MTL - Super Card System-Chapter 803 Not very good

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Standing behind the dragons, Xiaoyi looked curiously for a while. As a result, the Tianlong people did not notice that there was more than one person in the basement, and they did not look back.

At this time, he was looking at the surveillance screen, standing on the uranium faucet, and using all his strength to pull the silk line to control the body of the Uranus, Dover Langming, a burst of screaming.

"Damn! Don Quixote's family! Traitors! Traitors! When you exited the ranks of the world's nobility, you should kill you directly!"

Compared with the enemies of Blackbeard Kedo or Ian, the ancestors of this Tianlong people seem to be particularly annoyed at the traitor of Dover Langming, the Tianlong people. It is understandable that the enemy attacks Uranus, but Nima you. A Tianlong person has betrayed the identity of his own world aristocracy, and instead of dealing with his own ethnic group, this should be a thousand!

Ian’s feelings were not wrong. Under the command of the dragon’s ancestors, the person who Uranos actually wanted to kill first was Dover’s Langminger...

Xiao Ian stood behind, listening to the dragons and people, but he did not understand.

He looked at it for a while, and he always turned around and the guy turned his head and felt a little boring, so he turned his head and watched it.

However, at this time, the ‘leader’ instrument next to it suddenly showed a sizzling sound.

Xiaoyi looked around, but saw the middle of the instrument. Among the huge glass balls, there was a surge of electric energy. This electric energy surge not only flashed, but also brought sound.

Most of the moon's technology is driven by electricity. Needless to say, this guide instrument naturally inherits this point. Moreover, this seems to be the last legacy of the original generation of the moon. Nowadays The moon people have completely turned into empty island people. For one of the blue ocean races, their inheritance, their history, their knowledge, have long been forgotten, such instruments, It is impossible to be created again.

Upon hearing this sound, Xiao Yi'an's attention was suddenly attracted, so he ran over and curiously looked at the movement inside the glass ball.

As a avatar of Ian, he is naturally able to control the energy of lightning, and has a strong affinity for lightning. When he curiously squats on the glass ball, the focus of the electric energy surges toward him. Moved a bit.

This is passive control of the ability, even if it is separated by a glass cover.

"Ian?" Xiaoyi was a bit strange. He changed his position, and the focus point followed, and changed to another position.

This made Xiaoyi feel very fun, so he ran around the instrument, causing the electric energy inside to surge more and more frequently. The electric light twisted and twisted inside, forming various strange patterns.

He was having fun, but the Tianlong people who were sitting not far away suddenly found themselves fluctuating with the mind of Uranus, and the thoughts of Uranos reverberating became intermittent in his mind.

"Well?? What happened?"

This day, the dragon people had some doubts and couldn't help but stand up from the seat, but at this time, Ian once again pinched the soul light group extracted from the body of Uranus!

The vitality was once again lost, and the trauma brought about it caused Uranos to twitch again. This twisted, and suddenly the underground hall also showed a violent shock.

This obese Tianlong person, used to be pampered, without the support of the seat, such a small bump, actually let him fall to the ground, and rolled two laps on the ground.

When the dragon climbed up from the ground anxiously and wanted to return to his seat, the light in his eyes suddenly saw the place where the hall instrument was, a small turn and turn.

Time, this day, the dragon man stunned!

This...this...this...this is what is going on! ? Where did this **** little devil come from! ?

At this moment, the Tianlong people’s brains are somewhat down, and when the little devil appeared, he didn’t know it at all! ?

But after returning to God, the Tianlong people recognized Xiaoyi in the first time: Isn't this the little devil with the four emperors around Yi'an?

At the beginning, the Tianlong people were scared by a cockroach and almost urinated. He thought that this little devil was here, Ian was afraid, but then suddenly remembered, wrong, that **** four emperors Ian is not Are you attacking Uranus?

At the thought of this, the Tianlong people suddenly turned their eyes and looked around. They found that only Xiaoyi was behind, and he suddenly had an idea.

This dirty little devil seems to be the son of the four emperors Ian? If you can catch him, might you let the **** guy in Ian stop attacking Uranus?

So, the Tianlong people groaned in their clothes, took out a pistol, pointed at Xiaoyi, and walked toward him.

Xiaoyi was having a good time, but suddenly he found a fat guy coming towards himself, so he looked at the other side.

"Hey!" The Tianlong man held the gun and looked down at Xiaoyi in a condescending manner. His face sneered and said: "The despicable pirate descendants are also scorpions! The stupid little devil, crawling on the ground!"

Although there is a life of immortality, the ancestors of this dragon have no fighting power, but the little Ian in front of him is a child for him, so he consciously has a great advantage in this wave. Not polite.

But in fact, if he had the unique superiority of the Tianlong people, Xiaoyi did not understand a word!

Little Ian just looked at him in confusion, biting his fingers and not knowing what he was thinking.

Before, because this Tianlong people had been facing Xiaoyi, Xiaoyi did not see him clearly, but at this time, when he came over, Xiaoyi also saw him clearly.

The little guy’s doubts at this time came from this. He felt that the fat man in front of him seemed to have seen it.

This does not mean that Xiaoyi has seen this Tianlong person before, but that Xiaoyi thinks this guy wearing a glass hood seems to have seen it.

Needless to say, this was caused by the Xia Luli Yalong who met Xia Li when he was on the island of Chambord, when Xia Wei took Xiaoyi to go out to play. At that time, Xialuya, also holding a pistol against Xiaoyi of!

This kind of deja vu scene reminds Xiaoyi of it all at once.

It is a bad person! This person is a bad person!

The muzzle of the black hole in the hands of the Tianlong people not only did not let Xiaoyi have any fear, but instead made Xiaoyi realize that the person in front of him was the same as the bad guy he had played before!

Little Ian wants to beat the bad guys!

This thought together, Xiaoyi's body suddenly appeared a strong electric mans!



Outside, Ian had already inserted into the body of Uranus at this time. When Dover Langinger was able to persist, he was preparing for the third time. The result was suddenly, from childhood. There was a telepathy of 'to beat the bad guys', and Ian was immediately stunned.

Bad guys? Where are the bad guys? Where is the little guy now?

Ian stunned, but still did not wait for him to figure it out, but suddenly found that Xiaoyi’s telepathy disappeared!

This feeling, Ian certainly understands what is going on, it must be that after Ian’s ability to use it, it has temporarily disappeared, so the feeling between him and him is naturally gone.

But... Nima, where did Xiao Ian launch the attack? How can I not see it! ?

What Ian didn't know was that I didn't know if it was because of the influence of the electric energy in the instrument. The ability of Xiaoyi to choose to launch in the underground hall turned out to be the last thunder! But this thunder was directly in the ceiling of the underground hall, and the powerful thunder of the raging was blocked by the thick platinum lead wall in the hall, which could not be transmitted to the ground.

Even if there is a small hole leaking some thunder, but the thunder light appears on the huge back of Uranos, and I can't see it, which makes Ian unable to see the specific position.

Xiao Ian has disappeared at this time, leaving a black body in the underground hall of the Tianlong people ancestors!

Even if the surgery has undergone the transformation of the fruit of the surgery, it does not mean that the ancestors of the Tianlong people will really die. He has only a strong vitality, but under the influence of huge external force, the **** still has to die! Otherwise why would he hide in this underground hall?

The Tianlong people are dead, this is nothing, but because of the powerful electric energy released by Xiaoyi, it also destroyed the guides instruments placed in the hall!

So is at this moment, Uranus has been a little trembling body, suddenly suddenly stiff.

Ian also found this, and he was wondering if he thought that it was because Xiaoyi had killed the controller of Uranus, and that Uranus could not move.

However, it turns out that Ian is completely wrong!

The silk thread of Dover's Langmingo, which is spread over the body of Uranus, suddenly collapsed a lot!

The body of Ulanos, exploding rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, has a muscle and blue veins on its dragon claws, and its eyes suddenly become fierce from the previous cold and evil. And bloodthirsty!

This change has caused both Ian and Ace to fly away from Uranus, because they feel that there is a wild power in Uranus that is returning!

Almost for a moment, Ian reacted and things didn't seem too good!

Uranus seems to be out of control! ! ? ?