MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 298 【Saint List】Open

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   "Shun Er is still so caring."

  Letting his lover pull up and smooth the messy skirt, Duan Musui smiled drunkenly and pinched his handsome face.

   "Master, you should pay attention when you go out, this is not 【Lingyun Palace】."

   Covering the creamy white northern hemisphere, Zhao Yinshun heaved a long sigh of relief.

   "It's okay, there are no outsiders here, eh~~"

  Lazily propped up, Duan Musui stretched slowly.

  Then...the placket was opened again, and the bottomless snow-white ravine was exposed in the air at a glance.


   Silently helped her close the two skirts, and then pulled down the long skirt that touched her thighs, covering Guanglan's delicate and sensual long legs, Zhao Yinshun heaved a sigh of relief.

  Master is good at everything, but he never dresses properly at home...

   I heard that when there were only cats and dogs in the house, she even liked to run around naked. Who can resist that? !

   "By the way, Master, you asked me to come over. Is there anything I need to pay attention to during the transformation period?"

   Shaking his head, throwing the beauty out of his mind, the eyes of the boy in white gradually regained clarity, bringing the topic back on track.

   "Well... There are many taboos for other people, but for you... just need to pay attention to it, don't fight too frequently and high-intensity, it will disrupt the progress of transformation."


  Then how do I cut leeks?

  Seeing the stunned appearance of his apprentice, Duanmu Sui pursed his lips with winking eyes.

"Just learn from your little senior sister. She is in a period of transformation. She can try not to do anything if she can. All her soul energy is put inside... After all, for us practitioners, ascending to the gods is the most important thing." Everything else can be put aside."

   "Master, are you sure it's not because of her original character?"

  The cat is haunted all day long, and it is both vegetable and cowardly, cowardly and fierce, which perfectly interprets the neuroticism of a cat.


  One sentence stunned Duanmu Suiwen, blinking her eyes, she frowned hesitantly.

   "It seems... there is indeed a reason for this... Yiyi is very lazy, on par with Xiangxiang..."

   "Meow~ I'm not lazy!"

  A milky cat meow came from behind. Looking back, two small heads were propped up and down by the door frame. The delicate and beautiful girl above was blushing, showing two cute little canine teeth.

   "Is Miao Miao Xiangxiang on par?"

  The little head below looked up at the senior sister dumbly, but was gnawed on the Tianling cover by the enraged Su Lingyi.

   "Up and down? Aww~"

   "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!"

  Little Lolita was gnawed until she screamed like a pig, but she couldn't break free from the cat's claws, so she could only look at the two people in the room with tears in her eyes.

   After gnawing on the pig's head, she used the cat fist to strike Zhu Xiangxiang's head with lightning five times in a row. Su Lingyi finally relieved her anger, grinned at Zhao Yinshun, turned her head and rushed out.


   Rolling his eyes silently, hugging the poor little Lolita into his arms, smoothing the messy hair, Zhao Yinshun heaved a long sigh.

   You're good and cowardly, cowardly and fierce, with sharp teeth and hands, and you say it's not your own personality problem?

  However, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen the human form of my little senior sister. Does it feel like she’s developed again?

   While pondering, Zhao Yinshun suddenly felt a lightness in his arms, and turned his head to see that the master was holding Xiangxiang and gently touching his head.

   "Xiangxiang is very powerful, on par with Yiyi."

   "Is it fragrant?"

The teary-eyed little Xiangzhu was quickly coaxed to be happy, moaning and wriggling in Duanmusui's arms, and two charismatic women, one big and one small, giggled and hugged each other. Zhao Yinshun couldn't help but laugh at the warm and beautiful scene. Showed a gentle smile.

   If you can marry a wife like Shizun and have a daughter like Xiangxiang, your life will be very happy.

  But soon, the smile slowly froze on his face.

  Wait, Xiangxiang, don't go in there!

   I just finished my clothes!

  Damn it!


  Don't bury your face in it!


  Time flies by like a flash, more than ten days passed, and Zhao Yinshun stayed at home to nourish and digest at home, and gradually brought the power of rapid rapid development in a short period of time into complete control.

Because of consciously being with the master and listening to her preaching and lectures, Zhao Yinshun's [Taiyi Longevity Art] has been raised by another level, but more importantly, the innate attributes have increased by nearly ten points on average. Fuck.

   On average, it takes about two days to improve a little innate four-dimensional, teacher rank, so terrifying!

Later, I heard Duan Musui say that it was because she concentrated all the inheritance rights on just 4 people, so she had such an exaggerated effect, and the speed would gradually slow down in the later stage, but even so, it was enough to make Zhao Yinshun have mixed feelings .

  Not to mention other mortals, even him, after so many years of debut, he has opened up a huge trick, and the effect may not be as good as getting tired of being with the master every day.

  Damn it!

  It turns out that Master is my strongest hacker!

   For a moment, a certain bold idea resurfaced in Zhao Yinshun's mind.

  If you have negative distance contact with Master every day...


   Patting his cheek lightly, the young man left behind the charming scene of treachery, and looked bitterly at a certain attribute of himself.

  【Shou Yuan】: 1441

  Very well, adulthood is far away!

   With a lifespan of nearly fifteen centuries, I, who is less than 17 years old, is equivalent to a baby according to the physiological stage of normal human beings!

  Duan Musui didn't see himself as a man at all, and wanting to be a jockey Zu Zu is simply "no chicken talk"!

   Fortunately, 【Taiyi Changsheng Jue】has no rejuvenating attributes, so I won’t fall back from 【Adolescence】to 【Childhood】, at least I can barely maintain my 15 or 6-year-old appearance on the outside.

   But if you want to become more mature, you may have to wait until you are 200 years old, and the premise is that [Shouyuan] will not continue to grow during this period.

is it possible?


  After 200 years, I might be sanctified, and the natural increase in lifespan due to rank promotion alone is incredible.

  Although the lifespan of the martial arts class is not as abnormal as those Taoist classes who study immortality every day, it still belongs to the first echelon, which is far better than the short-lived [Soldiers] [Emperor] and other classes.

   That is to say, in the foreseeable future, I still have at least one or two thousand years of lifespan to improve!

  Thinking of this, Zhao Yinshun felt bad all over, so he silently opened his trousers and took a look.

  What do I need this iron rod for?

   "Brother, what are you doing?"

  The cold voice rang in his ears, Zhao Yinshun was startled, his whole body trembled, and he stood up abruptly.

   "Master... Sister Shi, you are back from court."

  Turning around to look at the tall and beautiful figure not far away, Wu Anjun, who usually faces the mountain avalanche without changing his expression, is now full of panic.

   I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die!

   "Well, the court meeting is over, by the way, what were you looking down at just now?"

   Walking to the side of the boy, Li Min looked at his feet and found nothing, blinking his eyes in confusion.

   "No... nothing, just thinking about some problems, about how to raise pigs scientifically..."

   Frustrated and perfunctory, Zhao Yinshun breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, his back was facing the door just now.

  Staring suspiciously at the flustered junior, Li Min narrowed his ice-blue eyes and let him go after several seconds.

   "The court meeting is over, and the [Saints List] will open soon, you have to be prepared."

   "Oh, okay, no problem."

   When it came to business, Zhao Yinshun finally regained his composure, and heaved a long sigh of relief.

  Before the words fell, a mysterious ripple swept across the world, spreading to the entire world in an instant.

  Beyond the deep dimension of matter, the illusory ripples set off huge waves, and the invisible authority turned into real runes, like a giant net that includes everything in the world.

   Immediately, the rune constriction materialized, condensed into a simple and mysterious scroll, and slowly unfolded.

  In an instant, all the high-level transcendents on the entire planet telepathically looked up at the void in unison.

  A torrent of mysterious information poured into the soul, some people were ecstatic, while others showed fear.

   "Huh? Why is it different from the previous [Tianjiao List]?"

  Receiving the link in the dark, Zhao Yinshun raised his eyebrows unexpectedly.

  【Tianjiao List】has a specific ranking, but 【Saint List】only divides the list into five levels.

  From low to high D, C, B, A, S, the number is also from large to small. There are only 36 top S-level saints, and I am one of them.

  Looking at the familiar grading standards, Zhao Yinshun sighed helplessly.

   This is the 【All-Seeing Eye】!

   "Meow! I'm actually only A-level, dog! Blind your dog eyes!"

  Suddenly, a ferocious howl was heard not far away. A delicate and lovely girl in white clothes was looking at the sky and cursing angrily. The elder sister beside her slowly cast a dangerous look at her.

   "Ahem, Senior Sister, this is imitating the classification of the original Emperor, Tianjun, Zhengshen, and Xingjun on the list of gods, right?"

  Unaware that his junior brother was changing the subject, Li Min nodded solemnly.

   "It's almost the same. When the world of mortals has completely reached its climax, the real [Fengshen Bang] will reveal its true face. At that time, I am afraid that even the saints will not be able to protect themselves."

   "Huh? [Fengshen Bang] can still affect saints?"

  “[Fengshen Bang] was originally formed by the rules of heaven, and this time it was fused with [Eye of All-knowing], resulting in a mutation. No one can tell what the future will be.”

   "I hope the bigger the prize pool, the better..."

   "Prize pool?"

   "Well, I really like opening boxes."

  Looking at the innocent smile of his younger brother, Li Min frowned, with question marks all over his head.


   "Iris! Iris! I'm on the list!"

  The girl shrouded in holy flames slowly opened her eyes, and the emerald green eyes shone with golden threads, which gradually entered into the depths of her pupils.

   "The list of saints is amazing, my connection with the future is clearer, and I can borrow more powerful power at any time!"

  The bodybuilder woman like a leopard clenched her fists, feeling the violent power in her body, and narrowed her eyes intoxicated.

   "Don't borrow power at will, there is no free lunch in this world."

  Containing the holy light, the blond girl gave a serious admonition.

   "Here again, this is our own power, but it is passed from the future timeline, what can't be used?"

  Eve Eugene laughed and shook her head, unable to understand her friend's stubbornness to the point of paranoia.

  Iris frowned, unable to refute Eve Eugene's words, but she always felt that there was something wrong with this priceless power.

   "By the way, what level are you? I'm D, you should be higher than me, right?"

   "Class B, our rank is too slow, and the fourth rank really can't compare with the sixth rank..."

   "With the experience taught by my future self, rank promotion is only a matter of course. Now I am more interested in the strongest S-level saints!"

  Eve Eugene put his arms around Iris, narrowing his eyes with a mysterious smile.

   "Your lifelong enemy is one of the strongest 36 S-ranks in the world."

   Breathing stagnated, Iris's brows were slowly knotted.

   "You mean Zhao Yinshun?"


   "He is not my lifelong enemy."

   "Well, to put it another way, love each other and kill each other, a respectable opponent who is also an enemy and friend."

   "In addition to respectable opponents, other attributives can be removed."

   "Oh, don't you feel touched, he is the only man who beat you!"

   Speaking of this, Iris nodded with anger in her eyes.

   "Of course I was touched. He clearly promised me that he would never kill innocent people indiscriminately, but as soon as he left my sight, there was a **** storm. I heard that more than hundreds of thousands of people died at his hands..."

   While talking, the pupils of the two shrank suddenly, and they looked at each other in disbelief.

"This is…"

   "The divine right, I can actually share the future divine right?!"

  Eve Eugene stared blankly at the palm of her hand, the divine light flickered all over her body, and she became a pair of majestic and holy light golden armor.

  The woman in the armor of the gods stretched out her hand and dragged out a cruel and ferocious double-headed giant axe from the void, with bright colorful lights blooming in her eyes.

   "The authority belongs to me, the truth is engraved in my bones, the sea of ​​origin, please answer my call..."

Somewhere, a certain piece of [truth] resonated with it, and the colorful light condensed into a mysterious [armor] in her pupils. The long and substantial divine energy grew in her soul and flesh out of thin air, and the six-dimensional attributes were visible at a speed visible to the naked eye. Crazy growth.

   I don't know how long it took before Eve Eugene's divine clothes and armor were slowly retracted into his body, and the vast and ruthless indifferent pupils gradually regained their humanity.

   "Iris, it is really the divine right, we bear [authority] with our mortal bodies!"

   Clenching her friend's hand, Eve Eugene became more and more emotional and excited.

On the other side, Iris covered her heart in doubt, feeling the endless energy spreading in her soul and flesh, her divinity growing out of thin air, and her cultivation base was rushing forward at dozens or even hundreds of times the speed before, her whole body Gradually fell into confusion.

   Is there really a free lunch in the world?

  Because you are your future self, will you help each other at any cost?

   That’s right, the stronger the “past” self, the bigger the timeline, the future self will also enjoy an increase in the upper limit. This is a very cost-effective transaction.

   But...why do I feel a little uneasy?

  Pressing her heart, Iris felt a little out of breath seeing her friend's excited and joyful appearance.