MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 657 Into space

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Two days later, Yang Qi finally took out the design drawing of the spacecraft. Because the main purpose of this flight was to go to Spirit, there is no other scientific research mission, so this spaceship is extremely crude. Not only are there no maintenance warehouses and supply warehouses, nor are there other high-tech experimental equipment, and the engine has been streamlined as much as possible.

This spacecraft is very crude in appearance, but it has a very high level of technology. Its hull is made of Neverland's latest composite metal material, which is not only light and tough, but also resistant to high temperatures. At the same time, it also comes with a supercomputer, which has an intelligent control system. This intelligent control system is connected to the thinking of Yan Fei through brain waves, and can make any flying actions according to Yan Fei's wishes.

In terms of energy, the spacecraft does not use traditional solid fossil fuels, but uses all-electric power to promote it. You need to know that the distance between the Earth and the Spirit Star is 370 million kilometers. If you want to push a spaceship to the asteroid belt where the Spirit Star is located at a high speed of 100 km / s, the energy required is astronomy digital.

If all solid fuels are used, the spacecraft will become very heavy, and solid fuels may explode. If you use full power to propel, the battery weighs more than solid fuel, which will further increase the weight of the spacecraft and prevent it from flying in space at a high speed of 100 km / s.

But Yang Qi knew that Yan Fei had a space device that could store things, so he considered this key when designing the spacecraft. He planned to let Yan Fei bring his own supplies in the general space, and more importantly, he had to carry it inside Ten large super battery packs that can be replaced. Once the spacecraft's power is about to run out, Yanfei can remove the replacement battery pack from the space equipment and replace it in a timely manner. In this way, there is enough power to support the spacecraft to fly to the Spirit, and only need to use a set of super batteries each time, which greatly reduces the weight of the spacecraft.

Through the extremely streamlined spacecraft layout, coupled with the thrust of a powerful engine, coupled with the sturdy spacecraft hull, and finally with Yan Fei's strong physique, the maximum speed of this spacecraft can reach 100 km / s. The speed of design can make Yan Fei go to Spirit Star in the shortest time.

Just for the safety of Yan Fei, Yang Qi did not design the spacecraft to only fly to Spirit Star, but designed it to fly back and forth between Earth and Spirit Star. And in terms of safety, Yang Qi also designed a lot of safety guarantees, and did not completely disregard Yan Fei's safety.

Yang Qi has designed a more advanced space battleship, but he knows that it cannot be produced with the strength of Neverland, this time it is designed according to the production capacity of Neverland, so the technological content of this spaceship is simply impossible. Compared with the space battleship, and the role is extremely single. But it also has the advantage that as long as the raw materials are in place, Neverland can produce it and use it immediately.

After Yan Fei got the design drawing, he led it into the small production workshop of the drone and found that it could be produced by the small production workshop. Just because of the need to improve production accuracy, it takes a lot of energy points and a certain amount of time to produce this spaceship. But this is a big plan for the upgrade of drones. Yan Fei did not dare to neglect. He immediately provided a large amount of raw materials and started a small production workshop to start producing spacecraft parts.

In the next week, Yan Fei manipulated artificial intelligence to enter the databases of countries around the world, collected a large amount of data on astronauts in other countries flying in the universe, and combined his own experience of cosmonautics from the knowledge of humans in the universe To develop your own space navigation manual. Then carry out simulation training according to these manuals, which includes how to deal with some difficulties and problems that may be encountered in space navigation. He must be proficient in these survival skills in the universe.

Although Yan Fei is a god-level master, there is also the greatest backing of Fantasy Cave Sky, and there is no danger to life. But if something really happens in the universe and he has to return to Earth to start again, it will delay him a lot of time. He has felt the danger approaching, and if he can't upgrade the drone before the danger comes, he will face the end of failure. So he must be careful to minimize the possibility of accidents.

In this week, the small production workshop has produced various parts of the spacecraft. Just because of energy and confidentiality reasons, the spacecraft could not be launched on Neverland, so it was divided into several parts, and they were launched into outer space by the Neverland ’s large launch vehicle, and assembled in outer space to become a ship. Complete spaceship. In the end, Yan Fei took a transport rocket to enter space, then boarded the spacecraft, and set off from space to Lingshen.

Time has passed again for a week. Under the control of artificial intelligence "dream", this spaceship has been assembled in space and turned into a complete spaceship. After the self-check of the intelligent program on the spacecraft, Yan Fei found that the spacecraft was perfect and in the best condition.

Yan Fei doesn't want to let people know that he is about to leave the earth, so this spacecraft adopts a dual stealth structure of radar and optics, even if its parts are divided into several batches and launched into space, other countries on the planet are not Know what Yan Fei launched. They also think that Neverland is strengthening their space-based weapon launching platform in order to deter other countries and ape bases on the planet.

It is precisely because of the ignorance of the inside of several rocket launches on Neverland that western countries headed by Rice have begun to think differently. In their opinion, although the apes are terrible, they only have an awakened chimpanzee in the ancestral land, which has not recovered to its peak state 80,000 years ago, and temporarily has no ability to overthrow the entire human race on earth.

Compared with the apes, these western countries feel that Yanfei's Neverland is even more terrifying. In their opinion, once Yanfei ’s Neverland is strong, they will definitely kill them in the first place, because Western countries have always regarded Neverland as their enemies and they will continue to smear and attack Neverland. Comparing their hearts, they felt that Yan Fei would retaliate against Western countries after he became stronger, and they might die as a result of the country's death.

These western countries also believe that Yan Fei must have inherited the science and technology of the universe's human beings before they can develop so powerful in a short time. If Neverland continues to develop, then the threat of Neverland to the Western world is even more terrifying than the apes. Instead of believing Yan Fei's words to beware of the apes, they might as well be careful of the threat to Neverland from them. So they put more energy on how to deal with Neverland ...

Everything is ready, only due to Dongfeng, the date of Yan Fei's departure finally arrived. On a dark night, Yan Fei came to the underground rocket launch center of Neverland, preparing to go to outer space. Before entering outer space, Yan Fei first controlled the drone to hide on the deep ocean floor of Neverland. Without Yan Fei's call, the drone must not surface. In the following time, Yan Fei began to bid farewell to Lu Pingping and Yang Qi, who bid farewell to her.

Lu Pingping had already figured out that Yan Fei went alone to the stars of the universe, but as she learned about the universe, she became more and more aware of the danger in the universe. The thought of Yan Fei's coming into the cosmic sky alone, Lu Pingping became even more worried. But she couldn't say anything to stop Yan Fei, she could only hide her worry in her heart, so she looked a bit gloomy.

Yan Fei also discovered the strangeness of Lu Pingping, but he had a reason to go. He could only comfort Lu Pingping as much as possible, saying that he would pay attention to safety and would return safely to Neverland.

As for Yang Qi, it's much simpler. Yan Fei just told Yang Qi that after he logged in to Spirit God, he would let Yang Qi wait for himself somewhere in the fantasy cave sky. He could also observe the various forms of the space channel when he formed data.

After a simple farewell, Yan Fei stepped into a huge launch vehicle. After the artificial intelligence "dream" security check, it was found that the rocket was in good condition, so the rocket started to ignite. When the rocket was igniting, Yan Fei also saw Lu Pingping outside the rocket desperately waving at her, her face burst into tears ...

Under the huge thrust generated by the rocket, the rocket slowly left the underground launch site and entered the sky above Neverland. With the rapid release of the thrust of the rocket, the speed of the rocket is also getting faster and faster. Then he saw a flash of fire, and the rocket disappeared into the dark night sky.

The rocket's acceleration is very large, which caused Yan Fei's body to generate a huge gravity overload. However, Yan Fei is a god-level master. His body is extremely strong. Such a gravity overload cannot affect him at all, and he can move his body freely. But the flight warehouse was too small, and he could only sit in his seat. Without knowing why, he suddenly had a strange idea. If anyone knew that the passenger in the launching rocket was Yan Fei, maybe someone would launch a missile to destroy the rocket. If this rocket really explodes, it is very unlikely that Yan Fei wants to survive ...

As the flying height of the rocket gets higher and higher, the earth that Yan Fei can see becomes smaller and smaller. He used to fly a drone in the air, and the highest altitude was only 30,000 meters. Looking at the earth from a height of 30,000 meters and looking at the earth from a height of hundreds of kilometers are completely different. Yan Fei curiously looked at the earth that was gradually becoming smaller outside.

Suddenly, the gravity on Yan Fei's body disappeared, and his body began to float upwards. He knew immediately that he had come to space. At this point, the lower secondary rocket booster has been separated from the rocket, which has reduced the weight of the rocket by more than half. However, with the help of the remaining first-stage rocket boosters, the rocket is still flying towards higher space.

After the technological breakthrough of Neverland, Yang Qi's technology on spacecraft has become more mature. Coupled with the unique production capacity of the small production workshop of the drone, and the precise control technology of the rocket, the flying of Yan Fei's rocket seemed to be thrilling but actually very safe and foolproof.

Under the control of the intelligent control program, the rocket's flight did not encounter any waves, and it always came to the vicinity of the assembled spacecraft according to the set flight trajectory. This rocket carefully adjusted its angle. After the angle was suitable, Yan Fei's flight chamber was ejected by the rocket and flew in the direction of the spaceship.

After sending Yan Fei missiles to the spacecraft, the rocket did not self-destruct, but continued to fly towards the cosmic starry sky. Yan Fei went to the asteroid belt this time. During the one-and-a-half-month flight, he also had to communicate with Neverland in order to deal with emergencies on Earth. This requires some people who can connect Yanfei and Neverland Relay communication satellite. Therefore, in addition to transporting Yanfei into space, this rocket also has the task of launching a relay communication satellite.

Through these relay satellites, Yanfei can communicate with Neverland. Just for such a long distance, even if the speed of electromagnetic waves is very fast, communication delays may occur, but it is much better than Yanfei's ignorance of the situation in Neverland.

The spacecraft has achieved dual stealth of optics and radar, so although it has been assembled in space and is huge, it has not been discovered by other countries on the planet. Yan Fei's flight bin flies quickly in space. Under the control of an intelligent control program, his flight bin and spaceship have achieved perfect docking. After the docking was completed, Yan Fei opened the spacecraft's hatch and floated into the spacecraft from the flight compartment.

This spaceship did not appear as smooth and streamlined as Yan Fei imagined. Because there is no air in the universe and there is no air resistance, the shape of this spaceship is perfectly round, just like a legendary flying saucer. It's just that this spaceship is a bit humble and has many functions, but even so, the diameter of this circular spaceship has reached 20 meters.

In order to achieve the 100 km / s high speed that Yan Fei wants, the core part of this spacecraft is a flying engine. This flying engine is powered by a set of super high-energy batteries. The size of this super high-energy battery pack is also very large. huge. Therefore, the two largest parts of the spacecraft are the engine and the super high-energy battery pack, and the rest are all small devices, which do not take up much space at all. Even Yan Fei didn't have much space for activities. For the most part, he could only tie himself to a chair to rest.

At this time ~ ~ Yanfei Universal Space began to show great effects. Although there are no extra items in the spaceship, in the general space, Yan Fei has stored a lot of living items, and even has hundreds of disposable toilets in it.

As long as Yan Fei is willing, he can immediately enjoy a huge enjoyment of materials, without having to calculate the weight of materials carried with him as precisely as other astronauts in other countries. If he wants, he can even eat stir-fried dishes of various tastes. It ’s just because it ’s space, these stir-fried dishes are packed with special utensils, and it ’s a bit cumbersome to eat.

In the general space, Yan Fei also reserves ten super high-energy battery packs. As soon as the spacecraft's energy problems, he will immediately replace the battery. A round trip between Earth and Spirit Star requires only a maximum of eight batteries, and the extra two batteries are just for emergency use.

In addition to these items, there are other spaceship replacement parts in Universal Space. If the spacecraft has an accident during flight, Yanfei can also use these parts to replace the spacecraft in a timely manner.

From this perspective, Yan Fei's trip to Ling Shen seems to be in crisis, but no one is fully prepared for him. As long as Yan Fei doesn't make a big mistake, his trip to Spirit Star will be very smooth.