MTL - Super Battleship Reborn-v3 Chapter 1000 Disaster of the world

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At this moment, in this river system, countless worlds are experiencing the most cruel baptism. Xiao Yu's technology determines that Xiao Yu can face the civilization in any river system with a crushing attitude. Depending on the level of civilization, these civilizations will have more or less planets between several and hundreds as their territory. At this moment, Xiao Yu's fleet launched a devastating blow to these planets.

Countless spacecraft came out to rush into battle, but because of the gap in technology, Xiao Yu's fleet could not be blocked at all. Destroying a planet is just a very simple matter for Xiao Yu. It can even be done with a little time by sending out a county-level spaceship. But Xiao Yu didn't do that. Xiao Yu's method is more rude and more efficient.

Xiao Yu didn't manage how many enemy fleets he faced. Xiao Yu didn't even bother to deal with these ships. Anyway, Xiao Yu could basically ignore the attack of these ships. Xiao Yu only drove his fleet to the enemy planet, occupied different points with different ships, and launched the simplest space crack attack at the same time, that's all.

The planet shattered, the stars exploded, and billions of billions of intelligent lives were wiped out at this moment.

Only in the face of three major seventh-level civilization stations, Xiao Yu encountered a little trouble. It's just that this trouble has long been expected by Xiao Yu. Anyway, these three civilizations are also in the category of seventh-level civilization. Strictly speaking, there is no qualitative difference between them and Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu prepared hundreds of millions of warships for these three seven-level civilizations. First, a simple attack destroyed most of the enemy's resistance. Then destroy all the planets one by one.

The entire river system, at this moment, has become a paradise for unjust souls. And this situation will continue for some time. Human society is already seriously ill at this moment, and the means of extinction is tantamount to a major operation. After major surgery, human society will be weak. Xiao Yu, however, will not leave the remaining forces of the rest of the civilization to rob.

To put it simply, destroying a Tier III, Tier IV, or Tier 5 and Tier 6 civilization does not require Xiao Yu to dispatch tens of thousands or even millions of warships. During the time that Xiao Yu's fleet was lurking there, it was not that nothing was done. Xiao Yu is watching, watching everything in these civilizations. Including whether they have any hidden stations, how many spacecraft were dispatched in a certain period of time, when will they return home, and so on. This number far exceeds the actual number of warships required. The main responsibility is not only to destroy the subject of civilization, but to destroy all in this civilization.

Xiao Yu will not let go of any intelligent creature, will not let go of any spaceship, and will not tolerate the existence of any missing fish. Only in completely clean river systems. A human society that has recovered from a serious illness can rest in peace.

Slaughter an intelligent creature across the river. Xiao Yu did not know if any other civilization had done this in the course of the development of the universe. Xiao Yu only knew that when slaughter became a habit, life was just a number. 100 billion, or 200 billion, is there any difference between these two figures?

Next to the resident galaxy of human civilization, a massacre is also taking place. The difference is that the slaughter here is a bit more troublesome. Anyway, here are also one billion Tier 7 civilization ships. To destroy all these forces, it would not be possible without a century.

The drastic changes in the river system have not affected human society. In these centuries. Human society is experiencing one of the most important periods of change in history. Noah's Ark has been built, not a ship. But ten ships. According to Noah's Ark manufacturing scale, this can carry at least one billion humans.

The sober organization is still propagating. As long as it is a human being, as long as it is willing to give up its current enjoyment and willing to live on its own hands to feed its own life, it is possible to board Noah's Ark without paying any other costs. But ... At this moment, it has been less than a year since the extinction period. Humans willing to board the ship have not even occupied a Noah's ark.

In space, the siege battle has entered its final stage. There are still more than 80 billion warships active in various parts of the river system, annihilating any fish that have been found out of the net. Next to the human civilization resident galaxy, the fleet of river civilization alliance battleships and logistics fleets with a total fleet of more than 10 billion ships has been almost destroyed by Xiao Yu.

The period of extinction is coming.

"Give up." Xiao Yu sighed. "Since they don't want to board Noah's Ark and won't wake up from their deep sleep, you don't want to force them. You have done your best, as a human being, You have fulfilled your responsibilities and obligations. "

"But, those are my kind ..." The sober leader said with despair, he came to the side of the ship's porthole, and looked at the ground beneath him from space. Below him, there were brilliant lights. Modern city, in which more than 10 billion human beings are living here.

People live carefree here, without having to think about whether they will be hungry tomorrow, or whether their lives will be threatened in the future, they have nothing to consider.

"But these are all my kind." The sober leader finally murmured this sentence, tears finally came out, "I am also a human ..."

"This is their choice. They chose this path, and there is no way." Xiao Yu said sadly. "The continental shelf oscillator has been installed. When the continental shelf oscillator is activated, it will have the most powerful lethality. Shallow-source earthquakes were triggered. At the same time, the planetary core supercharger has been installed, and it will cause an unprecedented violent volcanic eruption after startup. I also installed the same seismic triggering device on the ocean floor. At that time, the ocean floor earthquake will cause The strongest tsunami, enough to sweep all the seawater, will rush into the length of nearly 1,000 kilometers inland ... Tsunami, earthquake, volcano. Together, these three will clean up more than 90% of human society. Nine humans. I will leave you with a sore planet. On this planet, there will be no social security system, the environment will be very bad, you will lack food and food, starve and freeze, want To change all this, you can only rely on your hands and wisdom ... "

The body of the sober leader began to tremble lightly. He looked silently at the ground under his feet, not knowing what he was thinking. After a while, he said, "You have to press the start button."

"No." Xiao Yu shook his head and rejected the proposal: "At this moment you are only the leader of the sober organization, but in the future, you will definitely be the leader of the entire human society. Want to shoulder the heavy responsibility of leading the entire human society, You have to bear everything, including who to abandon and who to save. So you have to press this button. "

The leader of the sober group was silent again. After a moment, he sighed softly, walked to the shadow of Xiao Yu, lifted the cover over the button, and pressed it down.

It was as if he had done something trivial, his hands were not trembling, his expression was not wavering, it seemed that he had just slapped a fly. But after pressing the button, he suddenly collapsed beside the wall, buried his head in his knees deep, and then weeped.

He no longer had the courage to look at the earth under his feet. But Xiao Yu is different, Xiao Yu is still watching.

At the moment the button was pressed, the planet beneath the ship seemed to tremble. Even in space, even with human eyesight, you can clearly see how drastic changes are happening on the planet at this moment. In Xiao Yu's eyes there is a white mountain-the white one is the snow on the top of the mountain. This indicates that the height of this mountain peak is at least several kilometers. However, just after the button was pressed, the mountain peak disappeared.

The intense crustal movement caused the whole mountain to sink to the ground. At this peak, a huge basin is replaced. At the bottom of the basin, the ground does not know why it suddenly turned red. There seems to be a peerless killer in it. Countless creatures died instantly at this moment.

This red finally gave birth to the extreme ~ ~ and it erupted. This may be the most violent eruption the planet has experienced since its formation, and Xiao Yu has great confidence to determine this.

A volcanic eruption originates from the pressure of the planet's core. Naturally, the stronger the pressure, the more intense the eruption. This time the volcanic eruption, however, Xiao Yu sent special mechanical tools to dive into the core of the planet and personally put pressure on the core of the planet.

Endless volcanic ash was sprayed into the atmosphere, and they spread freely in the atmosphere, completely blocking the sun. Xiao Yu knows that since then, whether it rains or not, and whether there is cloud in the sky, the planet will be under the gloomy sky. This means a decrease in temperature, which causes a large number of organisms to die.

A submarine earthquake was also triggered. The violent crust movement caused a violent tsunami. The turbulent waves nearly 100 meters high rushed towards the landing ground. The powerful force it carried could destroy everything, no matter whether it was a mountain peak or a tall building. ...

In this drastic change, everyone except Noah's Ark will die. (To be continued ...)

ps: This is more than 1 today. .