MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 135 biochemical weapon

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The red helmet organization in the valley was still dreaming of enjoying the glory of prosperity, and it was necessary to go out to help the country to harm its own people, but did not expect that before leaving the valley, they died in despair, and the organization's high-level leadership was destroyed. {Щww {suimеng] [lā} Without these savage traitorous thief leaders, the other members of the Red Helmet simply couldn't make any waves.

Yan Fei had no idea that in order to solve the hidden dangers in the northwestern part of China, he unexpectedly helped the Syrian government to solve a major scourge, which not only protected the security of the people in Syria, but also prevented them from being attacked by coalition forces led by the United States It is a big help for the Syrian government.

And the members of the KB organization died completely under the attack of drones and could no longer commit murderous acts. Their attempts to restore the glory of their ancestors could only be realized in hell. I just do n’t know if the relationship between the devil king of **** and their lord is good. Will these KB elements be allowed to develop their power in hell? The demise of these KB molecules has also completely solved the confidant affair of Huaxia and avoided the hidden dangers of the Northwest. But unfortunately, Yan Fei couldn't announce the result of this battle, he could only hide behind the scenes and become an unknown hero.

As for the death of General Rice, the hundreds of meters soldiers brought by him, they also deserved the crime. On the surface, they were involved in the Middle East disputes with a just face of cracking down on KB molecules. They secretly cultivated and funded these KB molecules to achieve their unspeakable purpose. They were even more hateful than KB molecules. The army has no psychological burden. It's just that Mi Shifang's power is too powerful. Even if there is a drone in hand, Yan Fei is far from being an opponent of Mi Jun, and he is still afraid to go up front with Mi Jun. But the chance to destroy some mischievous troops here coincides with Yan Fei's small wishes.

On the cliffs on both sides of this valley, there are also some Mi Army lookouts and snipers lurking. They watched the entire slaughter process of the drone against the coalition forces in the valley from above, and they have been scared by the terrorist attack of the drone. Then they subconsciously wanted to contact the rear base and wanted the militia's fire support. But unfortunately, Yan Fei destroyed their external communication vehicle as soon as possible, so they could not contact the Mi Jun behind at all in this wilderness.

They then discovered that the drones that had slaughtered the entire Valley Coalition were flying upward, flying near them, and hovering in front of them. They screamed unfortunately, but before they acted, the drone aerial guns started firing, and several of the artillery shells killed all of the hidden Mi Jun combatants.

At this point, except that the messenger of the Assassin faction was deliberately let go by Yan Fei, all the coalition forces in the valley were destroyed, and none were spared. It was the escaped Assassin messenger, and his whereabouts were also under real-time monitoring of the drone's quantum radar.

The drone hovered over the valley for a while, reconfirming that there were no living enemy soldiers on the ground. So the drone started to descend, the cockpit door opened upwards, Yan Fei jumped out of the cockpit, and then jumped from a high altitude. He stood on the ground with his feet steady, and raised a burst of yellow sand.

With Yan Fei's current strength, jumping from an altitude of tens of meters will not be harmed at all. Standing on the ground, he saw large and small craters and wreckage of burning vehicles after the explosion, and a large number of enemy bodies beside it.

These corpses are terrible, either broken hands, short feet, rotten intestines, or cracked brains and brains. There are corpses all over the ground, and blood is still flowing out of them. But as soon as the blood shed, it was swallowed up by the sand on the ground and disappeared. But they dyed the sand red, and looked very weird.

Yan Fei saw these horrible dead bodies, and he walked past them, without a slight wave in his heart. From the over-reaction after he saw the corpse for the first time to now he can calmly face the more horrible corpse pile, Yan Fei has grown up.

Yan flew among the corpses and found that not all transport vehicles were detonated by the drone, and some of them were luckily unexploded. He began to carefully inspect the vehicles, and found a large amount of weapons and ammunition on those vehicles. Judging from the words on these weapons and ammunition, we can find that they are brand new Mi-made munitions, and these brand-new munitions are used by Mi Jun to support KB elements to conduct KB attacks.

Yan Fei had entered a small arsenal of the Mi Army while scanning F-15 fighters in the island country before, and also collected some arsenals from that arsenal. It was only that his general-purpose space was small at that time, and the amount of ammunition received was not large, and these ammunitions have been consumed almost in subsequent battles.

The purpose of Yan Fei's visit to the Middle East this time is to completely destroy the Assassins. In order to accomplish this purpose, she must go through successive wars. However, it is difficult to achieve this goal by his own strength, so he has to rely on other weapons, and the required weapons are not few. As soon as he found these weapons and ammunition, he immediately transferred them to his common space. As long as it is a weapon or ammunition, it will be useful for a day, and it will not be lost in any way when it is stowed.

As Yan Fei cleaned the battlefield, he collected the weapons and ammunition left on the vehicle, and then he saw a bombed red helmet member lying next to a transport vehicle in front of him. He took a closer look and found that the red helmet member was actually the red helmet leader bought by Lynch. With a movement in his heart, he glanced far away and found that the transport vehicle next to the red helmet had not been blown up. However, looking at the canvas gap that has been opened, Yan Fei found that the transport vehicle contained some strange things.

Yan Fei remembered the previous conversation between Lynch and the member of the red helmet, and immediately took out a gas mask from the general space, put it on his head, put on a chemical protective clothing, covered himself firmly, and then carefully walked towards that Transport vehicle. He opened the canvas behind the car and saw a huge canned container inside. On this container, a highly toxic skull symbol was also painted, with a long string of English letters on it. Yan Fei immediately recognized what these English letters were, and the words "Novichok" were written on it.

At first, Yan Fei would never know what the "Novichok" was, but in the first half of the year there was a poisoning incident of the former Agent and father and daughter of Eros in Eagle Country. At the time, the incident was very loud, but the plot But it is confusing, true or false, no one can say exactly what is going on. Anyway, the killing of the Eagles was done by his own enemy, Eros. The reason is that the neurotoxic gas "Novichok" found at the scene, and "Novichok" is the only chemical weapon of Eros. Then several countries caused a series of diplomatic storms because of this incident.

Yan Fei was also curious to pay attention to the development of the spy poisoning before Eros, but did not get the final result. He just remembered the name of the neurotoxic gas “Novichok” repeatedly mentioned in this case. Because the name of this poisonous gas appeared too often, he didn't want to remember it. Yan Fei now saw this nerve poison here, and immediately realized that it seemed that the former Eros was really wronged by the Eagle State and the Rice State. As a top technology powerhouse in the world, how could Mi rice not be able to imitate the nerve gas “Novichok” of Eros? Therefore, Eros must have been framed by the rice country and the eagle country, but Yan Fei did not like Eros very much, and naturally had no obligation to help them to clean up their grievances.

Yan Fei thought for a moment, or put this "Novichuk" container into the general space. This is a biochemical weapon, a weapon of mass destruction. Maybe it will come in handy. Then Yan Fei found an instruction manual on how to use the nerve gas "Novichok" on this transport vehicle. It turned out that Mi Jun was afraid that the person in the red helmet made another mistake, and actually made a detailed manual. Anyone can use this highly toxic nerve gas as long as they operate according to the instructions above.

After seeing this product manual, Yan Fei sighed. Those members of the red helmet thought that after completing the final task, they would be able to escape from the sea of ​​suffering and go to the western countries to live the happy life they wanted, but they did not expect that Miguo was ready to cross the river. Once the Red Helmets played their role, they would be killed by the Mi Jun immediately. There are even traps in this product's operating instructions. If you follow these instructions, these nerve gas will suddenly burst out, and these red helmet people will die on the spot. After all, the Red Helmets still have a certain popularity in the West. Their death is more able to arouse public opinion in Western countries. With the support of public opinion, they can achieve their strategic goals in Syria.

The reason why Yan Fei dared to put this jar containing "Novichok" poison gas into the universal space was because he had just entered the product instructions into the auxiliary brain database, and the auxiliary brain immediately found several of them. Reasonably, if you follow the instructions, this jar will definitely explode immediately. However, after analyzing the structure of this jar and assisting the intellectual brain, combining the characteristics of "Novichok", it immediately came up with the correct method of using gas. So this jar is a terrifying self-shaking bomb for others, but it is an excellent biochemical weapon for Yan Fei.

Yan Fei's goal is to completely destroy the Assassin, then he must have powerful power. Although the drone avatar is powerful, it cannot guarantee the complete elimination of the Assassins. With this jar containing "Novichok" nerve gas ~ ~ Yan Fei's probability of success will be greatly increased.

After putting this jar into the common space, there is no longer a complete transport vehicle in the valley. The weapons and ammunition in other transport vehicles have been detonated in the drone attack and can no longer be used. However, Yan Fei has collected a lot of practical weapons this time, and with that terrible nerve gas “Novichok”, he is already very satisfied.

So the drone began to land on the ground, Yan Fei returned to the cockpit, the cockpit door closed, the drone quickly took off, flew towards the distance, and disappeared into the blood and fire in the valley.

In the valley behind the unmanned body, there were corpses everywhere, blood everywhere, and fires everywhere, just like the horror of Shura field. I don't know how others would guess the real murderer who caused all this when they found the site of the slaughter.


The second is more, I hope everyone likes it!

To clarify, the "Novichuk" in the text is just something that the author fabricated. Do not take a seat on the number, let alone compare it with the real thing with the same name. Thank you!