MTL - Super Dimensional Wizard-v6 Chapter 3223 Pixi arrives

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   Ring Fort 5,500 floors, skin soft tooth dye shop.

  The consciousness of Angel and Laplace has returned to the flesh.

  However, even though the consciousness returned, the dignified atmosphere surrounding them still did not ease.

  Boss Piluxiu, who passed by inadvertently, saw that the glass window near Angor was covered with a layer of illusion, blocking the eyes of the outside world, and wanted to come over to ask about the situation. But before he stepped forward, he was too afraid to make a sound due to the heavy atmosphere. He quietly backed away and returned to the empty counter before he dared to take a deep breath.

   It wasn't until the door of the tooth dyeing shop was pushed open that the stagnant atmosphere slowly eased.

   Walking in from the tooth dyeing shop was a red-skinned Luxiu, who was shorter than the shop owner, probably reaching Angel's waist. He was dressed plainly and looked inconspicuous, but as soon as he came in, the shop owner jumped up from the counter in shock.

  Pi, Mr. Pixi?! The store owner exclaimed, and the high-pitched voice even broke.

  After realizing that his voice was broken, the shop owner quickly covered his mouth, and then ran to the visitor with a look of hospitality. All kinds of flattering words, like water flowing downstream, flowed out one sentence after another from his babbling mouth.

   Pixi obviously enjoyed this kind of flattery, and his smiling eyes narrowed.

In normal times, Pixi would probably stop the shop owner until he had nothing to say; but today, Pixi came here for other things, and after enjoying a few seconds of flattering time, he waved off The shopkeeper said.

   All right, let's stop here for today. Pixi coughed: I'm here today to meet important guests, you step aside first, don't disturb... Do you understand?

  The store owner nodded immediately. Although he still doesn't know why Lord Pixi came to meet customers in his shop, but Pixi, as the eldest father of all the merchants in Pipi Castle, has to confess no matter what he does.

  The store owner glanced at Angel and Laplace not far away from the corner of his eye, and said in a low voice: Sir, do you want me to drive these two away?

   Pixi's smiling face froze when he heard the shop owner's words.

Do you know what you are talking about? These two are the most honored guests of the Piluxiu family, how can you talk like that! Pixi leaned into the ear of the shop owner and growled: It is still during the party, I will not punish you up. But, get out of here quickly, and don't let me see you again.

  The flattering expression of the store owner turned pale in an instant.

  These two humans are Master Pixi's guests? !

  Why don't you take the initiative to say something? I... I shouldn't have done anything excessive just now, right?

  The owner of the store was thinking about going up to apologize and show off. However, seeing Pixi's glaring eyes, he was still timid, nodded to Pixi, and then quickly ran to the small door behind the counter, leaving the space in the store for Pixi, Angel and others people.

The air is finally clean! Pixi gave an exaggerated sigh, and then walked to Angel and Laplace, and said with an apologetic smile: Pi Ruanruan is a little unruly, and I have neglected it. My dear guests, I apologize.

   Pixi smiled and bowed again, which made it hard for Angel and Laplace to say anything.

  Actually, Angel didn't think there was anything wrong with the shop owner.


  However, he also understood Pixi's operation. There is a reason why Piluxiu is not liked by others. His bad nature is the original sin. In fact, Pixiu does not know whether the shop owner has neglected them, but according to the past practice, he still regards the worst case as a presupposition; The shop owner said just now that he wanted to drive away Angel and Laplace, so Pixi naturally wanted to put on a show.

  Yes, Pixi's behavior just now is a performance.

   Cursing and cursing, but really embarrassing the store owner, he didn't do a single one.

   Angel and Laplace both knew it well, but there was no need to point it out. As Piluxiu's immediate boss, Pixi defended his own people, which is human nature.

  If Pixi betrayed the shop owner without saying a word, it would make them look down on him.

  Angel: There is no need to apologize, the shop owner did nothing wrong.

  Pixi smiled and said: Thank you for your understanding...I know Pi Ruanruan, he likes to take advantage of things, no matter what he did wrong or not, I will definitely educate him when I go back.

  Angel: You'd better educate yourself.

   Having said that, the shop owner’s name is actually Pi Ruan Ruan, and using his own name as the name of the shop is worthy of Pi Luxiu.

  Pi Luxiu has always been very confident in removing fundamental flaws, as can be seen from these small details.

  Are you Pixie? At this time, Laplace on the side said, "Did Luigi call you over?"

  Luigi bought Pixie's favor contract from Mirror Dragon before, and now Pixie is here, and he even went to find them, obviously Luigi asked him to come.

   Pixi nodded with a smile: That's right, it was Lord Luigi who asked me to pick you up. My lord is with the sage now, so I can't get away for the time being.

   When Pixi talked to Angor before, it was normal. But now when talking back to Laplace, even though his tone has not changed, his eyes do not dare to glance at Laplace at all.

   It can also be seen from this that Pixi may know some inside information. Even if Laplace's identity cannot be confirmed, he knows that Laplace must be a big shot.

   Moreover, after Angel turned on his super-perception, he found that when Pixi faced Angor, he not only showed sincere respect, but also a hint of hidden joy. I guess, he felt that he had a chance to hug his thigh?

  The facts are indeed similar to Angel's guess.

   Pixi used favors to repay the debt, and he was thinking about whether he could hug Mirror Dragon's lap. But it's a pity that what he hugged was only the thigh of a young dragon, and the young dragon didn't have much thought at all, and had already forgotten about him.

   Pixi had already given up, but Luigi appeared.

   As the former assistant of Grand Duke Pixiu, he knows something about Luigi. Luigi and Barbaregón are irresistible friends. In this relationship alone, Luigi belongs to the thigh level in Pisi's view.

  The Grand Duke Pixiu once disclosed a piece of news to him that Luigi is very likely to be a time body, and his body may be a great existence.

  Even if Pixi doesn't know who the so-called great being is, it doesn't prevent him from judging Luigi as having giant legs.

  Since it is a giant leg, Pisi naturally has more for Luigi.

  He knows a lot of information about Luigi, including his friends, some past trips, his hobbies...etc.


  In Pixi's intelligence network, Luigi does not have Laplace as a friend.

  But when Pixi asked Luigi for information, he found that Luigi and Laplace had a very close relationship.

  In the past information, Laplace has never appeared, but he is extremely close to Luigi, which makes Pixi suspect that Laplace may also be related to that great being.

  Therefore, Pixi naturally showed a respectful attitude when facing Laplace with giant legs.

  As for... Angel, who is also outside the intelligence system, Pixi didn't care that much.

  Because Angel's human aura is too obvious, there is no flow of concentrated energy on his body at all, and his aura is even more incompatible with the mirror domain. There is no doubt that he is a human from the outer domain.

  Human beings have thighs, but the place where they live is after all two different worlds from Mirror Domain. Pixi doesn’t even have the thighs of this world, so how can he cross the world to hug his thighs?

  In that case, let's go. Laplace nodded, signaling Pixi to lead the way.

  Pi Xi nodded respectfully: Please come this way, the two guests.

  Pixi didn't take them outside, but walked to the small door behind the counter: In order to facilitate the delivery of goods by Piluxiu's vendors, every shop on this floor has a direct passage to the station.

   And this tooth dye shop naturally has such a channel.

  After opening the door, the first thing they saw was not the passage, but the store owner Pi Ruanruan who was looking out eagerly.

  Before, the owner of the store, Pi Ruanruan, just ran to hide in the small door, always thinking about waiting

  People go out as soon as they leave, but the door is opened before they leave.

  Pi Ruanruan waved to the people outside with embarrassment on his face: Uh, everyone... okay?

   All right, you come out and continue working. After we go back, I will educate you again. Pixi coughed twice, and signaled Pi Ruanruan with his eyes to come out quickly.

  Angel and Laplace did not speak in a tacit understanding.

  After Pi Ruanruan came out, Pixi immediately led the two of them into the back of the door.

  There is indeed a long and narrow passage behind the door. The end of the passage is dark and the end cannot be seen at a glance.

   This passage looks ordinary, but when Pixi entered the passage, the wall on one side immediately glowed faintly, casting a screen of light.

  A green skin Piluxiu's face appeared on the light screen.

Pi Ruan Ruan, do you want to apply for a relocation point? Please give a reply within three seconds, three, two... The green skin Pi Luxiu seems to be busy with other work, and he didn't even look up when he spoke, but was bent over his desk to deal with the situation on the table. document.

  Three seconds later, when Pi Ruanruan's voice was not heard, the green skin Pi Luxiu raised his head suspiciously, and looked across the light screen.

ah? ! How could it be... Lord Pixi! When Green Piluxiu saw the person opposite, he stood up in fright and stuttered as he spoke.

  Pixi waved his hand: Sit down first, and then help me record the information of these two guests. After that, they can use the internal passage at will without applying.

  Green Piluxiu glanced at Angel and Laplace, but did not ask their identities, but nodded politely, and quickly registered.

  Ten seconds later, there was a signal from the opposite side that the registration was complete.

  At this moment, Pixi turned around and said to them: Two guests, if there is a need in the party later, you can enter Piluxiu's residence through the shops on this floor.


  Although Angel didn't think there would be a second visit to Piluxiu's station, he still thanked Pixiu.

  Next, with their identities, they finally embarked on the road to the station.

   Angel did not estimate the length of this passage, but they saw many doors along the way. According to Pixi, these doors lead to various Piluxiu shops.

  When Pixiu said these words, he was rather proud. In the entire Ring Fort, only the Piluxiu clan had set up this special passage for merchants.

   It was Pixi who promoted the layout of this channel.

  Pixiu may be very stingy externally, and got the nickname of a miser because of pennies and pennies; but he is very caring about Piluxiu internally, and he is worthy of his position.

  The freight vendors I met along the way also respect Pixi from the bottom of their hearts, which can be seen.

   After walking for about five minutes, they walked into Piluxiu's station through the winding passage.

  Piluxiu's station is not as grand as the Bailong Kingdom, and there is no separate space. But Piluxiu's station is still huge.

   In the middle is a huge square that can accommodate tens of thousands of people without being crowded.

  This square is open to the outside world, as long as they want, all ethnic groups can come here without conditions. Also because there is no threshold and it is open to the outside world, this square has become Piluxiu's window to the outside world.

  Almost all external facilities are in the square.

  For example, there are service desks for consulting products, collection and storage of materials for large-scale import and export, temporary workbenches for adding display pages, and various street stalls, markets, and entertainment services.

  Even, Piluxiu has set up a small display stand here, displaying Piluxiu's own products, and some Piluxiu will talk about their invention concepts on the display stand to obtain venture capital.

For example, right now, Angel sees a green-skinned Luxiu wearing a half-length suit, talking loudly on the display stand, and talking about the invention concept of a gold silk glove. According to him, this is the gold silk stomach bag project. The invented derivative is connected to the gold-wire stomach pouch through a special sensor, allowing the contents of the stomach pouch to appear directly on the hand.

  This invention sounds ordinary and doesn’t have much practicality, but there are quite a few people who are willing to participate, even races other than Piluxiu

  Willing to invest.

The reason is very simple. The gold wire stomach bag is a very good space prop, with a large capacity and the price is not too expensive, but there is a shortcoming that many people criticize. Because of the characteristics of the gold wire stomach bag, it needs to be transplanted into the body and connected to the esophagus. As a result, every time something is taken, it is spit out from the mouth.

  Although spitting out is just a descriptive action, it does not mean that the prop must pass through the mouth, but it does not give a good impression.

   Many alien races, even if they are interested in the practicality of the gold silk stomach bag, feel a little disgusted at the thought of spitting out supplies through their mouths.

   This also makes the gold stomach bag not as popular as expected.

  But if you have the accessory of gold silk gloves, you don’t need to spit out the gold silk stomach pouch in the future, but directly let the items in the stomach pouch appear on your hands, which is much more beautiful.

  Although the effect is a bit superfluous, it is not necessary for the practical party, but it is definitely a great benefit for many people who care about details.

  Therefore, there are no longer a few people who are willing to invest.

  Finally, this invention concept received an investment of tens of thousands of Ningjing, and Luxiu Luxiu, a green skin, came down from the exhibition stand in satisfaction, signed an agreement with the investor, and left in a hurry, ready to show his skills and create a real object.

   Angor, who witnessed this scene, was also quite moved. The Piluxiu family really far surpassed other races in the mirror domain in terms of invention concepts.

   Even better than many wizarding organizations.

  The most important thing is that the upper management of Piluxiu is very supportive, and specially prepared a stage for these civilian Piluxiu, so that even Piluxiu who is in trouble has a chance to soar into the sky.

   I have to say that Piluxiu made a wonderful move on the road of invention.