, but he is also dragging people around the world to test with him on the edge of death. what!

At least, everyone looked at Tiamat, who was beside Luo Zhen, and then looked at the faint black tide that might erupt at any time, and really felt a scalp tingling.

However, Luo Zhen also said that the existence of an absolute contract with him, no matter what kind of existence, will never rebel against him.

Luo Zhen has absolute control over his enemies, and Tiamat's ability to appear in front of everyone as intact as it is now is a proof.

In this case, what else can everyone say?

Can only accept this reality.

"It's an unbelievable lord, and even the king is dumb, you can really be proud."

Gilgamesh rarely said such a word, which just represents the mood of everyone present.

But no matter what, Luo really resolved this calamity in human history, which is beyond doubt.

and so...

"The only thing left is to deal with this guy."

Then, Gilgamesh looked aside.

The crowd immediately followed and looked over.



Gingu was imprisoned by two Uruk soldiers, looking at Tiamat with an incredible look.

Just now, Jin Gu heard the words of Luo Zhen and others.

However, in any case, he couldn't believe that Tiamat would be subdued by Luo Zhen and become Luo Zhen's enchanter.

However, Tiamat's performance did tell Jin Gu that this is a fact.

Tiamat didn't even look at Jin Gu even to see it. It is conceivable that in his eyes, Jin Gu no longer exists.


Jin Gu became excited and wanted to struggle but failed.

Although only two ordinary soldiers were seized, Jin Gu was already wounded and his magic was exhausted. There was no extra power to use.

For this kind of Jin Gu, Tiamat did not even look at him, as if only Luo Zhen remained in his eyes, and he stared at Luo Zhen tightly from beginning to end.

This made Jin Gu more excited, even more desperate.

"You should almost give up, right?" Gilgamesh looked at Jin Gu likely. "Except for you, neither the goddess, the son of God, or Rachem have been defeated. Do you want to resist?" "

Hearing that, Jin Gu glared at Gilgamesh.

"Why didn't you kill me?"

Jin Gu asked in a low voice.

He had lost his mother, his companions, and lost his strength. In the end, he was left behind, and it was a humiliation to kneel in front of the enemy like this.

"Don't you really think of me as Enki? Really naive! I told you already! I'm not your Enki!"

Jin Gu shouted like this.

Looking at Jin Gu like this, Siduli's expression a little sad.

As for Gilgamesh, he still just looked at Jin Gu quietly.


"I have asked those refugees who have been rescued in Urukri."

Gilgamesh suddenly said this.

no way.

"Some of the Sumerians who were rescued from the Temple of Blood were originally transformed by Gore into Warcraft. There were old people, women, and even disabled people who lost their hands and feet, but there were no children. In response to this, I personally asked those refugees, and only one answer was returned. "

Gilgamesh looked at Jin Gu and said it word by word.

"They all said that the people who were caught in the Blood Temple except the children were mercilessly used to make Warcraft materials."

"And those children were let go."

"Being someone with beautiful green long hair."

Gilgamesh's words made Jin Gu speechless, and made everyone speechless.

Luo Zhen raised an eyebrow as well, never thinking that there was such a thing.

"Why not kill a child?"

Gilgamesh in turn questioned Jin Gu.

"... I thought what question you wanted to ask." Jin Gu was silent for a while, then said with a sneer: "It's just because I don't have the resentment like Gore and the mother, so, I will kill only threatened humans, but the young individuals, that is, the children, have not yet become a threat. There is no reason to kill them, just because of that. "

As soon as this word came out, Gilgamesh laughed.

"That being the case, for me, you can't be a threat now, so it's okay not to kill you, right?"

Gilgamesh announced to Jin Gu like this.

"Relax, King will not let you die happily, your sins will be repaid by you."

"The next Uruk needs to recover, humans need to reproduce again, and the earth needs a good rest."

"In other words, now is the time when there is a shortage of manpower, you can give you the human beings that have been mutilated and the King's good work, God's weapon."

In this way, Gilgamesh ignored Jin Gu's opposition and struggle, and let the soldiers carry him on.

Seeing Gilgamesh, who made the decision, Ciduli aside, she was relieved.


Just then, a radiance shone.


Luo Zhen, Matthew, and others looked at themselves one by one, and then understood.

Newsletter came from Chaldea.

"The singularity has begun to be fixed, and you are ready to return."