MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 630 Human origin

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When humans had been in the war for ten years, they were finally provoked by the virus attack of the apes, and then showed the great power of the fortress for the first time, and the last resistance of the apes was killed by a single shot.

人类 When humans were faced with insufficient resources when they first entered the solar system, their spaceships were destroyed by the apes. However, after forcing the apes to return to the earth, the entire solar system except the earth has become a human resource planet. They began to send mining equipment to mine resources on other planets in the solar system to make up for the dilemma of previous resource shortages.

到 In the tenth year of the war with the apes, humans have passed the previous period of weakness and began to restore their invincible posture before they will kill the apes when they face a virus attack. However, the power of this kind of energy cannon is very powerful. One shot caused a huge rift, and almost separated Eastern Africa from the African continent.

In addition, this energy cannon attack also has a huge impact on the entire earth ’s environment. A large number of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, torrential rains and tsunamis have begun to appear worldwide ...

Human beings have regarded the earth as their future homeland. Naturally, they do not want the earth to be overly destroyed by war, so they have not performed a lore attack. However, they did not expect to face a virus attack from the apes, causing huge human casualties. Humans were furious and began full revenge before they could launch a devastating attack on the apes.

I was watching the ape-like spacecraft on the edge of the solar system. After seeing the space fortress and killing the big ape-like city, I knew that the previous virus plan had failed, and the outer demons still had the ability to destroy the earth. These apes are frustrated and afraid that humans will pursue them, so they dare not stay here, and once again start the immature quantum jump technology to transport themselves into the dark cosmic sky ...

After an energy cannon destroyed the last underground base of the ape, the human fortress was not satisfied and continued to attack. However, considering the severe damage caused by the energy cannon to the earth before, humans reduced the output strength of the energy cannon when they attacked, and began to comprehensively attack the remaining bases of the apes on the earth. I saw the whole earth suddenly plunged into a violent explosion, and the ape base disappeared at a very fast speed. After the end of this retaliatory attack, the topography of the entire earth has changed drastically. It is very different from the earth of the ape-era, but it is almost the same as the modern earth.

In the violent attack of human beings, the remaining apes have no counterattack ability, they began to die in large numbers, but there are still a large number of ape survivors on the earth. In order to completely destroy the apes, humans have begun to use biological weapons on the earth. This biological weapon is also a special virus. It has been developed by humans against the genes of the apes in the past ten years. This special virus is harmless to humans and other animals and plants, but it will destroy the ape's brain center, make the infected ape lose its mind and start killing each other ...

"This kind of biological weapon is specifically targeted at our apes, which allows us to degenerate into beasts and kill each other in a short time. Only a short time, our apes are on the brink of extinction because of this biological weapon, and the remaining apes The clan is less than 100,000. Among these survivors, there are still many ape clan infected with special viruses ... "

In the holmium laser projection video, the picture of the ape group infected with a special virus began to appear. Originally, these apes were normal, but immediately after being infected with the virus, they lost their reason, became mad, and constantly attacked the same kind of people around them, looking like beasts. It was under the chaos of the apes that the number of those hidden apes began to decrease dramatically.

"My name is Caesar Feng, a researcher on the history of the apes, I was not able to board the spacecraft escaping the solar system. But I do not regret it, because my purpose here is to record the final fate of the entire apes.

I survived the attack by the outer demons on the last base of the ape tribe, but I was infected with a terrible virus, and now I am feverish and about to lose all my sanity. But before I was going crazy, I finally edited the final documentary of this ape and saved it in the ape library that was lucky to have not been destroyed.

I look forward to seeing this documentary from the descendants of the Ape and inherit the civilization of the Ape. In the end, I hope that the apes survivors who have fled the earth will be saved and that we will retain the last vigor of our apes. "

完 After this passage, the documentary about the development and evolution of the ape ’s entire history came to an end ...

After watching this historical documentary of the Ape tribe, the thoughts that appeared in Yan Fei's mind were only shocked. He originally thought that humans are the aborigines of the earth and the ultimate form of the evolution of life on earth, but he did not expect that the true aborigines of the earth were actually chimpanzees, a large beast that was looked down upon by humans and was very close to their genes. What's even more unexpected is that humans are actually the outer demons in the mouth of the apes, and humans are the invaders. They came from the depths of the universe to drive away the indigenous chimpanzees on the earth and occupy the earth.

However, a new question immediately appeared in Yan Fei's mind. The previous human technology was very developed. They could even appear in the solar system through the vast cosmic starry sky and launch an interstellar war. According to the law of the development of science and technology, human science and technology will only become more and more powerful. Why do humans today have not inherited human science and technology at that time? Why is the current technology of human beings even worse than the apes of that time? What happened to humans and its bastions after the end of the protracted battle for control of the solar system? Is it because the technology and memory of human beings in that era have not been passed down?

后 After the documentary was over, the librarian spoke again and asked, "Dear library users, have you got a satisfactory answer by watching this historical documentary of the Apes?"

Yan Fei asked curiously, "As a Librarian of the Ape tribe, you are responsible for keeping all the books of the Ape tribe. Don't you care who reads your books? Are you afraid that the secrets of the Ape tribe will be leaked out? ? "

Librarian said: "As long as people who can enter this library are users who have been approved by the ape tribe, my program requires me to assist them in reading, and I cannot prevent them from learning the knowledge in the library."

Wu Yanfei suddenly realized that all those who could enter the library were approved by the security system of the ape outside. Naturally, they were all ape people who had obtained knowledge reading permission. But the channel that Yan Fei entered was not the outside security inspection channel, but entered here through the rift valley cracked by the earthquake.

The librarian didn't know all this, and when he discovered that Yan Fei appeared here, he automatically regarded him as a library user who obtained the reading permission. Although Yan Fei, wearing super combat armor, is very different in appearance from the Ape tribe, and Yan Fei does not speak the language of the Ape tribe, the librarian has not questioned it. Instead, she helps Yan Fei to acquire knowledge in the library.

Wu Yanfei still did not believe that the Ape tribe could establish such a brilliant technological civilization in the documentary. He asked, "Librarian, do you have your own projected image?"

The librarian said, "Yes!"

Wu Yanfei said, "Can your projected image appear in front of me?"

The librarian said, "Yes."

I saw the laser beams projected from the ceiling in front of Yan Fei again. These laser beams converged to form a chimpanzee wearing a classical robe. The decoration on this chimpanzee shows that it should be a female orangutan. This female orangutan certainly satisfied the aesthetics of the ape, but in Yan Fei's eyes, she felt that this female orangutan looked extremely strange.

Wu Yanfei then gave up, and asked, "Administrator, do you still have any information about the Apes and the World Demon Wars in your database?"

In terms of time, the war between humans and the apes has been going on for many years, but for many years, this library belonging to the apes still exists, indicating that although the apes on the earth have been extinct, they must be There are also devices operating on the earth. Maybe other information can be collected to let Yan Fei know what happened to humans later.

The librarian said: "Mr. Caesar Feng went crazy after saving the Ape tribe historical documentary in the database. It was also the last ape scholar to store materials in the library, and no more Ape materials have been stored since. Now, I do n’t have any post-war information here. "

Wu Yanfei was a little disappointed. Although he knew about the interstellar war between humans and apes in ancient times through this documentary, and resolved some doubts in his heart, he did not know what happened after this war.

The librarian said, "When the ape tribe fled the earth in a spaceship, in order to fully monitor the space fortress of the outer demons, three surveillance satellites were left in Earth orbit. The energy of these three surveillance satellites The source is a built-in nuclear fusion device, which adopts optical camouflage invisibility in appearance, and uses quantum communication technology on it, so these three stealth surveillance satellites can transmit the war situation above the earth to the universe at the edge of the solar system in the shortest time. spaceship.

Later, after discovering that the outer space demon's space fortress was fully fired, the ape-based spacecraft left the solar system. The three monitoring satellites are still working in Earth orbit, constantly transmitting the Earth images taken from space back to the base. Because no ape family operates on these data, these data are finally transferred to the database of the library. I have saved all these data. I do n’t have any direct information about this post-war battle, but there are a lot of surveillance content after the war. Would you like to watch it? "

Yanyan Fei was overjoyed, nodded hurriedly, and said, "Please play right away, um ... please streamline the video content as much as possible to shorten the viewing time."

The librarian itself is a powerful intelligent program. With the help of the library's supercomputer, after receiving Yan Fei's order, it immediately edited the monitored content and played the video again by laser projection. After editing these videos, you can ensure the focus, so that Yanfei can know what is happening on the earth as fast as possible.

In the picture, after destroying the apes on the earth, the space castle that belongs to humans returns to peace again. No one enters or leaves, and no movement is found, as if the space fort has been moved. Become dead ...

In human space, there is no movement of human beings; on the ground, the remaining apes have completely lost their minds and changed back to the appearance of beasts. Although Yan Fei still doesn't know what happened in the fortress, but from the current situation, it can be seen that the humans in the fortress are probably fierce, and should have been killed by the viruses of the ape family. The final battle of the extinction of the apes by mankind is probably the last act to survive the return of humanity. This interstellar war is actually a war that has been doomed and lost without any winner ...

The last three surveillance satellites of the tamarins have a long service life. If they are not intentionally damaged by external forces, they can run for at least tens of thousands of years. So with the records of these three satellites, the earth has entered a new era.

Under the influence of time, the earth began to heal itself. The trauma caused by the interstellar war is slowly recovered under the action of nature. The huge wreckage of the ape-based city is gradually disappearing from the invasion of various plants and microorganisms. The earth is returning to the wild era.

Twenty years later, the human fortress had problems and began a violent big explosion from the inside. In this super big bang, the Battlestar lost all its power and slowly fell towards the earth. Just as the Battlestar was about to enter the atmosphere, numerous tiny holes suddenly appeared on the exterior of the Battlestar, and then a large number of cultivation chambers were ejected from these holes.

In the surveillance of the Ape satellite, Yan Fei can clearly see that there is a naked human in each culture chamber, but these humans are immersed in an unknown liquid, their eyes are closed, they are motionless, and they do not know life or death. The number of ejection training chambers is more than 10 million, which means that there are 10 million humans at once.

培养 These cultivation chambers are equipped with an automatic escape system. They emit flames at the tail and begin to glide in the atmosphere, then spread out and land uniformly on every place on the earth. No matter whether it is Asia, Europe or Africa, or even the Americas and Oceania, a large number of cultivation warehouses have landed in each place. However, these training chambers have simple exploration equipment ~ ~ they avoid the vast ocean.

Just after a large number of cultivation chambers were ejected, a huge explosion occurred in the space fort. In this big explosion, the huge space fort was exploded into numerous small fragments. After these small fragments entered the atmosphere, they were destroyed by the atmosphere. The oxygen in it burned out.

However, the core piece of the fortress still maintained its integrity, and it fell into the Atlantic Ocean with flames burning. When it fell into the sea, the core exploded again violently, leaving it torn apart. Yan Fei compared this falling sea area and found that it is exactly the Bermuda Triangle area ...

After the ejected cultivation chambers fell to the ground, the cultivation chambers automatically opened, and some young men and women with naked bodies came out from them. These young men and women have a variety of skin colors, which are basically the same as the races on Earth today. Yan Fei immediately understood that these humans should be the next generation of human embryos.

This should be the way the cosmic humans train the next generation, but unfortunately, before these humans were mature, their previous generations were all killed by the ape-type super virus. Although this batch of new humans escaped the attack of the super virus, they also lost all human heritage.

These humans were ejected when the Battlestar was about to explode. Although they also reached the ground safely, their brains were blank, they did n’t have any knowledge, they did n’t have any skills. Like a beast ...