MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 643 Deep into the sea

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Under the light of the flares, a huge undersea mountain appeared in front of Yan Fei's eyes. This undersea mountain was so tall, but it was not conspicuous in appearance. However, on the drone's quantum radar, Yan Fei found that this submarine mountain was an irregular object emitting metal characteristics, and also the core wreckage of the space fort that Yan Fei was looking for this time.

The material of the universe human space fortress is very special, it is a unique alloy material. The properties of this alloy material are unknown, but by virtue of the metal characteristics it reflects, it can be known that this material has never appeared on earth. Although this material has a metal reaction, it also has some biological characteristics, more like a biological metal. If it were not for drones that use quantum radar, and with the current level of earth science and technology, even if this submarine mountain is discovered, they do not know that the hidden mystery inside it is actually the remains of a super-civilized fortress.

After the quantum radar returned the scan data, the assisted intelligent brain began to model the core wreck. In Yan Fei's mind, he knew the specific shape of the core wreck.

Eighty thousand years ago, this core wreckage fell into the sea with huge kinetic energy. Only a few thousand meters of seawater could not offset such huge kinetic energy at all, so that core wrecked on a series of mountains on the sea floor. Under the action of huge kinetic energy, the serial mountains on the sea floor were hit by a big explosion. This big explosion even penetrated the crust, and the hot magma inside the crust flowed out, incorporating the core wreckage of the Battlestar. When the magma is cooled by the seawater, the core remains are fixed in the volcanic rock formed by the magma.

Although this core debris has been exposed to hot magma flows, its hull can withstand super high temperatures, so it can maintain integrity in the magma. The magma was cooled by seawater as soon as it flowed out, and it was not possible to incorporate all of the huge core debris, so more than half of the core debris was exposed from the volcanic rock surface.

After 80,000 years of natural sedimentation and the handling effect of the Shanghai Ocean Current, the core debris exposed on the ground is already full of sediment. In the gaps between the sediment and the debris, there are overgrown seabed plants, and in some places even a large number of coral. At first glance, it looks like a huge undersea virgin forest. If it weren't for the powerful scanning capabilities of quantum radar and looking at its appearance, Yanfei would not have believed that this seemingly abrupt mountain range was the core wreckage of the fortress.

The waters of the Bermuda Triangle are close to the southeast coast of the United States. After the people of the United States have the ability to detect in the deep sea, they continue to detect the deep sea at their doorstep. But the Mi people do n’t have a super detection tool like quantum radar. Even if they have found this underwater mountain, they do n’t know that this mountain is actually the wreckage of a super-civilized space fortress. The people of the Mi Kingdom guarded Baoshan, but missed the largest archeological discovery in human history.

Now that the core wreck is found, Yan Fei is no longer in a hurry. He steered the drone slowly sneaking close to the top of the mountain formed by the core debris in front. Under the illumination of the surrounding flares, Yan Fei found that this place has become a paradise for underwater creatures, and deep-sea fish and various strange creatures can live and swim in this area.

Yan Fei even found an octopus in a huge crack in the core wreck. This octopus is huge and the length of a wrist is close to one hundred meters. This octopus is a well-deserved undersea tyrant, but when it was illuminated by the light of the flares, it was suddenly frightened and hurried into the larger space inside the core wreck. Its huge body movement formed a vortex on the ocean floor, which stirred up the sky and made the place extremely chaotic ...

Yan Fei controls the drone avatars. Even at the bottom of the sea, he has a powerful fighting force, and he is not afraid of being attacked by deep-sea creatures. Therefore, he has not paid attention to those creatures of huge size. While manipulating the drone near the core wreck, he draws a three-dimensional image of the core wreck in the intelligent brain based on more quantum radar scan information.

With the continuous collection and improvement of data, the stereo image of that core wreck becomes more and more complete. Yan Fei had previously watched a documentary filmed by the ape scientist in the ape library, and the documentary also appeared in the vision of the human space fortress. However, at that time, there was no reference for comparison. Yan Fei did not feel how big the space fortress was. But when he personally approached the core wreckage and calculated the approximate value of the core wreckage, he was immediately stunned by the greatness of the Battlestar.

Before the Battlestar crashed into the sea, there had been several big explosions. During these big bangs, the space fortress has shrunk sharply. When it crashed into the sea, it only left the core part. By volume, this core wreck is at most one-tenth the size of a complete space fort. But even so, when the drone controlled by Yanfei approached the core wreckage, it was discovered that the volume of the wreckage was still huge.

In the three-dimensional pattern restored by the assisted brain, Yan Fei found that although the core remains were irregular in shape, it still exceeded 30 kilometers in length, 10 kilometers in width, and 1 kilometer in height. The prototype of the drone clone is the B2 strategic bomber. Its size is already very large, but compared to the core wreckage of this space fortress, it is as insignificant as a tiny fly.

Such a huge body shape cannot be integrated into the universal space at all, and it cannot be moved into the fantasy cave sky through the space channel. Therefore, Yan Fei could only study this core wreckage on the deep ocean floor, disassemble the useful objects in the wreckage, and then find a way to transport it back to the fantasy cave sky for later study.

Under the constant scanning of quantum radar, everything inside the core wreck began to show up slowly. Yan Fei found that the core wreckage had been damaged, most of the place was filled with seawater, and there were a lot of underwater creatures living in it. But in the most central place, it is still airtight and isolated from the sea water outside. Judging from the layout of the entire core wreck, Yan Fei's most wanted human civilization and scientific and technological information are likely to be hidden inside.

So Yan Fei controlled the drone to enter the core wreck space. He entered the inner space along the huge crack outside the core wreck. Under the illumination of the searchlight in front of the drone, he could clearly see the inside. Inside, there were run-down cabins. Inside these cabins, all were sediment and rotting sea creatures. Under the cover of these things, the original appearance of the cabins was no longer visible.

The metal in the core wreckage has lost its metallic luster under the corrosion of seawater, and it looks like it has no metallic features. It is still full of undersea plants, and some undersea fish are wandering among these plants. When the searchlights were spotted, the fish were frightened and fled.

Under the embellishment of undersea plants and undersea fish, it is no longer apparent from the appearance that this is the wreckage of a space fort that can fly in the universe. However, in these plants and in the crevices of silver, occasionally there will be silver flashes, proving that it was once the technological crystal of human beings in the universe.

Quantum radar has long scanned the passages in and out of the core wreckage. Yanfei's drone looks like it was walking unconsciously, but it did not get lost. Only a few very narrow passages were encountered on the way, and Yan Fei had to adjust the forward angle of the drone to pass through these narrow passages.

Yan Fei moved all the way, and you can see the broken cabin everywhere. In these cabins, weird objects occasionally can be seen that are unknown. It's just that time has passed too long, and the continuous erosion of the seawater, these items can no longer see the original look. This makes Yan Fei feel a bit sorry. It ’s important to know that the things here are made by human beings in the universe. Taking anything out from here may bring new technological ideas to Neverland. Maybe it will bring science and technology to Neverland. Breakthrough opportunity.

The drone slowly sneaked in the core wreck space, and you could see the huge damage caused to the hull by the original big bangs. If it were not for the special materials of the Battlestar, it would have been blasted into fly ash in the constant big bangs, and it would never have retained such a huge core area.

Under the guidance of the assisted intelligent brain, the drone came to the core area unobstructed. After arriving at this area, the plants and living things in the cabin were greatly reduced, and the seawater became clear, and the original appearance of the cabin inside could be seen faintly. In the corner of the cabin, something suspected of being a human skeleton has begun to exist. In addition to human bones, there are some unknown uses that float in the sea.

In one of the well-preserved rooms, Yan Fei saw a picture on the wall. I don't know what the raw material of that photo is, after 80,000 years of seawater corrosion, it remains intact. Yan Fei can clearly see that the photo is a family portrait. Standing on both sides is a pair of young human men and women. Standing among them is a human child aged seven or eight.

At first glance, the people in the photo are Chinese people of the same origin as Yan Fei. They should be a family. In the photos, they all have happy smiles on their faces, and they look no different from human beings today. It's just that the clothes on them are very strange. Although Yan Fei saw this kind of clothes for the first time, she subconsciously thought that the clothes looked good ...

After seeing this photo, Yan Fei felt a little emotional. The ancestors of the earth's humans are cosmic humans. Cosmic humans are incredibly powerful, and they can continue interstellar warfare with large-scale worlds and ape-based civilizations. They are powerful, fierce in combat, and cruel and ruthless towards their enemies, and are called celestial demons by their enemies. But no one expected that, in private, cosmic humans are also flesh and blood, they have their own families and loved ones, and their own joy and sorrow.

Although the cosmic humans are powerful, they are not invincible. Under their care, they were destroyed by the perfect virus made by the apes. After the cosmic humans were destroyed, no matter how great their achievements were during their lifetimes, all their achievements would be far away from them after death. If it were not Yan Fei, they would completely disappear into the long river of history. Although their offspring spent money on the earth and re-developed human civilization, their achievements are very insignificant compared to humans in the universe ...

Yan Fei was feeling, while controlling the drone to move on. As Yan Fei continued to penetrate the core wreck space, the front passageway began to **** downward. The place where Yan Fei entered the core debris was 4800 meters below the sea floor. After this period of continuous sinking, it is now 5,000 meters below the sea floor.

This is already the maximum latent depth of the drone. At this depth, the drone's body is already overwhelmed by the tremendous pressure of the seawater, and the sound of tartar is started, indicating that the water pressure here is close to the drone's limit. If the drone continues to sink, it is very likely that it will be crushed into pieces by strong water pressure.

For safety reasons, Yan Fei stopped letting the drone continue to dive, but stayed on the bottom of the sea at a depth of 5000 meters. On the other side, he opened the general space and took out the previous set of super combat armor.

When leaving Kilimanjaro Mountain Ape Base, Yan Fei's set of combat armor was hit by a robot monkey's powerful laser weapon, and a huge hole appeared in the abdomen. After Yan Fei returned to the drone cockpit, he immediately put this set of super-combat armor into a small drone production workshop in the general space, and repaired the super-combat armor using the small production workshop.

Although the combat armor is penetrated by laser weapons, the penetration is not a critical location. Not only does it not affect the use of combat armor, it is also easier to repair by small production workshops. For this raid on fate, Yan Fei made a lot of preparations, including making some replacement parts for combat armor. The damage of the original combat armor was not serious, and there were replacement parts, so in just a few hours, the small production workshop repaired the super combat armor.

When the drone came to its maximum dive depth and could not continue to dive, Yan Fei's super combat armor came in handy. Yan Fei put on the combat armor, and then use this set of combat armor to continue to sneak down.

This set of super-combat armor has high technical content, which has already been regarded as the pinnacle of technology in Neverland. If you do n’t enter the fantasy cave, even Yan Fei will not be able to produce a second set in a short time. With Yan Fei investing in no cost, this set of combat armor not only has a powerful combat capability, but also has some other unique capabilities.

Catalyzed by black gold, combat armor can survive for 30 minutes in hot magma. Similarly, it also has super strong pressure resistance, even if it is located 6000 meters in the deep sea, it can resist the horrible water pressure. However, it has a limited time to resist water pressure ~ ~ can only survive for one hour under extreme conditions.

However, once it was located at a depth of 6000 meters, all of the combat armored weapon systems became ineffective. Once encountering an attack from the deep sea, it will be fussed and unable to counterattack. Unlike a drone, it can also attack in the deep sea.

Yan Fei re-dressed the super combat armor. He checked it and found that the armor was running normally before opening the cockpit of the drone. It is located in the deep sea of ​​5,000 meters deep. The water pressure is extremely strong, but it cannot make the white light curtain outside the drone cockpit any fluctuation.

Yan Fei moved his hands and feet, a step, crossed the light curtain blocking the seawater, and entered the deep ocean outside.

Just after appearing in the deep sea, Yan Fei noticed great pressure. Although this pressure cannot destroy the combat armor, when it was applied to the combat armor, Yan Fei felt extremely heavy at once.

Fortunately, Yan Fei is extremely powerful and can still operate on the ocean floor. I saw a searchlight turned on the head of the combat armor, and the strong light illuminated the front passage completely. After Yan Fei checked his position, he temporarily parked the drone here, and then continued to sneak into the deep ocean below.