MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 350 kill all the way

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  Chapter 350 First to destroy all the way

  Glaring at the terrified little Xiangzhu, the stupid Zhu Xiangxiang blinked, hesitated for a while, and finally seemed to understand something, and made up her mind to let out a moaning sound like puffing up.

   Afterwards, the palm-sized cute creature turned its little **** towards Zhao Yinshun, curled up on the ground, and turned around to show him a resolute and solemn expression.

   "My sister has time to explain, Shangju!"

  I **** you big head ghost, you don't even look at your own body shape!

  What do I want to ride on the battlefield?

  Is the enemy laughing himself to death?

   As soon as he thought of riding a cute animal the size of a Chihuahua and "piggy ahead" on the battlefield, Zhao Yinshun laughed angrily at the sand sculpture picture.

  However, the cute thing under his feet did not move after seeing it. He turned his head again, stared at Zhao Yinshun with "wise" eyes, tried his best to raise his little butt, and urged him earnestly.

   "Habitat lives one! It's tired of breaking gold! kuong~kuong~"


  Patting his face in pain, Zhao Yinshun grabbed the little fragrant pig in annoyance while the little white cat gloated and laughed.

  The chubby Zhu Xiangxiang was on all fours, exposing her belly and curled up in the boy's hands, with her head tilted, and her little pig's head was full of big question marks.


   Don’t you want to ride Juju?

  Zhao Yinshun: "..."

  I really want to crush you to death!

  Gritting his teeth for a long time, he didn't have the heart to do "bad hands", so Zhao Yinshun could only grab the cute creature and rua it up, making her groan and feel wronged.

  The fat and tender feel of the Q bomb soothed the resentment in his heart. The negative emotions accumulated in the cruel war during this period gradually dissipated. When the young man was immersed in the joy of Rua pig, a divine thought suddenly came from outside the tent.

   After a pause, Zhao Yinshun let the two pets get into the snow dragon suit, and then cleared his throat.

"Come in."

   Soon, Tang Hongda stepped into the tent, respectfully clasped his fists and said, "Your Majesty, the enemy seems to have noticed us. The Fusang defenders from all over the country have abandoned their garrisons and started to shrink towards Maoshi City."

   "Well...the response is pretty fast, I thought I could eat a few more counties..."

   Sneering and twitching the corners of his mouth, Zhao Yinshun stepped out of the tent, took out a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, put them on his face, and slowly floated into the sky as if losing weight.

Looking around from a high altitude, clusters of blood lights of different sizes on the distant land "slowly" move in the same direction, and the faint and small blood lights gather little by little like sparks, gradually merging into a huge mass that goes straight into the sky. Bloody flame.

   "Although nibbling is hidden and safe, how can it be so satisfying to swallow..."

  Holding up the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, Zhao Yinshun smiled excitedly, and suddenly his eyes moved, his eyes crossed the **** flames, and cast them to a more distant place.

  Strange, why are the Fusang troops of the other Dao also mobilized?

  Blinking his eyes, the boy in white stood upright in the clouds, carefully observing his surroundings.

  North, South, Northeast, Southeast...

   Except for Maoshi City in the east, which is waiting in full force, there are at least four armies moving towards themselves in other directions.

  The five armies vaguely formed a gradually shrinking big net, and they were quickly killing them.

  However, because the distance was too far, he could only vaguely see the hazy blood fiend, and could not pry into more specific information.

  Hmm... so decisive?

   No more resident?

  Originally the troops in the occupied area are insufficient, and if we deploy troops to deal with me, the force to suppress the local area will become weaker...

   Are you looking down on Shen Li's remaining resistance forces?

   Or did they kill the **** Shen Liren?

  Nodding his chin thoughtfully, the boy in white landed softly like a feather, and walked straight to the large tent in the center of the camp.

  Stepping into the big tent, all the high-ranking generals got up and saluted in unison. Zhao Yinshun waved his hands nonchalantly, and walked to the huge sand table without looking sideways.

   "Tang Hongda."

   "The subordinate is here."

   "Report the results of this period of time."


  Tang Hongda, who followed closely behind the young man, pondered for a few seconds, organized his language, and then gave an orderly and detailed report.

"The combat operations during this period were very smooth. The Fusang people did not expect to be attacked in the rear. In order to squeeze the local resources to the maximum and strengthen the rule, they dispersed their troops to every village and town. This gave us the opportunity to defeat them one by one. Chance…"

   Speaking of this, Tang Hongda looked at the general at the side, and his eyes fell on a beautiful woman in the back row.

   "Thanks to the coordination and contact of Princess Cui Enxian, the common people helped us cover up, and we were able to sweep across the seven counties quietly..."

  Hearing this, Cui Enxian calmly shook his head.

   "The trivial work is nothing to worry about."

   "Don't be humble, how could we have played so smoothly without you?"

  Smiling and waving his hands, Cui Enxian's humility was interrupted. Zhao Yinshun looked at her with satisfaction, feeling that every peck and drink would last forever.

  When I rescued her in Shennong Valley, I didn't expect that she would have an undeniable influence on the war between the three countries.

  It all depends on her mediation, running and contacting, the local people will help the Shenwu Army wherever they go, and they will send them food when they are hungry, and sweet springs when they are thirsty.

Of course, there is also a part of the Fusang army's own reasons. These guys are really unreasonable people. They caused Shenli in the occupied area to suffer terrible disasters, and made the common people treat them like enemies. They wished to eat their flesh and sleep their skins. We must support the "Wang Shi".

  So, the Fusang army caught in the ocean of the people's war was blinded.

  Obviously they established rule in various settlements, but instead they became blind.

   As a result, the battlefield was unilaterally transparent. The Shenwu Army knew the enemy's information like the back of their hands, but the Fusang Army did not know who the enemy was until their death!

   Originally, the combat power was crushing, coupled with the "sneak attack" that didn't talk about martial arts, the Shenwu Army played a battle loss ratio that even Tang Hongda felt was exaggerated.

"Your Majesty, during this period of time, we have wiped out more than 60,000 enemies and captured more than 10,000 prisoners. In addition, we have also wiped out more than 30,000 puppet troops. In total, we have wiped out more than 100,000 enemies, and our own casualties are only a few thousand. Most of the wounded were killed. It has fully recovered and returned to the battle sequence, and there are only more than 480 soldiers who were actually killed."

   Seeing the unconcealable smile on Tang Hongda's face, Zhao Yinshun nodded in satisfaction.

   Destroyed one hundred thousand enemy troops with less than 500 sacrifices. This battle was really beautiful!

  However, this is an outrageous battle loss ratio of close to 200 to 1, and Tang Hongda should still be credited with the greatest credit.

  He is so stable!

  For each operation, at least several times the strength of the enemy was mobilized, and when there was a slight resistance, the speed was slowed down, bit by bit, and the enemy was slowly crushed with an upright and absolute advantage, beating the Fusang army to despair.

   Originally, the combat effectiveness of individual soldiers was far inferior, and he didn't talk about martial arts to sneak attack, even sneak attack, but he actually used several times the strength to sneak attack!

  With this combat style, it is a luxury for the enemy to be backed before death!

  In addition to the factor of command style, another part of the reason is Tang Hongda's military path.

In fact, the casualties of the Shenwu Army during this period were not small. Some of the wounded should have died of serious injuries, but due to the mythical authority of [Qi Xu Rulin], the recovery speed of the wounded has been increased several times, coupled with the powerful vitality of the third-order extraordinary , unlimited supply of [Poseidon Sauce], an excellent team of military doctors headed by Qi Tong...

  All kinds of factors superimpose, as long as they are not killed on the spot, no matter how serious the injury is, they can be recovered, and they can even recover their combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

  Thinking of this, Zhao Yinshun couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

   Tang Hongda's military path, natal talent, and command style... are a perfect match!

  Maybe it is difficult for him to change his fate against the sky when he is on the weak side, and he cannot make that kind of earth-shattering comeback.

   But when he is on the strong side, all that is left to the enemy is the deepest despair!

   In a trance, Zhao Yinshun suddenly saw a little shadow of Beimingzhu Kingdom from Tang Hongda.

  On the other side, Tang Hongda whispered slowly without noticing the meaningful gaze of the young man.

"The information obtained from the captives shows that there are still about 80,000 Fusang troops remaining in the remaining counties of [Xianluo North Road]. Hard fight."

  Hearing the words, Zhao Yinshun rubbed his chin and fell silent.

  Shen Li's overall territory is about equal to a relatively large state in Damin, and their [Tao] corresponds to the [County] of Damin, and their [County] is actually only equivalent to the [County] of Damin...

  There are more than 100,000 Fusang troops stationed in [Xianluo North Road] alone. Based on this, it can be inferred that there are nearly two million troops in the eight or nine [Roads] in the entire occupied area?

  Including the main force on the front line and the North Mingzhu Kingdom, wouldn't Fusang's overall strength be close to eight million? !


   Taking a deep breath, Zhao Yinshun sucked his cheeks, once again shocked by the scale of the war in the fantasy world.

  Ancient books often record tens of millions of troops. When I saw these words before, I thought they were exaggerated, but I didn’t expect them to be conservative? !

   No, the productive forces in ancient times were not as developed as they are now, and it is impossible for any tributary country to pull out nearly ten million troops.

  In addition, it is estimated that these armies are formed by Fusang with all the power of the country, and even overdrawn the future. It highlights a gamble on the fate of the country, and if you fail, you will be benevolent!

  With enlightenment in his heart, Zhao Yinshun couldn't help sneering and pursing his lips.

  If the war is really as planned by the Fusang people and finally annexes Shenli, then they will naturally be able to repay the [national debt] and make a lot of money.

  But if they are defeated and driven into the sea, how arrogant they are now, how terrifying the backlash will be in the future!

   And San Jinlian, which supports them behind the scenes, is estimated to suffer heavy losses.

  Looking past Tang Hongda, Zhao Yinshun looked at Cui Enxian in the crowd.

   "How is the evacuation of the common people?"

   "My lord, except for a very small number of people who are unwilling to leave their hometowns, the vast majority of people are willing to emigrate to [Liuyin Fengguo], and more than 10 million people have been mobilized so far, and they are being escorted back to the Fengguo by the navy in batches."

   Standing out from many generals, Cui Enxian replied neither humble nor overbearing.

   "How long is it expected to take to complete the transfer?"

   "At least a month away."

   "Urge them to hurry up, we're running out of time."

  Although many private merchant ships were organized in China in advance, Zhao Yinshun is not sure how many people are willing to go with him.

  After all, people are far away from home, unless they really can’t survive, who would be willing to abandon their familiar hometown and go to an unknown and strange country?

However, I never expected that Fusang would harm Shen Li’s people like this. In addition, [Liuyin Fengguo]’s policy of exempting corvee, dividing land, and light taxation, etc., attracted more immigrants than expected, and the transportation capacity suddenly increased. It seemed stretched.

  More than 10 million people, which means that the population of the seven counties of [Xianluo North Road] has almost been evacuated, and the rest are old, weak, sick and disabled who cannot leave their homeland.

  Such a large number is indeed a severe test.

   After thinking for a moment, Zhao Yinshun ordered decisively.

   "Pass my order to confiscate and block all domestic ocean-going ships, and all the people must be transferred within half a month!"

   Hearing the boy's words, Cui Eunxian frowned in doubt.

   "Your Majesty, the current situation of our army is very good. Even if Fusang God General of Maoshi City gathers all his troops, it seems that he does not dare to fight our army in the field. At most, he can only stick to the city. We don't need to be so nervous at all?"

   "Of course there is no need to be nervous if it is just a Maoshi city, but what if you add a few [Tao] Fusang troops around it?"


   Breathing stagnated, everyone present understood instantly, and exchanged glances with serious expressions.

“[Xianluo North Road] borders five roads in total, namely [Xianluo South Road] in the south, [Gyeongwo West Road] in the northwest, [Qingwo East Road] in the north, [Gushang North Road] in the northeast and [Gushang South Road] in the southeast..."

   Walking in front of the sand table, Cui Enxian subconsciously picked up the baton and explained the terrain to everyone.

   "If the enemy gathers and rushes as quickly as possible, the first to contact our army must be the enemy in Zhengbei [Qingwo East Road]."

   "They are located in the upper reaches of the river, and they can reach Maoshi City in a few days at most."

   As he spoke, Cui Enxian suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhao Yinshun expectantly.

   "My lord, do you know the exact number of enemy troops on each side?"

"have no idea."

   "Then we count as the maximum value. Half of the Fusang garrison of each [Tao] is dispatched, with an average of about 80,000 people. Adding the garrison of Maoshi City, um... close to 500,000 people!"

   Biting his lip, watching the densely packed small flags representing the number of enemy troops moving slowly on the sand table, forming a huge encirclement net together, Cui Enxian's breathing became heavy, and he felt a little out of breath.

   "The six gods will encircle from six different directions... No, we must evacuate before the encirclement is formed!"

  Bitting his lips tightly, Cui Enxian clenched his fist unwillingly, but suddenly found that there was no worry in Zhao Yinshun's eyes, and there was even a hint of excitement in his eyes.

   "Don't be nervous, it's true that the generals who fight in six directions at the same time are at a disadvantage, but why should we follow their pace?"

   Smiling and waving his hands, Zhao Yinshun took over the baton and precisely pointed at Maoshi City, the largest core city in Xianluo North Road.

   "The distances of each [road] are different, and it takes time for the army to assemble and move. There are a few days of time difference that can be used."

   "Tomorrow, I'm going to capture [Maoshi City], let's destroy all the way first!"

   In the past two days, I have been so sleepy that I can’t keep my eyelids open. I feel that Yang Kang’s descendants seem to get tired easily...(╥﹏╥)



  (end of this chapter)