MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 661 Spatial connection

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Seeing the same Spirit Star in the data, Yan Fei became excited because he finally came to the destination of his trip. This is his ultimate goal of abandoning the earth, spanning a distance of 370 million kilometers, and a huge treasure trove of upgrading raw materials for drones.

Under the control of the intelligent program, the spacecraft began to change direction, and was in the same flight orbit with the Spirit Star, and maintained the same flight speed. When approaching this huge irregular star, two huge cables ejected from below the spacecraft. The ends of these two cables are sharp, high-strength metal hooks. They were ejected onto the star of the Phantom Star and penetrated into the depths of the ground. Then a few huge suction cups popped up at the end of the hooks. They used the power of these suckers to fix themselves on the Phantom On the star.

The cable connecting the Phantom and the spaceship was tightened. In the role of the cable, Yanfei's spacecraft was also fixed on the Phantom and flew forward with the Phantom. After the initial bumpy period, the spacecraft finally stabilized, and maintained a relatively static motion with the Spirit Star, realizing the first step of Yan Fei landing on the Spirit Star.

After fixing the spaceship, Yan Fei was relieved, which meant that he could actually land on the Spirit Star. As long as he arrives safely at Spirit Star, this space flight mission is half completed.

Yan Fei in the spaceship once again took out the set of super combat armor, put it on himself, and put himself in a state of internal breathing, completely isolated from the outside world. Then he came to the decompression chamber of the spaceship, through which he expressed himself the same pressure as the outside, and then he opened the decompression chamber door and flew out of the door. Yan Fei slowly landed towards the Spirit Star under the effect of the airflow ejected from the combat armor on his body.

This is the first time that Yan Fei has truly entered the universe. Everything is fresh. When flying downwards, Yan Fei found that although the Spirit Star looks huge, the gravitational force on its surface is very weak, and it is impossible to trap objects on its surface. Once a stone falls off the Spirit Star , It will drift into the universe. Although Yan Fei felt that he was flying downwards, he did not feel any gravity at all here, and only landed on the Spirit Star with the thrust generated by the combat armor.

Under the action of the combat armored jet device, Yan Fei carefully flew on the Spirit Star, looking for the most suitable landing point. In the next time, he will open a space passage connecting the fantasy caverns at the landing point of Phantom. A large amount of materials will be transmitted through this space passage at a very long distance. Therefore, this landing point is very important and you must be careful. cautious.

Under the scan of the super radar installed on the spaceship, Yan Fei has already performed a comprehensive scan of Lingshen. Although Yan Fei's resources on Lingshen are not clear, the outline of Lingshen has Roughly understand. What he has to do now is to conduct field trips to several pre-registered landing sites and choose the best landing site from them.

Ten minutes later, with the help of Super Combat Armor, Yan Fei had flown across the entire Spirit Star, and the inspection of the landing site was completed. Then Yan Fei chose the best landing point, which is on the Spirit Star. The bottom of the largest crater.

Under Yan Fei's control, the combat armor slowly landed at the bottom of the huge crater. When you look in space, you can see that the bottom of the crater is just a deep pit and there is no flat ground, but after Yan Fei personally landed here, it was found that the bottom of the crater was actually a flat land, and the area of ​​this flat land reached a Square kilometers. Such a large piece of flat land is just right for Yan Fei to open a space passage here.

The astral planet is very strange. It was originally the core of a huge celestial body, which is equivalent to the earth's center. Only for some reason, all the material outside this huge celestial body was stripped out, and then the innermost core was exposed. It is for this reason that there are a large number of various mineral resources on the Spirit Star. These resources can be used as industrial raw materials without even being refined, and it is a natural treasure trove of resources.

Spirit Star has been wandering in space for countless years. Under the ultra-low temperature in space and the impact of various meteorites, the surface of Spirit Star is rugged, with pits of various sizes everywhere, but at the bottom of the largest crater. The only flat land appeared. From the position point of view, this flat land belongs to the geometric center of Lingshen. From here, no matter which direction the mineral is mined from, it is the shortest distance, so this is the best landing point for Yan Fei to choose.

Standing on this rare flat ground, as the Spirit Star continued to fly forward, Yan Fei actually felt like a fluttering fairy, feeling that she might leave the Spirit Star at any time. It can also be seen from this that how terrible the environment is on the surface of Spirit Star, it is difficult for a person to stand on it, let alone to develop mineral resources on it. However, Yan Fei has the biggest cheater, and with the support of a large number of smart devices, he has full confidence in mining here.

Yan Fei was wearing super combat armor to move on the Spirit Star, and he could not feel the super low temperature outside, but he saw that the energy on the combat armor was rapidly decreasing, which showed that the combat armor was consuming energy points against various radiations outside. And super low temperature. Therefore, Yan Fei must speed up his movements, or he will have to return to the spacecraft for trimming when the energy of the combat armor is exhausted.

Yan Fei no longer hesitated, and began to fully feel his dream cave. Fantasy Cave Sky is a small artificial space, which is adsorbed on the large bubbles of the universe, in fact, it is infinitely far away from where Yan Fei is. But Yan Fei's spirit has left a mark in Fantasy Cave Sky. This mark is like a telephone number. As long as one end dials out, no matter how far the two are, they can immediately sense the existence of Fantasy Cave Sky.

After discovering the fantasy cave at an infinite distance, Yan Fei began to use his own mental power as a bridge to pull out the abundant energy in the fantasy cave. This energy spans the infinite distance and acts on the flat ground in front of him. A small space channel was quickly established between the two. As the energy of the fantasy cave sky is continuously injected into this space channel, this small channel starts to grow rapidly.

On the ground in front of Yan Fei, the space here began to ripple like a water surface, and then a small black spot appeared in the water waves. Then the black spot expanded rapidly, and it was only an instant that a cuboid space channel of 50 meters in length, 50 meters in width and 20 meters in height appeared in front of Yan Fei. From the perspective of Yan Fei's eyes, I saw a dark area in this space passage, and I didn't know where it led to. However, as the master of Dream Cave, Yan Fei naturally knows that behind the space passage is his dream Cave.

After successfully establishing this space channel, Yan Fei's work was not completed, he must choose whether to fix this space channel. If he chooses to permanently fix this space channel, this space channel will associate the fantasy cave sky with the Spirit Star, and it will not be disconnected no matter where the Spirit Star moves. This operation requires 10% of the total energy of Fantasy Cave Sky Reserve, but this space channel does not need to spend energy to maintain it later. For example, the space channel between Fantasy Island and Fantasy Cave Sky is such a permanent channel.

However, Yan Fei just wanted to mine on the Spirit Star, and did not want to completely bind this channel with the Spirit Star, so he did not choose to permanently fix this space channel, but only set it to exist for five years. In other words, the channel will collapse automatically after five years. Even so, Yan Fei's energy consumption has reached 1% of the total energy of Fantasy Cave Sky. And over time, energy will continue to be consumed to maintain this temporary space channel.

Because the opening of the space channel is very energy-consuming, Yan Fei did not dare to open a new space channel at will. Apart from knowing that the mysterious array depicted on the crystal walls of the space outside of Fantasy Cave Sky can absorb energy, Yan Fei has not figured out any other ways to recharge the energy of Fantasy Cave Sky. If there is not enough energy, Fantasy Cave Sky will collapse, so if it is not a last resort, Yan Fei will definitely not open a new space channel.

Yan Fei took a step forward, and after experiencing a whirlwind, he found that he had returned to the fantasy cave sky. He had just opened the combat armor helmet and saw Pingping and Yang Qi standing in front of them. After seeing Yan Fei intact, Lu Pingping looked very excited, and tears flowed from her eyes. Yang Qi is expressionless, controls the instruments in his hand, collects various data of this new space channel, and improves his scientific research.

This new space passage is also located in the huge two realms. Not far from it is the space passage leading to Neverland. The reason why Yan Fei brought these two space channels so close together was to facilitate the transfer of materials between Dream Island, Dream Cave, and Spirit Star. Just for the sake of confidentiality, this brand-new channel is temporarily isolated from being discovered by outsiders.

Before opening this space channel, Yan Fei had made contact with the fantasy island on the earth and told Lu Pingping that she was about to open up the space channel, so Lu Pingping would enter the fantasy cave sky and take Yang Qi to wait at the designated place.

Lu Pingping had been worried about Yan Fei's safety during this time. Now she saw Yan Fei appearing in front of herself, and she let go of her worry. But she couldn't control her emotions and burst into tears of excitement.

When Yan Fei was away from the earth, although Yan Fei had been in contact with her, Lu Pingping still lacked enough confidence in handling things, but after seeing Yan Fei with her own eyes, her confidence in her heart returned again and she felt herself Can face any difficulties.

Yan Fei looked at Lu Pingping and laughed: "Ping Ping, we met again. I said before that I would be fine! I won't be here again."

Lu Pingping wiped away her tears and laughed, "Afei, I knew you would be fine. How is it, is it fun in space?"

Yan Fei said, "It's quiet in space, and it allows me to think about a lot of issues. As for fun, I will take you into space after this busy time. You can experience it for yourself and see if it is fun in space. . "

Lu Pingping said, "But I haven't received any special training, and my physical fitness is not enough. Can I really enter space?"

Yan Fei laughed: "As long as I want to, you can go into space anytime, and I will take care of your safety."

Yang Qi also ignored the irrelevant words that the two men said here. He has been collecting various data until after the data collection is complete, and then he said, "How about? Yan Fei, the data of Lingshen and our previous predictions. Is there a difference? "

Yan Fei said: "I have just landed on Spirit Star, and I have not had time to conduct specific data detection on it. However, its flight trajectory is entirely in your calculations, so I think the resources above it should tell you almost."

Yang Qi said: "That's good, otherwise your spaceship will continue to sail in space for a while."

Yan Fei said: "The space channel has been opened. How is the equipment in the intelligent production factory going?"

Yang Qi said, "In order to allow these devices to be mined in space, I upgraded them again. The upgraded devices have more powerful mining capabilities and can reduce the damage rate. So the smart production plant only started ten days ago. Started large-scale equipment production, but we have enough intelligent production workshops and sufficient raw materials. Now we have produced 100,000 equipment to meet your initial mining needs. "

Yan Fei said: "This is fine, but the production of intelligent production plants cannot be stopped, and production must be accelerated. Such equipment needs at least 50 million units, otherwise it will not be possible to mine so many minerals in a short period of time."

Yang Qi said: "After up to two months, you can produce what you need."

Yan Fei said to Lu Pingping again: "I already know what is happening on the earth, but we don't care about it for the time being. My time is very urgent now, I will work overtime and mine on the planet Phantom, not on Fantasy Island Appeared on the planet, so everything on earth will bother you to handle it. "

After discovering that Yan Fei is safe and can return to Dream Cave at any time, Lu Pingping no longer worry about Yan Fei's safety. After going to the biggest hidden danger in his heart, Lu Pingping was well-thought, and immediately had the confidence to handle everything, saying, "Afei, rest assured, I will take care of everything in Dream Island, and I will not hinder you."

The earth is currently in a state of tranquility temporarily ~ ~ But Yan Fei knows that there is a huge crisis in this tranquility. As long as the right opportunity is waited for, such a crisis will erupt completely, and it is not necessary for the earth to change heaven or earth. impossible. Even if Yan Fei appeared on the earth now, it would not be of much help. It would be better to concentrate on mining on the Spirit God and achieve the goal of upgrading the drone as soon as possible. Once the drone is upgraded, Yan Fei naturally has the power to suppress everything. By that time, as long as it is not the fate organization and "it", Yan Fei will be able to control everything that happens on the earth.

When the night came, Yan Fei quietly returned to Dream Island, summoned the drone clone hidden in the waters of Dream Island, switched the drone to the submerged mode, entered Dream Cave, and then the drone passed through Dream Cave. Space channel to the astral planet in the asteroid belt.

Drone avatars have never left Earth due to flight altitude. Yan Fei was also unsure whether the drone could fly in the universe. When the drone appeared on the celestial star and remained suspended above the celestial star, Yan Fei finally knew that the drone could also fly in the universe. But its flight data is still the same as on Earth. This speed is acceptable on Earth, but after coming to the universe, the speed of the drone clone is like a snail. However, as long as the drone does not leave the Spirit Star, Yan Fei can still fly on the Spirit Star quickly by virtue of the drone.

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