MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 635 Nuclear bomb

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Yan Fei now knows how lucky she is, and she was able to enter the most important library of the ape family without alarming the ape base, and get the most important information about humans and ape inside.

After discovering that the Ape base is still running and has high-power and high-energy weapons, Yan Fei has a plan. Although he now enters the Ape Library, the ancestral land has returned to this base. The ancestral land is the master of this base. Once it finds Yan Fei here, it will try its best to kill Yan Fei.

Yan Fei is the father and foe of the ancestral land. The ancestor land would not let him go. If Yanfei is found to enter the Ape base again, and after knowing the biggest secret of the Ape family, the ancestral land will not let Yan Fei pass, and Yan Fei will definitely be killed in the Ape base.

Although this ape-based base was incomplete and lost most of its functions, the defensive weapons in it did not all fail, especially after the ancestral land repaired the defensive weapons, the ape-based base gained defensive capabilities again. You need to know that the imaginary enemies of these defense weapons were ape-like intruders with god-level master strength, and the god-like masters of the ape-type are much stronger than the current human god-level masters, so once these defense weapons are activated, they will definitely be Yan Fei poses a very serious threat.

Yan Fei will not stay in this dangerous place for a long time, but before he leaves here, he must destroy the ape base, and will not leave it to the ancestral land as a base for racial war with human beings. Just before destroying it, he also wanted to take away all kinds of scientific technology and experimental data in the library, and use these materials to strengthen the technological strength of Neverland.

I saw Yan Fei take out a huge data storage device from the general space, put this device on the library floor, and asked, "Administrator, you can transfer all the materials in the library to my data center. ?"

The chimpanzee projected from the laser shook his head and said, "No, there are strict regulations in my core program. The library is the civilization management center of the entire ape race. All materials here are prohibited from being copied and cannot be taken outside. Want to learn These materials must be authorized to study in order to enter the library and study here. "

Yan Fei asked, "Did you not transfer a lot of knowledge to the outside and enter the newly awakened Ape tribe's mind, and let it learn the Ape tribe civilization in the fastest way? Why can't these materials be taken outside now? Anymore? "

The librarian said: "That was a special setting when the inheritance of the ape-based civilization occurred. In order to ensure that the ape-based civilization can quickly reappear after the interruption, I can transfer knowledge outside and instill knowledge to the inheritor. If the ape family that had received the knowledge empowerment is still alive, it will not be able to perform the second operation, so I cannot copy the information to your device now. "

Yan Fei did not expect that in order to keep their technology secret, the Apes had such restrictions. However, he is not completely helpless, just when he wants to introduce artificial intelligence "dreams" here by assisting the brain, and "dreams" to eliminate the artificial intelligence "future" of librarians and apes, and acquire the entire ape technology When he was technical, the door to the library was suddenly opened. A tall man wearing metal armor came in, and behind him was a huge robot monkey.

After seeing the two men, Yan Fei knew immediately that the man wearing the metal armor was the ancestral land, and the robot monkey was behind him. The metal armor worn on the ancestral land is actually the battle armor of ancient ape warriors in battle. This armor has various wonderful uses. However, the ancestral land is facing powerful enemies this time, and its combat armor is not useful at all, so no one knows the powerful power of this armor.

Through the blindfold on the head of the metal armor, Yan Fei can still see the two red rays inside, and it seems that the ancestral land is not in a good mood, and he is somewhat angry. When the ancestral land entered the library, it was discovered that the library had been activated, and there was a person covered by metal combat armor standing at the corner of the library, and then the ancestral land stopped and became a little embarrassed.

The ancestral land of Yan Fei's combat armor was once seen. At the time when the country was secretly accounted for Yan Fei, Yan Fei wore this suit of armor. In addition, Yan Fei appeared in Kilimanjaro before, and did not leave the old nest of fate, the ancestral land immediately recognized that this person was the missing Yan Fei.

The ancestral land was taken aback. I did not expect that Yan Fei, who had thought that he had been buried alive, not only died, but instead entered the Ape base and appeared in the most confidential library of the Ape base. From the actions of Yan Fei and the projection of the librarian, it can be seen that Yan Fei must have watched a lot of books here. Not only has the secret of the ape been known by Yan Fei, Yan Fei may even know the height of the ape Technology ...

The ancestral land responded immediately, it no longer used air to speak, but shouted in a unique low voice: "the future."

The "future" of artificial intelligence has been staying in the network of the Ape base. After hearing the call of the ancestral land, he immediately appeared, using the library's sound equipment, and said, "Dear Master, what would you tell me?"

The ancestral land said: "Immediate martial law on the entire base, except me, no one is allowed to leave or enter here. At the same time, the base's ultimate defense system is activated, the entire base is included in absolute defense, and defensive weapons are used to eliminate this invasion In addition, investigate the security of the base to find out why this person can enter our base. "

"Future" said: "Okay!"

In just a short time, the "future" of artificial intelligence took over the operation of the entire Ape base. The previous librarian projection disappeared, and the security of this library was controlled by the "future." I heard a harsh alarm sound from the entire Ape base. The wall of one side of the library cracked, and some weapon launching holes were extended from the library to aim at Yan Fei.

The ancestral land and the robot monkey standing behind him are also about to move, they will attack Yan Fei and kill Yan Fei here.

Since seeing the ancestral land entering here, Yan Fei feels very sorry, because his previous plan to steal the entire ape-based civilization and technology must not have been realized. After the ancestral land locked Yan Fei, Yan Fei did not show a nervous look, but said lightly: "Ancestral land, can I see your true colors?"

Although the ancestral land was angry that Yan Fei broke into the Ape base, but when "Future" took control of Ape's defensive weapons and locked Yan Fei, he felt proud and felt that he was winning. After all, this is his home field, plus himself and the robot monkey, he has unprecedented strength and can absolutely kill Yan Fei.

It was felt that he would win, and the ancestral land did not immediately launch an attack on Yan Fei, but opened the metal helmet on his head, exposing the chimpanzee head below. This chimpanzee's facial expressions are very rich. Unlike other chimpanzees, there are no changes in their expressions, which also shows that this chimpanzee has turned on his intelligence. However, the chimpanzee's eyes were red and he was staring at Yan Fei.

The ancestral land said: "Yan Fei, you killed my parents. I always wanted to kill you to avenge them. Unfortunately, I fled you in that country."

Yan Fei sighed and said, "I originally wanted to quibble and say that your parents didn't kill me. But they did me a favor, saved my life, and because this was killed by others, so I Do n’t refute, you can also say that I am the killer of them. ”

The ancestral land looked at Yan Fei and said fiercely: "Yan Fei, there is no way in heaven, you don't go, no way to hell, you break in. Now that you have found here, you will be in trouble today and you will die."

Yan Fei sighed and said, "I felt that your parents saved me, and originally wanted to adopt you. But I did not expect that you had your own adventure and gained the ancient civilization of the ancient apes."

The ancestral land was even more angry, saying: "You wicked celestial demon not only seized our homeland, but also drove us out of the ape race. But you are also uncomfortable. A great counterattack from our ape race is just the same. The army is destroyed. Although you humans awakened one step ahead of time and rebuilt civilization, your starting point is too low. Once our apes have awakened, they will have powerful power immediately. Or, we can defeat your humans and recapture them. Control of the planet. "

Yan Fei said, "In the ancestral land, there is still a feeling of incense between you and me, so I will let you go today. But until the next time, I must destroy all of your so-called ape civilization. It has entered the dust of history The things in it just disappear forever, why are you still thinking about coming out? "

The ancestral land was furious, and I saw a wave of space in front of me. A huge weapon suddenly stood on the floor in front of Yan Fei. This weapon was very heavy, and it caused a fierce tremor when it fell on the floor.

Yan Fei hurried forward and operated on this huge weapon, saying: "Ancestral land, this is a nuclear weapon with a power of 2 million tons. I have activated the nuclear weapon and it will happen in five minutes. Explosion. I don't know how strong your Ape base is, but in the face of a nuclear weapon exploding from the inside, it should be difficult for your base to survive. I will leave here now, if you come after me Regardless of the nuclear weapon, it will explode in five minutes, and you have to think about it. "

As soon as this sentence was finished, Yan Fei's body quickly retreated, leaving the Ape base along the road when she came.

The ancestral land saw Yan Fei's space capabilities. At that moment, he was a little lost. As a result, Yan Fei successfully launched the nuclear weapon. He was a little annoyed and shouted, "Future, fire!"

Under the control of "Future", we saw weapon holes in the library wall firing red high-energy weapons towards Yan Fei. Fortunately, Yan Fei saw the plane early and acted in advance to avoid these high-energy weapons. When these high-energy weapons staggered Yan Fei and hit the wall opposite the library, that wall immediately exploded violently, blasting a huge hole, indicating that these high-energy weapons are very powerful.

The ancestral land stood in front of the nuclear weapon, and quickly dismantled the nuclear weapon using a robotic arm appearing from the ceiling. The robot monkey is chasing after Yan Fei, and it is necessary to cooperate with the defense of the Ape base to kill Yan Fei. Unfortunately, the passageway from which Yan Fei came in was very short. Just a flash, Yan Fei went back to the ground floor crack along the passage that came in.

As soon as Yan Fei left the Ape base, he once again took out a nuclear weapon from the general space. It was necessary to activate this nuclear weapon and completely destroy the Ape base. Yan Fei said before that he wanted to let go of the ancestor's land, just to paralyze the ancestor's land. You must know that he and the ancestor's land belong to two different races, and that these two races have huge hatreds, and they can't wait to kill each other. So naturally he would not let his ancestors use this base to develop force, and then kill humans.

Just as Yan Fei's hand was pressed on the nuclear weapon, and when he was about to start it, the robot monkey followed him into the ground cracks outside, and the laser weapon in his eyes quickly fired, hitting Yan Fei's combat armor.

In previous battles, the robot monkey fired laser weapons, but at that time because of the many targets to attack, the robot monkey's laser weapon was not very powerful, and its laser weapon was not placed in Yan Fei's eyes. But this time, the ancestral land realized the huge danger brought by Yan Fei, and the laser weapon output power of the robot monkey was adjusted to the maximum. So when this laser weapon hit Yan Fei, it actually attacked Yan Fei's combat armor. After a pair of penetrations, Yan Fei's abdomen caused a huge penetrating wound.

Yan Fei was injured, she let go of her subconsciously, and the nuclear weapon in her hand fell downward. Because the robot monkey's attack came too quickly, Yan Fei did not activate the nuclear weapon, but he shouted immediately: "Ancestral land, welcome my second nuclear weapon attack!"

After speaking, Yan Fei controlled the somewhat unstable combat armor to fly above the crack in the ground. The robot monkey hesitated for a moment, instead of chasing down the fallen nuclear weapons, it climbed quickly on the cliff of the crack, and continued to chase toward Yanfei above.

After seeing that the tiger's plan to leave the mountain failed, Yan Fei could only continue to fly upwards. Unfortunately, the more you go up, the narrower the crack on the ground, making the combat armor unable to leave the crack at the fastest speed, and it cannot escape the laser weapon attack range of the robot monkey. Under the threat of the robot monkey laser weapon, Yan Fei did not dare to stay in the slightest, but when flying upward, the combat armored laser weapon was also continuously fired, attacking the robot monkey below. However, the defense of the robot monkey is really strong, and the laser armor attack of the combat armor cannot break the defense of the opponent at all.

When Yan Feiyu stumbled and flew to the ground one thousand meters deep from the ground, she saw that the ancestral land below was also climbing quickly towards it. It turned out that the ancestral land with the help of artificial intelligence "future" actually dismantled that nuclear weapon in a very short time ~ ~ resolved the threat of Yan Fei's nuclear weapons, and then the ancestral land followed suit Come up.

Yan Fei shouted: "Ancestral land, pick me up a nuclear weapon."

As you saw the space rippling, the third nuclear weapon also emerged from the general space, and quickly fell downward.

The ancestral land has amazing dynamic vision. In the dark, I also saw Yan Fei not operate on this nuclear weapon. Combined with Yan Fei's previous action on the first nuclear weapon, he immediately bet that Yan Fei did not activate the nuclear weapon. . Therefore, the ancestral land only hesitated slightly, and gave up the fallen nuclear weapons, but continued to follow the Yan flying above.

The ancestral land is not a fool, on the contrary it has a very high IQ. If Yan Fei is not driven out of here, Yan Fei has space capabilities and can continue to lose nuclear weapons at any time. In that case, even if the ancestral land keeps dismantling the nuclear weapons thrown out by Yan Fei, the key issues have not been resolved, and its ape base is still facing great danger.

So the purpose of the ancestral land is very clear, and that is to do everything possible to drive Yan Fei out of here. When Yan Fei leaves this dangerous zone, he will immediately use the defense weapons of the Ape base to attack Yan Fei from a distance to completely kill Yan Fei. Otherwise, Yan Fei may destroy the ape base at any time ...