MTL - Super Card System-Chapter 644 Supersonic flight

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Just as the news bird spread the news of the Golden City robbery all over the world, the top of the empty island Baron ruins, at this moment, is in full swing.

Ian said that he would do it. After getting a lot of money, he started building a research institute on the island in addition to leaving a part to recharge himself.

Varudo is going crazy about this matter.

The institute was built on the empty island, but it did not move the original lunar relics. Instead, it found another place to build. Ai Nilu was very satisfied with this, so when he built the institute, he used his own Experience, instructing everyone how to use the clouds of the empty island for construction, although the Barron Ruins Terminal is somewhat different from the original Angel Island of Aini Road, the principle of being able to form the island cloud is the same.

In fact, most of the original remains of this empty island were built with island clouds, so building materials are not lacking.

The sailors of the Dragon Hunter Pirates have naturally become the infrastructure personnel, under the command of Varudo, according to the drawings.

In just a few days of work, the prototype of the institute has already come out.

However, the infrastructure can be completed, and the various facilities in the institute are troublesome. Varudo can't create the equipment that he needs, so he can only find ways to purchase from various countries at sea.

No, after carefully examining his plan, Varudo found that he needed some special equipment, so he called everyone and planned to let them follow Ian.

However, when I heard that I had to go shopping with Ian, the sailors of the Dragon Hunter Pirates had a slap in the face and shook their heads.

"Don't go! I won't go!" Especially the guy from Doroni, who slid like a fried hair: "The person who followed the captain to buy steel the day before yesterday is me. I don't go anyway this time!"

The other sailors, like Doroni, resolutely refused!

Just kidding, the last time Doroyy went out with the captain, and when he came back, he quickly collapsed. The hair under his body flew back, and the station stood still and stood still! That look has already scared many people.

Since the captain’s flight ability has evolved, whoever dares to fly with him is simply a life...

Seeing no one wants to go, Varudo has no way, sighing: "Hey, you can only let the captain go by himself, I hope he can get it back alone..."

After Varudo turned and went to find Ian, the sailors of the Dragon Hunter Pirates took a sigh of relief and curiously asked Doroni: "Is the boss of Ian really flying so fierce now?" ”

"I swear!" Dorothy vowed to raise his hand: "You definitely don't want to experience the second time!"


Ian is now fighting with Krokdal and Mr1.

This is the daily training of the Dragon Hunter Pirates. Ian knows that his appearance has changed a lot of things, such as Trafalgaro, who originally encountered themselves in the new world and will encounter many powerful enemies. The ability to gradually exercise yourself has become stronger. Now they have followed themselves. With the current reputation of the Dragon Hunter Pirates, the opponents they can meet are naturally much less, so that they will not be able to improve their strength. As long as they are free, they will try to learn from them and train them.

Krolockal, this guy, seems to want to further develop his own fruit ability, so he joined in, and Mr1 naturally follows the pace of Krokdal.

When Varudo found them, I just saw Ian slashing back on the back of the deserted Klockall, using the domineering force to knock him down from the air, and then instantly appeared behind Mr1, kicking a kick Mr1.

"5 to 0! The winner is still Ian!" Fujio played the referee and sang at the side.

Robin looked at him with a smile and looked at his current boss and the original boss...

"Damn!" Crockdale climbed up, a little discouraged: "How fast is your speed!?"

“Is it still here?” Ian smiled and said: “Your domineering is still weak, you need to strengthen your exercise!”

Yes, when I was playing against Krokdal, Ian had never been merciless. It was all out of force, and Krolockal seemed to be being shackled. Finally, under the constant training of Ian, I was awakened. Armed color domineering, but also finally made up for his short board, but now his domineering degree is not enough, still can not win Ian.

"No, I have to take a break!" Krolockard gasped.

"Who is the next group?" Ian turned to ask Fujiwa.

"It's Luo and Urki!" Fujio replied.

As he spoke, Luo and Urki were also prepared and eager to prepare to come forward.

Ian's current strength, they do not know what level it is, but there are such strong people to train them personally, no one will not want to.

But at this time, Varudo said: "Stop, the captain stops first!"

"What?" Ian turned to look at Varudo.

"Captain, I need to buy a lot of instruments now, I have to trouble you for a trip!" Varudo handed the list.

Ian took it and looked at it. He smiled and said: "It is good to run a lot of places."

"Yeah yeah!" Varudo was a little cold and sweaty. He did not have the equipment to be purchased in one of the lists. It was impossible to purchase all the islands at least. It was very troublesome, but it was also Yi. Ann will feel that the hunter is happy.

"There are a lot of things! Who will go with me?" Ian looked up and asked everyone.

Upon hearing this, Luo and Urki immediately turned back and quietly planned to slip away. Krokdal and Mr1 immediately lay on the ground and put dead dogs. Fujio looked up and pretended to drink tea. Ai Ni Road was very simple. The geomorphosis ran away for lightning.

When I saw no one, Ian had no choice but to name herself. "Robin..."

However, before the words were finished, Robin immediately refused to hold his hand: "I don't want it!"

Ian was speechless and had to ask: "Where is that bud?"

As a result, Lei returned to his two words: "Oh..."

"Baccarat?" Ian finally looked at the newly appointed Baccarat.

"Boss, you want to be clear!" Bakara is a slap in the ear and said: "I can follow you, but you are sure that when you fly me, you will not be airlifted because of luck." ?"

Ian’s expression of a dog’s face, this reason is so powerful, he is speechless...

"Well, no one will go, then let me go!" Ian sighed and said: "You are too lazy..."

As a result, everyone did not pick up this embarrassment, and waved his hand toward him, letting him go quickly.

So Ian had to take the list, and at the same time prepared the money needed for the purchase, and fastened it in a leather box.

When standing on the edge of the clouds, Ian’s expression gradually began to get excited.

In the eyes of everyone, Ian raised a black dragon wave and then swallowed it. The black flame wing appeared again behind him.

Ian took off the hat on his head, and then the next second, Ian’s cockroaches suddenly burst into the golden arrogance!

This golden arrogance, like a burning flame, flows from the bottom to the top, and it looks like a strong force, and Ian’s original black hair has turned into gold at this moment. Standing upside down, it is like a hedgehog.

Transformed! Super Saiyan!

In the past few days, Ian finally got a few cards from the Tranks card and successfully upgraded to a five-star red card, so he can finally use the Super Saiyan to transform himself.

"Ha ha ha!" Ian, excited, immediately jumped from the cloud after the transformation was completed!

Fujiwa and Krokdal all walked to the edge of the clouds and looked down at Ian.

Ian fell all the way down vertically, but did not spread his wings to fly. When he saw that he was about to fall to the surface of the sea, Ian suddenly shouted: "Dancing Air!"

The next moment, Ian, who had fallen straight down, took a golden flame and came a 90-degree right-angle turn near the sea!

At the same time, his flight speed also broke out to the apex, a loud bang, a white cloud of sound explosion appeared, Ian whole people pushed the sound burst cloud, the body spiral twisted, the voice stunned Flying towards the sea!

The sea water along the road, because of the air waves caused by him, as if it was opened, plowed a straight trench on the sea, and waited until he flew far away, then slowly closed.

Everyone witnessed his flight process, and he wiped his cold sweat on his head and took a sigh of relief.

"Supersonic flight, only the captain of our world can do it!" Fujio said some enviously: "Young people will really play...".

"But He flew down and flew himself. If he was flying with him, it was just looking for death!" Urki’s heart was full of exaggeration: "Doroy has already experienced it once, it is said to be It’s difficult to breathe..."

"Hey, I want to fly with these girls!" Lei said also sighed: "Resolutely not used to his stupidity!"

Ian didn't know that after he left, he would be unanimously denounced by everyone. He was enjoying the fun of supersonic flight at this time!

In fact, he did not even think that when the combination of the flame wing of Black Dragon Wave and the dance of the air, it was possible to achieve such a fast flight mode, the kind of pleasure that broke the air and left everything behind. Fantastic!

He now finally understands why there are so many people who like to drive.

However, the supersonic flight is more than the car, and Ian feels that if there is still a limit on the consumption of the mind, if you can't do it yourself, you can reach the extent of flying around the planet. If you can do that. To this extent, the distance on this sea will be without any hindrance for itself.

Mondo, where do you want to go?