MTL - Super Craftsman-Chapter 971 There is hope (on)

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On the day of New Year's Eve, when Guo Tailai personally explained the functions of the infantry fighting vehicle to the base testers, Guo Tailai found that there were more than 50-year-old experts wearing casual clothes at the base.

They are here to check the performance of infantry fighting vehicles and to supplement the vacant radar and missiles and other systems, if they feel necessary after the test.

Obviously, what Guo Tailai brought out has not really disappointed. Not to mention the powerful vehicle performance and protection performance, the two 30mm and 35mm machine guns made everyone shine.

The domestic cannon with this caliber is still the old 2a42 and 2a72 cannon imported from Lao Maozi. The caliber is 30 mm, and the launch speed and stability are not as good as those made by Guo Tailai.

As for the 35mm caliber, there are almost only 90-type towed double-barrel anti-aircraft guns in China. At present, there is also an anti-aircraft gun of the same caliber, not this kind of ground-to-ground machine gun. It can be said that this optimized version of the Volvo Tan 35 cannon is almost the best among the same type of cannon.

Especially when launching the newly developed smart ammunition, the precise coverage of a position, and the accurate performance of the explosion after entering the window, let the military commander who observed the attack effect on the scene sigh, relying solely on the position of manpower The war is completely out of date. What kind of positions can withstand this precise attack that explodes overhead?

"Military thoughts must also keep pace with the times!" The head sighed and did not carry people: "The old man said that science and technology are the primary productive forces, and our future depends on you."

The experts participating in the test were very interested in this tracked infantry fighting vehicle weighing 30 tons. There were 86 tracked infantry fighting vehicles in China, but that was only copied on the basis of the Soviet bmp-1 infantry fighting vehicle at that time, 13 Tonnage, no matter whether it is protection ability, vehicle performance or even weapon performance, can not be compared with this one. Adding radar systems and missiles will obviously be even more powerful.

After some personal experience, these experts began to discuss with great interest which type of radar and missile should be installed. Some other experts began to study the gearbox provided by Guo Tailai, which is an automatic gearbox of more than 30 tons of tanks. Its performance is so excellent that it is strange not to attract attention.

Instead, Guo Tailai was more leisurely. What he cared about was spending the New Year with his sister. It was easy to say how to cooperate on technical issues. After finishing this car, basically Guo Tailai will definitely not touch the car for a long time. His attention has been completely concentrated on the supersonic aircraft.

Sister Sister was injured while performing her mission abroad, which made Guo Tailai very vigilant. Generally, armed personnel are required to go abroad to perform tasks. Usually, in most cases, they must communicate well with the country where the destination is located in advance. Such tasks are relatively guaranteed. However, occasionally there are so few cases where there is no time to communicate.

This situation is more dangerous. Guo Tailai knows the general rules for performing such tasks in China, which are usually "personal behaviors." The mission was successful, and the success returned to the country. That was a hero. But if it fails, and the person fails to come back, then the state will not recognize any official background. This is an individual behavior, and has nothing to do with the state. Even the state cannot carry out rescue at the national level.

Domestic insiders understand that this is a hero, but because it is a secret mission, most of the troops will not know it, let alone the Chinese. Perhaps ordinary people do not even know that our troops will have so many sacrifices in peacetime. The most likely answer for the families of the victims is a notice of death in a training accident. For the sake of confidentiality, some even military awards will not be issued immediately, maybe after many years.

Although cruel, this is true. In fact, every soldier who is on a mission is mentally prepared before leaving. But they will still invest in the task without turning back, even if they face death after going out. This is the loyalty, conviction, and fearless spirit of sacrifice that our child soldiers always uphold.

The sister was injured this time, but if you encounter such a task next time, Guo Tailai can be sure that the sister will still sign up for it. This is Sister's conviction and life criterion. Guo Tailai cannot oppose it, nor can he stop it.

Therefore, Guo Tailai can only do everything possible to do something that can be done. For example, leaving enough nano-robots in the elder sister's body, when the instructions given are necessary, they can plunder all inanimate energy substances around to maintain the elder sister's life.

The other is the plane that Guo Tailai and Sister reported, and it is really a critical time. Guo Tailai needs a means of transportation that can bring him to the scene as quickly as possible. Of course, with the ability of the elder sister, there is also an irresistible danger. Obviously, the enemy's strength is extremely powerful. At this time, a weapon that can effectively suppress the enemy on a large scale is needed. Well, this is slowly pondering.

Justice Square Technology already has a batch of technologies that Guo Tailai needs, but still needs to set up a batch of projects, especially new materials, which is really too important. Now the two pillar projects of Justice Square Technology, one is 3D printing, the other is a variety of new materials, and even the blade composite material that almost caused Luo Luo to go bankrupt, Justice Square Technology already has It is estimated that the signs of success can be achieved within a few months.

The above, especially the protection of the justice square technology by the army, has reached a jaw-dropping point. Not only the justice square technology headquarters building is surrounded by a large number of security personnel, even the staff community security of justice square technology is retired elite soldiers plus active duty The combination of soldiers and Guoan, distributed in several experimental factories around the capital, is also heavily guarded. This company directly distributes half of the latest domestic materials, and it is also the most cutting-edge part. If several major military industrial groups buy shares, if they do not pay attention, what kind of units should pay attention to?

Sister only knew that Guo Tailai was going to make a supersonic airplane toy, but she didn't know Guo Tailai's idea. If she knew what kind of monster plane Guo Tailai was going to do, I am afraid it would not be so easy now.

On New Year's Day, Guo Tailai and her sister spent a very meaningful Spring Festival, skydiving. It is not the ordinary high-altitude skydiving from 700 to 3,000 kilometers, but it is wearing an anti-charge suit, breathing pure oxygen in advance, and flying to the 12,000 kilometers with a breathing mask for high-altitude skydiving. The skydiving height of Liangtang is 4,500 meters.

The high jump and low jump are also tests for domestically made skydiving equipment.

The two people cooperated and the parachute jumped successfully without any accident. Guo Tailai even challenged to jump out of the cabin door and take off his breathing mask. Under the strong support of his abnormal body, he successfully landed normally.

However, this scene also terrified many people.