MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 651 Western Discourse Right

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After getting real benefits, the other four countries just let go of Rice and did not continue to pursue this matter. After all, the nuclear explosion happened on the eastern coast of the African continent. That sea area is completely bordered by these countries, and there is no loss to them. If they can use their losses for their real benefits, how can they refuse?

Twenty-five countries only joined forces to operate after reaching a consensus, forcibly suppressing the serial nuclear explosion. It is only said that a large earthquake occurred on the bottom of the East African Sea, which caused a tsunami and caused great damage to the countries along the Indian Ocean coast. As for why nuclear radiation was found in seawater, it was because the uranium mines on the sea floor were damaged during a major earthquake. These uranium mines were washed to the beach by the tsunami, causing nuclear pollution to the nearby sea. Over time, these nuclear contaminations will naturally disappear.

Although the earthquake was propagated to the outside world, these five countries issued tourism warnings to their nations, admonishing their citizens not to go to the African continent, if they are already on the African continent, they must find a way to leave there quickly ...

After solving this biggest issue, several countries turned their attention to the weapons that destroyed the Mi nuclear missiles. They have already investigated and there are no major countries deploying anti-ballistic missile systems near Kilimanjaro. In other words, these ten nuclear missiles should not have been destroyed, but now they have been destroyed, then there must be a problem in Kilimanjaro.

So five countries joined forces to investigate Mount Kilimanjaro, but in their satellite images, there is no obvious abnormality in Mount Kilimanjaro, except for magma eruption and forest fires caused by the earthquake. And beyond the collapse of the mountain, there did not seem to be any anomalies. They simply did not see where the weapon that destroyed the nuclear missile was launched. In order to find out the truth of this matter, they began to send reconnaissance planes and fighters in an attempt to go to Mount Kilimanjaro to see what kind of weapon had destroyed the nuclear missile of the State of Mi.

But no one expected that when their reconnaissance plane was just close to 200 kilometers of airspace near Mount Kilimanjaro, the high-energy weapon that destroyed Mi nuclear missiles appeared again, destroying all their reconnaissance planes.

In addition to Yan Fei, no one in this world knows the information about the ape tribe, so no one knows that the ape tribe base is 6000 meters deep below Kilimanjaro. It is the ape tribe base that attacks their reconnaissance aircraft. Defensive weapons. The ancestral land did not leave Yan Fei, knowing that the secret of the ape base could not be kept, and that his most frightened destiny had been wiped out, so the ancestral land that had greatly expanded self-confidence would no longer force the earth. Put it in your eyes. When the incoming reconnaissance plane was found, it immediately activated its defensive weapon and destroyed any aircraft that dared to enter here, and it should regard Kilimanjaro as its own territory.

He is just that the ape base is not strong enough at this time, and can only protect himself for the time being and cannot fight back. Therefore, as long as the human power does not enter within 200 kilometers of Kilimanjaro, it will not be attacked by the ancestral land.

After the reconnaissance plane of his own home was destroyed, the ground forces that had been advancing towards Mount Kilimanjaro suddenly stopped moving forward. Although they found the firing positions of high-energy weapons, they lacked sufficient understanding of high-energy weapons. The ground forces did not dare to advance until they figured out how to deal with high-energy weapons. Not to mention that there was only a nuclear explosion over Mount Kilimanjaro, where nuclear radiation was everywhere, and they did not dare to enter it rashly.

几次 After several reconnaissance planes were destroyed by the ape base's defensive weapons for several consecutive times, the five countries finally realized that it was wrong. Instead of recklessly, they stopped unnecessary reconnaissance. Instead, they gathered the god-level masters of their respective countries and obtained information from these god-level masters to guess what happened in Kilimanjaro.

Through the information provided by god-level experts, these countries did not find out who fired those high-energy weapons, but unexpectedly knew the good news. That is, when Yan Fei of Fantasy Island had a large earthquake on the ground of Mount Kilimanjaro, he did not have time to run out of the ground, and he never found Yan Fei to leave here. So everyone began to speculate that Yan Fei should have died in this raid on fate.

After discovering that Yan Fei had a great chance of dying, the western countries headed by the rice country immediately shifted their attention from Kilimanjaro to Neverland. If Dream Island really loses Yanfei, then Dream Island will lose its self-protection, and the huge wealth on Dream Island will immediately become a delicious cake in their eyes. However, these countries did not immediately launch an attack, but collected intelligence on Neverland through various channels. When they discovered that Yan Fei had never appeared on Neverland since that night, they finally determined that Yan Fei could not return.

If Yan Yanfei can't come back, then Neverland becomes a selfless thing. As long as they are strong enough, they can take Neverland back to their own. Therefore, the four western countries headed by the United States of America have joined forces unprecedentedly. They must combine their respective channels and forces to bring Dream Island into their control to obtain the huge wealth and high-tech technology on Dream Island.

Korihara originally wanted to enjoy the fantasy island wealth alone, but the national strength of the rice country had been weakened to the extreme by Yan Fei, and he could not rely on his own monopoly on the benefits of fantasy island, so he could only pull other western countries together to act. After all, Huaxia is still standing behind Fantasy Island, and Miguo can only win an overwhelming advantage by pulling on three helpers.

米 The rice country inside is the most active, because the rice country suffered heavy losses in various previous battles. Even if it launched a foreign war to seize the wealth of other countries, it was not enough to make up for its deficit. In addition, the suspected submarine nuclear explosion happened recently in the Bermuda triangle off the southwestern coast of the country, which caused a huge tsunami in the coastal area. This tsunami worsened the country's economy. If the country wants to get back to the blood quickly, they can only complete their own economic tonic by playing the idea of ​​a rich and dreamy island.

Before Yan Fei was still on Dream Island, the rice country did not dare to move at all, because Yan Fei and the mysterious plane were a nightmare that the rice country could never forget. Even if the old President of the State of Rice hated Yan Fei, he did not dare to easily provoke Yan Fei, and even avoided conflict with Yan Fei everywhere. However, after discovering that Yan Fei could not return, the old President of the United States immediately showed his fangs and swallowed Neverland.

Huaxia immediately realized the intentions of these countries, and they began to contact Lu Pingping of Fantasy Island, while reporting the intelligence of Western countries wanting to dream of Dreamland, led by the rice country, while dispatching troops in the country to prepare for the development of things When you ca n’t clean up, you have the ability to clean up the mess.

Captain Huaxia has passed the latest information back to Huaxia. In the view of Captain Huaxia, Yan Fei should have not encountered any danger to his life. The reason why he has never appeared is that he may have encountered other things. As soon as Yan Fei returns, Dream Island will soon be restored to an iron plate, and the conspiracy of the Western countries headed by the rice country is destined to end in failure. Therefore, Hua Xia decided to give Fantasy Island and Yan Fei the greatest support to avoid Dream Island being attacked by the coalition forces formed by the M State during this time.

谁 Who am I? After seeing gentleness, his purpose of approaching Yan Fei has been achieved. He knew Ye Su's situation through his gentle mouth. Especially after knowing that he would never see Ye Su again, his heart was empty. For a time, he just felt that the world was big, but he had no place to stand on his own. After some hesitation, he returned to Neverland. He also knew that the United States would form a coalition to capture Neverland, and he made up his mind to help Yan Fei fight on Neverland until he died. In his opinion, he and Yan Fei are both destiny pawns, and they should naturally help each other.

After knowing these things, Yanyan Fei got cold in some vests. He had no idea that his disappearance would have such a negative impact on Neverland. At this time, Lu Pingping was in extreme anxiety. She knew the purpose of the United States to form a coalition through artificial intelligence "dream", and was informed by Huaxia that she had found Dream Island in danger. But at this time, Yan Fei could not be contacted at all. Even the artificial intelligence "dream" did not know where Yan Fei was now.

Lu Pingping worried about the safety of Yan Fei, and at the same time worried about the future of Neverland. Although she is very talented in management, she also manages Neverland in an organized way, but that is because Yan Fei stands behind her and supports her. Once Yan Fei was gone, Lu Pingping suddenly felt that she had no reliance on her heart, and some of the six gods had no master. But even so, Lu Pingping was still thinking hard about how to preserve Neverland.

Qi Yanfei discovered Lu Pingping's anxiety and immediately contacted Lu Pingping on Dream Island through artificial intelligence "dream". Lu Pingping connected the phone, looking at the familiar numbers on the phone, her voice was a little trembling, and said, "Hey! Is it Afei?"

Wu Yanfei said apologetically, "Pingping, it's me. Sorry, this time made you worry."

After hearing Yan Fei's voice, Lu Pingping breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Afei, have you been injured? Are you still safe?"

As soon as Yan Fei's heart warmed up, of all the people he knew, only Lu Pingping would care about his safety for the first time. This also shows that his status in Lu Pingping's mind is very important, even if the world is destroyed, as long as Yan Fei is still, She will be relieved.

Wu Yanfei said, "Pingping, I'm not injured, and I'm very safe. I'm on my way back to Neverland. You can see me soon."

Lu Pingping was relieved, she quietly wiped the tears from the corner of her eye and said joyfully, "A Fei, just come back."

Yan Fei heard Lu Pingping's crying vibrato and comforted him: "Ping Ping, don't worry too much, go to sleep first. When you wake up, I will go back home and take care of everything that comes next. Don't worry, only we in this world can bully people, and no one else can bully us. "

Lu Pingping said: "Okay, Fei, I'll wait for you to come back."

Ji Yanfei hung up the phone, and after hearing Lu Pingping's voice, he felt that his mental tearing had also improved ...


Wu Yanfei began to mobilize the satellite network of Neverland to monitor the world. It was discovered that the countries of Rice, Eros, Eagle, and Expedition were relocating troops. Their domestic military airports have been filled with a variety of combat aircraft, which are ready for flight transition; a large number of army soldiers are gathered in coastal ports, waiting to be transported by ships Transportation to Neverland.

In the waters of these countries, their naval warships are also being assembled one after another. Once the assembly is completed, they will rush to the North Pacific to complete the battle and occupation of Neverland. The coalition forces formed by these countries in an all-out effort are the most powerful armies in history. In their intimidation, no country can threaten them. This sentiment also affected the commanders of the coalition forces. In their opinion, this task was too easy. As long as they were close to Neverland and just put a few missiles, they could complete the occupation task.

It's just that Dream Island is very far away from these countries. It will take at least one month for the warships of these countries to come to the North Pacific to complete the formation of the fleet and the unification of command. In other words, the four-nation coalition's attack on Neverland requires at least one month of preparation time.

Ever since humans entered the Industrial Revolution, especially in modern society, the world ’s right to speak has been firmly monopolized by Western countries. They say you are a good person, even if you are a thief, you are also a good person. They say that you are a bad person, even if you are Madonna, you are also a bad person. In order to allow themselves to stand on the moral high ground, Western countries have begun to work hard in the propaganda war, they must first discredit Dream Island and Yan Fei, in order to make them famous.

Western nations began to spread rumors about Neverland and Yanfei all over the world. Unfortunately, they could not find a reason that the whole world could hate Neverland and Yanfei together, so they would arbitrarily explode the sky in Mount Kilimanjaro. A nuclear weapon was blamed on Yan Fei's head.

The ten nuclear missiles of the U.S. state were exploded on the sea, causing a small number of direct human casualties, mainly relying on subsequent nuclear radiation and tsunami to kill people. This method of killing will continue for a long time. But the nuclear weapon that exploded in Kilimanjaro is different, because it directly killed a large number of Kenyan and Tanzanian people, and nearby residents have witnessed the serious consequences of the nuclear explosion, so the nuclear weapon ’s The explosion could not be suppressed at all, and media around the world have been speculating about who actually released this nuclear weapon.

The Western media did not say that the nuclear weapon was Yan Fei from the beginning, but only speculated with some ambiguous information, suspecting that the nuclear weapon was detonated by Yan Fei. It is also said that Western countries are analyzing relevant information and must determine whether this nuclear weapon is Yan Fei. Once this nuclear weapon was really detonated by Yan Fei, UU reads, then Yan Fei and the Dream Island behind him are KB elements. The peace-loving countries around the world will attack Yan Fei and Dream Island to destroy them. This KB member who can destroy the world and his old nest Neverland.

The western media's propaganda operation mode is gradual and gradual, and evolves in accordance with the degree of western international coalition forces. When they hype up the topic and the Western coalition forces are assembled again, they will immediately come up with the so-called evidence and hold the feces on Yan Fei's head. In this way, it would make sense for Western coalition forces to win Neverland. As for the truth of this matter, apart from Huaxia and Neverland, who would really care?

After seeing the operation in the western world, Yan Fei was a little funny. Because the nuclear weapon was really thrown out by him, his purpose was to kill the ancestral land and its ape base, but the ancestral land was very alert. Even if the nuclear weapon was dismantled, the nuclear weapon was launched into the air. Before a nuclear explosion can occur in the sky. Therefore, from this perspective, this nuclear weapon was really released by Yan Fei, and Western media were not regarded as injustice Yan Fei.

What makes Yan Fei angry is that the media in the western countries did not investigate this matter at all, and they just found a few mentally handicapped reasons and planted it on his head. The main purpose was to get the wealth of Neverland And high tech.

If Yan Fei is really gone, then these Western media may really achieve their purpose. But Yan Fei is still there, and is returning to Neverland, then Yan Fei will give Western countries headed by the rice country a hard blow, and expose the hypocrisy of the Western world media, let them pay a lot in this plot against Neverland cost……