MTL - Super Dimensional Wizard-v6 Chapter 3284 wave energy amplifier

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  Chapter 3284 Wave Energy Amplifier

  Different from the previous Mrs. Meiye and the singer of the magic flute, Piluxiu on stage this time is not alone, but a whole team, standing densely in the center of the display stand.

  Although the skin colors of these Piluxiu groups are not exactly the same, it can be confirmed from the uniform loose robes that they are all Piluxiu scholars.

   Leading the team is the pickup sage, who stands at the forefront of everyone.

  Anger deliberately observed the sage of the pickup truck, and from his expression, he didn't see any grievances. On the contrary, the group of scholars behind him still had gloomy faces. Almost none of them smiled, and there were even undisguised emotions, with obvious indignation in their eyes.

  Perhaps it was because all major races wanted to see this "good" show, but after Piluxiu's debut, the popularity didn't drop.

  However, the good show expected by various races did not appear. The pickup sage had obviously done a good job with the scholars beforehand, no matter how indignant they were, they did not act radically.

  Seeing the peacefulness on the stage, the heat finally started to drop slowly.

  Especially, when the Pika sages revealed the research results they were about to share, the popularity dropped even faster.

   "Wave Energy Amplifier: Simulating Convergent Waves of Mirror Ghosts".

  Picka Sage also noticed that when he mentioned the research topic, the popularity column was dropping rapidly, but he didn't seem to care, and explained the research theory step by step, and let the scholars participating in the research share their experiences and discoveries one by one.

  Anger is an extraterritorial human being after all, and he knows very little about aggregation. At first, he couldn't understand their "encrypted" language at all. Fortunately, Laplace, who understands the wizarding system, was there to help Angel translate.

  Simply put, this research project is—how to pretend that you are also a mirror ghost when facing a mirror ghost.

  Mirror ghosts come from the dark mirror domain, or dark ghosts.

   Except for a very small number of mirror ghosts who have sanity, most of the other mirror ghosts are in a state of confusion.

  Mirror ghosts in this state, as long as they smell the breath of living beings, the bloodthirsty and brutality hidden in the depths of Hunyi's power will emerge, and they will attack and kill all living beings around them indiscriminately.

  In Angel's words, mirror ghosts are like undead. He has hatred for all living creatures and wishes to tear them apart completely.

  Of course, this understanding is also biased, because the undead are absolutely chaotic, while the mirror ghost is relatively muddy. The so-called muddleheadedness means that there is still reason, but reason is buried deep in the heart of the mirror.

  If a confused mirror ghost suddenly encounters something that can bring back his memories, he will also recover from his confusion for a short time.

  So, undead and mirror ghosts can't really be equated, but they are similar to a certain extent.

   Back to the point, mirror ghosts generally don’t use their eyes to see things, they have their own energy perception organs. When encountering living creatures, they use energy perception to confirm whether the other party is a hunting target.

  Because the mirror ghost has such characteristics, Piluxiu developed a device to avoid being discovered by the mirror ghost.

  This device is a "wave energy amplifier".

  The aggregation energy of the mirror ghost itself is chaotic. If you observe a mirror ghost from the perspective of energy, there is a high probability that its external performance will be a chaotic energy vortex.

  As for the normal mirror-field creatures, their external aggregation energy performance is regular and rhythmic, not chaotic.

  But if relying on the "wave energy amplifier", then there is a way to make self-aggregation energy externally manifested, changing from regularity to chaos.

  When the chaotic aggregation energy is simulated, even if the mirror ghost finds you, there is a high probability that it will consider you as "the same kind" and give up hunting.

  This is the outline of Piluxiu's research on "Wave Energy Amplifier: Simulating Converged Waves of Mirror Ghosts".

  From Angel's point of view, this is actually a relatively practical research, and it can also demonstrate Piluxiu's inventiveness.

   It's just that, if we start from the reality of the mirror domain, this research is a bit tasteless.

  After all, most of the mirror ghosts are in the dark mirror domain. Under normal circumstances, few people will take the initiative to enter the ghost beast. Therefore, this research is difficult to come in handy.

  Of course, mirror ghosts also exist in the Bairi mirror domain, for example, the town of resentment girls is the base camp of mirror ghosts.

  But most of the mirror ghosts in Resentment Girl Town are sane. Even if they don't wake up for a long time every day, they can at least communicate. Relying on this remaining rationality, they can restrain themselves and rarely leave the town of resentful women.

  The probability of encountering the resentful female town mirror ghost outside is very small. Even if they do, there is a high probability that the other party has reason. At this time, as long as they don't take the initiative to release malice, they will not attack you.

  In addition to this, there is another very important factor, which also causes the major races to dislike the "wave energy amplifier".

  That is—there are too many types of mirror ghosts.

   "Wave Energy Amplifier" can only be used for mirror ghosts with organ characteristics, because only mirror ghosts that use energy to perceive organs can perceive the muddled aggregate energy.

  And this kind of mirror ghost with organ characteristics has a high probability of having a "physiological structure".

   In other words, they are mirror ghosts with physical bodies.

  Such as the Scarlet Lantern, the multi-faceted alien, the chaotic evil mouth, the mirror-wielding ghost, etc., the "wave energy amplifier" can only be used for these physical mirror ghosts.

  But in fact, the mirror ghost with a physical body is the best mirror ghost to deal with.

  The mirror ghosts that are really difficult to deal with are all without form, or even just a strange concept.

   For example, "light disaster", this is a typical invisible mirror ghost. Light calamity can assimilate most of the energy and matter, turning it into a boundless light source. Where they pass, there is no grass and no soil.

  The existence of such completely invisible mirror ghosts called "disasters" is to spread disasters indiscriminately. You know, they don't spare even a piece of grass, a tree, or a piece of soil. How could they be lenient to you just because you used the "wave energy amplifier"?

  And there are still many mirror ghosts similar to "light disaster". Although most of these mirror ghosts are in the dark mirror domain, there are not none in the day mirror domain, but there are very few of them. If someone brings a "wave energy amplifier" and thinks that they can face the mirror ghost with peace of mind, then when they encounter a disaster-level mirror ghost, who can they turn to to reason?

  This is also the reason why the major races are not particularly keen on "wave energy amplifiers".

  However, what is a little better is that Pi Luxiu did not promote the "Wave Energy Amplifier" this time, but directly announced the principle and production method of the "Wave Energy Amplifier".

   It is equivalent to saying that I got a technology that can deal with the physical mirror ghost for free.

  Although it is not particularly practical, it is always worth it.

   With the mood of "I've seen it all" and "It's better than nothing", the major races are still very face-saving. Even though the popularity is declining, the overall level has remained above 70%.

  While the various races were earnestly documenting the principles of the "Wave Energy Amplifier", Angel and the others were doing nothing... After all, this thing was completely useless to them.

   Perhaps seeing the silence in the air, Inu Deacon thought for a while and revealed a secret message.

  "Before this meeting started, the ghost deacon had already found a lot of information. Among them, it also included the research topics that Piluxiu would talk about on stage."

Inexplicable thoughts flashed in Inu Deacon's eyes, and his tail shook unconsciously: "Although Ghost Deacon has not found out the specific research content, what is certain is that Piluxiu has prepared two different research plans. To deal with this display sharing."

   "Two different plans?" Sipolov was surprised: "The deacon means that Piluxiu will share a research topic?"

  The dog deacon gave Sipolov an angry look: "Do you think there is such a cheap thing?"

  Sipolov touched the bridge of his nose, but said nothing.

   Deacon Dog: "Piluxiu intends to choose one of these two plans for display. One of the plans is the research of "Wave Energy Amplifier."

   "The other plan, as far as Oni Deacon is aware, is called "Guide to Survival in the Dark Mirror Realm: Quickly Leveraging the Delayed Aggregate Energy"."

   "Leverage the hysteresis aggregate energy?" Angel repeated in a low voice, the content of this research can be almost guessed just by the name.

   Sure enough, Inu Deacon said bluntly: "The content of the research has actually been described literally. It should be a method that can normally absorb aggregated energy in the dark mirror field."

   Although the dark mirror domain and the day mirror domain are two sides of one body, the internal composition is actually not exactly the same.

   Take aggregate energy for example.

  The aggregation energy of the mirror field of the day comes from a special energy that escapes when the mirror light dies and shatters. Because the mirror surface was broken, all the information in it was turned into light spots and scattered, leaving only the purest aggregation energy. Therefore, this pure aggregation energy can be directly absorbed by the groups born in the Sun Mirror Domain.

  The source of aggregated energy in the dark mirror domain is mostly escaped from the dark mirror disaster. Although it is also aggregated energy, it does not have the process of "breaking", resulting in extremely chaotic information inside the aggregated energy.

  These chaotic information will cause the aggregation energy to become complicated and crowded, and then become sluggish. If you want to absorb it, it will be very difficult. Moreover, the chaotic information in it can be rejected if it absorbs less, but if it absorbs too much, it may degenerate into a muddled mirror ghost.

  In Angel's words, it means that the aggregation energy of the day mirror domain is pure magic power; while the aggregation energy of the dark mirror domain is primitive magic power, which needs to be transformed before it can be absorbed again.

  The wizard uses meditation to transform the original magic power.

  The mirror domain creatures want to transform the hysteresis aggregation energy, relying on persistent scouring, which takes a lot of time.

  The "Gloom Mirror Realm Survival Guide: Quickly Leveraging the Slow Converging Energy" is obviously a method developed by Piluxiu to accelerate the use of slow converging energy.

  Its value is similar to inventing a new method of meditation.

"There is no doubt that the research of "Quickly Leveraging Delayed Aggregated Energy" is more valuable and practical than "Wave Energy Amplifier." Inu Deacon: "Although, for the vast majority of creatures in the mirror, this It is impossible to go to the dark mirror field in my life. But for those powerful races who want to develop the dark mirror field, this is an invaluable treasure."

When Deacon Inu said this, he looked at the calm Pika Sage in the mirror, and sighed: "I don't know how the Pika Sage chooses the research that will be shared on stage. But I guess, if there is no first pick and second pick This matter, perhaps, the research topic chosen by the Pika sage will be another one."

  Pickup sage may not look too angry, but from his choice of topic, Inu Deacon guessed his heart, maybe he still feels a little wronged.

   Whether Deacon Dog's guess is correct, Angel doesn't know.

  However, the two research plans of Pika Sage are related to the Dark Mirror Domain.

   This reminded Angel of "Sneaky Baby".

  Although Sneaky Smile Shell is produced by the town of resentful girls, it is the core technology provided by Pi Luxiu.

  From this series of research and products related to the Dark Mirror Domain and Mirror Ghost, it can be seen that the cooperative relationship between Piluxiu and the town of resentful women should be closer than he imagined.


  After explaining the research results of the wave energy amplifier, a group of Piluxiu scholars stepped down silently, leaving only the sage Pika who remained in place.

  Seeing this scene, the major races can probably guess that the next thing the pickup sage will do is to promote the product.

  It is the same as Mrs. Meiye and the singer of the magic flute before.

   This is indeed the case, and the sage Pika began to talk about the exhibits that Piluxiu brought this time.

   It took about three minutes to briefly introduce the information about the exhibits.

   Next, the pickup sages still did not step down, but helped the mirror ghosts of the female town and told about the special products they brought.

   It can also be seen from this that the cooperation between Piluxiu and Resentment Girl Town has reached a deep level.

   After introducing the exhibits in the town of resentful women, the pickup sage still has no intention of stepping down. Instead, he took out a thick display book from his robe.

   "Everyone has already used the display booklet unique to this gathering. This time the display book is the technology and ideas provided by our Piluxiu family..."

  Pickup sage briefly described the production and ideas of the display booklet in plain language.

  Because all ethnic groups have already used the display booklet, they also spoke highly of this display booklet. Therefore, when the pickup sage brought the topic to the display booklet, the popularity rose again.

   After the pickup sage gave an overview of the display booklet, he finally explained why he remained on the display stand.

  —Add pages.

  From the end of today's exhibition, Piluxiu will open a new page-adding service.

  However, this page increase service is for all major races.

   New added page with only one item.

  This project, the pickup sage described it very complicatedly, but in Angel's words, it is... an encrypted multi-person chat room.

  The main target of this "multi-person chat room" is the leaders of the major ethnic groups at this gathering.

  According to the pickup sage, the duration of this meeting is uncertain. In order to deepen communication and facilitate communication, this new page that can chat with multiple people is specially launched.

  In order to promote this new page, the pickup sage also threw out a big news: "Your Excellency Moli'an of Bailong Divine Kingdom has agreed to add the page."

   That is to say, this chat room already has a "head".

  Many races also have their own pride, but even if they are unwilling to communicate with the leaders of other races, they will definitely not face Fu Jinglong.

   That is to say, when the pickup sage pulled out the banner of "Morian", the new page addition service was already unstoppable.

  (end of this chapter)