MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 156 Video delivery

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The route when Yan Fei abandoned this time was to go to Qatar Half-Bird TV Station to settle accounts. The half bird TV station is located in Doha, Qatar. To go to Doha, choose to go to Iraq-the Persian Gulf is the nearest express way.

In this route, the drone first entered the Iraqi Mosul from the Syrian border, then headed south, flying across the entire Iraqi airspace, then to Basra in southern Iraq and entering the Persian Gulf through the port of Basra. After flying hundreds of kilometers in the Persian Gulf, drones can reach Doha, Qatar. Because Doha is a coastal city, drones don't even need to enter the ground to send Yan Fei to Doha's Half Bird TV.

This quick passage has a short distance and takes less time than drones from the Mediterranean to the Suez Canal, through the Suez Canal to the Red Sea, from the Red Sea into the Arabian Sea, and finally into the Persian Gulf, reaching Doha, saving at least 4,000 kilometers in the middle . However, in this way, it will face radar surveillance of Iraqi airspace, but Iraqi military forces have completely declined. As long as you are careful, Iraq ’s surviving air defense radar and air force will no longer show drones.

When the energy point is sufficient, the drone can fly for five hours, and the flight distance can exceed 18,000 kilometers. But the drone's energy points are not completely used for flight, and there are many other uses. Yan Fei feels that he can't make ends meet every time he uses the energy points, so it can save a little energy points. Otherwise, once the critical moment is encountered, it is a pity that the drone cannot move because of insufficient energy points.

So under the control of Yan Fei, under the guidance of quantum radar, it quickly entered the territory of northern Iraq. In order to avoid trouble, the drone's flying height was tightly controlled at a distance of twenty meters from the ground. At this altitude, drones can avoid being spotted by ground radar as much as possible. Even if Iraqi troops are stationed in Iraq, it will be very difficult for them to show drones of this height.

The drone flew quietly in Iraqi airspace, causing a turbulent flow of air at low altitude, but under the control of the assisted intellectual brain, this turbulent flow did not blow to the ground, so it was not affected by people on the ground. What's abnormal.

Although it is late at night in Iraq time, Yan Fei can still clearly see the buildings on the ground through the vision of the drone. The buildings on the ground are all dilapidated buildings. There is no high-rise building or a new building. It looks like a ruined doomsday weather.

Iraq is a well-known oil producer in the world. It was also rich in oil in the Middle East decades ago. The domestic city construction is up, the political situation is stable, the welfare benefits are excellent, and the strength of the six navy and air forces is strong. Who knows that under the carelessness of the United States, Iraq began to do tricks. Not only did they move against Persia for eight years, they also invaded Kuwait because they wanted to settle accounts. After being beaten by the United States, they appeared in the world. True status.

Then the people in Iraq started to worship the rice country after they were awakened by the rice country. They yearned for the rice-style Minzhu and way of life. They began to protest and cause trouble in the country, thinking that they could get the ideal life after overthrowing the axe rule. Finally, at the time of the second strike of Iraq by the country, these people stood out against the axe and became the leader of the rice army. Soon, the once powerful Iraq collapsed from within, the leader was captured by the Mi Army, and then sent to the gallows.

The former political axe collapsed, but what made those naive people unexpected was that the pearl and happy life they wanted did not come. What followed was a decade of war and economic recession. All day long they face constant bomb explosions and death threats. The once beautiful city became a ruined place, and the once-favorable benefits disappeared. They could not live without food and clothing, and lived miserably. It makes some people start to reflect on their previous actions and even miss the goodness of their former leaders. It ’s just that there is no regretful medicine in the world, and the once rich and powerful Iraq has disappeared forever. Those who betray their own country are destined to be futureless and war-torn Iraq until another iron-fisted person appears and re-orders Iraq Bring the right way. It ’s just that I do n’t know how long it is, and it may never appear again ...

Seeing the ruins below, Yan Fei felt with emotion and realized peace and importance. He sighed here, but did not affect the fast flight of the drone. In order to avoid radar tracking, drones deliberately avoided densely populated areas such as military areas and cities in the Yimi Army. So this flight was very smooth. In just twenty minutes, the drone flew over the entire Iraq, from Mosul in the north to Basra in the south. Then the drone carefully leap over the port of Basra and entered the Persian Gulf.

The Persian Gulf is the world's most important oil-producing region. Two-thirds of the world's oil is transported through the Persian Gulf. Therefore, some people call the Persian Gulf an oil channel. Once a country or power blocks the Persian Gulf, other countries in the world will fall into a state of being free of oil, which will not only have a devastating effect on the normal operation of the country and the economic order, but also cause a huge international financial storm. Bring huge destructive power.

As soon as it entered the Persian Gulf, drones now saw large oil tankers on the sea, but Yan Fei's purpose was not these oil tankers. He found his direction and flew towards Qatar. It is just that the Persian Gulf waters are densely packed and not as sparsely populated as Iraq, so UAV flight is also restricted. However, this did not stop the drone from moving forward. The drone took half an hour. After spending ten minutes more than expected, it finally flew to the offshore waters of Doha, Qatar.

Yan Fei started a quantum radar to scan, and suddenly found the most famous building in Doha urban area-the headquarters of the half bird TV station. It is now one o'clock in the evening in Doha local time, and the entire city has fallen asleep. But the half-bird TV headquarters building is still brightly lit, and they are still making news programs and broadcasting news to their audiences.

Half Bird TV has a huge number of viewers, including not only Middle Easterners, but also a large number of viewers from other countries. Some Western countries also like to watch programs on Half Bird TV, which also brings huge influence and economic benefits to Half Bird TV . And because of the jet lag, Doha's Half Bird TV headquarters is late at night, and those Western countries watching their shows are in the afternoon or evening, so Half Bird TV did not rest, but continued to broadcast news.

Rahman, a news presenter wearing a traditional Arab robe, is concentrating on broadcasting news in the news broadcast hall of Half Bird TV. In recent days, there has been a stalemate between Rice and the opposite Persia. The country called on the world to sanction Persia together, but it was rejected by most countries in the world, which made the country lose face. However, the country is very tough. Even if he is the only one, they vowed to carry out sanctions against Persia to the end.

Persia also showed a tough attitude towards the sanctions against the United States. Their most favorable response was to threaten to block the exit of the Persian Gulf from the Strait of Hormuz and prevent an oil tanker from entering and leaving the Persian Gulf. In order to achieve the political goals of both sides, the troops of both sides worked hard to carry out large-scale military exercises in the waters of the Persian Gulf. No one on both sides has exercised restraint. It looks like a war is going to take place at any time.

Qatar is an oil producing country in the Persian Gulf. Oil is the economic lifeline of the country. Once the oil market fluctuates, it will affect the normal operation of the country. Therefore, Half Bird TV is nervous about military exercises in the Persian Gulf, and whether it is blocking the Strait of Hormuz, and has been broadcasting news about the friction between Persia and the Mi Army.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise outside the news studio hall, and then Rahman saw several of his colleagues flew into the studio, hit the glass wall next to it, and shattered the glass wall. His colleagues bounced back to the ground, and after a few rolls, they remained motionless.

Then a two-meter-high man with a black mask went into the studio. Several staff members in the room saw that the situation was wrong and came to stop the black-masked giant. Then I saw the black masked giant who took out the automatic rifle on his back, pulled the trigger, and started shooting in the room.

With this shot, everyone in the room was frightened, all lying under the table, avoiding flying bullets, even Rahman, who was reading a news release, was no exception. All staff members are dodging bullets, no one is turning off the camera, and no one is still broadcasting live news. So some viewers watching the news of Half Bird TV immediately noticed the changes in the TV station and suddenly came to the spirit and watched it carefully. Some Qatar domestic viewers immediately called Half Bird TV to ask for specific information.

The black-faced brave man who broke in suddenly was the deformed Yan Fei. Although he fired around, he did not aim at the people in the news studio, but shot at the wall. Although he didn't hurt anyone, the effect was very good. The shuttle controlled the scene in the news studio hall.

Yan Fei pushed Rahman out from under the table. Rahman shuddered and said repeatedly, "Bless me, lord bless ..."

Yan Fei said in English: "Do you want to die or live?"

Rahman also knew English, and immediately said in English: "Let's live! I don't want to die, I want to live!"

Yan Fei threw Rahman to the ground and said, "If you want to live, immediately broadcast the two videos in this USB flash drive on TV news, and upload the contents to the official website of your TV station."

Rahman was startled, and their half-bird TV station often received various videos sent by mail, and these videos would be transmitted through their television station. However, such a situation has never been encountered before. The owner of the video came in person and threatened them to broadcast the video. But he responded immediately, nodding his head again and again, saying, "No problem, no problem, I'll play him right away."

Half Bird TV often receives the videos sent from them. They will review those videos to determine whether to play those videos, so not all the received videos will be played on TV. According to the practice, whether these videos can be played or not requires the consent of the TV station director. Now that the station director is absent, these videos cannot be played.

However, under the threat of Yan Fei's muzzle, Rahman was afraid to refuse Yan Fei's request. Although he was the news host of the TV station, he was also born in a rich family, with countless wealth and beauties waiting for him to enjoy. Once he refuses Yan Fei's request, he will surely be killed by this horrible giant with an automatic rifle. As soon as he died, everything in the family had nothing to do with him, so he immediately agreed to Yan Fei's request, even if it violated the TV system, it would not matter if he resigned.

Yan Fei Da Ma Jin Dao sat in a chair, put an automatic rifle on his knee, and monitored the entire news studio. Rahman hurriedly called on his colleagues to copy the contents of the USB flash drive, one for live broadcast on the TV station, and one for uploading the content on the TV's official website.

Yan Fei was very satisfied with Rahman's interest, and did not block his actions. Then I saw Rahman sorting out his clothes and sitting in front of the TV again, saying, "Hello everyone, everyone! We just had a little accident here, but we have resolved this accident. I got two in my hand. I do n’t know what the contents of these two videos are, but everyone has the right and freedom to know the news, so we will broadcast these two videos on the spot. We will watch and come with the audience friends Exploring the mysteries in the video, I hope it will bring us good news. "

After Rahman had finished speaking, the news channel of Half Bird TV began to play the video of Yan Fei destroying the Assassins. Because of the large and widely distributed audience of Half Bird TV, Yan Fei's two videos appeared in front of the audience at once, causing a huge impact.

At the beginning of the video, Rahman was still indifferent, but when he saw the content of this video actually annihilated the legendary sect Assahism, his face suddenly changed color. As the video continued to play, there were a lot of killings and **** scenes, and Rahman looked pale. When he saw the end of the entire Assassin army, he was stunned.

Soon, with the impassioned music, this first video ended. Rahman's face was pale when he saw that the destroyer killed the Assassins and caused so much death and injury to the Assassins. He looked at Yan Fei on the seat, and secretly rejoiced in his heart, fortunately, he did not disobey Yan Fei's will, otherwise Yan Fei might have been killed just now. You know that Yan Fei killed so many people in the video, it must be a big devil who does not blink, killing himself will be a piece of cake.

Then Rahman began to play a second video, which is a hardcover edited version of Yan Fei's beard. In the first video, Rahman just killed the Assassins by the Destroyer. The whole picture is **** but simple. But compared to the second video, the first video becomes much more normal. When he saw the beard being tortured ~ ~ he vomited constantly. With the video playing, the scene became bloodier and Rahman vomited darkly. Other staff members in the news studio watched this **** video, which was also a horror in their hearts, and then triggered a strong physiological reaction and began to vomit.

When this video is finished, the whole news studio is filled with an unpleasant smell. Everyone inside did not speak, and even Rahman, who was the host, sat idly, not knowing what to say.


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There is only one change today. Don't wait any longer! The author has been away for business these days and is not good at writing outside, so there is only one change every day, I hope everyone understands!

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