MTL - Super Card System-Chapter 719 Cause and effect

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Not to mention that they are Ian, even the white beard is listening to Bonnie’s words.

His heart said that Ace had a sister! ? I do not know how? It’s hard to be an illegitimate daughter left by Roger’s old boy before the flowers! ?

I didn't expect Roger to be such a person!

Even Ian, they also made up a lot of dog blood in an instant, but it was only for a moment, everyone suddenly reacted, and Bonnie said... it seems to be a cousin! ?

White beard looked at Joe Ellipni with amazement and asked, "You are..."

"Yeah! I am a Portkas family!" Pony was full of enthusiasm: "Ace, my mother, my aunt!"

After she explained this, everyone finally understood it. Sure enough, this relationship is the relationship between the cousin and the younger brother.

"Ace's mother... is Portas D. Lucy?" White bearded face with a touch of memories, said: "I did listen to Roger once mentioned, he is in the South China Sea Patela I married a woman and also had a child with her. It was because I heard the name of Portas in the name of Ace, I will recognize it. He is the child of Roger..."

"Yes, Lucy is my aunt!" said Pony, suddenly yelling at the white beard: "Father, these years, Ace has taken care of you!"

The original rude female man suddenly became so polite, so that everyone was very uncomfortable at first, but it can be seen that Bonnie’s respect for the white beard is very sincere.

"Don't be busy!" White beard swings and says: "I still have a lot of questions. This is not what you said. You said that you are a Portas family, but why you don't have a name. What about Cas?"

“It’s very simple!” said Bonnie: “Because I am with my father’s last name, of course it’s not Portas!”

"Who is your father?" asked the white beard.

"This..." Bonnie hesitated for a while and said, "I can't say this!"

"..." White beard did not speak, looked at Bonnie, but found her eyes very open, so she did not continue to ask this, just said: "So why Ace never mentioned, he also has a cousin ?"

"Because he didn't know it, he didn't see me!" Boni shook her head. "And I only saw him when he was born. Later, after he was born, he was taken by the navy hero, Captain Capp. It was taken……"

When I heard Bonnie’s answer, Ian’s heart suddenly moved, and Bonnie knew that Ace was taken away by Lieutenant General Karp. This is a bit credible.

So Ian also asked: "When Ace was born, you are also?"

"Of course!" Bonnie looked at Ian's eyes and didn't respect the white beard. This is because she knows that Ian and Ace are good brothers. Then, if she counts it, she can actually count as Ian. My sister is in the same class, so she has no fear of Yi'an, even if she knows that Ian is the fourth emperor.

However, she still answered the question of Ian very seriously. He said: "Liang's mother had been pregnant with Ace for 20 months before she was born. If she didn't have me, how could she persist?"

"Oh... what do you mean?" Everyone looked at her inexplicably.

"Oh, really, a big man..." Pony was very speechless: "If you have a child, do you want to live?" Even if Lucy has enough willpower to forbear Living does not produce, but Ace in her belly is impossible! The fetus is in the belly for too long, it is dying! And even if it is not dead, Ace will continue to grow, and ultimately will harm Dead dew mother!"

"Yes... is it?" How could a big man who had never had a child know about this, so he looked at Bonnie for a while and didn't know it.

Bonnie helped her forehead with a headache, and felt that it was so stupid to discuss it with Ian, but she patiently said: "The Navy had already found the island of Palestine where Lucy was, they suspected that Roger was There are descendants on this island, so the pregnant women on the island have been strictly inspected. Although Lucy knows that things can't be done, she still insists that Ace is not born... but this is the normal physiological process of human beings. There is no way to violate it. Lucy is just an ordinary person. If this is done, it is very likely that they will kill their mother and child, but it is still good. When my mother took me to visit her, I found out that Ability, can be used on the fetus in the mother's belly, um, to be precise, when it is used by Lucy, it will also be effective for the fetus in her belly... so I have stayed in Palestine Pull the island above."

"Use the fetus in the abdomen!?" Ian was shocked, and he remembered it. Bonnie's demon fruit ability can make people grow older or smaller, so to speak...

"Yes, my demon fruit, I am free to change myself or the age of others!" Bonnie said: "I call it the annual ring fruit, in order to prevent Ace from growing too fast in the belly of Lucy, so Every once in a while, I will use the ability to retreat Ace's age and try to stay for about eight months. It is because of this that Lucy was able to persist until the Navy left..."

Ian nodded sullenly, which is quite plausible. In fact, as Bonnie said, there is such a thing as a child, where can I live with it? Ace’s mother, Lucy, gave birth to Ace in 20 months. This kind of thing is actually not logical. I have never heard of human beings being pregnant for so long. This is not the willpower. Can do it.

Moreover, Bonnie knew this thing clearly, and her words were really credible... You know, the white-bearded pirates are also in the battle of the new Aitwall, knowing that Ace is actually After Roger’s son, he slowly listened to Ace’s mention of these things.

At the end of the day, Bonnie was very sorry: "It’s a pity that I was still very young at the time, and I was not very good at controlling the power of the devil's fruit, so it caused damage to Lucy, which led her to give birth. After Ace, he still passed away..."

“How old were you at that time?” Ian asked her. “When you eat the devil's fruit, is it young?”

"Yes, I have always liked to eat since I was a child. One day I didn't know where a demon fruit came from. I was accidentally eaten, so I have been a demon fruit ability since I was a child. After answering Bonnie, I glanced at Ian: "As for how old I was at the time... Hey, don't you know that it is rude to ask Ms.!"

"Okay!" Ian raised his hand to make a surrender, no longer entangled her with this question, but continued to ask: "Since you are a Portkas family, then why did your family have not looked for it? What about Ace?"

"Hey!" When talking about this, Bonnie came to the air and said: "Not the **** of the world government CP. After Lucy’s death, they actually noticed it, and then they turned to the Portas family. I conducted an investigation, and because of this incident, I took the opportunity to attack the Portas family, which caused the family to be badly hurt. I was also caught by the people of the world government. Because I discovered my demon fruit ability, they did not Kill me, but take me back..."

When I heard this, Ian suddenly remembered that there were two people who died in the war in the history. One is a white beard and the other is Ace. Originally Ian thought that Pony’s crying was crying for the white beard. Revenge is also reported for the white beard, but now I listen to her, Ian really understands it, Bonnie, she actually cried for the dead Ace, and the reason is to find the black beard, also It was because the black beard caught Ace and handed it over to the Navy, which led to a series of things that followed, and he was the culprit.

Similarly, killing Ace's murderer, the red dog, Bonnie knew she couldn't beat, but she still said the phrase to the red dog: "I won't forgive you..."

For her own cousin who was born to see her, Bonnie must have a special feeling. Ian guessed that she was in the world government, saw the rewards after Ais’s debut, and saw Espotka. The name of Sis, only to find that his cousin has grown up and become a then he fled from the world government desperately, returned to the South China Sea and formed a pirate The regiment entered the great route, just to see Ace.

It’s a pity that in the past, she hadn’t had time to meet Ace, and Ace was dead...

But now it is different. Because of the appearance of Ian, Ace still lived well, so Bonnie eventually caught up with the White Beard Pirates.

Bonnie, the supernova, although the bounty is as high as 140 million Bailey, but she did not show too strong strength, it seems a bit sorry for such a high bounty, then think about it, I am afraid that caused her such a high bounty The reason is that she was caused by the world government! In the original history, after Poni’s war on the top, she was alone with her pirate group to find revenge for the black-bearded man who had gained the power of the double demon, showing how sorrow she was at the time, but Because the strength is too weak, not winning but not being said to be caught by the black beard, and the black beard seems to know a little bit of the origin of Bonnie, even using Bonnie to make representations to the Navy, intending to use her to change a warship!

The Navy did not hesitate to agree! Only in the end, the person who went with the warship turned out to be the guy of the red dog, causing the black-bearded pirate group to flee.

After seeing Bonnie, the red dog once said that after he learned that Bonnie had escaped from the world government, he was shocked by a cold sweat.

This shows that Bonnie is probably very important to the world government and the navy!

So Ian asked curiously, saying: "The world government, what do they do with your demon fruit?"