MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 628 Heavenly disturb

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, The fastest update of the latest chapter of the super invincible battleship!

Yan Fei, who is about to come into contact with the dusty history, is very excited. From the environment here, it seems that this super library is not built by the earth people now, it must be a legacy of the last earth civilization.

Yan Fei immediately determined the fact that there had been other civilizations on the earth, and that civilization was still very powerful, at least they had the ability to make intelligent programs. As long as he watched the documentary broadcast, he will be able to know the history of human civilization and use it to explain some unsolved mysteries on the earth.

After the three-dimensional galaxy in the laser projection video appeared, it was quickly zoomed in. Soon, the camera focused on a remote corner in the third cantilever of the Milky Way, where there is a galaxy. In appearance, it is the solar system in which the earth is located.

There was a commentary on the documentary next to me. The original explanation of this documentary was a language that Yan Fei could not understand. However, considering that Yan Fei does not understand this language, the librarian took good care of real-time translation for Yan Fei, and replaced the unique terms in it with the general description of the outside world, so that Yan Fei could understand the content of the documentary. .

"The universe is extremely vast. Our race originated from the insignificant asteroid system in the Milky Way-the solar system. Our hometown is on the third planet of the solar system-the earth."

In conjunction with the explanation, the previous laser projection video changed again, and the center of the picture suddenly pulled from the entire solar system to the earth. The earth in the picture is the only planet in the solar system with liquid water. In appearance, it is not much different from the earth that Yan Fei now knows, but there are many differences in color and nuance ...

"3.5 billion years ago, a meteorite entered the solar system from the depths of the universe, and then crashed into the ancient ocean of the earth. That meteorite carried the oldest living matter, and after entering the sea of ​​the earth, these living matter were released .In the beginning, these living matter died in large quantities because they did not adapt to the earth's marine environment. But soon, these living matter adapted to the earth's environment, and the few surviving living matter began to reproduce wildly. "

In the laser projection video, a huge meteorite appeared in the dark universe. This meteorite entered the solar system and flew all the way to the sun. However, as it passed through the earth, this meteorite was captured by the gravity of the earth and fell into the present-day central Pacific Ocean. In the simulated animation, the picture of the most primitive life material rapidly splitting and reproducing appeared near the meteorite that fell below the sea surface ...

"The earth ’s environment was very harsh 3.5 billion years ago, but it is full of opportunities for evolution, because there are high-energy radiation everywhere, and there are no natural enemies that prey on living matter. In the ancient ocean of the earth, under the influence of various opportunities , Those living matter began a magnificent evolution ... "

As the explanation progressed, the simulated biological evolution process animation appeared again in the laser projection video. In that animation, it was only a short time that the living matter evolved from the most primitive state of acellular structure to a prokaryote with a cellular structure, and then evolved from a prokaryote to a eukaryotic single-celled organism, and then developed in different directions. Fungal, plant and animal kingdoms appeared.

The plant kingdom first evolved from algae to naked ferns, then ferns, gymnosperms, and finally angiosperms. The animal world evolved from primitive flagellates to multicellular animals, from primitive multicellular animals to the emergence of chordae, and further evolved the higher chordae, vertebrates. Fish in vertebrates evolved into amphibians and then to terrestrial reptiles. After these creatures landed on the land, mammals and bird creatures were differentiated from them, and one of the mammals evolved step by step into a higher intelligent creature, and finally evolved into a chimpanzee.

This is an animated demonstration of life evolution. Yan Fei didn't find it strange, because the content inside it is similar to the documentary about biological evolution he watched on TV before, but the expression is different from the background music. In the documentary that Yan Fei watched, life also evolved from the sea to the land, and then evolved a variety of creatures. In the end, the ultimate evolution of life became chimpanzees. The only difference is that the previous documentaries all said that life was generated by the earth itself, but this documentary said that life comes from the universe and the sky ...

What makes Yan Fei strange is that when the creatures evolved to the chimpanzee, this animation demonstration came to an end. Without the picture of the chimpanzee becoming a human, it is as if the chimpanzee is the end of life evolution.

"After 3.5 billion years of continuous evolution, our apes have finally been born on the planet. After hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, our apes have gained the upper hand in the confrontation with other living beings on the planet, and have finally ruled The entire planet. In the process, we ape races have created a brilliant ape culture. "

With the explanation of the documentary, the evolution history of the ape race appears in the laser projection video:

The original chimpanzee lived on a large tree, but due to geological and climate changes, the trees began to die, which forced the chimpanzee to live on the ground. Slowly, the chimpanzee started to walk upright and freed his hands. They used both hands to use tools to protect themselves, and slowly learned how to use tools to hunt. In the end, they started to make the tools they needed.

On the primitive earth, although chimpanzees are huge in size, the beasts they face are even bigger. A single chimpanzee cannot survive independently, so a large number of chimpanzees come together and work together to survive together. Slowly, the most primitive chimpanzee tribe began to form. With the formation of primitive tribes, continuous battles began between adjacent chimpanzee tribes.

Thousands of years have passed, and a large number of chimpanzee tribes have been annexed, beginning to form some regional chimpanzee tribe groups. In the following time, the chimpanzees quickly crossed the primitive society, entered the slavery society, then from the slavery society into the feudal society, and then into the modern industrial civilization. In the evolutionary history of the ape race, it took a total of 500,000 years. In this evolutionary history, war and killing have been interspersed.

The ape races not only kill powerful enemies in the wild, but also their own people. In the constant killing, the level of science and technology of the ape race has made rapid progress. Then there was a peerless overlord in the ape race. This most powerful chimpanzee unified the entire earth, ending the tens of thousands of years of internal war among the ape races.

"After the unification of the apes, the world began to enter the era of peaceful development. During the long period of peaceful development, the population of our apes began to grow significantly and soon exceeded the 10 billion mark. During this period of peace, we apes The tribe has created a brilliant civilization. We wantonly build our own home on the earth, and we live a happy and fulfilling life ... "

The laser projection video began to show the super cities built by the apes, which are all over the earth. However, the largest city is on the African continent, which is the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro, which is also the political, economic and cultural center of the entire apes.

Yan Fei was stunned when watching the chimpanzees in the laser projection video wear strange clothes, living and working in big cities like humans, enjoying the happiness of the family, and raising all kinds of livestock. Because he never thought that the prehistoric civilization on the earth was actually developed by chimpanzees, and he never thought that chimpanzees could live like humans, and even created technology that is greater than humans.

In Darwin's theory of evolution, people study the evolutionary history of life on earth through fossils. From single-celled organisms to chimpanzees, every process has complete fossils to provide relevant evidence. The only thing that puzzles scientists is that they didn't find any trace of evolution from chimpanzees to humans, as if humans had not evolved from chimpanzees at all.

Yan Fei had also wondered about this before, but after watching this documentary, he immediately confirmed that the chimpanzee evolved from the earth, but humans are probably not indigenous to the earth, because humans and chimpanzees have nothing to do with each other. Then the question arises, where do humans come from?

In Yan Fei's mind full of doubts, the commentary continued.

"We the Apes are making great progress, achieving great breakthroughs in technology one after another, creating nuclear fusion engines, so we have the ability to interplanetary navigation. We apes out of the earth and began to build forward bases on the Moon and Mars. With these two As we move forward, we begin to deploy defensive positions throughout the solar system, and dig for resources. These resources are continuously being transported back to Earth for the development of the entire ape-based civilization, and our ape-based civilization has begun to reach its peak. "

The laser projection video became a magnificent development scene of the universe. Under the background of exciting music, countless chimpanzees drove the spaceship to work hard in the solar system, opening up a new home for the entire ape race. Scientists of the ape group also launched a number of exploration spacecraft into the deep space of the universe in an attempt to use these exploration spacecraft to connect with aliens in the universe and explore the mysteries of the entire universe ...

"Originally, our apes would break through the imprisonment of the solar system and truly move towards the universe and become the top civilization in the universe. But no one expected that one of our exploration spacecraft was intercepted by the aliens in the deep space of the universe. The coordinates of the position left in the spacecraft came to our solar system. We always thought that aliens were peaceful and friendly, and they would help us develop technology. But these aliens who came to the solar system were not friendly and did not love peace. , They are more like a group of extraterrestrial demons. When these extraterrestrial demons came to the solar system, they began to wage war on our ape race, and they would drive us out and occupy the entire solar system. "

As the voice of the documentary's commentator became indignant, the image in the laser projection video changed again, and then an extremely large space fortress appeared, but this space fortress seemed torn and even partially incomplete. It seems as if it had suffered the devastation of space war not long ago.

Even if the Battlestar is dilapidated, its strength is not something that the apes who have not burst out of the solar system can resist. Just after entering the solar system, the space fortress flew many small space battleships out of it. These space battleships began to attack the defensive positions of the apes in the solar system. With their powerful combat capabilities, these space battleships destroyed all Ape-based defense bases.

"The gap between the level of science and technology of our apes and the alien demon is huge. When we just started fighting, we were defeated and defeated. However, the invading alien demon did not seem to be able to engage in long-term battles because their space battleships appeared to have a shortage of energy. After the initial wave of attacks, problems continued to occur, and they even disintegrated in space. After discovering this favorable fighter, our ape-based combat ships also began to counterattack, destroying many of them while taking advantage of the chaos of the opponent Space battleship. "

In the laser projection video, there are war scenes between the two sides in the solar system. The war between the two sides is extremely brutal, and often one cannon can destroy thousands of ape soldiers. However, the ape soldiers desperately resisted, and occasionally could destroy the space battleships that had lost their energy protection.

With the continuous development of the war situation, especially after that space fortress joined the war situation, the army of the ape tribe defeated, and began to defeat the whole line. They had to abandon other battle positions in the solar system and retreat to the earth. However, they also achieved great results, and all the space warships released by the demons outside were destroyed by them.

Under the full force of the Battlestar, the apes can only escape to the earth, relying on the earth for defensive operations ...

"It took only two years for the sudden appearance of the outer demons, the defeat of our ape race, and the intimidation of Earth by the fortress of the earth. In such a short time, the total population of our ape race experienced a blood collapse, a sharp drop of 90%. Above, our remaining population is less than one billion. But the outer demons also suffered heavy losses, and their space battleships were all destroyed, leaving only the last space fortress. The population of the extraterrestrial demons seems to be a little insufficient, because with the progress of the earth After the counterattack, they have fewer and fewer war machines ... "

In the laser projection video, the battle scenes around the earth that occurred on both sides appeared. Unlike Yan Fei's imagination, these apes walked on the road of physical fitness and had a complete system of strength. With their powerful physical and mental strength, they easily lead the heavens and earth into the body and become god-level masters.

Seeing the scenes of these ape-like masters fighting ~ ~ Yan Fei instinctively felt that these ape-like god-like masters are much more powerful than human god-like masters. If fighting under the same conditions, the human **** master is not the opponent of the ape **** master.

Flying from the outer demonic space fortress to the earth to fight is a much smaller aircraft that can only fight in the earth's atmosphere. These combat vehicles Yan Fei are familiar, because they are similar to the crashed half-vehicle that Yan Fei found in an underground cave in Africa. After these combat aircraft entered the Earth's atmosphere, they released smaller combat aircraft from the inside. And these small combat aircraft are exactly the same as the mysterious aircraft of the country Mi met by Yan Fei.

In addition to the combat aircraft, a lot of huge transport ships also flew from the space fortress. These transport ships docked at a low altitude on the earth, and then a large number of steel machines appeared from the inside. These steel machines look weird, and all of them are imitated animal shapes. Yan Fei even found a huge snake-shaped combat machine with eight heads in these steel machines.

The demons in the sky drive combat aircraft and steel machines to conduct all-round operations on the earth's underground, ground, sky, ocean, and ape-level gods and ground combat fire units. The outer demons are very fragile, but they rely on combat aircraft and steel machines, but they can easily slaughter the ape army with the power of god-level masters, and destroy the ape-based ground combat fire units in large quantities.